The Human Resources for Small Business podcast is the ultimate resource for HR professionals and small business owners. Join Xeniums Brandon Laws as he chats with guests from all sides of the industrydigging up tips, tools and insights you can apply to your own small business. Well dig into a different HR-focused topic each episoderanging from business strategy and leadership to HR policy, legal updates and more.
Office, Remote, or Hybrid: The Return to Work with Gleb Tsipursky
05/10/2021 Duration: 35minReturning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams: A Manual on Benchmarking to Best Practices for Competitive Advantage It’s time to head back to work. Or… is it? Dive into the in-person vs. remote vs. hybrid discussion with our guest, Gleb Tsipursky, author of Returning to the Office and Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams. In this episode, he and host Brandon Laws talk about how executives can make strategic, sustainable decisions for the good of their employees and, ultimately, the future of their companies. TAKEAWAYS When deciding on the right return-to-the-office strategy, the key is a willingness to be flexible. Team leaders must keep in mind that the office environment is best-suited for collaboration and individual assignments can be completed by employees remotely. Companies that are currently forcing their employees back to the workplace place themselves at a competitive disadvantage. The pandemic has taught employees that time is worth somewhat more than money. We tend to feel that other p
How Your Company Can Attract and Retain Gen Z Talent
28/09/2021 Duration: 39minStill focusing all of your resources on recruiting the Millennial Generation? If so, then you might be missing out on the latest group of talent to hit the working world: Generation Z. And according to Melanie Wertzberger — business leader, author, and expert on Gen Z — they have quite a bit to offer. Listen in to learn to recruit and retain top Gen Z talent in the ever-changing world. TAKEAWAYS By fulfilling their needs to be entrepreneurial and independent, businesses can indeed hope to retain top Gen Z talent. Even if Gen Z is allowed to work fewer hours, they are likely to be more productive in the workplace than other generations. HR leaders and business leaders need to come up with ways of ongoing investment in training and learning so that they can cope with Gen Z’s tendency to company-hop. Gen Z expects their organizations to offer programs that address their health and wellbeing. GUEST AT A GLANCE Melanie Wertzberger is the CEO of Shaka Culture Application, a startup in the HR space. Born on the c
Leadership, Inclusion, and Belonging with Perrine Farque
21/09/2021 Duration: 28minWant to create a culture of belonging? As a leader, do you find yourself falling short when it comes to making your employees feel heard? If so, give this episode a listen. Perrine Farque, author of Inclusion: The Ultimate Secret for an Organization's Success, offers practical tips and inspiring anecdotes for effective, inclusive leadership. TAKEAWAYS “Belonging” is the ultimate inclusion because an employee’s team members have become their family. The sense of belonging is crucial to an authentic inclusive culture, but leaders must be intentional about it. Business leaders should think of themselves as diversity and inclusion champions. Toxic leadership is contagious, but so is inclusive leadership. Inclusive leaders must create that basic layer of trust so that people feel safe to speak. Be crystal clear on how diversity and inclusion tie into your mission statement and communicate that to all of your employees frequently. GUEST AT A GLANCE Perrine Farque is a best-selling author, speaker, and expert on
Conquering Workplace Anxiety with Adrian Gostick
14/09/2021 Duration: 32minChances are, you’re no stranger to anxiety, but have you been willing to talk about it? Either way, it’s time to break the stigma that surrounds mental health. In today’s episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast, Brandon Laws interviews Adrian Gostick, co-author of Anxiety at Work: Eight Strategies to Help Teams Build Resilience, Handle Uncertainty, and Get Stuff Done. Together, they discuss the issues burdening employees and how to remove the weight of anxiety in the workplace. TAKEAWAYS Managers and employees alike are not alone in dealing with the burden of anxiety. Anxiety, even when we remove a stressor, is still present and can interfere with our work and, ultimately, our lives. Leaders can attract top talent by letting them know they care about developing their careers. Those who suffer from anxiety need to determine what they can control and what is out of their control. Participate in Xenium's 2021 What People Want from Work Survey: GUEST AT A GLANCE Adrian G
A Glimpse Into the Employee Perspective With Anthony Vaughan
