Get your science on with the new podcast from the Union of Concerned Scientists. Our hosts take on technology, attacks on science, climate change, and more, as they channel the power of science to make the world a better place.
Ep. 132: North Korea Missile Launches: What's Going On?
05/04/2022 Duration: 29minNuclear nonproliferation expert Dr. Jeffrey Lewis breaks down why North Korea appears to be ramping up its missile tests, and what this means for our geopolitics.
Ep. 131: Disinformation: How You Can Spot It and Fight It
29/03/2022 Duration: 29minCommunications strategist Sabrina Joy Stevens shares practical tips for shutting down disinformation online.
Ep. 130: War in Ukraine: The Russian Threat of Nuclear Weapons
08/03/2022 Duration: 26minDr. Tara Drozdenko, physicist and national security expert, explains why nuclear weapons should never be on the table in a global conflict
Ep. 129: Tips for Buying an Electric Car
01/03/2022 Duration: 29minEngineer and electric vehicles expert Dr. David Reichmuth answers burning questions for first-time EV buyers.
Ep. 128: Voter Suppression: We Can Fight for (and Win) Fair Elections
15/02/2022 Duration: 28minEp. 128: Voter Suppression: We Can Fight for (and Win) Fair Elections by Union of Concerned Scientists
Ep. 16: Por qué el cambio climático se va a los extremos, tanto de frío como de calor
09/02/2022 Duration: 29minEl cambio climático significa que las zonas templadas se están enfriando, que las zonas polares se están calentando y una tendencia al alza en las temperaturas medias globales. El Dr. Juan Declet-Barreto de Unión de Científicos Conscientes (UCS) explica cómo el calor fatal causado por el cambio climático afecta a los trabajadores al aire libre.
Ep. 127: President Biden’s First Year: Progress and Shortfalls
02/02/2022 Duration: 29minInvestigative researcher Taryn MacKinney discusses what is on the line for science and justice, and how the Biden administration can continue and improve its support for science.
Ep. 126: Hurricane Season 2021: the Bad, the Worse, and the Unexpected
18/01/2022 Duration: 29minSenior Climate Scientist Astrid Caldas elaborates on Ida—and the many other deadly and damaging 2021 storms made worse by climate change.
Ep. 125: What’s on the Horizon? Offshore Wind
04/01/2022 Duration: 29minEnergy analyst John Rogers is back with exciting developments in the offshore wind industry.
Ep. 15: Los adelantos tecnológicos más prometedores en la eólica marina
04/01/2022 Duration: 29minEntre los pasos que ha dado la administración Biden y los estados para impulsar el crecimiento de la eólica marina con proyectos en altamar y nuevas tecnologías prometedoras, John Rogers echa un vistazo al futuro de la energía limpia en alta mar.
Ep. 124: The Fossil Fuel Industry’s Continued Lies About Climate Change
14/12/2021 Duration: 29minFossil fuel accountability expert Kathy Mulvey and climate litigation scientist Dr. Delta Merner discuss the industry’s deception before Congress and at recent global climate talks.
Ep. 123: Solidarity Through Solar: A City’s Quest for 100% Clean Energy
30/11/2021 Duration: 29minEnergy justice advocate Gracie Wooten and energy analyst James Gignac discuss how science can help a Detroit-area community achieve energy sovereignty by generating and sharing its own electricity.
Ep. 122: Science and the Rapidly Changing Arctic
16/11/2021 Duration: 28minArctic expert Joel Clement is back with an update on federal science in the region, and how Alaska Natives are adapting to the changing landscape.
Ep. 121: Our Democracy at Risk: The State of Elections in the US
02/11/2021 Duration: 29minVoting rights expert Dr. Michael Latner details the steps we need to take in the coming months to ensure free and fair elections in the US.
Ep. 120: A Scientific Approach to Fighting Hunger in the US
19/10/2021 Duration: 29minFood systems and health analyst Sarah Reinhardt discusses recent updates to the USDA's Thrifty Food Plan, which will give more people access to healthy, nutritious food.
Ep. 119: Floods, Fires, and Outdated Disaster Plans at Chemical Facilities
05/10/2021 Duration: 29minResearcher Casey Kalman discusses how chemical facilities can prepare for worsening climate change and natural disasters.
Ep. 118: Ford F-150 Lightning: An Iconic American Pickup Truck Goes Electric
21/09/2021 Duration: 29minVehicles expert Dr. David Reichmuth discusses the pros and cons of the new electric pickup truck.
Ep. 14: Los abusos y engaños de Tyson
14/09/2021 Duration: 29minMagaly Licolli, directora de Venceremos y el Dr. Ricardo Salvador de UCS cuentan cómo las empacadoras de Tyson amenazan la salud pública—en particular la de inmigrantes, gente hispana e indígena. La UCS y el periódico The Guardian llevaron a cabo una investigación de Tyson en la que encontraron abusos, engaños y actividades antimonopolio.
Ep. 117: Why Tyson Foods is Bad for Workers, Farmers, and the Entire State of Arkansas
07/09/2021 Duration: 29minEconomist Rebecca Boehm and Nina Lakhani, journalist at The Guardian, expose the harms of near-monopolistic chicken production practices at Tyson Foods.
Ep. 116: Too Hot to Work: How Climate Change Threatens Outdoor Workers
17/08/2021 Duration: 28minClimate scientist Dr. Rachel Licker discusses how climate change will affect outdoor worker’s health and earnings.