The Human Resources for Small Business podcast is the ultimate resource for HR professionals and small business owners. Join Xeniums Brandon Laws as he chats with guests from all sides of the industrydigging up tips, tools and insights you can apply to your own small business. Well dig into a different HR-focused topic each episoderanging from business strategy and leadership to HR policy, legal updates and more.
5 Days to Your Best Work
02/07/2019 Duration: 44min”The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over again, but expecting different results.”— Albert Einstein Do you ever hear people say “Sunday nights are the worst because Monday is coming up”? If you’re showing up to work but you’re not giving your 100%, that may be a sign that you’re not on the right path. If you don’t like who you’re becoming because you’re on the wrong path, then maybe it’s time to move on to the next chapter. Josh Schneider, the founder of Millennial & Employee Engagement Institute, joins us to discuss his book - 5 Days to Your Best Work Yet: A Human Like Approach to Better Work. In this book, he shares a 5-day guide to finding your path to unleash your best work. Becoming who you want to be is an iterative process, in order to achieve your desired result, you have to go through a cycle of trial and error. But as long as you take the initiative to do your best in the path that you choose then you’re all good! In this episode, you will learn about: Josh’s learnings
Amy Edmondson on Creating Better Organizations by Building Psychological Safety in the Workplace
25/06/2019 Duration: 31min“Psychological safety is a belief that one will not be punished or humiliated for speaking up with ideas, questions, concerns or mistakes.” — Amy Edmondson Have you ever had a question you’ve been dying to ask in a meeting but couldn’t because when you look around, everyone is simply nodding their heads, agreeing to everything the boss says? No one wants to look incompetent or ignorant, especially at work. We prefer to look smart, helpful, and that we go everything covered. To avoid being labeled as ignorant or incompetent, people choose not to ask questions or admit to their mistakes. Sadly, innovations are delayed, and great ideas don’t come to light every time this happens. In this episode, Amy Edmondson will be joining me to discuss her book, The Fearless Organization: Creating psychological safety in the workplace for learning, innovation, and growth. We talk about how organizations go wrong because people lack psychological safety and never speak up due to the fear that they might never get that pr
Practicing Etiquette in the Workplace
17/06/2019 Duration: 45minEtiquette rules in the business world differ largely from standard social settings. And many people end up making fools of themselves because they don’t understand how things flow in such situations. Mindy Lockard, a Leadership and Etiquette expert who helps people feel confident in their skin and connect with other people, talks about business and workplace etiquette. She also teaches workshops on dining, personal branding, and networking to colleges and universities, government agencies and private companies. We’ll be touching on the topic of growth mindset and the importance of people skills to achieve success in any job and any business endeavor. Mindy also shares essential tips one must remember when going to formal/business dining. Live graciously as you learn more about etiquette in today’s episode of Transform your Workplace! In this episode, you will learn about: How Mindy got into the field of etiquette Misconceptions surrounding etiquette Etiquette, manners, and the growth mindset Proper and impro
Dying for A Paycheck - Book Review & Discussion
11/06/2019 Duration: 43minWhite-collar jobs are just as stressful as blue-collar jobs. Long work hours and work-life balance, to name a few are toxic to employees and destroys their health physically and emotionally. In this episode, we talk about the book - Dying for a Paycheck: How Modern Management Harms Employee Health and Company Performance and What We Can Do About It with Anna Meiners. Learn about the infuriating truth about modern work-life balance, the systematic impact of the workplace on employees’ health and on how managers, employers, HRs and anyone who works can create a healthier and better workplace. In this episode, you will learn about: How employer decisions in the workplace actually affect human health The impact of working long hours Busyness as a status symbol Why people prefer to stay in harmful work environments What employers can do to really make the shift from a toxic work environment to a healthy and better one Resources Mentioned: Dying for a Paycheck: How Modern Management Harms Employee Health and C
The Benefits of Coaching Culture