07/09/2021 Duration: 33minFulfilled and engaged employees drive results, but today’s executives are making decisions without leaning into the invaluable employee perspective. In this episode, Brandon Laws interviews Anthony Vaughan: business podcast host, co-founder of the E1B2 Collective, HR aficionado, and expert talent retention. Hear what he has to say about maximizing employee perspective and learn how his victories and defeats have shaped his approach. TAKEAWAYS The employee perspective is vital to executive decision-making and goal-setting. To lead well, one must be willing to listen and learn from leaders who are experiencing measured success. Utilizing employee data, perspectives, nuances, and needs is essential to the long-term success of any business. Participate in Xenium's 2021 What People Want from Work Survey: GUEST AT A GLANCE Business podcast host, co-founder of the E1B2 Collective, HR aficionado, and expert at talent retention, Anthony Vaughan has a lot to say about what it means to maxim
The Gap: Perspectives on Employee Retention with Clint Pulver
24/08/2021 Duration: 35minSHOW NOTES What are your employees really thinking when it comes to their workplace? Are they ready to jump ship or are they bought in? Clint Pulver, also known as The Undercover Millennial, is all about exposing the gap in perception between executives and their employees. His five years of undercover experience in 181 organizations resulted in his new book, I Love It Here: How Great Leaders Create Organizations That People Never Want to Leave. In this episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast, Clint offers practical advice for managers who want to create a work environment that no employee will want to leave. TAKEAWAYS Employee needs are always changing, so managers must be willing to evolve if they want to keep top talent. There is a direct correlation between management and employee attrition rate. All mentor managers possess these five characteristics: Confidence, Credibility, Competence, Candor, and Caring. Many employers feel like they know what their employees think and feel, but they've n
The Science of Dream Teams with Mike Zani
17/08/2021 Duration: 26minIn the ever-growing War on Talent, there’s never been more urgency to get it right. To acquire, maintain, and optimize the best talent, leaders have no choice but to dig deep or lose. In this episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast, Brandon Laws sits down with Mike Zani, CEO of The Predictive Index and expert on talent optimization. The two discuss the effects of COVID on the current workforce, the War on Talent, and team-building strategies that really work. TAKEAWAYS Leaders must emphasize the data and analytics if they want a full understanding of what helps and hinders their teams. Leaders must take employee experience or engagement surveys seriously and act upon them, or their top talent will not hesitate to walk out the door. It is up to leaders to create transparency and vulnerability by modeling these attributes themselves. Participate in Xenium's 2021 What People Want from Work Survey: GUEST AT A GLANCE Mike Zani is a bestselling author and expert on optimizing
Pause, Breathe, and Choose with Naz Beheshti
10/08/2021 Duration: 29minWith vast experience at well-known companies such as Apple, Yahoo!, and AstraZeneca, Naz Beheshti is no stranger to workplace intensity and stress. But even though stress seems to be an unavoidable part of our daily lives, we can’t let it control our thoughts and decisions. In this episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast, Brandon Laws interviews Naz Beheshti, Founder and CEO of Prananaz and author of Pause, Breathe, Choose: Become the CEO of Your Wellbeing. The two discuss mindfulness techniques to deal with stress in the workplace in a healthy way. Of course, these practices aren’t just helpful for the workplace but should be incorporated into every area of our lives. TAKEAWAYS We can never increase the number of hours in the day, but we can optimize our energy and wellbeing so that we can work more efficiently. Senior leadership must lead by example because when communication is coming directly from the CEO or C-level, it helps engage the employees in health and wellness initiatives. When we take t
Adjusting to the Post-Pandemic Pace with Dave McKeown
03/08/2021 Duration: 28minAs a leader, do you find that you’re putting out fires instead of taking intentional steps toward the growth of your organization? If so, this is the podcast for you. While there’s no doubt that the post-pandemic business world has placed increasing demands on the business leader’s time and energy, this episode’s guest says that it’s possible to adapt and rise above the chaos. Listen in and learn from Dave McKeown, author of The Self-Evolved Leader, all about how to approach the faster pace, prioritize what matters, and elevate your focus above what doesn’t. TAKEAWAYS Even after we return to the workplace, the world will continue its rigorous pace, so our leaders need to learn to adapt to this “new normal.” When leaders see new information come in, they feel obligated to respond urgently, a demand placed on them from our clients, the industry as a whole, and the leaders above them. Many leaders end up leading through active heroism which, over time, builds learned helplessness in our people. A self-evolved l
Our 300th Episode: Looking to the Future with Xenium President Anne Donovan
