Pista De Fusta

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 351:54:01
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El músic català que més en sap de música de ball es posa al davant dels plats per estimular el ball en una pista imaginària de fusta, com les d'abans. Dissabtes i diumenges, de 20.00 a 22.00


  • Pista amb vistes al mar

    07/01/2025 Duration: 01h04s

    De la cúmbia a les caixes de ritmes fosques, de Mèxic DF a la Garriga. La pista balla al món, i obrim amb la nova cançó marinera electrònica de Yann Tiersen. 01 Yann Tiersen - "Ninnog at sea" 02 Nyron Higor - "São só palavras (feat. Bruno Berle & Alici Sol)" 03 DJ Birth Defects - "Correr sin parar" 04 Gitkin - "Cumbia-ya" 05 Tom Misch -"Colorblind feat. Loyle Carner" 06 Kanako Yamamoto - "Reason (Bonobo rework) 07 Killer Mike, Offset & Blxst - "Exit 9 (scenic route)" 08 MISS C-LINE & Berlin Lama - "U don't want it (feat. Andi Allenbach)" 09 Snoop Dogg & Dr. Dre - "Thank you" 10 Cypress Hill - "Loco en el coco (Insane in the brain)" 11 Fuji? - "Magika" 12 Ziege Und Igel - "Love to love" 13 Blow Monkeys - "Save me (Neville Watsons's dub)" 14 H31R - "Backwards remix ft. Goya Gumbani Deem Spencer Fatboi Sharif Desde)" 15 Le Group Fantastique - "Dance like nobody's watching" 16 Demian Nada - "Ghost rider (Svicide tribute)" 17 Efemanáatico - "Efemaniatico" 18 The Dhol Foundation - "Big drum small world"

  • Regals de Reis

    06/01/2025 Duration: 01h05s

    Escoltem clàssics com qui obre regals del dia de Reis. La trobada mensual amb les cançons de tots els temps del teu programa favorit. 01 Dana - "All kinds of everything" 02 Webby Jay - "In the rain" 03 Djavan - "Fato consumado" 04 Bo Diddley - "Sixteen tons" 05 Robert Parker - "Barefootin'" 06 Colleen Grant - "Latin parang" 07 Denis & Denis- "Ja sam lazljiva" 08 Change - "Paradise" 09 Chic - "Chic mystique (MAW radio mix with rap)" 10 Plustwo - "Melody (feat. Belen Thomas)" 11 Tokio - "You can't stop this game" 12 Imperials - "Fast Freddie the roller disco king" 13 Hollis P. Monroe - "I'm lonely" 14 Pulp - "Sheffield: sex city" 15 Cybotron - "Clear (Jose "Animal" Diaz remix)"

  • El clàssic : "The raw and the cooked", de Fine Young Cannibals (1988)

    03/01/2025 Duration: 01h05s

    El segon disc dels caníbals va arrasar el planeta amb una combinació perfecta de pop, soul i dance music. Insuperable. 01 Fine Young Cannibals - "She drives me crazy" 02 Fine Young Cannibals - "Good thing" 03 Fine Young Cannibals - "I'm not the man I used to be" 04 Fine Young Cannibals - "I'm not satisfied" 05 Fine Young Cannibals - "Tell me what" 06 Fine Young Cannibals - "Don't look back" 07 Fine Young Cannibals - "It's ok (It's alright)" 08 Fine Young Cannibals - "Don't let it get you down" 09 Fine Young Cannibals - "As hard as it is" 10 Fine Young Cannibals - "Ever fallen in love" 11 The Akrylykz - "J.D." 12 The Beat - "Hands off... She's mine" 13 Fine Young Cannibals - "Love for sale" 14 Fine Young Cannibals - "Suspicious minds" 15 Fine Young Cannibals - "Johnny come home" 16 Two Men A Drum Machine And A Trumpet - "I'm tired of getting pushed around" 17 Fine Young Cannibals - "She drives me crazy (Phunk Phenomenon mix)"

