Podcast The League Of Nerds

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Podcast for the Modern Nerd!


  • #104 – A Matter of Faith Review


    Myles James and the one they call Buck sat down and subjected themselves to the 2014 Creationist ‘film’ Gilmore Girls find Jebus or officially know as ‘A Matter of Faith’. The film centres around a young woman’s attempted enlightenment at university all the while her family and fellow christians try to brain wash her out […]

  • #103 – Chemtrails, Why are They Spraying Us?


    Myles and James watch a sequel in the for of Why are they spraying us! The sequel to the critically panned What in The World are they Spraying on us, or WI-TWATS for short. Making a sequel is hard regardless of genre, even crazy conspiracy films. Why are they spraying us, gives us the cold […]

  • #102 – The Food Babe


    Well it was bound to happen at some point, Myles and James go through some of the best bits of the Food Babe youtube channel. Food Babe obsession with bad sounding chemicals underlines her lack of understanding chemistry. Her public campaigns to ban ingredients that are seemingly chosen by her inability to pronounce them has […]

  • #101 – 1984


    With Myles down under, James shanghais’ a reluctant Buck and Jon the Gentleman physicist to discuss some high class literature in the form of 1984. How close to living in the Orwellian nightmare are we today? Do we engage in double speak? Have things really got that ungood? Download Podcast

  • #100 – Scientology Going Clear


    This week Myles and James are joined by Buck to talk through the documentary ‘Going Clear’. Going Clear is made of several accounts of people who have left the ‘Church’ of Scientology. The ‘Church’ has been accused of using several tactics and methods that should make anyone question it legitimacy. From the questionable founding to […]

  • #099 – Fat Shaming Doesn’t Work


    This week Myles and James are joined by C0nc0rdance for a discussion about fat shaming and what evidence says about the health risks of weight. C0nc0rdance tells the nerds about the issues with how obesity is classified and how things like fat shaming probably do not help most people. Download Podcast

  • #098 – Robots and Time Travel


    Myles and James are joined by the singular Buck to talk about super intelligence and time travel. Will Skynet kill us all or will we be able to make an empathetic super intelligence? Buck tries to get Myles and James to have a coherent conversation on just this. Download Podcast

  • #097 – Glyphosate Probably Doesn’t Cause Cancer


    Myles and James review the recent report from the WHO’s IARC devision on glyphosate. In May 2015 the IARC released a press release detailing their findings on 5 herbicides, one being glyphosate, the active ingredient in roundup. This report is a shockingly poor example of scientific reporting and is written in such a manner to […]

  • #096 – What Are the Risks of Cannabis


    Myles and James are joined by an old favourite of ours, C0nc0rdance to talk about Cannabis. C0nc0rdance believes that for too long woo and bad science has been allowed to infiltrate the discussion around the safety of this drug. He is attempting to redress this balance by provided evidence back videos demonstrating the true risk […]

  • #095 – Hacking and the Broken Internet


    Joe joins the nerds Myles and James to talk about all things computer security related. Hacking has become a serious threat to national and personal security. Download Podcast

  • #094 – FOIA to attack a scientist


    Myles and James are joined once again by Kevin Folta to talk about the outcome from the FOIA requests. Kevin is being accused of being in the… Read more "#094 – FOIA to attack a scientist"

  • #093 – BT Cotton Roadtrip


    James is back from his trip to the States. He was lucky enough to get to meet up with Vance Crowe for a trip to southern New Mexico to meet people growing and selling GMO cotton. Download Podcast

  • #092 – Red Dwarf


    Myles, and once again not James, is joined by Buck and Skeptics with a K’s very own Mike Hall to talk about the great sci-fi show Red Dwarf. From a talking toaster to complex time travel paradoxes, Red Dwarf is a classic sic-fi comedy with dark undertones. You can find Mike here Download Podcast

  • #091 – Biofuels


    Myles is once again joined by Kitch from TWL. This tme they discuss biofuels and are joined by the marvelous Buck Download Podcast

  • #089 – Sandy Hook Was Not a Hoax


    I feel all we should have to say is Sandy Hook was not a hoax. Unfortunately a number of people do believe that this tragic event, and… Read more "#089 – Sandy Hook Was Not a Hoax"

  • #089 – Sandy Hook Was Not a Hoax


    I feel all we should have to say is Sandy Hook was not a hoax. Unfortunately a number of people do believe that this tragic event, and others, was an attempt to regulate guns and spread discord in the world. Ranging from people thinking they are ballistic experts to lie detectors while relying on rolling […]

  • #088 – Evolutionary Psychology


    This week on TLONs Myles and James are joined by David a evolutionary psychologist. Recently evolutionary psychology has been misinterpreted and painted in a negative light. Evolutionary… Read more "#088 – Evolutionary Psychology"

  • #087 – Who’s Afraid of BT Cotton with Fred Perlak from Monsanto


    Myles and James are joined by Fred Perlak from Monsanto co. Fred was part of the original team that developed and later launched Bt cotton. Fred went on to be VP of Monsanto co in Hawaii and became a distinguished science fellow. We were lucky enough to get an hour of Fred’s time to ask […]

  • #086 – Personal Privacy


    Why do we respect privacy so much in the online community? Is it really that important? Are acts like ‘doxing’ serious? Myles and James talk about how… Read more "#086 – Personal Privacy"

  • #085 – Cancer ‘Cures’ and Cannabis


    Myles and James are joined for a totally wizard podcast by Vicky Foster. Vicky is an advocate and active cancer researcher. Why haven’t we cured cancer, what… Read more "#085 – Cancer ‘Cures’ and Cannabis"

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