Pista De Fusta

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 351:54:01
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El músic català que més en sap de música de ball es posa al davant dels plats per estimular el ball en una pista imaginària de fusta, com les d'abans. Dissabtes i diumenges, de 20.00 a 22.00


  • Una balada, dues balades, tres cors i repicar de campanes

    04/02/2025 Duration: 01h06s

    Entre d'altres, Les Testarudes i Bad Bunny, Sault i Billy Paul. Avui, només cançons boniques, totes perles precioses i amb la mateixa visió: fer feliços els balladors. 01 Les Testarudes - "Amore" 02 The Exclusive - "I still love you" 03 The Limiñanas - "Où va la chance - Francoise Hardy cover)" 04 Chalart 58 - "Combination mode" 05 catch92 - "Passing" 06 Your Grandparents - "The dial" 07 Sault - "Signs" 08 Galactic & Irma Thomas - "Lady liberty" 09 Seun Kuti & Sampa The Great - "Emi aluta (Zamrock remix)" 10 Lagartijeando - "Cumbia de la selva" 11 Nickodemus - "Mama Tchipp (Follow me) feat. Pat Kalla (Gitkin remix)" 12 Bad Bunny - "NUEVAYoL" 13 Jungle - "Keep me satisfied" 14 Andy Bell - " i'm in love... feat. Dot Allison, Michael Rother" 15 Mofak - "We gon' ride" 16 Peter Matson - "White noise ft. Kendra Morris" 17 Billy Paul - "Only the strong survive (Dennis Cartier remix)"

  • Planta recuperadora de cançons

    03/02/2025 Duration: 01h06s

    Imagineu un lloc blanc i immaculat, amb tot l'equip netejant cançons immenses amb bata blanca, guants asèptics i líquids reparadors. Baixada mensual a la bodega de la pista. 01 Sharon Forrester - "Love don't live here any more" 02 Walter Jackson - "It's all over" 03 Lion - "You've got a woman" 04 Jean Géral - "Tiffany Jane" 05 Jam With Peace, Hope & Security - "Where are you" 06 Master Force - "Don't fight the feeling" 07 Fonda Rae - "Over like a fat rat" 08 Lee Ritenour - "Countdown (Captain Fingers)" 09 David Bowie - "Sound and vision (808 Gift mix)" 10 The Zombies - "In the land of zombi" 11 Zsa Zsa Laboum - "Something scary" 12 Aleem - "Release yourself (DUB) ft. Leroy Burgess" 13 Kenny Dixon Jr. - "Emotional content (Moodymann's mix)" 14 The Believers - "Who dares to believe in me" 15 Haysi Fantayzee - "Sabres of paradise"

  • DJ convidat: Decius

    31/01/2025 Duration: 01h11s

    Tenim a la cabina Luke & Liam May, de Decius, trio britànic favorit de l'equip del programa, increïbles artesans de peces de ball amb aquell aire dels grans moments del ball mundial. Presenten l'àlbum "Decius Vol. II (Splendour & obedience)", que surt avui mateix. Foto: Felix May. 01 Anthony Rother - "We are futurists" 02 Kariya - "Let me love you for tonight (house radio version)" 03 Renegade Soundwave - "The phantom" 04 Funky Green Dogs From Outer Space - "High up" 05 Unique 3 & The Mad Musician - "The theme (original chill mix)" 06 Crash Course In Science - "Flying turns" 07 Friends of Matthew - "Out there (Raw mix)" 08 Brett Johnson & Dave Barker - "Stucco homes" 09 Gwen Guthrie - "Peanut butter (Larry Levan mix)" 10 Todd Terry - "Make the beat pound" 11 Sons of Slough - "Omegadent"

  • Passarel·la de fusta

    30/01/2025 Duration: 01h09s

    Avui estem tan elegants, que això sembla una desfilada de models a Milà. Soul, balladors, funk, hedonisme i dos números més. 01 BUBBLE TEA AND CIGARETTES - "He asked me to quit smoking" 02 Nyasia Chane'l - "Rain" 03 Anna Ling - "Butterfly (Lucky Sun remix)" 04 Marinero - "Sea changes" 05 Don Covay & The Jefferson Lemon Blues Band - "If there's a will there's a way" 06 krajenski. - "B-3 Fantastico" 07 krajenski. - "B's Café" 08 The Blaxound & John Vermont - "Qué más te da" 09 Sault - "Signs" 10 Molly Grace - "F.E.M.M.E." 11 DJ Birth Defects - "Cumbia desmadroza" 12 iammilan - "Let's make a pact (Je t'aime)" 13 Dylan Garcia - "Señorita Margarita" 14 Papaya - "Y ahora qué?" 15 Gaudi Kosmiches Trio - "In a modern world" 16 RAH & The Ruffcats - "Rodeo (Kid Fonque remix)" 17 Harold van Lennep - "Liberation (Lufthaus extended remix)"