  • Una tapadora

    02/01/2025 Duration: 01h08s

    El saló d'ungles de Culk amaga alguna cosa pertorbadora, i els llums foscos de la pista també. Mons imaginaris on ballar amb foscor i estranys. Bona trama, oi? 01 Culk & Wolf Lehmann - "Nail salon" 02 Natalia Nurumkhamedova - "Nashi ssori (our quarrels)" 03 Happy Mondays - "Loose fit (Greg Wilson & Ché Wilson remix)" 04 Fernando - "Search of Indigo (PM remix) 05 Planetself - "You plus me (Osunlade remix)" 06 Eliana Pittman - "Quem vai querer (Aroop Roy rework)" 07 Parcels - "Leaveyourlove (with Robert Owens, Tobi Neumann)" 08 Kingpin Cartel - "Long dark soul of the night" 09 F.I.D.E.L - "All about love" 10 Violeta - "Palmas y desamores" 11 Stig Wollek - "Night driver" 12 LNR - "Work it to the bone" 13 Maxwell JS - "Virgin men" 14 Jameson - "King of the bongo" 15 Caribou - "Broke my heart"

  • Àrea de descans

    01/01/2025 Duration: 01h06s

    El primer dia de l'any, la pista et proposa bàlsams després dels excessos. Cançons sanadores, amb poc rebombori. Només bellesa. 01 Bellzzz - "Plastic unicorns" 02 Cici Arthur - "All so incredible" 03 Salvator Dragatto - "Villano" 04 Kelly Finnigan - "It hurts me so much" 05 Cal Tjader - "Ode to the Beat Generation" 06 Terry Hall & Sinead O'Connor - "All kinds of everything" 07 Vashti Bunyan - "Train song" 08 Trinka - "Dois no ilê" 09 Hidrogenesse - "Volver" 10 Gospel Travelers - "Jesus is watching you" 11 Pleasure Seekers - "Fantaship" 12 Gwen McRae - "90% of me is you" 13 Thee Heart Tones - "Need something more" 14 Albertine Sarges - "Motherless universe" 15 Kendrick Lamar - "peekaboo (feat. azchike)" 16 Caixa Cubo - "Costa Cordoba" 17 Víctor Coyote - "Si te falta calle" 18 dot - "begin again"

  • Pista de Fusta Còctel Club

    31/12/2024 Duration: 01h06s

    Com cada any, fem el primer aperitiu a la pista tot esperant la gran nit. Vestits de gala i amb ganes de gresca. 01 Thee Heart Tones - "Sabor a mi" 02 Julius Wechter & The Baja Marimba Band - "Along come Mary" 03 Joel Sarakula - "Authenticity" 04 Jake Isaac & Otis Kane & Braxton Cook - "Ever yours" 05 The Valentinos - "Sweeter than the day before" 06 Joubert Singers - "Stand on the word (Larry Levan mix)" 07 Mavis Staples - "Worthy" 08 Cimafunk - Pretty (King Bassy remix)" 09 Chicha Libre - "Tequila! (feat. Son Rompe Pera)" 10 Yeahman - "Bad time for cumbia (P-Money & Gappy Ranks-Baddest remix) 11 Cor.Ece & Bad Colours - "Mars (feat. Life on Planets)" 12 Micky Milan - "Quando tu dances (Willie Graff edit)" 13 Karen Young - "Hot shot (Dave Lee fka Joey Negro Sure Shot mix)" 14 Masters At Work - "To be in love feat. India (Block & Crown Garage Bump)" 15 Sonic Soul Orchestra - "Sueño latino feat. Mishell Ivon & Mr V" 16 Jimmy Smith - "Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? (part1)"

