Shelley Hitz is on a mission to help you reach more people with your message because she believes every person has God-given gifts and abilities to impact the world. Each episode of Author Audience will be packed with ACTIONABLE training, spiritual inspiration, and encouragement for you to write, publish, and market your books. However, this podcast is not just about how to write and self-publish a book. It is so much more. Episodes also include topics on book marketing, social media marketing, how to sell more books, product creation, coaching, speaking, etc. Shelley’s passion is to help you connect with your audience in the best way possible. If you are a Christian author, Christian entrepreneur, or someone who simply wants to reach more people with your message, you're in the right place! The question is, are you ready to let your light SHINE?
#283: 15-Minute Writer
04/08/2021 Duration: 08minWhat could happen if you devoted just 15-minutes a day to your writing? Keep listening over the next few minutes to this encouragement that when applied can help you finish writing your book. My name is Shelley Hitz and I’m here with my husband CJ Hitz. We have been mentoring writers for over a decade helping you get your books out of your heads and onto paper with our book writing formulas so that you can write words that outlive you and self-publish books that fulfill your calling. In each of our trainings we promise to share at least one thing that will help you write, self-publish, and market your books so that the message of your books can impact lives. Today we’re going to talk about being a 15-minute writer. Anthony Trollope was one of the most successful novelists of the Victorian era. Over the course of 35 years, he wrote 47 novels. He did all of this while working a demanding job as a post office inspector. He committed 15 minutes of every workday hour to writing 250 words. This commitment could pro
#282: Creativity in the Kingdom: Worshiping God through our writing
28/07/2021 Duration: 19minWhat does it look like to worship God through our writing? Read: 1 Kings 7:13-22; 40-45 Huram was an “extremely skillful and talented” craftsman from the area of Tyre in Lebanon who was commissioned by King Solomon to help enhance and decorate the temple. After reading about the precision and detail of Huram’s work, we see that he was a man who glorified and worshiped God through his skills. There was thought, purpose, and intentionality in his work. Imagine all the worshipers who would journey to this magnificent temple which stood for over 400 years. Upon entering the temple, they were set in the right frame of mind to worship the Lord as they saw the beauty of Huram's craftsmanship. As Kingdom Writers, we have been given the wonderful privilege of being commissioned by God in our calling to write words that outlive us. Just as Huram was hired and appointed to furnish and magnify the beauty of Solomon’s temple, we as Kingdom Writers are called to glorify and magnify the beauty of Christ. Our writings can he
#281: 11 Ways Authors Can Grow an Email List
21/07/2021 Duration: 29minEmail marketing is such an important part of a long-term marketing strategy for authors and yet one most avoid. In this training, Shelley shares 11 ways you can grow your email list as an author. Here’s the list: Option One: Strategic Partnerships Podcast Interviews Guest Blog Posts Social Media Takeover Social Media Swap Solo Email Swap Option Two: Gather Authors/Experts in Your Genre/Niche Collaborative blog post Top 10 Books in XX Genre Post Online Summit or Host Q&A’s or Coffee Chats) Anthology Group Giveaway Group Promotions The challenge? Choose one option from the strategic partnerships and one option from gathering authors/experts in your genre/niche. Then, implement them over the next two months. Let me know how it goes for you! Book Writing Lab Get your book out of your head and onto paper using our 3 proven book writing formulas ...and then create a writing plan to finish your first draft. We just launched our brand new workshop, Book Writing Lab, and you can get in today for just $27. WooH
#280: 3 Ways to Renew Your Commitment to Publish Your Book
14/07/2021 Duration: 08minDo you have a book that you’ve started but you’ve struggled to finish? If so, today we want to share with you three ways to renew your commitment to write so you can click the publish button. Ready to dive in? 1. Remember the reason you write. What is your why? When you have a strong purpose behind your writing, it will help you overcome the resistance we all face as a writer and the difficult days. 2. Who are you writing for? Who is your target audience? I want you to picture one person who is your ideal reader. If possible, choose someone you know from real life. Write down who this person is and why your book would be impactful to them. This will serve as a reminder of why you write and that your readers are waiting for you to finish your book. Start praying for your future readers and the impact your book will have on their lives. 3. Write out your commitment to God and yourself and your future readers. Write this out with pen and paper and post it where you can see it every day. I am committed to writi