  • Benicarló, finals d'agost del 1985

    29/01/2025 Duration: 01h11s

    Així imaginem avui la pista, plena de sintetitzadors i de peces hedonistes de ball popular, muscleres, pantalons rentats a la pedra i molta laca als cabells. 01 Joseph Nada - "Fallen" 02 Destroyer - "Bologna (feat. Fiver)" 03 AC83 - "Memories" 04 Joe Crepúsculo - "Hey" 05 Kal White - "Stayin up" 06 Moplen - "Know" 07 Comfort Deep - "Craft tsa comfort" 08 Alberto Melloni - "Only you" 09 Marco Mengoni - "ManDarE TuTto All'aRIA" 10 Josep Xortó & The Congosound - "Disco Jovellanos feat. Cristina Quesada" 11 Alpaca Sports - "Always on my mind" 12 Reset Robot - "Denser" 13 Mild Minds - "I need U" 14 Ian G & Ruff Loaderz - "Diamonds" 15 Franz Matthews - "Symmetric dance (Mystery Act remix)"

  • Tenim la tarda d'un techno pujat

    28/01/2025 Duration: 01h08s

    Tants riffs de teclat per sobre nostres que només volem comprar ampolles d'aigua per no caure defallits. El techno sempre torna, com les onades. Berlín, Londres, Buenos Aires i Hostalets de Balenyà. 01 DJ Hell - "Warm leatherette 1998" 02 Andeon & Karma Child - "Love me better" 03 Niconé & Gunjah - "Usaria" 04 Weska - "Hawkins (Soel remix)" 05 a.s.o. - "Go on (Lew E remix)" 06 Anthony Rother - "Programmed and televised" 07 Paul Oakenfold & Hernan Cattaneo - "London to Buenos Aires (London extended mix)" 08 fogy - "Echoes of silence" 09 SUNANA - "Cream of the crop" 10 Lee Young FT Lennon (UK) & J Young - "Baby go" 11 Clipping - "Change the channel" 12 Ackermann - "Make things right" 13 MGMT - "KIDS (Rich DietZ + bradeazy edit)" 14 Ruthym - "Mobsters stompers"

  • Gasolina, gàngsters i miracles

    27/01/2025 Duration: 01h05s

    Clàssic posats al dia, aparcats a la pista amb pneumàtics nous, alerons i pintura brillant. Roden contents, i els balladors els aplaudim. Tarda de somriure i obrir braços. 01 Brian Nasty - "I have nothing more to tell you (feat. Dill)" 02 Little Simz - "Hello, hi" 03 Filizola - "All (feat. Roberta Howett)" 04 Loraine James - "HEY WATCH OUT (w/KAVARI)" 05 Screamin' Rachael - "The british are coming (Pour Le Plaisir remix)" 06 AtcG - "Gasolina (NO ONE extended remix)" 07 Terrence Parker - "All eyes on you (Somethin' here) feat. Jakke Erixson" 08 Majestic & LMC - "Miracles" 09 La Fuente - "Born to make it" 10 Pipi Le Oui - "By my side" 11 Sonic Soul Orchestra & Jaegerossa - "Malibu" 12 MuSol & Davos - "Party people" 13 Matthew James - "Gangster" 14 Roast Beatz - "Pump your fist" 15 Tenderness - "Gotta keep on trying (Kev Cannon 2025 edit)"

  • DJ convidada: Green T

    24/01/2025 Duration: 01h12s

    L'artista de Madrid presenta el seu EP "Espectros". La seguim des dels seus primers treballs i ens encanta la selecció de sons actuals que ha fet avui per la pista. 01 Mini Mansions - Hey lover (feat. Alison Mosshart) 02 Green T, GRETA CH'ASKA - "KLITO" 03 roro - "Miuccia" 04 Mura Masa - "Gimme" 05 Ralphie Choo & Mura Masa - "MÁQUINA CULONA" 06 nusar3000 - "Naskar" 07 Lua de Santana & $kyhook - "GiNGA" 08 Espíritu System - "Que no sepa nadie" 09 d.dramático & Juanito Bienmesabe - "Tangos de un boxeador enamorado" 10 mateo - "Bulerîa (x tu pelo)" 11 Pableau - "Trois mois plus tard" 12 Irenegarry - "A W" 13 Carlos Ares - "Cigarra" 14 Carazador - "Casamurada" 15 Escapismo - "Lejos de aquí" 16 Todh Teri - "Sampadan 37"

