Podcast for the Modern Nerd!
#123 – Encryption and the FBI
03/04/2016This episode was recorded prior to the FBI ‘breaking’ their way into the phone. Encryption is a staple of our modern world. Used in almost everyone day to day lives. It provides protection from malicious acts, lately governments have shown a wilful lack of understanding around the importance of encryption, the nerds are joined by […]
#122 – Victorian Charlatans
27/03/2016This week the nerds go back in time to the Victorian era to talk about the modern birth of spiritualism and seances. How were ghosts spooky before online video showed them moving tables and floating out of focus on night vision films? Do modern mediums share any of the same tricks are their ancestors? Download […]
#121 – So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed on the Internet
20/03/2016Shame is the new stocks, recently we have seen an apparent increase in public shaming driving by twitter mobs and social media. What does this shame accomplish and why do so many people partake? The news read Jon Ronson’s latests book on the topic and talk over their thoughts on his book and the wider […]
#120 – Bad PR
13/03/2016What is wrong with the news? A recurring nerd joins us again in the form of Michael Marshall to talk how the News is flooded by PR statements, often pretending to be science. Download Podcast
#119 – Thrive Review
06/03/2016The nerds watched the 2011 film Thrive, something of a clip show for long time listeners as this film touches almost ever single topic covered on TLoNS… Read more "#119 – Thrive Review"
#118 – Zika Virus & Conspiracies
28/02/2016The nerds talk through some of the recent conspiracies surrounding the outbreak of Zika virus in Southern America. From GMO experiments in population control to a pesticide… Read more "#118 – Zika Virus & Conspiracies"
#117 – Don’t Cry Wolfe
21/02/2016The Nerds are joined this week by the wonderful Kavin Senapathy, Forbes contributor, Author of Fearbade, Grounded parents, March against myths and finally Shill for tinyARgo. What are we talking about? Well the quite frankly bizarre beliefs of David Avocado Wolfe. Download Podcast
#116 – I Origins Movie review
14/02/2016The Nerds put on their critic hats once again to take a long… long look at the 2014 film I Origins. A film which the director stated… Read more "#116 – I Origins Movie review"
#115 – Homeopathy on The NHS
07/02/2016Myles and James are joined this week by Michael Marsh from the Good Thinking Society and Skeptics with a K to discuss the on going campaign to stop wasting limited money on a something which has been shown not to work. Marsh and the Good Thinking Society have been instrumental in forcing local funding boards […]
#114 – Gun Control and the 2nd Amendment
31/01/2016The Nerds are once again joined by C0nc0rdance to carry on the discussion of Gun control. If we have to have guns how and where should they… Read more "#114 – Gun Control and the 2nd Amendment"
#113 – Gun Control
24/01/2016GUNS! The nerds are joined by C0nc0dance to talk about guns and gun control. Is there a solution to the issue? Is there even an issue? C0nc0dance… Read more "#113 – Gun Control"
#112 – Noah’s Ark Found? Reviewed
17/01/2016Myles is left alone with Buck this week while James dies of the flu. Left to their own devices they decided to watch a goat snuff film. Noah’s Ark found? is a documentary tracing the ‘discovery’ of Noah’s Ark by Ron E. Wyatt a real life Indiana Jones wannabe. Contains Star Wars spoilers some how… […]
#111 – Advertising and Outrage
10/01/2016The Nerds try to talk about advertising and how constructed outrage is used to push products and ideas. From ‘Science’ stories that are really adverts to PR companies asking to advertise on science videos. We also take a trip into the psyche of Myles Power. Apologies for James’s terrible audio he is an idiot who […]
#110 – Zombies and Outbreaks
03/01/2016Zombie and outbreak movies this week! The nerds turn their eyes onto to the genera with the help of Ross Balch. They explore some of the science behind the movies while James apparently starts working out how exactly to make a zombie virus. Download Podcast
#109 – Climate Change
27/12/2015Ho Ho Ho, it is Christmas but Nerds care not for this time of joy and goodwill, no! It may be the season for snow and winter cheer but outside it is unseasonably warm! Is it just weather or Climate Change? Will Santa’s Grotto soon be a floating workshop? Myles and James are joined by […]
#108 – The Burzynski Clinic
20/12/2015In the state of Texas a clinic offers what some might call a miracle cure for cancer. The man behind this clinic is Dr Burzynski who claims to have discovered an underlying physiological difference between cancer patients and healthy people. Using quite frankly backward logic he has been opening ‘clinical trials’ using molecules he identified. […]
#107 – The Human Experiment
13/12/2015CHEMICALS! Run, run as far as you can you can’t get away from chemicals. Myles, James and the Irish wonderlad Buck watched ‘The Human experiment’ a 2010 documentary trying to expose the evils of chemicals. This movie is not aimed at people with a sense about chemistry or what chemicals actually are. Swinging between consumer […]
#106 – Who Shot JFK
06/12/2015JFK; one of histories greatest conspiracies, polls show that a majority of people believe that the ‘official’ story is fabricated to hide the involvement of another organisation. Did Lee Harvey Oswald act alone who was behind the grassy knoll, Myles, James and the interminable Buck explore the depths of conspiracies surrounding the assassination. Who do […]
#105 – The New Oprah Order
29/11/2015Are you sleeping sheeple? There is a dark mystery surrounding organic food and marketing. A trail that goes all the way to the top. Myles and James explore the rabbit hole of dubious connections between people in the anti-gmo movement. What do these people gain, who do we find if we follow the money? Download […]
#104.5 – Veganism and Food Sustainability
25/11/2015EXTRA EXTRA read all about it! Due to some technical issues this podcast was not up to our normal quality so we decided instead of binning it we thought we would make it an extra. With that in mind, Myles and James were joined with Diana to talk about the vegan lifestyle and food sustainability. […]