Co-hosts Dru Jeffries and David Babbitt explore the world of comic books on film, movie by movie and comic by comic.
12/12/2020 Duration: 01h25minLeaving a planet of apes and buses behind, Andrew and Dave turn their attention back to the Cold War to take a look at the 1965 film THE SPY WHO CAME IN FROM THE COLD. What do the duo make of this adaptation of the John le Carre novel? Will the pair actually have something nice to say about Richard Burton for a change? And what exactly was le Carre's job on the set of the film? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: "You know what this movie about exorcism needs? Science fiction elements."All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
Episode 145: Episode 135: BATTLE FOR THE PLANET OF THE APES (1973)
05/12/2020 Duration: 01h42minSticking with '70s era sci-fi, Andrew and Dave are once again joined by Eric Jones to take a look at the fifth-and-final entry in the original series of PLANET OF THE APES films, BATTLE FOR PLANET OF THE APES! What do the trio make of the lower budgeted 1973 film? Just how big is the Fox Ranch? Why does a school bus come up so much? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: The anti-Bond spy film.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. Read Eric Jones' work at DeaconsDen:
Episode 144: Episode 134: BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (1978)
28/11/2020 Duration: 01h23minWarning: The following episode is the product of three extremely tired and slightly deranged individuals.Leaving Detroit and BLUE COLLAR behind, Andrew and Dave pick up James Hrivnak (the 'H' is silent) along their way to...SPACE! Yes, the three podcasters this time out are turning their attention to BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, the television show whose first three episodes were edited together into a film and unleashed upon Canadian cinemas in the summer of '78. What do the trio make of the film? How drunk is Ray Milland here? And just how much of a hard time will Andrew and Dave give James over the technical issues? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: IT WAS EARTH ALL ALONG!Music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. Wackiness by a long work week.
Episode 143: Bonus Episode: JAMES WATCHING
21/11/2020 Duration: 15minNOTE: THIS IS NOT A REGULAR EPISODE OF THE SHOW! DON'T START HERE!When technical issues leave Andrew and Dave waiting for regular guest James Hrivnak to be able to join the Skype call to record the BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (1978) episode, the already deeply tired duo start randomly recording their wait and talk about random bits, from where to start listening to the show (not with this episode!) and just wait they are eating while they wait.Sorry folks.Next Episode: BATTLESTAR GALACTICA. For real. All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.
Episode 133: BLUE COLLAR (1978)
15/11/2020 Duration: 01h46minHaving survived BE COOL, Andrew and Dave head to the 1970s to take in the directorial debut of Paul Schrader!Yes, that's right: the podcasting duo are looking at the 1978 drama BLUE COLLAR, starring Richard Pryor, Harvey Keitel, and Yaphet Kotto! Will the pair enjoy this film more than DOMINION, the last Paul Schrader film they watched? Just how much fun was it working on BLUE COLLAR? And just how bleak is this film, anyway? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Same year, but in SPAAAAAAACE.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
Episode 132: BE COOL (2005)
07/11/2020 Duration: 02h06minHaving zero desire to sit around an anxiously watch the results of the U.S. election on Tuesday, November 3rd, 2020, Andrew and Dave chose to instead talk about BE COOL, the disastrous and long belated sequel to 1995's GET SHORTY. What do the duo make of the film? How prior connections pop up here? Who has the worse Steven Tyler impersonation? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Oh thank God; it is a '70s movie.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.
Episode 131: IDLEWILD (2006)
01/11/2020 Duration: 01h52minAndrew and Dave are back and ready to celebrate Halloween with...IDLEWILD?Yes! Having completely failed to tie in with the holiday, the podcast duo take a look at the period musical-drama starring the members of OutKast. Is the film better than its reputation suggests? How little does Dave know of pop music from the last twenty years? Will the talking flask get addressed? Tune in to find out!Next Episode: Elmore Leonard and John Travolta return to the show! It... it isn't a good thing.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. Subscribe to REITMAN FOR THE JOB from Ross May!
Episode 130: RED TAILS (2012)
25/10/2020 Duration: 01h45minIn this episode of Films(trips), Andrew and Dave are once again joined by Chris "Not From Coldplay" Martin to discuss the Anthony Hemingway directed and George Lucas produced WWII adventure-drama RED TAILS, which is inspired by the famous Tuskegee Airmen. Do George Lucas' good intentions go wrong? (Yes) Does critical race theory once again come up? (Yes) Will Andrew's microphone give him trouble for the second week in a row? (Yes) Tune in and find out!Next Episode: A love letter to 1930s era gangster films, musicals, and Cab Calloway shorts with anachronistic music? Sign us up!All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.
Episode 129: Double Feature! JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK (2001) and JAY AND SILENT BOB REBOOT (2019)
17/10/2020 Duration: 01h57minHaving botched the connection from the last episode, Andrew and Dave decided to correct by covering not, one, but TWO films this time out: the first being the film which actually connects to last episodes film, while the second is the film they thought they were going directly to.So just what are the podcasting duo looking at? None other than JAY AND SILENT BOB STRIKE BACK and JAY AND SILENT BOB REBOOT, the self-reflective comedies written, directed, and starring Kevin Smith! The end result ends up being an exploration of the hosts' respective feelings towards Smith, his body of work, and his evolution as a filmmaker. Next Episode: Where good intentions go down in flames. All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. Special thanks to Ross May! Go subscribe to REITMAN FOR THE JOB today!