04/06/2019 Duration: 32minHere’s a stat for you: 65% of employees would forego a raise to see their leader fired. According to Adam Brantley, executive coach at Building Champions, those employees need leaders that coach their people—rather than just telling them what to do. Listen in as we discuss how coaching leadership can change companies for the better, how to bring coaching culture into your own company and the communication tactics that keep employees engaged. In this episode, you will learn about: How Adam became an executive coach Hierarchy in the workplace Building the coaching culture What makes an effective coaching atmosphere The four components that drive engagement What did you think of this episode? Share a review on Apple Podcasts or take our survey. Email or connect on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram Learn more about Xenium HR at More about Adam: Adam's work history, along with experience as a father to young boys and husband to an accomplished leader, has made him highly effec
Benefits Trends in the Workplace
28/05/2019 Duration: 22minThe workplace is always evolving and companies should think of ways to keep their employee benefits aligned with what their people really want. Benefits offered by companies are crucial for talent attraction and retention. How can companies keep up with the fast-paced, changing needs, and demands of their employees while staying competitive in today’s growing marketplace? In this episode with Paige Tamlyn, we’re going to discuss and debate about the 2018 AFLAC Workforce Report: 10 Trends Influencing the Future of Workplace Benefits. This employer survey overview, reviews and examines the top 10 trends that fall into these areas: Business growth and objectives The rising cost of health care Benefits selections and advisors Supplemental insurance Aligning your benefits to the workforce’s shifting attitude, interest, needs, and demands are essential for a company’s growth and profitability. In this episode, you will learn about: The 10 trends influencing the future of workplace benefits The ever-increasing
Jon Thurmond & Wendy Dailey from the HR Social Hour Half Hour Podcast
21/05/2019 Duration: 42minThis episode features a crossover show with Jon Thurmond and Wendy Dailey of the HR Social Hour Half Hour Podcast. We discuss how they built such a collaborative HR community on Twitter, which HR conferences they love to attend, and trends they are paying attention to that are impacting workplaces all over. Resources Mentioned in the Show: HR Social Hour Half Hour Podcast Jon & Wendy talk to our international SHRM18 Blogger pals part 1 HR Social Hour Wonder Women Episode 31 - Jon & Wendy talk to Mary Faulkner What did you think of this episode? Share a review on Apple Podcasts or take our survey. Email or connect on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram Learn more about Xenium HR at
Debating the Big HR Issues with Angela Perkins
14/05/2019 Duration: 40minWhere do you stand on mandatory paternity leave? What about publishing everyone’s salary at the office? For this special debate-style episode, Xenium’s Angela Perkins and Brandon Laws randomly selected hot button HR topics and then picked a side to debate the issue. Listen in as they argue for and against mandatory paid maternity and paternity leave, whether in-house HR or HR outsourcing is best, and the pros and cons of radical pay transparency. What did you think of this episode? Share a review on Apple Podcasts or take our survey. Email or connect on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram Learn more about Xenium HR at
Pitching a Better Leadership Model
08/05/2019 Duration: 46minWhat do baseball and business have in common? According to Mark Greenburg, author of Elevated Leadership - A Pitch by Pitch Guide to Business, Life and Baseball, the answer is...pretty much everything. Listen in as we discuss the parallels he finds in leadership, coaching, even risk-taking, and how that can translate to business. We’ll cover what makes a good leader, real-life examples and lessons you can bring to your own workplace. Resources mentioned: The Xenium Promise What did you think of this episode? Share a review on Apple Podcasts or take our survey. Email or connect on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram Learn more about Xenium HR at
Inside Xenium: Everything You Need to Start a Company Book Club
30/04/2019 Duration: 20minWe go behind the scenes and inside Xenium in this episode. Brandon Laws shares the entire blueprint for starting a book group in your organization. You'll discover why you should start one, the benefits you can expect, and how to launch and run an effective book group. -- What did you think of this episode? Share a review on Apple Podcasts or take our survey. Email or connect on LinkedIn, Twitter or Instagram Learn more about Xenium HR at
Improving the Candidate Experience and HR & Recruiting Trends for 2019
