Podcast by Royal College of Surgeons
Exhibition Lecture Curious
24/01/2019 Duration: 49minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2010.
'Would you ever have thought such a thing possible' Alexander Fleming and the FRS
24/01/2019 Duration: 57minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2010.
Wellington's Combat Surgeon George Guthrie
24/01/2019 Duration: 51minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2010.
Microscopes: A key role in transplant surgery
24/01/2019 Duration: 01h14minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2010.
Abnormal Conversation
24/01/2019 Duration: 01h05minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2011.
How to Lose a Museum
24/01/2019 Duration: 55minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2011.
Dr Thomas Willis FRS Pioneer of the anatomy and physiology of the brain
24/01/2019 Duration: 01h11minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2011.
Victorian Medicine's Lost Property: Dissecting London's poor
24/01/2019 Duration: 01h01minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2011.
Disability, Medicine and Museums
24/01/2019 Duration: 01h23minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2011.
Lost in Time and Space Unrolling Egypt's ancient dead
24/01/2019 Duration: 01h20minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2011.
Study Day - Lost Museum - Londons Lost Anatomy Shows
24/01/2019 Duration: 29minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2011.
Study Day - Lost Museum - Cottinghams Museum of Medieval Art
24/01/2019 Duration: 41minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2011.
Study Day - Lost Museum - Lost in the Urban Jungle Menageries and museums in Georgian London
24/01/2019 Duration: 25minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2011.
Study Day - Lost Museum - Making meaning of the Kew Museums of Economic Botany
24/01/2019 Duration: 43minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2011.
Study Day - Lost Museum - The Phantom Museum Sir Henry Wellcome and his collection
24/01/2019 Duration: 57minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2011.
Study Day - Lost Museum - Ruskin at Walkley Reconstructing the St Georges Museum
24/01/2019 Duration: 34minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2011.
Study Day - Lost Museum - The Rise and Fall and Rise of the Medical Museum
24/01/2019 Duration: 32minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2011.
Lord Lister the early years
24/01/2019 Duration: 45minLord Lister the early years by Royal College of Surgeons
Carbolic Casebook and Controversy
24/01/2019 Duration: 59minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2012.
A Questions and Answer of Sport
24/01/2019 Duration: 01h45minThe Museums Department records selected lectures and events held at the Hunterian Museum and archives the recordings for the public. These recordings were made during 2012.