#279: Peace in Our Writing
07/07/2021 Duration: 08minDo you want to find peace in your writing? If so, CJ has some encouragement for you today from the Word of God that will help to bring calm to your chaos and peace to the panic when it comes to your writing. Kingdom Writers have access to a peace that can’t be manufactured through human means. It’s a fruit of the Holy Spirit. “I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” - Romans 15:13 NLT Jesus confirms this with his words in John 14:27 - “I am leaving you with a gift—peace of mind and heart. And the peace I give is a gift the world cannot give. So don’t be troubled or afraid.” Have you been troubled or afraid regarding your writing? Afraid of failure? Afraid of what others will think? Afraid you’ll give up before your book is finished? Most of us can relate to those feelings. Jesus wants to bring calm to our chaos. Peace to our panic. If your heart and mind are feel
#278: Don't be hatin: Allowing God to build momentum on our small beginnings
23/06/2021 Duration: 22minZechariah 4:10a My small beginnings as a runner after reading a book by Dean Karnazes After coming out of an 80 year Babylonian exile and having the glorious temple that King Solomon built be reduced to rubble, it was now time for God’s people to rebuild a new temple where Yahweh would reside and be worshiped. To the younger generation, this was a huge milestone. But to the “old-timers” who saw or heard firsthand stories about the glory & splendor of the previous temple, this latest edition paled in comparison. You can almost hear the chatter among the seasoned veterans, “I miss the good-ole days” or “They just don’t make em like they used to.” “You call THAT a temple?” God had a message for Zechariah to pass along to both young and old alike… “Do not despise these small beginnings, for the Lord rejoices to see the work begin, to see the plumb line in Zerubbabel’s hand.” (Zech. 4:10a NLT) Sure, this latest temple 2.0 seemed modest compared to the previous version 1.0 but God still wanted them to celebrate
#277: KDP Select Free Promotions
16/06/2021 Duration: 17minOne way to launch a new book is by using Amazon’s KDP Select program. This program launched in December 2011 and I first enrolled one of our books in the program in early January 2012. The program is no longer as effective as it was in 2012, but we have still seen success with our books as well as the books of other authors. Why Free? When you are a new author it can give you exposure to new readers. We consider it a ministry and have given away over half a million eBooks on Kindle alone. For books that are part of a series, it may be beneficial to keep the first book in the KDP select program to gain exposure and interest in the rest of the books in your series. Also, make sure you put an excerpt of the next book in the back of your book as well as links to the books from the entire series. Many authors find this is an effective way to promote the next book in the series. I also recommend having a call to action within your book for readers to join your email list so that those that do read your book cou
#276: Repurpose Your Content
09/06/2021 Duration: 15minIf you have published blog posts, podcasts, videos, or have given presentations; you may already have content you can use for your book. Take a moment to look over the content you have already created to see if you can repurpose it and include it in your book. For example: Podcasts and videos can be transcribed. Presentation slides can be used as part of your outline. Deleted scenes can be fleshed out and used as a free gift for newsletter subscribers. Journal content can be used when sharing your own story or journey. Even social media posts and emails can be repurposed into content for your books. Here are a few of my personal examples: My very first book, “Mirror Mirror…Am I Beautiful,” was created from articles on my website. The outline for our book, “Forgiveness Formula,” came from our presentations on the topics that were well received. I also used some of my journal content in this book. “Procrastination to Publication,” was transcribed from one-hour audio and then edited into a book. “Prolif
#275: Joy in Our Writing