  • Les més ballades del 2024 a la pista

    30/12/2024 Duration: 01h09s

    Aquí teniu les cançons que ens caben en una hora. Segur que demà faríem una llista diferent, però avui ballem aquestes. Va per vosaltres, fidels balladors. 01 MRCY - "Lorelei" 02 Nickodemus - "Music man (feat. Grey Reverend)" 03 4SuMotion - "Fire on the dancefloor feat. Eva Campbell (piano mix) 04 The Knocks & Sofi Tukker - "One on one" 05 Kali Uchis - "¿Cómo así?" 06 okgiorgio & Estremo - "Forza" 07 Mainline Magic Orchestra - "Skateboarding is not a crime" 08 Salvatore Ganacci - "Sometimes I cry when I'm alone" 09 Ame - "Shadow of love feat. Curses" 10 David Holmes - "Necessary genius (feat. Raven Violet)" 11 Fred Everything - "Never (feat. Robert Owens)" 12 Nicky Genesis - "Supernatural" 13 Boston Bun & Bag Raiders - "SAVE ME" 14 Le Boom - "Class"

  • DJ convidat: Las Palabras

    27/12/2024 Duration: 01h08s

    Darrere del projecte Las Palabras hi ha el músic Rafael Cohen, el mític guitarra de !!! (Chk Chk Chk). Presenta "Fe", i ens ensenya les costures de la seva construcció, a base de cançons favorites. 01 Marinero - "Cruz" 02 Los Hermanos Martelo - "Por las buenas" 03 Sexta Sociedad - "Nieblas" 04 João Bosco - "A nível de..." 05 João Donato - "Patumbalacundê" 06 Sounds of Blackness - "Optimistic" 07 Erasmo Carlos - "Mane Joao" 08 Monchy & Alexandra - "Dos locos" 09 The Brothers Johnson - "Love is" 10 Djavan - "Sina" 11 Kali Uchis - "Diosa" 12 Mário Rui Silva - "Nahary" 13 Colin Blunstone - "Though you are far away" 14 Fimiani & Angeleri - "SessoSpaghetti"

  • Sant Esteve balla: crema calories a la pista

    26/12/2024 Duration: 01h07s

    La millor manera de tornar a la normalitat és ballar, i la pista no deixa mai de fer-ho. Nadales atípiques, cançons antibel·licistes, clàssics i novetats en una sobretaula llarguíssima. 01 DanSTAR - "Neverending story feat. Ellie B" 02 Paul Hardcastle - "19 (extended version)" 03 Mr. Redley - "Without a trace" 04 Local Natives - "April (Emotional Oranges version)" 05 Danny J Lewis - "Spend the night [disco version]" 06 mikkelrev - "Toulouse (Istia remix)" 07 Beverly Pills - "Miss California" 08 Deeper Purpose - "Disco bus" 09 Cody Currie - "Fool" 10 Amuka, M is For Motion, DJ Industrial Badger - "Party up in here" 11 Jamie Jones & Miluhska - "La musa (Coco & Breezy remix)" 12 Pavement Special - "The key" 13 Vaber & JessKidd - "I don't wanna" 14 dieglitter & Bbynito - "ENTUUUUPIELX2" 15 Scott Garcia, Cash Only & Reighs - "Head held high"

  • Nadal en textures

    25/12/2024 Duration: 01h13s

    Cançons de Nadal triades com en una caixa de bombons de molta qualitat. De Brasil a Jamaica, dels Estats Units a illes perdudes. Salsa, reggae, disco i funk. Pares Noel derrotats al sofà mentre ballem i brindem. Bon Nadal a tothom de part de la pista. 01 Caetano Veloso - "In the hot sun of a Christmas day" 02 David Bowie & Bing Crosby - "Little drummer boy" 03 Vince Guaraldi Trio - "Christmas time is here" 04 Cal Tjader - "Tentaçao do incoveniente" 05 Carlene Davis - "Give love on Christmas day" 06 Single - "La luz en el mundo" 07 Brenda Lee - "Rockin' around the Christmas tree" 08 Jacob Miller - "On the 12 days os Ismas" 09 Johnny Albino - "Merry Christmas boogaloo" 10 Willie Colón, Yomo Toro & Héctor Lavoe - "Aires de Navidad" 11 King Obstinate - "How will Santa get there" 12 James Brown - "Go power at Christmas time" 13 Electric Jungle - "Funky funky Christmas" 14 Future Islands - "Last Christmas" 15 Destiny's Child - "Spread a little love on Christmas day" 16 Spice Girls - "Christmas wrapping" 17 Mauriz

