Intentional lifestyle. Intentional leadership. Intentional success. Everything you need is inside of you. Your job is to find it and bring it into the world. When you free your inner guru, you become the leader you want to see in the world. Free Your Inner Guru is a safe space for personal growth where we gather to share stories and insights on how to connect to the wisdom within. We must each claim our voice our inner guru and use it. Loud, clear and decisive, that voice is in you, as it is in all of us. Hear from host Laura Tucker and other leaders on the spiritual path to success. Learn the tools and strategies they use to connect to their inner guidance, embrace their core values and carve out an empowered, conscious and meaningful path to lasting success.
Catherine Hull: Self Care Empowers Your Body, Mind and Soul
21/08/2018 Duration: 58minCatherine Hull believes we all all have the power to heal ourselves and create the life of our dreams. Catherine is a Self-Care & Empowerment Coach and Energy Healer whose purpose and passion in life is to help people live their lives to their fullest potential. She wants you to know that we are all divine creatures, natural healers and magnificent contributors to our world. With over 10 years of experience working with others in health and wellness as a certified Personal Trainer, Posture Alignment Specialist, Master Instructor of Integrated Energy Therapy, and a Yoga and Meditation Teacher, Catherine believes in a holistic approach to self care. Listen to hear Catherine Hull share her perspective on: The three pillars of self care - Body Care, Mind Care and Soul Care Catherine's story of burnout and how self care became about more than taking care of her body Catherine explains energy healing Pain as a non-physical experience How to take care of your energetic immune system Why we are seeing
A Story of Summer, Self Care and Serendipity
07/08/2018 Duration: 22minDo you pay attention to serendipity when it shows up in your life? If the Summer of Self Care has taught me anything, it's to be open and pay attention. In today's episode, you'll hear how serendipity has shown up in my summer of self care. It's a story of cycling, green smoothies, Eckhart Tolle and Oprah Winfrey. The Universe seems to want me to share something with you. It wants me to speak about acceptance, enjoyment and enthusiasm. Like, it really wants me to talk about it, because it keeps hinting at it in the form of accidental discoveries, otherwise known as serendipity. So here it is, the story of how a blast from the past from Eckhart Tolle and Oprah Winfrey has taken my summer of self care to a whole new level. Enjoy :) Mentioned in this episode: Recipe for the Glowing Green Smoothie from Kimberly Snyder Books: Eckhart Tolle, A New Earth Matt Kahn, Everything is Here to Help You Video Archive of Eckhart Tolle and Oprah Winfrey - A New Earth 2008 Webcast Support the #FYIGpodcast an
Karen Haycox: Take the Next Right Step
16/07/2018 Duration: 01h01minCEO of Habitat for Humanity NYC Karen Haycox has a mantra – “Take the next right step”. In this compelling interview, Karen Haycox shares how taking the next right step propelled her out of addiction to a new career, a new country and into her current role as CEO of Habitat for Humanity, New York City. Listen to this episode to hear Karen Haycox share her perspective on: How Karen’s identity and self worth were wrapped up in the work that she did as a film and television producer and now, non-profit leader. And how that left her feeling unanchored when she was down-sized. Why recovery has been one of the greatest gifts of her life. The similarities between addicted thinking and depressed thinking. Consider how we fill the gap between how others see us and how we perceive ourselves to be. Life as a journey of self-care, consciousness and spirituality. Things we will do to fill the gap between how others see us and how we perceive ourselves to be. How taking the next right step led Karen to Hab
Your Summer of Self-Care Mindset: It’s All About Intention
13/07/2018 Duration: 12min"Intention can turn a simple activity like going for a walk - or stopping to smell lavender - into an act of self-care." This week on the Free Your Inner Guru podcast it's all about summer, self-care and mindfulness. Because the thoughts you have in your mind are the difference between true self care and just another thing you have to do. Trust me, if anyone knows how to take something that is meant to be restorative and turn it into a chore, historically it's been me! When I let myself get caught up in the doing, instead of enjoying the process, I become impatient and frayed at the edges. Less connected, and ultimately less of who I really am. Can you identify with this? Intention and a little self awareness makes can change that downward spiral. It's been fun to shift the rhythm of my routine towards less screen time and more time to tune in to what restores my energy. Listen to this week's (12 minute) episode to get in the summer of self-care vibe and find out a powerful question you can ask yourself to
Summer of Self-Care: Because You Are Worth The Effort
