Chris Wallker

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 99:15:56
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My motto "Are you Stressed? Evolveyabastard" The Evolution Solution is the Innerwealth process for staying on top of your game, one step ahead of the curve, at the front of the global pack. Coming home with more love than you left with in the morning. 30 Day Challenge


  • Conscious Leadership T077 How Self-Leadership Impacts Family Dynamics

    13/09/2024 Duration: 13min

    Today, we’re talking about something that’s a game-changer in family life: self-leadership and how it can dramatically improve your parenting. Now, if you’re sitting there wondering how focusing on yourself could possibly make you a better parent, buckle up—because that’s exactly what we’re diving into today. Spoiler alert: It’s not just about your kids—it’s about you.

  • Conscious Leadership T076 Family Dynamics

    13/09/2024 Duration: 09min

    Buckle up because today, we’re getting real about family dynamics. If you’re a parent, listen closely, because nothing affects your kids more than your unlived life. Yep, that’s right. You thought parenting was about them? Nah. It’s about you. Here’s the cold, hard truth: children are born to teach their parents love. The stuff you don’t love in yourself? That’s what you’re going to see in your kids, and trust me, it’s not going to be pretty until you deal with it. We breed, attract, or become what we don't love in ourselves. So, if you’re sitting there wondering why your kid is driving you nuts, it’s probably because they’re reflecting the part of you that you haven’t quite figured out yet.

  • Conscious Leadership T075 FUTURE SEEING YOUR CAREER

    12/09/2024 Duration: 11min

    Today, we’re diving back into one of my favorite topics—future seeing—but this time, we’re going to apply it directly to your career. If you’re feeling stuck or uncertain about where you’re going in your job or career, this episode is for you. Because here’s the thing: when it comes to career growth, if you can’t see where you’re headed, you’re just wandering. Future seeing is about making sure you don’t end up somewhere by accident—it’s about getting where you want to go with intention.

  • Conscious Leadership T074 Future Seeing #1

    12/09/2024 Duration: 12min

    Let’s say you’re someone who feels stuck in your current job. You’re good at what you do, but there’s no sense of excitement or fulfillment anymore. You’re ready for a change, but you don’t quite know what that change looks like. This is where future seeing comes into play.

  • Conscious Leadership T073 Self Leadership Revisited Simplified

    12/09/2024 Duration: 05min

    Self-leadership is about being the CEO of your own life. Clear the past, turn up in the moment, and see your future clearly. The laws of nature are your guide—follow them, and you'll always know the way forward. If you’re ready to take your self-leadership to the next level, let’s connect. Book a consultation or dive deeper into these topics in the blog or full podcast. Thanks for listening, and have a beautiful day!

  • Conscious Leadership T072 SELF LEADERSHIP - POWERS REVISITED

    12/09/2024 Duration: 13min

    Conscious Leadership T072 SELF LEADERSHIP - POWERS REVISITED by Chris Walker

  • Conscious Leadership T071 BEING REAL

    11/09/2024 Duration: 08min

    Ready for a change? If you’re tired of chasing quick fixes and want to start living in harmony with the natural flow of life, schedule a free consultation with me today. Together, we’ll work to realign your life with nature’s wisdom and help you move forward—without the burnout.

  • Conscious Leadership T070 Simplicity of Understanding. Profound yet simple.

    10/09/2024 Duration: 05min

    "So, what if you trusted in a timeless blueprint for your own life? Instead of rushing, instead of chasing after every new thing, what if you slowed down and trusted the steady, patient rhythm of nature’s laws? They’ve been here since the beginning of time, and they’re here for you now. The next time life feels chaotic or uncertain, remember the mountains. Remember the trees. Trust that, like nature, you don’t have to rush to grow, and that everything happens in its own time. Nature is always here to guide you, and all you need to do is follow."

