Calm Pills - Relaxing Uplifting Music

Still Habitat


Synopsis When everything is moving and shifting, the only way to counteract chaos is stillness. "There is a presence, a silence, a stillness which is here by itself. There is no doer of it, no creator of this stillness. It is simply here in you, with you. It is the fragrance of your own self. There is nothing to do about this, it is naturally present. This fragrance of peace, this spaciousness, it is the fragrance of your own being." ― Mooji Making this mix was a labor of love. If you feel like supporting Calm Pills online radio & podcast or showing your appreciation, buy me a cup of a coffee ( You can also share this with your friends, rate it or leave a review on Apple Podcasts or wherever you subscribed to this. Thank you. Also, did you know that I have another podcast called Chill Pills ( It features the same quality of craftmanship and careful curation you've come to expect from this show but focuses on