03/07/2018 Duration: 17minIt's fun and it's free! Join Free Your Inner Guru Podcast host Laura Tucker on an 8-week Summer of Self-Care journey. My "inner guru" had a message for me this morning. It was a little crude, but I got her meaning. What followed was an honest look at where I can take some action and create connection within the Free Your Inner Guru tribe at the same time. If you're like me, you could use a little tender loving care. So take a listen and if it feels right, let's find out what 8 weeks of Summer Self Care will bring! Mentioned in this episode: Article: How to Review a Podcast on Apple Podcasts From Your iPhone or Computer Join the Summer of Selfcare at Experience the Summer of Self Care in the Free Your Inner Guru Facebook Group Follow the Free Your Inner Guru Podcast on Instagram and Facebook Support the #FYIGpodcast and join the Free Your Inner Guru™ Tribe at
Shaun Proulx: Feeling Happier is a #ThoughtRevolution Away
09/06/2018 Duration: 01h11minMedia personality and talk radio show host Shaun Proulx has a great big heart – and he shares a piece of it with us in this episode of the Free Your Inner Guru Podcast. When Shaun Proulx and I sat down to record this interview, we had a list of topics and found that neither one of us felt like speaking about anything other than our thoughts and feelings about current events this week with the loss of two highly talented creatives like Kate Spade and Anthony Bourdain. Shaun opens up about own his experience of living a public life and what led him to create a "Thought Revolution." Shaun believes it is time that we stop stigmatizing our humanity. The words Thought Revolution came out of his mouth during a CBC interview. After the strength of the audience's response, Shaun knew that a Thought Revolution was needed – not just for himself. He has dedicated his life and his work to sharing the power of living consciously with others. "I know that the only thing I've done that has proven to be consistently su
Jessica Tracy: The Impact of Pride on Success and Authentic Leadership
28/04/2018 Duration: 51minJessica Tracy, author of Pride: The Secret of Success shares her perspective on the impact of pride on success, leadership and why all leaders are vulnerable to the darker side of pride. Pride: The Secret of Success is a must-read for new, emerging and established leaders, and anyone in a position to choose a leader, whether it’s in corporate, community, political or the self help world. Conversation highlights: The two types of pride: authentic and hubristic pride How the self-conscious emotions of pride, shame, embarrassment and guilt influence our identity. The difference between authentic pride and hubristic pride. Pride is not just one thing. How the two types of pride create two different types of leadership. Is pride a sin, or is it healthy and adaptive? Jessica Tracy’s scientific view of the two conflicting types pride: It’s OK to feel pride, but it’s important to monitor which type of pride you feel. Why having a healthy sense of pride makes it easier to be successful. How “faking it un
The Free Your Inner Guru Podcast First Anniversary Edition
07/04/2018 Duration: 19minIn this First Anniversary Edition of the Free Your Inner Guru Podcast, host Laura Tucker takes a look back at the year that was, the current state of the podcast, and the exciting future that lies ahead. This episode of the Free Your Inner Guru Podcast has special significance. It was recorded and released on the one year anniversary of the very first episode on April 6, 2017. When I look back over the course of the last year, the growth of Free Your Inner Guru – and, who am I kidding, my growth – has been significant. In this anniversary episode, we take a walk down memory lane and revisit some of the most popular, and my favourite episodes. Then we look at the present state of the podcast and where we are headed in the very near future. Stay tuned for the next episode with Dr Jessica Tracy, author of Pride: The Secret of Success. If you’ve been listening for a while, or read my blog over the past couple of years, you will recognize her name and the book title will be familiar because I refer to it all
Allison Graham: How to Become a Resiliency Ninja
23/02/2018 Duration: 58minAllison Graham shares her challenges as a business owner after a botched surgery left her with permanent nerve damage and the joy of becoming a “resiliency ninja”. “If you're going through hell, keep going” became a mantra for Allison Graham after she had a botched surgery that caused relentless nerve pain. Several surgeries and hundreds of doctor’s appointments later, Allison had to find a different way to deal with emotional, mental and financial challenges. Tired of wearing a mask to hide her struggle, Allison learned to stop hiding what was going on inside, adapt her business model and create a new kind of freedom. Allison’s story is remarkable, filled with hard-earned practical wisdom that she shares in her new book Married My Mom, Birthed A Dog. Conversation highlights: How her post surgery life gave her permission to let go of what she thought she had to do and build the life she really wanted. Allison explains the Continuum of Challenges: the difference between stress, obstacles and adversity.
