A soap box for all things scientific, with short talks about research, industry and policy from people with something thoughtful to say about science.
Kids deserve the chance to play with mathematics
01/09/2018 Duration: 13minWe need to encourage creativity and playfulness in Australia's young students ... if they're to solve the world's future problems.
Trapped in one of the world's deepest caves
25/08/2018 Duration: 11minYou're a kilometre into an intricate network of caves and the water is rising fast … what next?
Understanding change in marine ecosystems: a grand challenge for science
18/08/2018 Duration: 14minThe future of our oceans depends on it.
Disasters are not natural
11/08/2018 Duration: 10minWe often call them 'natural disasters' — things like cyclones, bushfires and floods. But how 'natural' are they?
Fake boob news
04/08/2018 Duration: 10minScience communicator Dr Chloe Warren sleuths for a study — widely reported in the media — that "bras make breasts sag faster."
Let the bacteria live
28/07/2018 Duration: 09minAmid constant marketing calls for bacteria to be stopped, killed, wiped out — is there another way?
The pursuit of perfect private parts
21/07/2018 Duration: 11minMen and women are increasingly reporting dissatisfaction with their genital appearance — so what do we do about it?
Awe-inspiring weather with Nate Byrne
14/07/2018 Duration: 10minABC News Breakfast weather presenter Nate Byrne loves the weather — and he wants you to love it too.
Feminism, science, love — the shaping of Wonder Woman
07/07/2018 Duration: 11minThe classic Wonder Woman comics are credited to a Charles Moulton. But that's a pseudonym.
Dude, where's my flying car?
30/06/2018 Duration: 11minThe dream — and the promise of endless science fiction novels — is a personalised flying car that can go wherever you please.
Concussion: not just a 'bit of biffo'
23/06/2018 Duration: 11minConcussion is not a simple condition played out in a matter of days or weeks following the initial trauma, argues Emeritus Professor Roger Rees.
The hope (and hype) of stem cells
16/06/2018 Duration: 11minBeyond the realm of research, there is a growing commercial 'stem cell' industry founded not on evidence but on the promise of success.
When algorithms go shopping
09/06/2018 Duration: 09minWhat's your shopping habit? And could computing power help tweak it?
Retraining your tastebuds
02/06/2018 Duration: 11minTaste starts in the womb … and you can train it.
Venturing to a breakaway iceberg
26/05/2018 Duration: 11minIt's been said we know more about the back side of the moon than we do about parts of the Earth's oceans.
We need a little less conversation, a little more action
19/05/2018 Duration: 11minAre we experiencing a nationwide bout of semantic satiation when it comes to the phrase innovation?
The tricky business of cancer research
12/05/2018 Duration: 12minDr Fiona Simpson has spent her life working to create drugs that can treat deadly cancers.
Clean coal?
05/05/2018 Duration: 10minTruly clean coal technology is not a myth, argues University of Newcastle chemical engineering researcher Dr Jessica Allen.
Using virtual reality to explore your insides
28/04/2018 Duration: 11minYou can use virtual reality to stand next to a dinosaur or wander into Van Gogh's kitchen and inspect his famous chair. But what about seeing inside your own body?
The brilliant mind of Oliver Sacks
21/04/2018 Duration: 11minNeuroscience PhD student Samuel Mills reflects — and shares a few stories about the brilliant neurologist and author — at Melbourne's Laborastory.