23/04/2019 Duration: 22minPaige Tamlyn joins the podcast to discuss the report from Glassdoor "50 HR and Recruiting Stats for 2019." Paige and Brandon discuss candidate experience, inclusivity, interviewing, and much more! Get the Glassdoor report: How to Support this Show: Subscribe on your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, etc.) Review us on iTunes Take our survey and we'll enter you in a drawing for a free book Follow Xenium HR (@XeniumHR) and Brandon Laws (@BrandonLaws) on Twitter and LinkedIn Learn more about Xenium HR at
More Consciousness, Less Feedback
16/04/2019 Duration: 35minLet’s talk feedback. Though it’s become part of modern workplace culture, Carol Sanford, author of No More Feedback - Cultivate Consciousness at Work, is on mission to change that. Listen in as she shares her take on feedback—why it’s not objective, why it’s not necessarily helpful and how it can obscure what needs to be done. We’ll discuss ways that employees can look within, own their self-development and ultimately grow in their roles without relying on feedback. How to Support this Show: Subscribe on your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, etc.) Review us on iTunes Take our survey and we'll enter you in a drawing for a free book Follow Xenium HR (@XeniumHR) and Brandon Laws (@BrandonLaws) on Twitter and LinkedIn Learn more about Xenium HR at
Meet With Purpose: How to Make Pointless Meetings Productive
08/04/2019 Duration: 30minWe’ve all been there. It’s Monday morning, the to-do list is a mile long, the in-box is overflowing, and the last thing you want to do is attend the weekly team meeting that’s 90% pointless and 10% productive. What’s worse is you could have received the information in an email in a fraction of the time. Don’t get me wrong, connecting with your coworkers is important; however, meaningless meetings make that difficult and leave attendees more drained and annoyed than motivated. In this podcast, I interview Cameron Herold, author of Meetings Suck - Turning One of the Most Loathed Elements of Business Into One of the Most Valuable. Herold sheds light one why most meetings are pointless and gives me and my listeners helpful tips to make meetings more productive and more profitable. How to Support this Show: Subscribe on your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, etc.) Review us on iTunes Take our survey and we'll enter you in a drawing for a free book Follow Xenium HR (@XeniumHR) and Brandon Laws
Important Announcement
04/04/2019 Duration: 03minWe're changing the name of our podcast to be called Transform Your Workplace. This Human Resources for Small Business podcast originally began as a resource for organizations to learn HR best practices. But the content and audience has evolved into much more than that. We're now reaching thousands of HR professionals, owners, executives, and leaders in varying sizes of organization all across the world Our community is using the ideas in this podcast to transform their workplaces, so we feel that it's fitting to call the podcast Transform Your Workplace.
Bias is Everywhere—Even Your Hiring Process
29/03/2019 Duration: 38minThere’s a lot of talk about bias nowadays. But recognizing it is only the first step. Eliminating bias in the hiring process is critical—but it’s not going to be easy. Listen in as we talk with Melissa Dobbins, founder and CEO of Career.Place, as she discusses ways to take action. We’ll cover examples of conscious and unconscious bias, ways that early stages of the hiring process have bias built in and cultural changes in the workplace that can inform how we hire. Win a free book: Give us a review on Apple Podcasts, take our survey, or share this episode on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram and tag @xeniumhr. How to Support this Show: Subscribe on your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, etc.) Review us on iTunes Take our survey and we'll enter you in a drawing for a free book Follow Xenium HR (@XeniumHR) and Brandon Laws (@BrandonLaws) on Twitter and LinkedIn Learn more about Xenium HR at
HR’s Presence is Requested
25/03/2019 Duration: 19minThe remote vs. in-office debate continues to rage on and HR isn’t exempt from the discussion.The in-office side highlights what face-time brings to communication and relationships, while the remote side focuses on productivity and cost-savings. Xenium’s Lacey Partipilo and Brandon Laws weigh in—and come to a conclusion that offers the expertise and support of HR with the flexibility and cost-savings of remote work. Win a free book: Give us a review on Apple Podcasts, take our survey, or share this episode on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram and tag @xeniumhr. How to Support this Show: Subscribe on your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, etc.) Review us on iTunes Take our survey and we'll enter you in a drawing for a free book Follow Xenium HR (@XeniumHR) and Brandon Laws (@BrandonLaws) on Twitter and LinkedIn Learn more about Xenium HR at
Generation Z - What Can We Expect?