27/07/2021 Duration: 33minIt’s the 300th episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast! Celebrate with us as we hear from Anne Donovan, President of Xenium HR. Host Brandon Laws gets the candid truth about the challenges that Anne faces as a business leader during such unprecedented times, including what keeps her up at night, how she is approaching a hybrid return-to-work plan, and what she foresees over the next few months for her employees and Xenium as a whole. WHAT WE COVERED: Planning for and making nuanced decisions regarding the “return to work” Navigating employee dissatisfaction with the post-pandemic workplace Making changes to outdated performance evaluation and measurement methods Inventing a new playbook for inclusivity among at-home and at-work employees Dealing with employee compensation needs and expectations in a changing marketplace A NOTE FROM THE HOST When I started this podcast back in 2012, I never would have imagined that we’d reach 300 episodes. Over the years, our focus has moved from solely HR topics to
The Four Factors of Engagement with Jay Schaufeld
20/07/2021 Duration: 31minThis episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast features Jay Schaufeld, Head of HR and People Operations at HqO, and his thoughts on the looming Great Resignation, the staggering attrition rate anticipated from tomorrow’s workforce. Host Brandon Laws and his guest discuss valuable retention strategies to combat this unprecedented shift and ways companies can engage employees by targeting what matters most. TAKEAWAYS Employees are engaged when they feel that their work is meaningful and purposeful, when they possess significant relationships in the workplace, when they believe in their organization's mission, and when their values align with company culture. Post-pandemic talent can no longer be valued by how many hours they stay in the office, but instead on contribution and performance. The pandemic has shed a light on what's really important to people — wellbeing and balance, having connection to the purpose of the organization, and loving their work. To retain top talent, organizations must recogniz
Taking Charge of Your Career with Mark Herschberg
13/07/2021 Duration: 33minMark Herschberg, author of The Career Toolkit: Essential Skills for Success That No One Taught You and recent guest on the Transform Your Workplace podcast, has a lot to say about the skills necessary for a successful and dynamic career. In today’s episode, Mark provides practical career-building tips to business leaders and rising talent alike. Give this episode a listen if you’re ready to hone your goal-setting (and attaining) skills for the future of your career. TAKEAWAYS Knowledge and experience are important, but hiring managers should also look for, define, and zero in on other critical attributes, such as communication, negotiation, and team-building, in a candidate. A career plan typically begins by asking yourself what you want in a job and what you want in life. It’s about thinking ahead, not having perfect answers. Your career plan isn’t etched in stone; expect to make improvements as you implement it. Assess your progress in your career plan at least once a year. Any time a new job or role c
Technology, Humanity, and the Future of Business with Deb Westphal
06/07/2021 Duration: 35minAt this point, it’s impossible to avoid the convergence of technology, business, and human connection, but would we really want to if we could? According to Deborah Westphal — author, consultant, and futurist — there is a bright future ahead, and businesses should embrace the changes that technology will continue to bring. In this eye-opening episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast, Brandon sits down with Deb Westphal to learn all about the role of technology in human connection, especially concerning its effect on the future of business. TAKEAWAYS Technology is allowing people to connect and communicate in ways that they never have before, so business would be wise to embrace this change. The purpose of business is to serve a broader spectrum of stakeholders, including employees, suppliers, communities, and customers. The network effect that technology allows will create even more innovation and more solutions. Future thinking resides in all of us, but it’s all about how much risk we’re willing to t
Get Up and Get Moving with Lizzy Williamson
29/06/2021 Duration: 30minHas remote work got you feeling stagnant? Are you tired and unmotivated? If so, this is the episode for you. Whereas we’re already prone to a sedentary lifestyle, COVID only made things worse. So, how do we get our groove back? According to guest Lizzy Williamson, founder, and author of Two Minute Moves, it’s all about getting up and getting moving. Incorporating movement into our workday is critical to not only our physical health but to our mental health as well. To learn more about how you can get that blood (and productivity) flowing, give this episode a listen. TAKEAWAYS Our brains don't respond best to sedentary work, but it has become our “new normal.” One-third of people have reported that, since COVID, their mental health has suffered which inevitably leads to lower productivity in the workplace. The brain is built to detect and respond to change, not to engage with a task that goes on for hours and hours, so one of the best things you can do is to take a brief mental break, get up, and get moving.
