Dr. Tommy Show

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 114:33:42
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Concierge medicine specialists tackle everything from Obamacare to Breaking Bad in this one-of-a-kind podcast. America's Free Market Doctor Tommy McElroy and co-host Tracy McElroy cover free market medicine, politics, news, music, movies, and more.


  • 2000 Mules Review, Killers and Gun Banners, Collapsing Covid Narratives, Biden's America Sucks,

    03/06/2022 Duration: 43min

    Broadcasting from the Free State where we are still subject to the sucky conditions of Biden's America. What happens when low to medium wage workers can't afford to live where you need them? Elon Musk and Jamie Dimon know and it's ain't good. 2000 Mules shows you just how organized the 2020 Democrat machine was during elections in swing states. Riddle me this, how did Joe Biden who nobody ever thought should be president outside of his immediate family, do better than Barrack Obama in swing districts, yet did much poorer in Democrat strongholds like California and New York? The answer is here. Should we ban bump stocks or just get rid of the 2nd Amendment. Michael Moore is at least intellectually honest when he calls for outright ban compared to these politicians who exploit death out of greed and avarice, or are just completely clueless about violence and guns. Covid narratives continue to take a hit while the Govt is getting ready to inject you children under 5 with the "Emergency Use Authorized" mRNA s

  • Double Digit Gas, Will Obama "Finish the Job" on US, Proxy War with Russia, Elon's Plan, Hate Crimes

    20/05/2022 Duration: 37min

    Tunnel to Towers is set to build a Let's Do Good Village right up the road from our office here in the Free State of Florida. T2T.org builds homes and pays off mortgages of ignored and deceased service members and first responders. Gas prices may get to $6 this summer according to JP Morgan. Some pumps in Washington are adding room for double digit gas prices. Another benefit of living in Biden's America where Obama's people are back to "finish the job" on America. There are hate crimes, then there are Hate Crimes. The only hate crimes that politicians care about involve white perpetrators. When you have non-white hate crimes, they could care less. Because they are....politicians. Did Elon Musk plan the "purchase of Twitter" as a way to take it down? Musk is pausing his purchase of the sewer-like social media company after questioning whether the 5% bots figure Twitter reported is actually true. Time will tell if he really wants Twitter or whether he wants to destroy it. Hopefully it's the latter. One yea

  • Chapelle Attacked, 2000 Mules, $0 Min Wage, Behar Sex Strike, Roe v. Wade, WHCD Covid Spreader Event

    06/05/2022 Duration: 44min

    From the Free State we broadcast in video and audio, for your convenience. Dave Chapelle gets attacked and attacker is transitioned into human pretzel. 2000 Mules documentary proports to show how Joe Biden was able to campaign from his basement yet still get enough votes in certain key precincts to win the 2020 Presidential Election. Using cell phone data the documentary tracks "mules" as they take ballots from "safe houses" to various ballot drop boxes across these key precincts. Virtual premiere May 7th at 2000mules.com Former mafia capo of the Columbo family, Michael Franzese and conservative/libertarian Larry Elder discuss the minimum wage and we do too. Roe v. Wade opinion leaked and Joy Behar wants a sex strike to combat the coming ruling. Congress strikes language from bill to give abortion rights to "transgender men, non-binary individuals" and others. Now that's not inclusive! White House Correspondents Dinner Superspreader event. What this means for the vaccine mandate proponents. A bunch of el

  • Melanoma Monday, Looming Recession, Vaccine Hypocrisy, Musk Madness, Disney Hypocrisy, EV Fantasy

    28/04/2022 Duration: 38min

    Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Today we announce a free skin cancer screening for Melanoma Monday at Echelon-Health. The economy is contracting. Is it time to plant gardens and buy chickens and rabbits? Kamala Harris has Covid despite four mRNA shots. And she's taking an antiviral. And she has no symptoms. Something doesn't add up. Why are we still calling them vaccines when THEY DON'T PREVENT COVID? Leftists fear Musk will allow free speech on Twitter. That's actually no what they say. They fear he will allow things they don't agree with or may hurt their feelings to be said. In their minds, that's free speech--controlling what you can and can't say. Sickos. WH wants more of your tax $ for better Covid vaccines. When will they corporatist grab ever end? Disney Co. says DeSantis' Parental Rights Law is doubleplus ungood, yet is expanding its streaming services in to countries that outlaw (and even execute) homosexual individuals.