  • Mai avorrits

    23/01/2025 Duration: 01h04s

    Pet Shop Boys van escriure "Being boring" com una a bíblia a seguir. L'escoltem per demanda popular, i seguim. Sempre és bon dia per retre homenatges en vida als nostres mestres. 01 Pet Shop Boys - "Being boring" 02 Ichisan - "Povratak otpisanih (Tihi version)" 03 B.E.F. - "Honeymoon in New York" 04 Alcid - "Anti-ego" 05 a.s.o. - "Go on (Lew E remix)" 06 Chicks on Speed - "Glamour girl" 07 Fabien Kamb - "Indigo (Ross Couch remix)" 08 K.O - "STOCK DROP" 09 Simon Doty & DJ Pierre - "Come together" 10 Coby Koehl - "Life is free (25KV Bassline dub)" 11 Vintage Culture, Fancy Inc, Meca - "Electricity" 12 Maribou State - "Otherside (Jasper Tygne remix)" 13 Michi - "Snoobie (Knxwledge remix)" 14 Capo Lee & bullet tooth - "Keep it rolling (VIP mix)"

  • D'amor, pluja i collita

    22/01/2025 Duration: 01h05s

    Totes les cançons d'avui són de ball, però les arestes temàtiques van segons el lloc on es ballen i es canten. La pista és l'ONU del ball, i Miqui Puig, el seu comissionat delegat. 01 Clubhouse Something - "One more time " 02 Camarão Orkestra - "Nação África (Patchworks remix)" 03 Parcels - "Leaveyourlove (with Robert Owens, Tobi Neumann)" 04 Paul Johnson - "Get get down" 05 Joel Sarakula - "Bird of paradise" 06 Terry Hunter - "Harvest for the world" 07 Micky More & Andy Tee - "The rhythm (feat. Roland Clark)" 08 Revival House Project - "Moving on up" 09 Matthew James - "Gangster" 10 Blue Pearl - "Naked in the rain I ( Block & Crown Spolverato mix)" 11 MuSol And Davos - "Party people" 12 Ros T - "Can of worms" 13 IVGI - "Feel the groove" 14 Deeplomatik - "The beginning" 15 Gok Wan & House Gospel Choir - "Deeper love (a tribute to Alison)"

  • Capes magnètiques que fan soroll bonic

    21/01/2025 Duration: 01h08s

    Les cançons adherides a les cintes de crom sonen en un cotxe volador, l'any 2076, a prop de Balaguer. Futurisme a la pista, manga, sintetitzadors i dues cançons més. 01 LAB RAT - "Drunk" 02 Dowdelin - "Something's going on" 03 Ainz - "Moonlight animals" 04 Phantoms - "Moonflower" 05 The Dare - "Girls" 06 Dark Matter Void - "Dreaming another world" 07 Yeule - "eko" 08 Just Scott - "Tonight she comes" 09 Mc4len - "My plans 4U" 10 Chapter & Verse - "Regulate" 11 Hannes Bieger - "Stardust feat. Fey" 12 Tunde Adebimpe - "Magnetic" 13 Little Simz & TIARO - "I ain't feeling it (La piscine edit)" 14 Loco Dice, Skrillex, Fireboy DML - "Heavy heart" 15 Rue Jay - "That sound" 16 ruthym - "Mobsters stompers" 17 Alex Whitcombe & Simon Duffy - "Cato's dream"

  • Un món modern i de merda

    20/01/2025 Duration: 01h05s

    Marco Mengoni ho envia tot a pastar i marxa a ballar. Veniu a ballar, deixem els problemes a la porta. Sense recepta: el doctor Puig passa consulta. 01 Chalart 58 - "Green tea feat. Morgana Souljah" 02 InokasHira Rangers - "Pacific" 03 Mdou Moctar - "Takoba (injustice version)" 04 Brian Nasty - "I have nothing more to tell you feat. Dill" 05 Pierre Daven-Keller - "Farfisa" 06 Kraum - "Oeuvre au noir" 07 Gaudi Kosmiches Trio - "In a modern world" 08 Marco Mengoni "ManDarE TuTto All'aRIA" 09 Nourished By Time - "Hell of a ride" 10 Sister Souljah - "360 degrees of power" 11 The Delines - "Left hook like Frazier" 12 Femi Kuti - "Politics don expose them" 13 Arnau Obiols - "Pagan mambo" 14 1/2 Orchestra - "Flat beat" 15 Offplan - "Hold me tight" 16 Marie Davidson - "Y.A.A.M. (Soulwax version)"

