A soap box for all things scientific, with short talks about research, industry and policy from people with something thoughtful to say about science.
A teacher changed my life
08/07/2017 Duration: 11minSome teachers are hard to forget, as Bodhi Hardinge has found.
Scotland, camping, and pesky ticks
01/07/2017 Duration: 12minProfessor John Bradshaw reminisces on a romantic camping trip – disrupted by an infestation of ticks.
Connecting people with science
24/06/2017 Duration: 10minIn today’s post-fact, post-truth world, how do scientists engage with everybody in the general public — not just the ones who are already listening?
The relics of scientists
17/06/2017 Duration: 10minHow is it that philosopher Jeremy Bentham attends senate meetings at University College London, almost two centuries after his demise?
The march of pseudoscience
10/06/2017 Duration: 09minAre scientists and the scientific method being replaced by the misinformation of pseudoscience, new-age therapies and quantum mysticism?
Solving humanity's greatest risk
03/06/2017 Duration: 11minHumanity is up against enormous challenges, says science writer Julian Cribb. So what could be the key to survival?
Vulnerable animals and private land
27/05/2017 Duration: 12minThe ANU's Dr George Wilson has long been worried about the way our animals are disappearing from the landscape. Could market forces play a role in conservation?
Plants in the southern hemisphere
20/05/2017 Duration: 13minThe southern continents were once united as the supercontinent Gondwana, but does this explain the links between the plants of the southern hemisphere? Dr Barbara Briggs travelled to Madagascar to find out.