Calm Pills - Relaxing Uplifting Music

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 44:05:15
  • More information



Calm Pills are peaceful atmospheric mixes designed to help you completely relax your mind and body so you can tune out the noise and tune in serenity.


  • Painting Twilight

    05/01/2018 Duration: 58min "There is a sense of timelessness in the twilight. Of time standing still and extending into the infinite. Of sadness and hope. Of yearning and satisfaction. Of unrest and peace. Where time has no meaning and the mundane melts away into the symphony of colours in the sky.. ..and your eyes follow the fading light and your soul knows its purpose once again." Happy new year my dear listeners! ― Twilight by Kim Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ( You can also share this with your friends, rate it or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you subscribed to this. Thank you. Also, did you know that I have another podcast called Chill Pills ( It features the same quality of craftmanship and careful curation you've come to expect from this show but focuses on more genres of music spann

  • Absolvo

    05/12/2017 Duration: 01h50s A sunny afternoon at the park lake. Waves ripple ashore. Birds sing in the trees. Children laugh and shout at some playground in the distance. And here you stand looking at your reflection trembling on the water, you ask: Who am I? And your picture looks back at you and answers: You're no longer who you were, you're almost who you'll be. Ego te absolvo. You bend down. You pick up a stone. And as you hold it in your hand it's getting heavier and heavier. And just before it's too weighty to hold any longer, you throw it with all your might into your face on the water. And all of a sudden you feel lighter, relieved, free. And angels start to sing. ― From The Story of "Absolvo" by Enigma   Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee. You can also share this with your friends, rate it or leave a review. Thank you. Tracklist 00:00 Enigma ― The Story of "Absolvo" 01:24 Enigma ― Absolvo 03:1

  • Introverted Chords

    17/09/2017 Duration: 01h01min There is comfort in reclusion. With the sensual beauty of the piano, this mix will caress you into a state of peacefulness. Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ( You can also share this with your friends, rate it or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you subscribed to this. Thank you. Also, did you know that I have another podcast called Chill Pills ( It features the same quality of craftmanship and careful curation you've come to expect from this show but focuses on more genres of music spanning chillout, lofi chill hop, chillstep and lounge. Tracklist 00:00 Michael Harris ― Introverted Chords 01:59 Levi Patel ― Reflection 06:45 Tonepoet ― Bound By Light 11:41 Antonymes ― A Feeling Of Being Closer 20:00 Bing Satellites ― Soothing Image 14 25:51 Robin Guthrie & Harold

  • It Was Beautiful

    20/08/2017 Duration: 01h14s It was beautiful It was green and clean. The smell of fresh air The sound of the river flowing I love everything happening there. I pinched myself to see if it was real. That was when I realized I was dreaming. Couldn't it be real? Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ( You can also share this with your friends, rate it or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you subscribed to this. Thank you. Also, did you know that I have another podcast called Chill Pills ( It features the same quality of craftmanship and careful curation you've come to expect from this show but focuses on more genres of music spanning chillout, lofi chill hop, chillstep and lounge. Tracklist 00:00 Last Days ― All The Lighthouses 02:40 kwajbasket ― Cykxz 03:09 Antonymes ― Little Emblems of Eternity (Edit)

  • The Healing Lake The Healing Lake (TV-PG)

    15/07/2017 Duration: 01h01min I shall have some peace here, for peace comes dropping slow, Dropping from the veils of the morning to where the cricket sings; I will arise and go now, for always night and day I hear lake water lapping with low sounds by the shore; I hear it in the deep heart’s core. ― "The Lake Isle of Innisfree" by William Butler Yeats Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ( You can also share this with your friends, rate it or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you subscribed to this. Thank you. Also, did you know that I have another podcast called Chill Pills ( It features the same quality of craftmanship and careful curation you've come to expect from this show but focuses on more genres of music spanning chillout, lofi chill hop, chillstep and lounge. Tracklist 00:00 Clemens Ruh ― Th

  • Tone Poetry

    15/06/2017 Duration: 01h07s This mix is an ode to my good friend Tonepoet. His original guitar-infused ambient productions and mixes are second to none and are always a source of inspiration to me. I've collaborated with him on two previous mixes which are to this day some of my best work and a source of pride in my mixing career. He has a new album in the works and I've featured some of his finest works in this mix, which you can also explore more of through his Bandcamp page. Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ( You can also share this with your friends, rate it or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you subscribed to this. Thank you. Also, did you know that I have another podcast called Chill Pills ( It features the same quality of craftmanship and careful curation you've come to expect from this sh

  • Beacon

    17/05/2017 Duration: 01h02s Too often we underestimate the power of a touch, a smile, a kind word, a listening ear, an honest compliment, or the smallest act of caring, all of which have the potential to turn a life around. Listening to this mix, think of someone you know who can use such an act of kindness, and remember: “A lighthouse is not interested in who gets its light! It just gives it without thinking! Giving light is its nature!” ― Mehmet Murat ildan Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ( You can also share this with your friends, rate it or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you subscribed to this. Thank you. Also, did you know that I have another podcast called Chill Pills ( It features the same quality of craftmanship and careful curation you've come to expect from this show but focuses on m