Raana Zia: Create Your Desired Life With Your Hidden Light
08/02/2018 Duration: 45minRaana Zia shares her self development journey from corporate executive to spiritual self help author “I experienced those magical moments and the synchronicities. When you do open yourself up to this world. For me, it made this life much more wondrous and exciting. Life is so much more interesting and exciting than I thought it was.” – Raana Zia Raana Zia spent her career holding executive level leadership roles in large Fortune 500 retail companies including the position of Chief Financial Officer. She supported leaders and teams to maximize their abilities and achieve their goals in the corporate world. Her passion for personal and leadership development and an intense desire to discover her own purpose and potential led her down an unexpected path of self-realization and spirituality. Although she initially shied away from purely spiritual concepts and beliefs, as she moved deeper in to her understanding of how everything you desire in this physical world comes from the unseen world, Raana began to embra
3 Reasons Outcomes Get Better Results Than Goals
01/02/2018 Duration: 08minWhen I think of the difference between Outcomes and Goals, I think of the Grand Canyon. The Grand Canyon did not happen overnight. It is the outcome of accumulation of the forces of water and erosion. Created layer upon layer, year upon year the Grand Canyon became bigger than the sum of its parts - just like you. Goals are time-bound and task oriented. Outcomes are more expansive and inspiring than goals. They reveal a bigger picture and tap into the energy of your emotions. We tend to make change when one of two things happen: their fear of staying the same - or their desire for something different - becomes greater than their resistance. Listen to today’s Free Your Inner Guru podcast to find out why outcomes get better results than goals when it comes to creating a meaningful life. Mentioned in this episode Download the Free Your Inner Guru Guidebook Schedule a Free 45 Minute Discovery Call with Laura Support the #FYIGpodcast and join the Free Your Inner Guru™ Tribe at
Who You Become in 2018 Matters to the World
19/01/2018 Duration: 18minWho do you want to become in 2018? To become your own guru, it is critical that you know who you are. If you know who you are and understand why you are here, you can focus on becoming the full expression of YOU as a means of creating happiness and success in this world. Your inner guru is your road map. Who you are becoming is your compass. Becoming is a creative process with clear steps. You design the outcome in advance and then make decisions and take actions that are consistent with that outcome. Living in alignment with who you want to become is a source of personal power. When you are clear on who you want to become and show up as a person who is moving towards that outcome, you are putting yourself into alignment with moving forward as defined by you, not external events or others. We've come through 2017 - a year like no other - collectively as a global community. If there is a silver lining to this confronting time, its people are claiming their voice and using it to be heard. This is a journey
Happy New Year – Welcome to The Great 2018
02/01/2018 Duration: 11min"If 2018 is going to be great for someone, it might as well be you!" I wrote these words in my journal the morning of New Years Day. In this episode of the Free Your Inner Guru Podcast, we explore the recent past to find solutions to guide you forward to a great 2018 and beyond. Ten years ago we were entering The Great Recession, a global phase where harsh economic reality, fear and fearmongering ruled the day. As we head into 2018 we face a harsh leadership reality that incites uncertainty, fear and fearmongering. If you're going to make it a great 2018, you must choose your focus wisely. Rather than fear or focus on conditions you can't control, the best you can do individually and collectively is focus on becoming the best leader you can be. The Great Recession and the self development journey it prompted taught me many valuable lessons that apply (if possible) more today. I share them today via a letter to my younger self at the beginning of my journey the release of new Free Your Inner Guru Gu
Jenna Smith: How to Discover the Joy of Living From Your Heart - Free Your Inner Guru
21/12/2017 Duration: 56minJenna Smith joins Laura Tucker for a wide-ranging conversation about the power of living from your heart. When Jenna Smith was a young woman, her life became very complicated. She faced notable challenges at home, and was living in physical pain from a car accident. When she was told that that was it, she would have to live with pain, it didn’t make sense to her. Jenna embarked on a journey of inquiry, following her truth to change her reality. In this broad-ranging conversation about shamanism, heart-centred living, masculine and feminine energy, personal responsibility and boundaries, Jenna and Laura explore how true wisdom starts with going within in order to go out into the world. Jenna Smith is an Ontological Coach, Spiritual Psychotherapist and Shamanic Intuitive. The Creator of the 'You are the Manual' online program, Jenna runs an international business coaching, counseling and running Shamanic retreats from her home by the shore of Lake Huron. Her mission is to reconnect people to their unshakeab