15/03/2019 Duration: 49minFor years, industry experts have only talked about how millennials will change the workforce. Well, they're here and are making up a large part of the workforce already. But what about this other generation trickling into the workforce? Generation Z: are they a replica of the millennial generation or are they vastly different? That's what Corey Seemiller and Meghan Grace sought out to define in their new book Generation Z: A Century in the Making. In this episode, they share who Generation Z is, how they'll impact the workforce, and how employers can prepare for this new generation. Win a free book: Give us a review on Apple Podcasts, take our survey, or share this episode on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, or Instagram and tag @xeniumhr. How to Support this Show: Subscribe on your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, etc.) Review us on iTunes Take our survey and we'll enter you in a drawing for a free book Follow Xenium HR (@XeniumHR) and Brandon Laws (@BrandonLaws) on Twitter and LinkedIn Le
Finding Belonging in the Workplace
07/03/2019 Duration: 27minAs humans, we’ve never been more connected—or more polarized based on our differences. But there is hope. Howard J. Ross, author of Our Search for Belonging: How Our Need to Connect is Tearing Us Apart believes the workplace is the answer. He joins us to discuss ways that organizations can encourage communication, create bridges to belonging and bring people with different ideologies together through shared purpose. SPECIAL OFFER: 10% off Time Management e-Learning course - use promo code PODCAST in check-out. How to Support this Show: Subscribe on your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, etc.) Review us on iTunes Take our survey and we'll enter you in a drawing for a free book Follow Xenium HR (@XeniumHR) and Brandon Laws (@BrandonLaws) on Twitter and LinkedIn Learn more about Xenium HR at
Managing the Seas of Change
25/02/2019 Duration: 29minWhen it comes to business, change is a given. It’s how a company handles it that makes all the difference. Nicole Carey, Senior HR Business Partner at Xenium joins us to discuss change management and how it can get companies from “before” to “after.” We’ll discuss why and when it’s needed, who should champion the change and discuss why it’s so important—to your company, your employees, even your clients. SPECIAL OFFER: 10% off Time Management e-Learning course - use promo code PODCAST in check-out. How to Support this Show: Subscribe on your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, etc.) Review us on iTunes Take our survey and we'll enter you in a drawing for a free book Follow Xenium HR (@XeniumHR) and Brandon Laws (@BrandonLaws) on Twitter and LinkedIn Learn more about Xenium HR at
Creating an All-Star Culture
13/02/2019 Duration: 38minIf you’ve ever wondered why sports metaphors like “slam dunk” are used in business, Travis Hansen is a great reference. He’s succeeded in both worlds, as a former NBA player and founder and CEO of the Tesani Companies. Joining us to talk business, he shares how he’s built award-winning culture into his companies through lessons he took off the court, a values-driven approach and unique ways to keep people engaged. SPECIAL OFFER: 10% off Time Management e-Learning course - use promo code PODCAST in check-out. How to Support this Show: Subscribe on your favorite podcast app (iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play, etc.) Review us on iTunes Take our survey and we'll enter you in a drawing for a free book Follow Xenium HR (@XeniumHR) and Brandon Laws (@BrandonLaws) on Twitter and LinkedIn Learn more about Xenium HR at About the Guest: Follow Travis Hansen on LinkedIn | Twitter