  • Mariachis, tambors africans i Wikileaks

    24/12/2024 Duration: 01h05s

    Això i més, al pessebre de la pista. Avís: el DJ ha demanat fer d'ase. Bon Nadal, balladors. 01 Emily Saunders - "Time ticks" 02 Norberto de Nöah - "Mulata de kana na Gran Via (Rikala)" 03 Panda Bear & Sonic Boom - "Peligro (Danger) Mariachi 2000 de Cutberto Perez version" 04 Golden Bug - "Red wolf (Alek Lee remake)" 05 Spill Tab - "Pink lemonade" 06 Matah, High Paw, Pitch Up - "What a joy" 07 Namina & The Barbarians - "Cadê" 08 The Limiñanas - " J'adore le monde (feat. Bertrand Belin)" 09 Emma-Jean Thackray - "Black hole (feat. Reggie Watts) 10 Gipsy Power Band - "Llora" 11 CA7RIEL & Paco Amoroso - "Dumbai" 12 Rio 18 - "Cachetón" 13 Amerigo Gazaway & D'Angelo - "Devil's Pie (gospel remix)" 14 The Allergies - "Koliko (feat. K.O.G)" 15 La Texana - "Marea" 16 Violeta - "Palmas y desamores" 17 Also Playable Mono & Fred Ventura - "System breakdown on Wikileaks"

  • De nen a ballador

    23/12/2024 Duration: 01h09s

    Asshole celebra el pas de nen a adult al cant senegalès del "Kankurang". Quilòmetre zero destacat en una tarda de ball obert al món del ritme i la celebració diària. 01 Kuuf Knotz & Christine Elise - "Patience" 02 Von Kaiser - "christmaschristmaschristmas" 03 Mimi Mono - "Ici et maintenant" 04 Fernando - "Search of Indigo (AM remix) 05 AQUAFREDDA & Raphael Camardella - "Back to you" 06 JAWNY- "adios" 07 Malachiii - "Back 2 me" 08 ASSHOLE!! - "KANKURANG feat. IDRISS" 09 BondiNotBondi - "U don't know me (feat. Luke Antony)" 10 Johnny Deep - "Deep swingin" 11 RAINVILLE - "S.O.S" 12 Sydney Blu - "Give it up for me (deadmau5 remix) 13 Lost at the Rave - "Werkk" 14 Benson & Cerca - "Pull up ft. AKZ" 15 New Order - "Regret (Tocadisco remix)"

  • El clàssic: "Un hombre solo", de Décima Víctima (1984)

    20/12/2024 Duration: 01h12s

    Es reedita en vinil, per a gaudi de fanàtics i descobridors, un dels grups mes interessants dels 80 madrilenys i el seu introbable segon disc. Lírica extrema, fredor càlida i molta bellesa. 01 Décima Víctima - "Sobre otra ruta" 02 Décima Víctima - "La frontera perdida" 03 Décima Víctima - "Cautivo y desarmado" 04 Décima Víctima - "Noctámbulo" 05 Décima Víctima - "Un nombre solo" 06 Décima Víctima - "En la rebelión" 07 Décima Víctima - "Tierra negra" 08 Décima Víctima - "Una vez más" 09 Décima Víctima - "Contra la naturaleza" 10 Decima Victima - "Es solo el comienzo" 11 Décima Víctima - "Tan lejos" 12 Décima Víctima - "El signo de la cruz remix by Pedrobol" 13 El Desvän del Macho - "El signo de la cruz" 14 Sistema de Entretenimiento - "Décima víctima" 15 La Plata - "Detrás de la mirada" 16 Fangoria & Family - "El signo de la cruz" 17 Décima Víctima - "Tan lejos Unknown Weapons rework"

