The Jesus Christ Show airs every Sunday morning from 8-11 a.m. on KFI AM 640. Tune in to find out why the young and old from all over the world listen for answers to life's toughest questions. Hosted by Jesus Christ and produced by Neil Saavedra.
You Are A Pagan
27/10/2019 Duration: 01h33minHalloween. A pagan ritual day to some, a day of candy to others. Like many thigs that surrounds your life in this world and your faith. When it comes to Halloween there is some controversy. But is it necessary.
20/10/2019 Duration: 01h36minFaith. The word appears in the new testement 307 times. It's one of the first things stated by a person who claims to be a christian. They talk about their faith. But what is that faith. What is that part of your christianity. Your belief system that separates you that's different from others. Your faith is not what some have called blind.
29/09/2019 Duration: 01h37minWhen you look at something counterfit. The purpose of it is to appear to be something genuine. What comes to mind first is money. Here you have something of value, thats been authorized and has a seal of approval on it. But when you have a counterfit. You have something that is so close to the original. That it is difficult to tell. But in every case there is something that is large enough that will stand out for you to tell the difference between that which is real and that which is counterfit.
22/09/2019 Duration: 01h38minJames 4:14 says that you don't know what will happen to you tomorrow. For what is life, It is even a vapor that appears for a little time and then vanishes away. Putting that off what you should do today only delays the inevitable. You are someone that's wants to succeed, progress, help, inspire, all these things in life. If you don't pratice that daily. If you don't find ways daily to participate in life. To help someone. To care for someone. To share insight. There's no guarantee you'll be able to tomorrow.
Change Will Happen In Life
15/09/2019 Duration: 01h33minChange is going to happen in life. It will come in many froms and ways. And enter your life through front doors, back doors, and windows. And you can choose to be on the side of fear. Running from any sort of change in your life. Or you can embrace it and seek the things that God has for you in those changes.
Is Religion The Cause Of Wars
08/09/2019 Duration: 01h32minIt's a common assertion that religion is at the heart of most wars. Can this really be true. Is religion the cause of much of the worlds violence and destruction. It seems that way on the surface. Wars have that element in it and that can not be denied. But I assure you that is not the case. Regardless of that simplistic apperrance.