

Have you had failures in your life? If so, it’s a good indication that you’ve taken some risks along the way.  A few notable “failures” John Creasey received 743 rejection slips from publishers before one word was published. He eventually published 560 books and sold over 60 million copies  Michael Waltrip lost 530 races before winning his first NASCAR race in 2001…the Daytona 500 Abraham Lincoln lost 18 elections for various offices before being elected 16th President  We’re going to look at one of my favorite stories in the Bible about a man who took a big risk. - 1 Samuel 14:1-23 Saul & his troops were down to 600 men and only 2 swords among them (Jonathan holding one of the swords) Depressing situation under this pomegranate tree while the Philistines were wreaking havoc in every direction. Jonathan has had enough and decides to take a risk. Jonathan realized he couldn’t win a battle without entering a battle.  How about you & I? Have we reached a point where we’re tired of seeing nothing happ