  • Aparqueu al descampat

    19/12/2024 Duration: 01h16s

    A dins hi ha lloc, però si aparqueu allà, respectarem el descans dels veïns. La discoteca d'avui acabarà tard, i els baixos faran trontollar vidres. Tindrem techno, garage i dubstep, tot a volum fort. 01 Marie Davidson - "Sexy clown" 02 Hot Chip & Sleaford Mods - "Nom nom nom" 03 Deeplomat & Dublatov - "Masca" 04 Richard Vission - "Outerspace" 05 Jesse James & Chumpion - "Whistle" 06 Fcukers - "Bon bon (Confidence Man remix) 07 Deltech - "Take my hand" 08 Wongo - "Kamikazi" 09 Skygroover, Simon Emme - "Disco garage" 10 Alexis Knox & Princess Superstar - "Perfect - Want some more?" 11 Club Shy & Shygirl - "Immaculate (Club Shy VIP) feat. Saweetie" 12 Gabriella - "So beautiful (Bradderz remix)" 13 Jamie xx - "Waited all night (Nia Archives remix)" 14 Tinliker - "Nowhere to go (Chris Liebing remix)" 15 I. JORDAN - "Close to you (Octo Octa's Voices Reaching Out Full On remix)"

  • Els nens no es toquen: no a la guerra

    18/12/2024 Duration: 01h07s

    Hot Chip & Sleaford Mods fan un single solidari per a War Child: respecte! Solidaritat a l'altaveu, amor a les venes i, sempre, la integració a la pista de ball. 01 Küf Knotz & Christine Elise - "Cascade" 02 Juice WRLD - "Love letter" 03 Mereba - "Counterfeit" 04 Hot Chip & Sleaford Mods - "Cat burgler" 05 Wizkid - "Kese (dance)" 06 Baby Keem - "Orange soda (DJ2D2 blend) 07 Gavin Moss - "Tell me why" 08 Collettivo Immaginario - "Luna gioia" 09 Fat White Family - "Visions of pain (Tim Goldsworthy remix)" 10 Onki Xin - "Kanibals" 11 Kool & The Gang - "Hollywood swingin (Jamiroquai Disco Dust remix)" 12 Michi - "If you want me (Knxwledge remix)" 13 Mitch Oliver, Might Delete Later - "Secret" 14 Wham vs Robin S - "Young guns vs Show me love (Jet Boot Jack mashup)" 15 Charmes - "Fire up" 16 Horatio - "City of gods"

  • Balla com si ningú et mirés

    17/12/2024 Duration: 01h12s

    Balla com vulguis, balla i sigues tu. Nosaltres posem la banda sonora, com cada dia. Pop i electrònica fina i elegant, tot seleccionat pels especialistes de la casa. 01 DOVS - "Vernal fall" 02 La Plata - "La vida real" 03 Carlita - "Comme ça voce feat. Orofino" 04 The Pivot - "Final" 05 Le Groupe Fantastique - "Dance like nobody's watching" 06 Lucky Love - "Happier on my own" 07 Mild Minds - Gemini 08 Rudimental & Skepsis - "Vex (ft. MIST & Popcaan)" 09 Disclosure & Pa Salieu - "King steps" 10 Kormak - "Lil freak feat. Benni Ola" 11 Kingpin Cartel - "Long dark soul of the night" 12 ROSÉ & Bruno Mars - "APT (Ape Rave Club bootleg)" 13 Or:la - "Chant" 14 Lifelike - "Golden boy (club mix)" 15 Émilie Quinquis - "Morwreg" 16 Oklou - "Choke enough"

  • Videojocs, samba i àngels

    16/12/2024 Duration: 01h11s

    Rio 18, Stromae, Kendrick Lamar, Happy Mondays i Tom Noble, com a destacats d'una nova tarda en què el ritme mana, les emocions ens fan somriure i el ball guanya els dolents. 01 Kendrick Lamar - "Reincarnated" 02 Alima - "Distancia" 03 Marcelo D2 & SambaDrive - "Profissão MC (feat. Mauro Berman, Pablo Lapidusas & Lourenço Monteiro)" 04 Stromae & Pomme - "Ma meilleure ennemie" 05 Rio 18 - "Cachetón" 06 Basia Bulat -"My angel" 07 Everyone Says Hi -"Walking in the air" 08 Happy Mondays - "Loose fit (Greg Wilson and Ché Wilson remix)" 09 Planetself - "You plus me (Osunlade remix)" 10 Parcels - "Leaveyourlove (with Ximena Sariñana, Rawayana) 11 The Allergies - "Watch what you say" 12 Deep Sea Cosmonauts - "I am somebody (K-Klass)" 13 Dopamoon - "Encore feat. Napkey (Tom Cavallaro remix)" 14 Tom Noble - "Times are changing" 15 Leon Raum - "All night" 16 hjubris - "The new style"

