Learn English. Learn real English. Learn Rock n Roll English!
A Trustworthy Maverick
12/04/2021 Duration: 30minA test to see how trustworthy the Hellraiser is where we also talking about taking off your trousers and pants on a motorway
It's a Bit of a Hike
29/03/2021 Duration: 31minWe look into the big unsolved mystery of "what's the difference between a walk and a hike?"
Fun Ways to Learn Languages with Enboo
15/03/2021 Duration: 23minA special guest today who has learnt to speak English better than I do! We speak about language learning tips in an RnR way with lots of great stories that involve rapping to Eminem, nokia phones, sitting in rooms with your eyes closed and lots more! Some great tips and more info about the episode at - so get a pair of headphones, sit in a room with your eyes closed and just keeeeeeep on ROCKin', baby!
RnR Parenting Advice
01/03/2021 Duration: 30minBaby RnR is here, but there's also another baby in the RnR Team, so we talk today about what you need to know to keep these little humans alive (which as you'll hear... isn't so easy
A Bravery Competition
17/02/2021 Duration: 28minApologies for the delay in this episode, but my daughter was born on Sunday so I've had a few things to do in the last few days!
Last Day...
03/02/2021 Duration: 01minJust a quick message to say that this is the last day to join the RnR English Family, so if you're interested, go to - then I'll speak to you in the family!
Facebook Live Tuesday 2nd Feb
02/02/2021 Duration: 54sAs I say in the podcast... it really won't be anything exciting, BUT it'll be good to have a chat with you and answer some of your questions so come along! It starts at 8:30pm CET, see you there!
Down the Pub
01/02/2021 Duration: 31minWe look at a very detailed history of pubs (30 seconds) then quickly follow this with what happens in these magical places in Britain. Plus, there's talk of fighting with your mum's clothes on, forgetting your penis cream, stabbing yourself with a pencil and lots more! There is LOADS of RnR vocab, so go to to find it and just keep on ROCKin', baby!
Brexit and Me
28/01/2021 Duration: 04minListen to how Brexit is causing me a few problems and the only reason I got married! ;) Then, if you like, go to - keep on rockin', baby!
Me and My Muscles
26/01/2021 Duration: 05minIf you have ever seen a picture of my 'muscles', you will realise that there's not much to talk about here! But listen and find out why!
Me and My Italian
25/01/2021 Duration: 08minToday I talk to you about my experience learning Italian, have fun! Then remember, if you're interested in becoming an active part of the podcast by joining the RnR English Family, go to
The Benefits of Travelling Alone ✈️ #217
18/01/2021 Duration: 33minNumber 1 is that only intelligent people do it (apparently)
A Review of This Crazy Year... 2020
14/12/2020 Duration: 37min...a review by a couple of idiots that is!
The Poland Pod
30/11/2020 Duration: 28minWe look at all things about Poland today, well, actually probably 0.000001% of things about Poland and we're not even sure if the things we talk about are true!
Rockin' with Charlie from REWRT
02/11/2020 Duration: 36minThat's right, today I speak to the other half of the Real English With Real Teachers dream team!
RnR Babies
19/10/2020 Duration: 27minDon't worry, Mrs RnR is only having one, but another member of the RnR English Team is pregnant too!
Last Chance...
14/10/2020 Duration: 01minIf you're curious to see what it's like (remember you can cancel at any time, even after one month), then go to - I hope to speak to you soon in our secret Facebook Group!
I Have a Dream...
13/10/2020 Duration: 06minJust like Martin Luther King Jr, I have one too! Admittedly... mine isn't even 0.01% as important as his, but it's still a dream! ✌️