02/06/2021 Duration: 16min“I pray that God, the source of hope, will fill you completely with joy and peace because you trust in him. Then you will overflow with confident hope through the power of the Holy Spirit.” - Romans 15:13 (NLT) Kingdom Writers have access to a joy that can’t be manufactured through human means. It’s something that we’re given by the Holy Spirit We can follow Paul’s example by praying that we are filled with this joy. Read John 16:20-24 We should expect some pain and struggle in the process of writing our book Pain and anguish eventually give way to joy as our books are birthed into the world. Jesus tells us to ask in his name - what are the requests of our hearts regarding our writing? As we ask and see the prayers of our hearts answered, abundant joy follows. We should approach our writing with relaxed, open hands, not clenched fists. When we’re open to the Spirit’s leading, a beautiful melody of words can follow. Book Writing Lab Get your book out of your head and onto paper using our 3 proven book writ
#274: Practicing the Presence of God in our Writing - What we can learn from Brother Lawrence
26/05/2021 Duration: 25min“Three different times I begged the Lord to take it away. Each time he said, “My grace is all you need. My power works best in weakness.” So now I am glad to boast about my weaknesses so that the power of Christ can work through me. That’s why I take pleasure in my weaknesses, and in the insults, hardships, persecutions, and troubles that I suffer for Christ. For when I am weak, then I am strong.” 2 Corinthians 12:8-10 NLT God is creating weakness in our lives in order to drive us to Him. Our weaknesses are meant to create dependence upon Him alone. He’ll spend decades cultivating weakness in our lives. There is only one hero in this story we find ourselves and that hero is Jesus Christ Brother Lawrence gives us a picture of almost pathetic weakness and dependence during his time as a cook and dishwasher for a monastery in the 1600s. “He was a great awkward fellow, who broke everything.” “When he had failed in his duty, he simply confessed his fault, saying to God, I shall never do otherwise if Thou l
#273: Your Message Matters
19/05/2021 Duration: 33minTurn Your Passion into a Platform Are you one of the many people who long to ditch the cubicle and go to work for yourself, on your own terms? What's holding you back? Self-doubt, fear, technology challenges, the feeling that there are already too many other people doing what you want to do? It's time to face those things head-on and transform your passion into a thriving business. Why? Because Your Message Matters. His most recent book is Your Message Matters: How to rise above the noise and get paid for what you know. Get a free copy of the book and just pay shipping at: 100+ Places to Market Your Christian Book Want some recommendations on where to publish your Christian book? Check out our list of over 100 places to consider here:
#272: The Power of a Book Series
12/05/2021 Duration: 16minWe talked about publishing short Kindle books last month. If you publish short books, I recommend creating a Kindle series around your main topic. Your series title can be related to your main topic. Then, each small book can focus on a specific problem within that topic. Publishing a book series helps you build authority in that niche; people will eventually know that you know your stuff. One of the first series that I created was my vegetarian cookbook series. There were seven books in the series and they sold really well. Each book in the series then promoted the others. Instead of having one cookbook with ALL the recipes, I broke it down by topic as follows: Breakfast Recipes Lunch Recipes Main Entrees Appetizer Recipes Salad Recipes Soup, Stew, and Chili Recipes The Ultimate Guide to Vegetarian Cooking with ALL the recipes By now, you should be getting the idea. What seems to work best is when you have six or seven books in the series. That seems to be the sweet spot, where Amazon starts prom
#271: Do You Need a Writing Warmup?
05/05/2021 Duration: 17minSince taking up running over 13 years ago, I’ve (CJ) learned the importance of a proper warm-up. Whether I’m preparing for a key speed workout or long run, my rule of thumb is to keep the first two miles nice and easy. Rather than forcing my legs to move faster in the beginning, I simply put one foot in front of the other and allow my legs to gradually warm up and get acquainted with movement. I’ve had many days where I wanted to bail in the first couple miles of a run due to “not feeling it.” But if I stick with it, the legs and body usually turn a corner and I’m rewarded with a delightful run. Some might call it tapping into the “runner’s high.” As a Christian writer, I’ve also learned the value of a good warm-up. It can sometimes take 30 minutes to allow our spirits to calm and the outside noise to quiet down. Just as an athlete needs a proper warm-up, Christian writers can also benefit by easing into a writing flow. Rather than coming out of the gate charging hard, why not play some peaceful music while
#270: How desperate are you for a breakthrough in your writing?
