Learn English. Learn real English. Learn Rock n Roll English!
Facebook Live Tonight!
12/10/2020 Duration: 40sCome and join the party on the RnR English Facebook page at 8.45pm Italian time THIS evening! Ask me questions about the podcast, the RnR English Family, life and whatever you want! See you later!
A Special Episode
05/10/2020 Duration: 06minSo to celebrate this special day... I have THREE presents for you!
How NOT To Have a Romantic Holiday
07/09/2020 Duration: 26minThe plan was to give tips on for romantic holidays, but it becomes quite obvious we know nothing about that
The Story of a RnR Wedding
25/08/2020 Duration: 29minAfter a long wait, Mrs RnR were FINALLY able to get married!
Things That Can Go Wrong At Weddings
10/08/2020 Duration: 29minMine is coming up in a couple of weeks, so I'm starting to worry!
Things We Should Thank The U.S.A For
27/07/2020 Duration: 27minThere's a valid reason for this episode... you'll see when you listen!
The Dos and Don'ts of a Night Out
13/07/2020 Duration: 30minIt's been so long since I've had a night out, I thought we should make an episode about it to remind me how it works!
Life After Lockdown
15/06/2020 Duration: 28minWe have a BRILLIANT idea in today's episode (not from me obviously), but something that could CHANGE the world!
How Old Do You Need To Be...
01/06/2020 Duration: 29minDid you know that REAL school in the UK starts at 4?!
An Important Bit Of News...
29/05/2020 Duration: 04minSome changes in the RnR World are happening, so please listen to this podcast, then I'll see you on Monday!
RnR English Episode 200 Party
25/05/2020 Duration: 01h06minWow! This is the 200th time I've sat behind a microphone to talk rubbish, but the difference this time is... you were there with me!
RnR English Party
21/05/2020 Duration: 03minAll you have to bring is your sense of humour and (preferably) 2 devices, then just sit back and ROCK! Other important stuff.... Time:4pm Italian Time Date: Saturday 23rd May Link: (Meeting ID: 956 1206 8754)
How to Deal with Excitement
18/05/2020 Duration: 24minI'm so excited, I just can't hide it, I'm about to lose control and I think I like it
Pre-Party Planning for Episode 200
13/05/2020 Duration: 09minI make it sound MUCH more complicated than it is during this podcast, but basically here are the details: Date: Saturday 23rd May Time: 4pm Italian time Link to Call: (Meeting ID: 956 1206 8754) Send Questions to other Guests: If you have any questions let me know.... see you there!
How to Feel Alive
11/05/2020 Duration: 29minYou will feel like you've jumped in the cold sea after listening to this... or maybe not
FREE Gift from Me to You
05/05/2020 Duration: 03minGet your FREE gift by clicking the link, put in your email address and then I will email it to you
"The Man Behind The Mic"
04/05/2020 Duration: 23minNearly all 197 episodes of RnR English have been the same format... but not today! Variety is the spice of life and things get spicy today with the Hellraiser