  • DJ convidada: Cora Novoa

    13/12/2024 Duration: 01h17s

    La DJ i productora galaicocatalana presenta el tercer i darrer acte de la seva trilogia, "Mental diary, ACT III: This is not about you and me. This is about us". Ho celebrem amb un set exclusiu. 01 Payfone - "I feel you" 02 Sea Aleena - "Will I know" 03 James Holden - "In the end you'll know" 04 Aunty Rayzor - "Nina" 05 L.F.T. - "Asche (Vox by Nils Fock)" 06 Alessandro Adriani - "Spectres" 07 Aphex Twin - "Blackbox life recorder 21f" 08 GENER8ION - "Neo surf" 09 TWIN - "Benasque" 10 Amelia Moore - "See through" 11 Jensen Interceptor & AMX - "Werk iT" 12 Synth Fellow Hawk - "Bot killer" 13 Phantoms - "Don't be afraid" 14 Mickey Oliver - "Pump up the acid"

  • Sade canta amb amor de mare

    12/12/2024 Duration: 01h06s

    Sade Adu canta al seu fill trans amb amor de lleona, i la pista només pot plorar i ballar. La festa és de joia, de sentiment, de cor. Pista i consciència. Foto: Sophie Muller 01 Sade Adu - "Young lion" 02 Miramar - "Un astro" 03 Seun Kuti & Egypt 80 - "Dey feat. Damian Marley (Gaudi & Don Letts remix)" 04 Library Fighter - "Somebody tell her (Andy Buchan remix)" 05 Flat Iron Lake & DDBB - "All in your head" 06 Danny J Lewis - "Spend the night [disco version]" 07 Dopamoon - "Encore feat. Napkey (Tom Cavallaro remix)" 08 Prospa - "This rhythm' ft. RAHHHH" 09 Definite Grooves, Crazy Fluke & The Melody Men - One of them nights (extended dub mix)" 10 Owson - "Mercies ft. Valencia James 11 Beverly Pills - "Miss California (club extended)" 12 Teddy Wong - "Funky radio hour" 13 Steve Silk Hurley - "I like the way U play (Nico Heinz, Fabio De Magistris remix extended) 14 Stretch & Vern - "I'm alive (Friend Within extended remix)" 15 Tapir! - "On a grassy knoll (We'll bow together) Schuttle remix"

  • Piscolabis psicodèlic a les 19.00

    11/12/2024 Duration: 01h07s

    Una manta sobre l'herba del jardí i uns bons altaveus. Cançons antibel·licistes, rap d'una altra galàxia i "african" beats. 01 Bypass Music - " Bodies" 02 BADBADNOTGOOD & Tim Bernardes - "Poeira cosmica feat. Arthur Verocai" 03 Küf Knotz & Christine Elise - "Cascade" 04 Nilüfer Yanya - "Just a western (Boy Harsher remix)" 05 Golden Bug - "Red wolf (Alek Lee remake)" 06 Clipping - "Keep pushing" 07 Kendrick Lamar - "tv off (feat. Lefty Gunplay)" 08 Sami Galbi - "Kiss" 09 Sonic Interventions - "Siyavuma (we accept, we surrender)" 10 Inkswel & Andre Espeut - "Downtown love (feat. Abstract Rude)" 11 Michi - "There's no heaven (Knxwledge remix)" 12 Malachiii - "Back 2 me" 13 Wizkid "Kese (dance)" 14 BYOR & Joki - "Loveline" 15 Dave Winnel & The Melody Men - "Just like that"

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