  • El clàssic: "Them changes", de Buddy Miles (1970)

    17/01/2025 Duration: 01h12s

    El baterista que cantava, amic de Hendrix i Santana, aquí amb una de les peces clau del soul-rock, una perla perduda, un disc a descobrir cada dia. Poder, sensualitat i Buddy Miles. 01 Buddy Miles - "Them changes" 02 Buddy Miles - "I still love you, anyway" 03 Buddy Miles - "Heart's delight" 04 Buddy Miles - "Dreams" 05 Buddy Miles - "Down by the river" 06 Buddy Miles - "Memphis train" 07 Buddy Miles - "Paul B. Allen, Omaha, Nebraska" 08 Buddy Miles - "Your feeling is mine" 09 Rufus Thomas "The Memphis train" 10 The Nite Liters - "I've got dreams to remember" 11 The Jimi Hendrix Experience - "Rainy day, dream away" 12 13 John McLaughlin - "Marbles" 14 OverDoz -"Taking me down {feat. Kendrick Lamar}" 15 LOLO -"Hit and run"

  • Jardins japonesos ocupats

    16/01/2025 Duration: 01h08s

    Si no ens donen els espais, els ocuparem per viure, per ballar, per estimar. "Raves" a menjadors, ball a la cuina i al jardí d'un ric que no hi és. Novetats i clàssics de tots els temps. 01 That Petrol Emotion - "Abandon (Boys Own mix)" 02 Processing Vessel - "Japanese garden" 03 Chapter & Verse - "Regulate" 04 HIROWS - "Follow" 05 nuvolino - "Wraith" 06 Void Complet - "d'Acid" 07 Balanka - "Donkulator" 08 RAINVILLE - "S.O.S." 09 Paul Mondot - "Jacking boogie" 10 Codes & Honeycomb - "Keep it simple" 11 Leon Benesty & Vinny James - "ADIK" 12 Mark Row & Jame Starck - "Free your mind feat. Carol Jiani" 13 Lee Butler - "Move your body" 14 DJ Luck & MC Neat - "Through the night (James Haskell Private mix)"

  • Neu al Kilimanjaro, pol·lució a la ciutat

    15/01/2025 Duration: 01h05s

    Addiccions assumides, muses i amants, els artistes de la llista d'avui busquen inspiració en el món més proper per fer irresistibles tonades que ens apel·len directament al cos. 01 Clairo - "Terrapin" 02 Nourished By Time - "Hand on me" 03 Power Rob - "Innocent" 04 Ralf GUM - "AWA feat. Monica Blaire (Atjazz Love Soul remix)" 05 Jamie Jones & Miluhska - "La musa (Francis Mercier remix)" 06 Last Nubian - "Desolate place (Find Me) (feat. Queen Sherine)" 07 Jazzy, KILIMANJARO - "No bad vibes x Kilimanjaro" 08 Disco Lines, SIDEPIECE, Mike Sherm - "Fuck it up" 09 nimino - "I only smoke when i drink (Claptone remix) 10 Marvin Sykes - "All night long" 11 Glass Slipper - "My best life (Dubeats remix)" 12 Micky More & Andy Tee - "The rhythm (feat. Roland Clark)" 13 Maxi Meraki & Orsay - "Amado" 14 Mita Gami - "All by myselff" 15 Marie Davidson - "Y.A.A.M. (Soulwax version)"

  • El món modern ja és aquí

    14/01/2025 Duration: 01h11s

    Tecno pop que creix a les mans i a les orelles, avui les caixes de ritme són les mestresses de la cosa aquesta del ball. Per anotar noms tota la tarda. 01 Tyson - "Grunge ft Wu-Lu" 02 Jake Isaac & Otis Kane & Braxton Cook - "Ever yours" 03 Fuji? - "Magika" 04 a.s.o. - "Thinking (feat. Alias Error)" 05 Memory Design "Please please please let me get what i want" 06 Chris & Cosey - "Morning" 07 Gaudi Kosmiches Trio - "In a modern world" 08 Mermaid Chunky - "Chaperone" 09 Tenodi Boris - "My memory" 10 Ritmo Cósmico - "La guardia nacional" 11 The Dare - "Movement" 12 Ros T, Church Street Shuffle - "Dancing by the loch" 13 Danny Deep - "Handmade (Miguel Scott remix)" 14 Starsmith - "Leave me slowly (okgiorgio remix)" 15 I JORDAN - "Close to you (Octo Octa's Voices Reaching Out Full On remix)"