  • Musk To Get Twitter?, Deadly Tik Tok Art, At War with Russia, Philly Mask unMandate, McCarthy Caught

    25/04/2022 Duration: 22min

    Reports are that a Musk buyout of Twitter is imminent. What does this mean for Lefties and Truth Social? Two Tik Tok'ers are dead after trying a risky new social media art trend called Fractal Burning. Santa Rosa Sheriff Bob Johnson urges homeowners to take gun safety classes so they can more effectively shoot intruders that break in to their home, saving taxpayers $. He is now a finalist for the Grady Judd Quote of the Year Award for Florida Sheriffs. Philly changes their tune on masking after less than a week. This is how trust in Public Health erodes. US digs in against Russia in the Ukraine war. Again, what is the end game? Bueller, Bueller, anyone? Kevin McCarthy was planning to advise Trump to resign in the aftemath of Jan. 6 according to leaked audio. This is not surprising since McCarthy is from the same group as Paul Ryan and Eric Cantor, the so-called Young Guns of Conservatism. You see how that turned out. Climate activist dies after setting himself on fire on the Supreme Court Plaza. How muc

  • Gerrymandering, Trans Surgery for Kids, Tax Breaks for Disney, Our Russia War, CDC Neutered

    22/04/2022 Duration: 32min

    Broadcasting from the Free State of Florida. Florida has the trifecta of conservatism/anti-leftism: eliminates tax breaks for woke Disney, strikes down CDC masking rules, and stands against transgender surgery on minors. Biden makes it official, we are at war with Russia. With the commitment to fund the Ukrainian army to the tune of $800 million we have now entered the active phase of the war. What is the Biden team's expectation of a "win." Most likely they haven't got one. Sun Tzu would not approve. Rhode Island flexes its authoritarian muscles with a bill that punishes the parents of unvaccinated children with taxes and fines, insuring there will be a tight competition for S-hole State of Year. "Unqualified" judge Kathryn Kimball Mizelle is a hero who struck down the overreach of the CDC with a beautiful 52 page opinion. Too bad the ABA thinks she is unqualified, but then again who cares what they think. CNN+ cancelled by Warner Bros. after short-lived streaming life. Is CNN itself next? John Kasich

  • Rabid DC Fox, Gun Control Theatre, Teen Mental Health Not Good, Ditching College, Woke College Fail

    08/04/2022 Duration: 37min

    There was a fox running wild in DC biting people. Now it is learned the fox had rabies. What you need to know. Joe Biden pushes gun control laws following Sacramento shooting. Only problem is he is pushing laws that ALREADY EXIST THERE. They always do this. CDC says teen mental health in decline due to lockdowns, Covid, etc. They do not say what part they had to play in it though. Fauci reverses course, says there will be a surge in the fall. That means obviously there won't be a surge because he is wrong so often. But then again a couple of weeks ago he was saying there WOULD NOT be a surge, so who knows with this guy. Stay tuned. Is college worth it? College enrollment is down 21.7 percent. That is probably a good thing. More people need to be learning a trade rather than a BS in BS. Oberlin College has to pay millions for defaming a bakery, calling it a racist bakery. There is some justice in this world. DoctorTommy.com/podcast

  • DeSantis Unbeatable, Why Will Smith is Mad, CA Infanticide, Govt ❤️ Big Pharma, Telehealth Downfall

    31/03/2022 Duration: 41min

    Broadcasting from the Free State where Gov. DeSantis is beating potenital Dem challengers Nikki Fried and Charlie Crist like a couple of rented mules, according to a new St. Leo University poll. Did Will Smith take out his anger over.being in an "open marriage" on Chris Rock. It looks like it when you look back to his memoir and interviews about his marriage. There is a new bill moving through the CA legislature that will remove shield those involved in "perinatal death" from prosecution. This is a See I Told You So moment from Dr. Tommy. We also discussed physician assisted suicide and palliative care. Palliative care is vastly underutilized in our opinion. Did you know the federal government makes big money off pharmaceuticals? RFK Jr's book The Real Anthony Fauci covers these little known facts and much, much more. How do you like telehealth? Turns out 51% of doctors and nurses aren't sold on it, and either are we. Some patients like it, but what happens to the level of care when you can't touch a pa

  • DeSantis For the People, Airlines Over Covid, Fauci, SCOTUS, The Virtues of Colorblindness

    24/03/2022 Duration: 29min

    Free State Gov. Ron DeSantis signs bill requiring some level of financial literacy to graduate high school in Florida. Also the "Don't Groom Kids" bill moves forward despite howls of protest from the left. Airlines send Biden a letter saying, "Let's get over this Covid crap rules" in essence. As Govt and Big Business moves away from their Covid fixation, Dr. Fauci arises, like a groundhog, from his burrow to predict....no more Covid surges. Which of course means to regular people, Expect More Covid Surges because he is generally wrong about everything Covid. Don't believe me, just ask Dr. Rand Paul who we also discuss. SCOTUS nominee Ketanji Brown Jackson faces questions about her light sentencing of child porn offenders by....a white senator. Is this racist? Well first we have to look back and say was it racist when then Sen. Joseph R. Biden did it to Bush nominees? What is the importance of skin color, sexual organs, and sexual habits in determining a person's character. Dr. Tommy weighs in. DoctorTommy

  • Free Jussie, Biden's Brain, Sewer Covid, Constitutional Carry, Lockdown Amnesia, Predatory Dentist

    18/03/2022 Duration: 42min

    Jussie Smollett if a free man.....for now. Hate Crime Hoax Artist, Jussie Smollett of the TV show Empire fame, is out on bail. The justice system works! If Joe Biden a pilot would you fly on his plane? If Joe Biden was an accountant would you let him do your taxes? If he was your grandfather would you let him go on a long drive, alone? If you say yes, then you might think that his claim that the "first lady's husband" has Covid was nothing but a flub. But deep down, do you think he is fit to be POTUS? Sewer data shows a surge in Covid virus in people's....well you know. Does this mean we are in for another Covid spike? And if so, will the former lockdown aficionados who are afraid of getting smoked in the 2022 elections stick by their recent change of heart re: lockdowns, masks, vaccine mandates? Ohio becomes a Constitutional Carry state. The US Constitution is your permit if you live in one of these states. When will the Free State of Florida follow suit? A dentist who drilled his own patient's teeth t

  • Desantis Over Mask Theater, Woke Corp Drops Mandate, Charlie Crist Chameleon, Ukraine War

    03/03/2022 Duration: 44min

    Direct from the Free State we tackle the Desantis "bullying" controversy. Parents are aghast that Desantis doesn't want parents to decide whether their children wear masks....huh? Govt sources say Covid cases likely more than double than official numbers. Wow that's shocking news! Robber done in by his Nike Slave Shoes and Tik Tok. A man named Chozen gets caught after getting identified by his fancy shoes. Ukraine and the war like no other. Limited outrage, slow roll by the Vlad, and predicted weeks in advance on national TV, repeatedly. What the hell is going on in this Russia-Ukraine war? The standard bearer of Woke Corporations, Google, drops its vaccine mandate. WTH? How are we supposed to get past Covid with all these right-wing moves by companies like Google. Thankfully the unvaccinated still have to mask up, because you know if you're vaccinated....you can't get Covid? That's what Joe Biden told me. https://DoctorTommy.com/podcast

  • Following the Science on Masks and Vaccines, Laundrie Autopsy, Vit D for Covid, Vaccine Myocarditis

    18/02/2022 Duration: 36min

    It's planting time in the free state of Florida. See what you can grow with the Florida Vegetable Gardening Guide (https://edis.ifas.ufl.edu/pdf%5CVH%5CVH021%5CVH021-Dk6jmncj9h.pdf) Disney parks says no more masking for the unvaccinated, in most cases. Newflash: Vaccinated people can and do get coronavirus! Brian Laundrie skeletal remains "autopsy" show a single gunshot wound to the temple was cause of death. Isreali study shows that Vitamin D deficiency a risk factor for severe illness. US Govt still says not enough evidence to recommend Vitamin D for Covid treatment or prevention. Autopsy of two teens who died after Covid-19 vaccination had hearts that looked like those of the "Broken Heart Syndrome" aka Takotsubo cardiomyopathy or Broken Heart Syndrome. FDA official caught on Project Veritas hidden camera giving up the goods on the FDA and vaccine makers. News, current events, pop culture, and more. DoctorTommy.com/podcast

  • PCP Shortage, Convoy Man Bad, Biden Crack Pipes, Vaccines and Hearts

    12/02/2022 Duration: 28min

    A survey of physicians says federal government needs to do more to increased the number of primary care physicians. Haven't they done enough already to cause this shortage? Trudeau and GoFundMe attacking the Freedom Convoy because their protest is causing disruption and may be violent. Now protests are bad huh? Joe Biden sending crack pipes to minorities because.....racial equity? US Gov't considers increasing time between Covid vaccine doses due to myocarditis cases, especially in young men. How many routine vaccinations have had this same thing happen?

  • Jeff Zucker Done at CNN, Biden to Cure Cancer, Rogan Targeted by White House, Metaverse Mayhem

    02/02/2022 Duration: 39min

    In this broadcast from the Free State of Florida we talk about Covid lockdowns and how some at Johns Hopkins think they are a bad idea. Why didn't I think of that? Joe Rogan faces off against aging hippies and aging politicians. Emoji's now more woke than before: pregnant man icon available. Jeff Zucker, grand poobah at CNN, quits before he gets fired by AT&T. Apparently he was engaging in things that lots of media elites do, but got caught. CDC release report that incidence of Covid in LA County higher among "fully vaccinated" than unvaccinated, with those with boosters suffering the least. What happens after you get vaccinated that makes you more likely to get Covid than an unvaccinated person as this data seems to imply? Finally, Joe Biden pledges to end cancer, again.

  • Now You're Vaccinated, Now You're Not, mRNA Triple Shot, Mask Madness at Gonzaga, Must Watch TV

    25/01/2022 Duration: 36min

    CDC changes its tune on when you are "fully vaccinated" to now being "up to date." Maybe by this time next year up to date will mean 8 boosters. Gonzaga bans HOF point guard alum John Stockton from games because he won't wear a mask....tsk, tsk. Ready for your triple mRNA booster next year? Moderna is preparing a combo flu, covid, RSV shot and he wants to make sure you get it, even if it takes some gentle coaxing, wink, wink. Fed Govt withdraws EUA for the monoclonal antibody treatments closing multiple sites here in the Free State of Florida. They say its because it doesn't work against Omicron. Get your covid vaccine though because it does work against.....ah never mind. TV News: Yellowstone, 1883, Tim McGraw as an actor, Dexter New Blood has mixed recommendation from Tracy and Tommy (

  • SCOTUS Says Down with Vaccine Mandate, Bill Gates' Vaccine Revelation, Yellowstone Kills

    14/01/2022 Duration: 37min

    Today from the Free State of Florida we discuss the SCOTUS ruling on vaccine mandates. We also learn from Bill Gates that the vaccines may not be all that. What happened to that baby in Afghanistan? What's the best show on TV today? We discuss Yellowstone and Dexter New Blood

  • Breakthrough Cases Explode, Flurona Arise, Infected or Unvaxxed, Which is Better

    06/01/2022 Duration: 56min

    The Doctor Tommy Show is broadcast from the free state of Florida. News, analysis, and entertainment for indepedent thinkers. DoctorTommy.com/podcast

  • Medicare 4 All, Diversity is Conformity, Natural Law Rights - Dr. Tommy Show

    01/03/2019 Duration: 33min

    How Big Govt keeps people at each other's throats to give them 'rights' like healthcare, free daycare, and other goodies. Song of the Week - The Rump - Junior Kimbrough Concierge medicine specialists tackle everything from Obamacare to Breaking Bad in this one-of-a-kind podcast. The most listened concierge medicine podcast in America is hosted by Dr. Tommy and Tracy McElroy. Dr. Tommy is the founder of Echelon-Health which provides concierge medicine, fitness, and nutrition services to those living in greater Tampa, Florida. Dr. Tommy TV: https://www.youtube.com/c/askdrtommy Echelon-Health YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Echelonhealth Echelon-Health Concierge Medicine: http://doctortommy.com Dr. Tommy Online: http://doctortommy.com/drtommyshow/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/tampadirectcare Echelon-Health Facebook: https://facebook.com/tampadirectcare Dr. Tommy Facebook: https://facebook.com/askdrtommy

  • Medicare For All Lunacy, Healthcare Bastardization, Big Govt - Dr. Tommy Show

    15/02/2019 Duration: 35min

    If you believe Govt can fix poverty and the climate, you probably believe that can fix healthcare too. What happens when the administrators take over medicine? The costs go up and you become a provider. Song of the Week - Rockabye Baby - Schism Concierge medicine specialists tackle everything from Obamacare to Breaking Bad in this one-of-a-kind podcast. The most listened concierge medicine podcast in America is hosted by Dr. Tommy and Tracy McElroy. Dr. Tommy is the founder of Echelon-Health which provides concierge medicine, fitness, and nutrition services to those living in greater Tampa, Florida. Dr. Tommy TV: https://www.youtube.com/c/askdrtommy Echelon-Health YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Echelonhealth Echelon-Health Concierge Medicine: http://doctortommy.com Dr. Tommy Online: http://doctortommy.com/drtommyshow/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/tampadirectcare Echelon-Health Facebook: https://facebook.com/tampadirectcare Dr. Tommy Facebook: https://facebook.com/askdrtommy

  • Climate Change Thoughtcrime, Taxes for Buses, Shutdown Theater - Dr. Tommy Show

    24/01/2019 Duration: 22min

    Tampa taxes its citizens millions for buses that run empty. If you don't believe in Climate Change are you just wrong or something much worse, lets ask Alyssa Milano. Health sharing ministries work well with concierge medicine and DPC. Mango Salsa Recipe - https://cookieandkate.com/2015/fresh-mango-salsa-recipe/ Song of the Week - Midnight Special - Leadbelly Concierge medicine specialists tackle everything from Obamacare to Breaking Bad in this one-of-a-kind podcast. The most listened concierge medicine podcast in America is hosted by Dr. Tommy and Tracy McElroy. Dr. Tommy is the founder of Echelon-Health which provides concierge medicine, fitness, and nutrition services to those living in greater Tampa, Florida. Dr. Tommy TV: https://www.youtube.com/c/askdrtommy Echelon-Health YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/Echelonhealth Echelon-Health Concierge Medicine: http://doctortommy.com Dr. Tommy Online: http://doctortommy.com/drtommyshow/ Twitter: https://twitter.com/tampadirectcare Echelon-Health Fac

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