  • Conscious Leadership T069 2

    10/09/2024 Duration: 07min

    Clarity Through Simplicity] "We live in a time where everything feels fast, busy, and overwhelming. There’s always more to do, more to think about, more to handle. But what if the secret to feeling more focused and clear wasn’t about adding more to your life, but actually about simplifying it? Nature doesn’t complicate things. Its clarity comes from simplicity, and that’s where we can learn one of the most powerful lessons from nature’s laws. Think about a clear sky. The fewer clouds in the way, the further you can see. The same is true for our lives. The fewer distractions, unnecessary thoughts, and clutter we have, the clearer our path becomes."

  • Conscious Leadership T068 - Keeping it real ancient laws

    09/09/2024 Duration: 07min

    Today, we’re diving deep into something that often gets lost in all the trends, quick fixes, and fluff you find in personal development: reconnecting with the ancient. We’re talking about the real, timeless wisdom that’s been guiding life since the dawn of time. The laws of nature offer something unshakable—something that grounds us in a way that no trendy technique or new-age fad can." [Opening Message] "So many people today are searching for the next big thing—whether it’s the latest self-help trend, a new philosophy, or the hottest way to fix their lives overnight. But what if the answers we’re looking for aren’t new at all? What if they’ve been there all along, quietly guiding life for millions of years? That’s what nature’s ancient laws offer—something stable, something that doesn’t change with the times. These laws connect us to the earth and to our own inner wisdom." [Core Message: Reconnecting with the Ancient] "When we feel lost or disconnected—whether it’s in our careers, our relationships, or eve

  • Conscious Leadership T068

    09/09/2024 Duration: 07min

    Tapping into Nature’s Wisdom People often feel different when they’re in nature—more generous, more compassionate, more visionary. Nature brings out the best in us. But the real challenge comes when we return to our urban lives and demanding jobs. We can’t live in trees, so how do we bring that nature-based difference back with us? The answer lies in understanding and applying Nature’s Laws. These laws have guided life for billions of years, long before cities or job titles existed. The principles that govern nature are timeless, profound, and incredibly real. And while we may not always notice them, they are always at work—quietly shaping everything around us. Understanding Nature’s Laws Take trees, for example. They grow slowly and surely, guided by natural laws. They don’t rush their growth, yet they reach incredible heights and endure for centuries. These laws—patience, resilience, and balance—are not just present in the natural world; they apply to our lives as well. When we tap into these laws, we’re

  • Conscious Leadership T068 Tapping into Nature’s Wisdom:

    09/09/2024 Duration: 07min

    "Nature has been guiding life for billions of years. Long before humans walked this earth, the principles of nature—its rhythms, its balance, its flow—were quietly and steadily shaping everything. These timeless laws of nature still guide us today, but we’ve forgotten how to listen. You see, modern life often pulls us away from these natural rhythms. We’re bombarded by noise, distractions, and quick-fix solutions. We lose sight of the simplicity and wisdom that nature offers. But what if, instead of seeking answers outside of ourselves, we could turn to the natural world and learn from its steady, unwavering presence?"

  • Conscious_Leadership__T066. Laws of nature

    08/09/2024 Duration: 04min

    Conscious_Leadership__T066. Laws of nature by Chris Walker

  • Conscious_Leadership__T064. level 5. Powers

    08/09/2024 Duration: 16min

    Conscious_Leadership__T064. level 5. Powers by Chris Walker


    05/09/2024 Duration: 17min

    The video is on the blog

  • Conscious_Leadership__T061. long term thinking

    04/09/2024 Duration: 12min

    Conscious_Leadership__T061. long term thinking by Chris Walker

  • Conscious_Leadership__T060 luxky Fkr

    04/09/2024 Duration: 12min

    Conscious_Leadership__T060 luxky Fkr by Chris Walker

  • Conscious_Leadership__T058. expectations

    03/09/2024 Duration: 10min

    Conscious_Leadership__T058. expectations by Chris Walker

  • Conscious_Leadership__T057 innerwealth

    02/09/2024 Duration: 08min

    Conscious_Leadership__T057 innerwealth by Chris Walker

  • Conscious Leadership T056 Making a Positive Impact on Your Environment

    02/09/2024 Duration: 10min

    Conscious Leadership T056 Making a Positive Impact on Your Environment by Chris Walker

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