Episode 128: GRAFFITI BRIDGE (1990)
10/10/2020 Duration: 01h42minMinneapolis was so nice, Andrew and Dave decided to visit twice! Yes, the podcasting duo are back with a look at PURPLE RAIN's often forgotten sequel, GRAFFITI BRIDGE! What do the pair make of the 1990 film which ended Prince's career as a filmmaker? Does Morris Day steal this film as well? And is the film really as bad as its reputation suggests? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Our screw ups lead to an unplanned double feature in order to maintain the conceit of the show!All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
Episode 127: PURPLE RAIN (1984)
03/10/2020 Duration: 01h57minAndrew and Dave are back and ready to listen to the Minneapolis sound!That's right, the podcasting duo are back to talk about PURPLE RAIN, the musical-drama which cemented Prince's status as a rock/pop/funk superstar. Does the film hold up after 36 years? Which onscreen duo are the scene stealers of the film? And just how misogynistic is the film? Tune in to find out!Next Episode: Morris Day is back!All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. And remember to subscribe to REITMAN FOR THE JOB from Ross May!
Episode 126: 52 PICK-UP (1986)
26/09/2020 Duration: 01h41minThe episode technology didn'y want you to hear! Or at least Skype.Yes, Andrew and Dave are back! This time, the podcasting duo are taking a look at John Frankenheimer's 52 PICK-UP, the 1986 adaptation of the Elmore Leonard novel of the same name! Is this the sleaziest film the duo have covered since FEAR CITY? How fantastic are Clarence William III and John Glover? How noticeable are the breaks when Skype failed the duo while recording? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: MORRIS DAY!!!All music by Andrew Kanngiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.
Episode 125: GOTTI (2018)
18/09/2020 Duration: 01h49minHaving left Montreal and THE SCORE behind, Andrew and Dave find themselves in New York to talk about GOTTI, the infamous 2018 biopic about mob boss John Gotti. What aspects of producer and star John Travolta's life are significant when it comes to this film? Just how many ways does the film go wrong? And why the hell did Movie Pass back this horse? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: It took us 1126 episodes to talk about Elmore Leonard?All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
Episode 124: THE SCORE (2001)
13/09/2020 Duration: 01h39minLeaving middle America behind, Andrew and Dave head to Montreal for Frank Oz's THE SCORE, the heist film starring Robert De Niro, Edward Norton, and Marlon Brando!Does the film hold up? Why are so many Americans living in Montreal? How over qualified are Angela Bassett and Gary Farmer for the roles they are given? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Movie Pass backed the wrong horse.All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.
Episode 123: IN & OUT (1997)
04/09/2020 Duration: 01h22minAndrew and Dave are back! Having enjoyed John Woo's HARD TARGET, the duo follow the late Wilford Brimley to a natural follow up: Frank Oz's IN & OUT! Does the topical 1997 comedy hold up? How charming is Kevin Kline? And why on Earth has it taken the show this long to look at Bob Newhart? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Oh hey, Brando!
Episode 122: HARD TARGET (1993)
28/08/2020 Duration: 01h49minAndrew and Dave head back to New Orleans in this episode of Films(trips) to take a look at John Woo's first Hollywood film, HARD TARGET, starring Jean Claude Van Damme!Joining the duo is returning guest and self-described John Woo apologist James "The 'H' is Silent" Hrivnak! How does the twenty-seven year old action film hold up after all this time? Why was Sam Raimi an executive producer on this film? Just how amazing are LAnce Henriksen and Arnold Vosloo? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: We finally talk about Kevin Kline!All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
25/08/2020 Duration: 47minWhat's this?! A bonus Films(trips) episode in the middle of the week?!Yes! Andrew and Dave return to talk about of the pandemic is changing the landscape of film consumption, from PVOD to online streaming! Along the way, hear Dave rant about preserving home video and how much Andrew isn't willing to pay to see THE BATMAN. Also, what upcoming episode does Dave spoil weeks in advance?Next Regular Episode: JCVD, John Woo style!All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
Episode 121: TALK TO ME (2007)
20/08/2020 Duration: 01h39minAndrew and Dave are back in a new Films(trips)! This time out, the pair stick to biopic territory by taking a look to at Kasi Lemmon's 2007 film TALK TO ME, starring Don Cheadle and Chiwetel Ejiofor.What do the pair make of the film? Just how accurate is the film? Is Jack Paar someone people really wanted to be like? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: A bonus episode!Episode After That: Hong Kong action cinema arrives in Hollywood!All music Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
Episode 120: PHIL SPECTOR (2013)
14/08/2020 Duration: 01h47minA new Films(trips) podcast is out! This time, Andrew and Dave say goodbye to England and head to California for...trial?!Yep, this time out, the podcasting duo take a look at PHIL SPECTOR, David Mamet's 2013 legal sort-of biopic about about the first time notorious record producer Phil Spector was tried for the murder of actor Lana Clarkson. Just how does Mamet approach the material? Does Al Pacino turn in a more subdued performance than usual? Is the film worth Helen Mirren having stepped in at the last moment to save it? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: Listen to the radio!All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt
06/08/2020 Duration: 01h27minIn this bonus episode, James Hrivnak joins Dave Babbitt to discuss Raymond Benson's novelization of the James Bond film DIE ANOTHER DAY! Join them as they cover the novelizations in general, give the brief history of the literary James Bond, and decide whether Benson is able to make one of the worst Bond films work as a novel.Next Episode: More Pacino!All music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt.