Dr. Tommy Show

Chapelle Attacked, 2000 Mules, $0 Min Wage, Behar Sex Strike, Roe v. Wade, WHCD Covid Spreader Event



From the Free State we broadcast in video and audio, for your convenience. Dave Chapelle gets attacked and attacker is transitioned into human pretzel. 2000 Mules documentary proports to show how Joe Biden was able to campaign from his basement yet still get enough votes in certain key precincts to win the 2020 Presidential Election. Using cell phone data the documentary tracks "mules" as they take ballots from "safe houses" to various ballot drop boxes across these key precincts. Virtual premiere May 7th at 2000mules.com Former mafia capo of the Columbo family, Michael Franzese and conservative/libertarian Larry Elder discuss the minimum wage and we do too. Roe v. Wade opinion leaked and Joy Behar wants a sex strike to combat the coming ruling. Congress strikes language from bill to give abortion rights to "transgender men, non-binary individuals" and others. Now that's not inclusive! White House Correspondents Dinner Superspreader event. What this means for the vaccine mandate proponents. A bunch of el