24 Panels Per Second

Episode 144: Episode 134: BATTLESTAR GALACTICA (1978)



Warning: The following episode is the product of three extremely tired and slightly deranged individuals.Leaving Detroit and BLUE COLLAR behind, Andrew and Dave pick up James Hrivnak (the 'H' is silent) along their way to...SPACE! Yes, the three podcasters this time out are turning their attention to BATTLESTAR GALACTICA, the television show whose first three episodes were edited together into a film and unleashed upon Canadian cinemas in the summer of '78. What do the trio make of the film? How drunk is Ray Milland here? And just how much of a hard time will Andrew and Dave give James over the technical issues? Tune in and find out!Next Episode: IT WAS EARTH ALL ALONG!Music by Andrew Kannegiesser. Editing by Dave Babbitt. Wackiness by a long work week.