  • Protesta, dub, cúmbia i amor

    13/01/2025 Duration: 01h07s

    Les 16 perles d'avui van de la cançó empoderada en una versió de Paquita la del Barrio, passant pel dub estratosfèric fins a samplers de pel·lícula. Servit en got ample tot. El món modern i global de la pista. 01 Salvator Dragatto & The Rugged Nuggets - "Shadows" 02 Joel Sarakula - "Bird of paradise" 03 Leslie Rous - "Rata de dos patas" 04 DJ Birth Defects - "Cumbia mama" 05 Gaudi Kosmiches Trio - "In a modern world (Dub Spencer & Trance Hill - Dub Remix)" 06 Inokasira Rangers - "Pacific" 07 Tom D. - "Adore" 08 Erphaan Alves x Nailah Blackman - "In dey" 09 Project Gemini - "Lost in the woods (Call Sender remix)" 10 Lolomis - "HXN" 11 Laíz & The New Love Experience - "Bagdá (Mo' Horizons remix) 12 Dowdelin - "Something's going on" 13 B-Side - "So hot" 14 Janet Kay - "Silly games (Chris Bass Spank'd Vox mix)" 15 Offplan - "Hold me tight" 16 Mario Fitoria - "Ride the boogie"

  • DJ convidat: Fitness Forever

    10/01/2025 Duration: 01h05s

    Aprofitant l'estrena d'"Amore e salute" el grup de Nàpols ens envia el seu carismàtic líder, Carlos Valderrama, per fer-nos una classe magistral de música italiana a la pista. Un altre imperdible col·leccionable. 01 Filipponio - "Partire oltre" 02 Fred Bongusto - "Noi innamorati d'improvviso" 03 Fred Bongusto - "3 hore d'amore" 04 Peppino di Capri - "Mo" 05 Franco Califano - "Io non piango" 06 Joao Gilberto - "Estate" 07 Johnny Dorelli - "Sciacqua l'acqua" 08 Danielle Pace - "Che t'aggia fa" 09 Enso Carella - "Che notte (qui con te)" 10 Brugolini & Torossi - "Effetto notte" 11 Terry Callier - "Be a believer" 12 Fernando - "Search of Indigo"

  • Un taxi compartit amb Jonathan Demme

    09/01/2025 Duration: 01h06s

    Una partida amb l'Arcade del bar del teu cosí, el clàssic de Janet Kay en versió disco i simfonies menors de consum directe. 01 Golden Bug - "Toupie (Get A Room! reload) 02 Q Lazzarus - "Goodbye horses (New Wave version)" 03 Ladytron - "Discotraxx (Donald remix) 04 Tenodi Boris - "Arcade fever" 05 Art P - "Polaroid (DJ Scientist 808 remix)" 06 Glamourama - "Lower" 07 Johnny Deep - "Deep swingin (Deephope remix)" 08 Delfonic - "Let the music take control" 09 Janet Kay - "Silly games (Chris Bass Spank'd Vox mix)" 10 nimino - "I only smoke when I drink (Claptone remix) 11 dot - "begin again" 12 Rudimental & Skepsis - "Vex (ft. MIST & Popcaan)" 13 Ship Wrek - "Jerk it out" 14 Amuka, M Is For Motion, DJ Industrial Badger – "Party up in here" 15 Starsmith - "Leave me slowly (okgiorgio remix)"

  • Els pirates assalten la pista

    08/01/2025 Duration: 01h04s

    Pirates, artistes mainstream i fanàtics són benvinguts. La pista vol ser com la taverna de "Star wars", plural i diversa. Una hora de ball total. 01 Fred again.., Anderson .Paak, CHIKA - "Places to be" 02 Skygroover, Simon Emme - "Disco garage" 03 Samuel L Session - "Reachin'" 04 Onki Xin - "Gaeuko historiak" 05 Kendrick Lamar - "squabble up (Hills bootleg)" 06 Benson & Cerca - Pull Up ft. AKZ (extended) 07 London Grammar - "Hey now (My Friend bootleg)" 08 Snap - "The power (Audio Junkies Maccabi edit)" 09 Jayda G - "Feeling alive (Anna Lunoe remix) 10 SVSTO - "MIL €" 11 Chrystal - "The days (NOTION remix)" 12 Sammy Virji - "Damager feat. Interplanetary Criminal" 13 Truth, Lies & KLP - "Smile" 14 Kadosh & Severin Su - "Let me see you (Luca Saporito remix)" 15 Italo Deviance - "Acid libidine"

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