The Introvert and Effective Leadership with Berry Kruijning
22/06/2021 Duration: 30minCan introverts lead well? If so, what makes an introvert a good leader? According to our guest, Berry Kruijning, approximately 30% of workplace leaders in North America are introverts, and their unique approach to leadership is something to be recognized and maximized. Instead of adjusting to a one-size-fits-all standard of expectations, Berry believes that introverted leaders should embrace their introversion and tap into the unique qualities that set them apart as effective leaders. Give this episode a listen, and learn more about introversion in the workplace from Berry Kruijning, leadership development and communications coach, teacher, and founder of Crowning Communications. TAKEAWAYS Introverts like to become prepared, so you can make virtual meetings more introvert-friendly by sending out an agenda in advance. Introverts can stay in control during “tough conversations” by coming prepared, listening, and asking probing questions. Quality, excellence, and productivity are motivating factors for introve
Digitizing the Frontline Workforce with Cris Grossman
15/06/2021 Duration: 24minIn this eye-opening episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast, Brandon Laws talks with guest Cris Grossmann. He’s the CEO and Co-Founder of Beekeeper, a company committed to connecting non-desk or “frontline” employees through technology. Cris believes that a digital transformation of frontline workers, who make up 80% of the global workforce, can give companies a significant competitive advantage. In this episode, you’ll learn how to invest in your frontline workers through relevant, usable, all-in-one technology. TAKEAWAYS Only 1% of all the venture capital goes into desk-less or frontline worker solutions, yet 80% of the global workforce is made up of these types of workers. Digitizing the frontline is no walk in the park, but rather a necessary process that requires careful planning. Frontline workers need one companion app: one single point of contact for the frontline worker to get everything they need to be well-informed, engaged, and productive at work. A companion app for frontline workers mu
Leadership Accountability That WON'T Get Lost in Translation with Vince Molinaro
08/06/2021 Duration: 35minIn this episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast, we talk with guest Vince Molinaro about his latest book, Accountable Leaders: Inspire a Culture Where Everyone Steps Up, Takes Ownership, and Delivers Results. When it comes to best practices for effective leadership, Vince has the experience and track record for results. If you’re ready to learn more about leadership accountability methodology that won’t get lost in translation, give this episode a listen. TAKEAWAYS Most organizations never set clear and measurable expectations for their leaders only to be frustrated when those leaders don’t perform. To maximize leadership accountability, companies should create explicit contracts for leaders so that they can read, understand, and sign their names to their roles and responsibilities. Just because a leader has signed the contract, that doesn’t mean they've got the capabilities they need to be successful; support for these leaders is essential to success. Companies must demonstrate zero tolerance for l
Breaking the Stigma: Mental Wellness in the Workplace
02/06/2021 Duration: 29minWhat does a good leader do when the team is overwhelmed with anxiety, burned out, or depressed? Responsible leaders must recognize the signs of declining mental health in their employees and empower them to take hold of help. In this episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast, guest Lacey Partipilo addresses the timely and relevant topic of mental wellness with practice tips for business leaders. Lacey is a veteran when it comes to providing solid wisdom and insight to the Transform Your Workplace podcast audience. TAKEAWAYS Instead of trying to take on the burden of their team’s mental health, leaders should work to understand the benefits that the organization offers for mental wellness and encourage employees to take advantage of them. Leaders need to take care of themselves before they can care for their team. Leaders must recognize the challenges that employees face and strategize how the business will play an active part in addressing them. Leaders should help break the stigma by not only talking
Multigenerational Diversity in the Workplace with Meghan Gerhardt
25/05/2021 Duration: 38minIn this episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast, Brandon Laws interviews Meghan Gerhardt, author of Gentelligence: The Revolutionary Approach to Leading an Intergenerational Workforce and expert in how to effectively implement age diversity in the workplace. You’ll learn how to connect with, teach, and learn from those both older and younger than you. The result? Instead of working against each other, employees can finally bring their varied skills and experience to the table, all for the betterment of the team. It’s all about building a team poised for whatever the next generation has to offer. TAKEAWAYS Employees of all ages have insight to offer, so those of different age ranges should have a seat and a voice at the table. Age bias has been called one of the last socially acceptable biases, but bias of any kind in the workplace is a hindrance to a team’s success. Studies show that, despite differences in approach, Boomers, Gen Z, and Millennials share the same core values. If leaders want to foste
Creating Space and Getting (un)Busy with Garland Vance
18/05/2021 Duration: 32minLet’s face it. We’re all busy. We pack our calendars, pour ourselves into work, volunteering, and family affairs, and then crawl into bed drained at the end of a jam-packed day. This is our norm. But is busyness something we just have to accept? Is it even possible to become (un)busy and still be successful? These questions and more are answered in this episode of the Transform Your Workplace podcast. Dive into a discussion about busyness and get some tips about how to create some space in your calendar (and your mind) with Garland Vance. TAKEAWAYS The problem: we not only think that being busy is a good thing, but we believe that when we're not busy, that something is intrinsically wrong with us. When we compare our true selves to our ideal selves, we conclude that we’re not good enough, so we need to do more which drives us into this non-stop culture of being busy, a feeling like we have to be productive all the time. Getting (un)busy starts with taking inventory of our commitments and deciding which of th