28/04/2021 Duration: 18minAs writers, there are things that can stand in the way of seeing the breakthrough of finishing our book. Sometimes there's an absolute desperation on our part. There are times we can get a little crazy after exhausting all other options. But when we encounter Jesus, breakthroughs are possible… Mark 2:1-12 Imagine the testimony of this paralyzed man. He was lowered through a hole in the roof by his friends but walked out the front door under his own power after encountering Jesus. Sometimes we have to get a little crazy as we find our way around the “crowds” of things that keep us from Jesus. Desperation sometimes comes after we’ve exhausted other options that haven’t worked (example: woman with the blood issue touching the hem of Jesus’s garment - Mark 5). This paralyzed man had 4 good friends who helped him. Can you think of 4 people willing to carry you and your book to Jesus in prayer? “Stunned onlookers” were praising God in verse 12. Our books can have a similar effect as a testimony to God’s work in our
#269: Consider Selling Your Book in Bulk
21/04/2021 Duration: 19minWhen you write a new book, one thing I want you to consider is how to set your book up for bulk orders. What are bulk orders? Typically these will come from groups, organizations, or companies that will want to order multiple copies of their books for book studies, gifts, to include in a subscription box, etc. Include a Reader’s Guide I recommend creating a reader’s guide with discussion questions that book clubs can use. Typically you will add the questions to the back of your book. This applies to both fiction and nonfiction. If you’ve written a Bible study or book study that can be used with church groups, this is another avenue where your books can be purchased in higher quantities. Personally, I have found that I sell a lot more copies of my print book, Broken Crayons Still Color, because women’s groups use it for their studies. Whether you are writing a fiction novel or a nonfiction book, consider how you can make it easy for groups to use it. You will have the potential to make more book sales and imp
#268: Publish with a Purpose: Start with a Short Kindle eBook
14/04/2021 Duration: 15minThere are so many reasons to write short Kindle eBooks. Personally, I have been writing this type of book for many years and people enjoy reading shorter books. We are all busy and we all have a lot to do. Therefore, if I can find one book to read quickly, get my question answered, and move on, I’m a happy camper. A short book is easy for your readers to consume. A lot of readers will read books over their lunch break or when they have a few minutes. Some short books can be finished within a one hour lunch break The best part about writing a short book? It’s quicker to write! It’s a quick win and can help us build momentum for the next book The Book Length A question I am often asked is how long should the book be? For short Kindle eBooks, I recommend a length of about 10,000 words. It equals out to about 60-70 print pages. This is the length of most of our short eBooks. However, your book can be anywhere from 6,000-20,000 words. Download Your Publishing Map If you want to write and publish a boo
#267: 5 Ways to Quiet Your Inner Critic and Stay in the Writing Zone
07/04/2021 Duration: 18minWhen you are in your writing zone, you are using the right side of your brain. This is the creative part of your brain. Whereas when you are outlining, researching, and editing you are using the left side of your brain. This is the logical part of your brain and also where your inner critic resides. Therefore when you try to write and edit at the same time, your inner critic can easily shut you down. For example, your inner critic might say, “You’re not spelling that right. Who are you to write a book when you don’t even know how to spell? This is horrible. You might as well stop now and not even try to write this book.” And on and on it goes. We’ve all been there. So, let’s not let our inner critic get the best of us. Amen? 5 ways to quiet your inner critic and stay in the writing zone: Highlight an area that will need more editing or research later. You can do this by using a different color or highlighting the text. If you’re writing with paper and pen (or pencil) you can draw an asterisks or arrow nex
#266: 3 Lessons from Habakkuk
03/03/2021 Duration: 29minThis episode was originally recorded inside our Christian Book Academy group as live videos. However, we wanted to share these teachings with you. Today's topic is: 3 Lessons from Habakkuk We hope this episode encourages and inspires. We have a free gift for you. One of the most important foundational things is to have in place as a Kingdom Writer is a business meeting with God to seek His strategy for marketing your books. We have free training for you on how to get started! In this training, you will learn the steps we recommend when having a weekly business meeting with God. The members of Christian Book Academy LOVE it and we want to share it with you too! Just click the link below to watch my short video and download the PDF: This series is sponsored by Christian Book Academy where we help you give birth to your books. We invite you to join our community of Kingdom Writers here:
#265: Free at Last
17/02/2021 Duration: 17minThis episode was teachings we did to begin our Virtual Writing Retreat in January. However, we wanted to share these with you. Today's topic is: Free at Last As Kingdom writers let us have a freedom mindset. It’s time to move forward with our writing and the messages that God put on our hearts to share with the world. We hope this episode encourages and inspires. We have a free gift for you. One of the most important foundational things is to have in place as a Kingdom Writer is a business meeting with God to seek His strategy for marketing your books. We have free training for you on how to get started! In this training, you will learn the steps we recommend when having a weekly business meeting with God. The members in Christian Book Academy LOVE it and we want to share it with you too! Just click the link below to watch my short video and download the PDF: This series is sponsored by Christian Book Academy where we help you give birth to your books. We invite
#264: Big Brave Steps
03/02/2021 Duration: 26minThis episode was teachings we did to begin our Virtual Writing Retreat in January. However, we wanted to share these with you. Today's topic is: Big Brave Steps In order to write your book and then to market it and share it with the world, it requires a lot of really big, brave steps. We hope this episode encourages and inspires. We have a free gift for you. One of the most important foundational things is to have in place as a Kingdom Writer is a business meeting with God to seek His strategy for marketing your books. We have free training for you on how to get started! In this training, you will learn the steps we recommend when having a weekly business meeting with God. The members in Christian Book Academy LOVE it and we want to share it with you too! Just click the link below to watch my short video and download the PDF: This series is sponsored by Christian Book Academy where we help you give birth to your books. We invite you to join our community of King