  • Peaceful Moments

    08/04/2017 Duration: 01h02min When peace sets over, no feeling compares. A mellow, loving feeling pervades this mix, helping you turn down the volume knob on life. “Every hour of your life that ticks by, there are numerous points and moments when you can choose to pause - and be aware of your mental and physical state. At any given point, you can freeze the flow that is your life, and be fully conscious for a moment.” ― Kevin Michel, Moving Through Parallel Worlds To Achieve Your Dreams Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ( You can also share this with your friends, rate it or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you subscribed to this. Thank you. Also, did you know that I have another podcast called Chill Pills ( It features the same quality of craftmanship and careful curation you've come to expect from

  • Dreams from the Sea

    12/03/2017 Duration: 59min I must go down to the seas again, to the lonely sea and the sky, And all I ask is a tall ship and a star to steer her by, And the wheel’s kick and the wind’s song and the white sail’s shaking, And a grey mist on the sea’s face, and a grey dawn breaking, I must down to the seas again, for the call of the running tide Is a wild call and a clear call that may not be denied; And all I ask is a windy day with the white clouds flying, And the flung spray and the blown spume, and the sea-gulls crying. I must down to the seas again, to the vagrant gypsy life, To the gull’s way and the whale’s way where the wind’s like a whetted knife; And all I ask is a merry yarn from a laughing fellow-rover, And quiet sleep and a sweet dream when the long trick’s over. ― John Masefield Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ( You can a

  • Fragments of Memories

    13/02/2017 Duration: 01h00s Today's moments are tomorrow's memories, but sometimes we don't know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory. What would you do differently if you knew? "Take care of all your memories. For you cannot relive them."― Bob Dylan Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ( You can also share this with your friends, rate it or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you subscribed to this. Thank you. Also, did you know that I have another podcast called Chill Pills ( It features the same quality of craftmanship and careful curation you've come to expect from this show but focuses on more genres of music spanning chillout, lofi chill hop, chillstep and lounge. Tracklist 00:00 No Common Era ― A Toad Under the Streetlamp 02:44 Otto A Totland ― Bluss 04:37 Andrew Lahiff ― Beyond the E

  • Clair de Lune

    10/01/2017 Duration: 01h00s The true joy of a moonlit night is something we no longer understand. Perhaps we can learn to appreciate its peaceful beauty and with this kind of relaxing piano music. “How beautiful the moonlight’s shining on this bank! Let’s sit here and let the music fill our ears. Stillness and nighttime are perfect for beautiful music. Sit down, Jessica. Look at the stars, See how the floor of heaven is inlaid with small disks of bright gold. Stars and planets move in such perfect harmony that some believe you can hear music in their movement. If you believe this, even the smallest star sings like an angel in its motion. Souls have that same kind of harmony. But because we’re here on earth in our earthly bodies, we can’t hear it." ― William Shakespeare, The Merchant of Venice (from No Fear Shakespeare) Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee (up

  • The Safest Place

    11/12/2016 Duration: 01h21s Every one of us has their comfort zone. This mix invites you to ponder what's beyond. Is your safest place really what you think it is? “Safety and constancy were illusions granted only to those afraid enough not to peer beyond the walls.” ― James Rozoff Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ( You can also share this with your friends, rate it or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you subscribed to this. Thank you. Also, did you know that I have another podcast called Chill Pills ( It features the same quality of craftmanship and careful curation you've come to expect from this show but focuses on more genres of music spanning chillout, lofi chill hop, chillstep and lounge. Tracklist 00:00 Lucy Claire ― Bound In Sea 03:57 James Everingham ― Progress 07:19 Nils Frahm ― Little

  • Lullaby for Grownups

    14/11/2016 Duration: 01h00s Good night - may you fall asleep in the arms of this graceful ambient mix. "Somewhere over the rainbow, way up high, there's a land that I heard of once in a lullaby. Somewhere over the rainbow, skies are blue, and the dreams that you dare to dream really do come true" ― Yip Harburg Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ( You can also share this with your friends, rate it or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you subscribed to this. Thank you. Also, did you know that I have another podcast called Chill Pills ( It features the same quality of craftmanship and careful curation you've come to expect from this show but focuses on more genres of music spanning chillout, lofi chill hop, chillstep and lounge. Tracklist 00:00 Exist Strategy ― Balcony 03:19 Bing Satellites ― Aerial 0

  • Slowly Dusk

    14/11/2016 Duration: 56min Through stained glass, ever deepening colors, slowly dusk. “I find it incredibly amazing how at every sunset, the sky is a different shade. No cloud is ever in the same place. Each day is a new masterpiece. A new wonder. A new memory.” ― Sanober Khan Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ( You can also share this with your friends, rate it or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you subscribed to this. Thank you. Also, did you know that I have another podcast called Chill Pills ( It features the same quality of craftmanship and careful curation you've come to expect from this show but focuses on more genres of music spanning chillout, lofi chill hop, chillstep and lounge. Tracklist 00:00 Michael Hoppe & Brett Brady ― Thru Stained Glass 01:31 Warmth ― Insight 06:28 Andrew L

  • Still Habitat

    14/11/2016 Duration: 59min When everything is moving and shifting, the only way to counteract chaos is stillness. "There is a presence, a silence, a stillness which is here by itself. There is no doer of it, no creator of this stillness. It is simply here in you, with you. It is the fragrance of your own self. There is nothing to do about this, it is naturally present. This fragrance of peace, this spaciousness, it is the fragrance of your own being." ― Mooji Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ( You can also share this with your friends, rate it or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you subscribed to this. Thank you. Also, did you know that I have another podcast called Chill Pills ( It features the same quality of craftmanship and careful curation you've come to expect from this show but focuses on

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