Self-Sovereignty: A Journey for the Strong of Heart - Free Your Inner Guru
26/11/2017 Duration: 23minThe core of the self-sovereignty journey is a shift in how you see the world. Becoming self-sovereign doesn’t mean you have to buy an island and set up your own republic. You are the republic and its authority. Claiming your authority means becoming sovereign in your consciousness, and not going along with things - including your own thoughts -that are harmful to you. The process of reclaiming your personal power and becoming self-determined is for the strong of heart. It requires stripping everything away, right down to your core. In this podcast, we explore: the relationship between self control, locus of control and happiness how to reclaim your personal power by taking responsibility the good, the bad and the ugly of personal responsibility discernment as the key to self-sovereignty causes of disconnection from your inner wisdom how to reconnect with your inner guru I know you’re probably listening to this podcast on the go, so what I’ve done is create the Free Your Inner Guru Guidebook, a
This Podcast Thing’s All Right, But In Real Life is Better - Free Your Inner Guru
09/11/2017 Duration: 09minThis podcast thing is all right, but I found out this week “in real life” is better. As I was collecting my thoughts before sitting down to record, I happened to glance up at the time and date on my computer screen. In that moment I realized that it’s 7 months to the day since the release of the first Free Your Inner Guru episode. Last week, I sponsored an event in Ottawa, Ontario called Money, Mindset and Marketing. Ottawa is a 4-5 hour drive or one hour flight from Toronto, where I live. Part of being a sponsor is having a booth, which meant I had to do something with an 8x10 space to represent the podcast. My intention for the event was that in the room of about 350 people, I would connect with people who would resonate with the podcast. I was looking forward to seeing friends and contacts who I have existing relationships with - from attending the event in previous years. And I was super excited to see online friends “in real life”. And then, something unexpected happened. One by one, people I have n
Six Solutions for Big Fish Swimming in the Wrong Pond - Free Your Inner Guru
02/11/2017 Duration: 18minDo you need solutions to help you attract clients who appreciate and compensate the quality of your work? It could be that you are a Big Fish, but you’re swimming in the wrong pond. If you listened to last week's episode, I spoke about a phenomena that happens when people are growing in their business and stretching into new territory. I compared it to being a small fish trying to swim or have an impact in a big pond. There’s another dynamic that I think is worth exploring. It's when somebody really is a big fish, but their results are limited because they're trying to swim in the wrong environment. The solution to this challenge can mean the difference between merely surviving and thriving. When you are in survival mode, it becomes more difficult to uphold the quality of your work and find joy in your experience. If what is your unique “big fish” talent is turned into a commodity, your positive feelings around your business and its contribution are diminished. Over time, your confidence is also diminished.
Feeling Like a Small Fish in a Big Pond? - Free Your Inner Guru
26/10/2017 Duration: 18minWhat if the discomfort of feeling like a small fish in a big pond is a normal part of the growth process? If you’re playing big in life or business, you may find yourself feeling like a small fish in a big pond. This week I’ve had three separate conversations with people who were each experiencing frustration because of the amount of time, effort and energy it is taking to create a new result. And that's not including a number of conversations I've had about the exact same thing with myself! I noticed there was a pattern to these conversations. Each of us were experiencing frustration in the course of playing big. When you're the small fish in a big pond, it’s time to be your own leader. Listen to this week’s episode of Free Your Inner Guru to find out why there’s always a bigger pond – and what you can do about it. Mentioned in this episode: The One Thing: The Surprisingly Simple Truth Behind Extraordinary Results, Gary Keller Flow: The Psychology of Optimal Experience, Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi Requ
Julie Min: From Tragedy and Survivor’s Guilt to Forgiveness, Happiness and Love - Free Your Inner Guru
12/10/2017 Duration: 50minPsychic and spiritual counselor Julie Min shares her experience of healing from survivor's guilt This conversation with Julie Min took place several months ago. In fact, it was the first interview recorded for the show. Once we had it, and knew what the content was, it didn’t seem like the right time to release it. I decided to hold the episode until October because it’s the anniversary of our shared traumatic experience, never anticipating that many of the topics we explore like having a peak-to-pit experience and living with survivor’s guilt would be in the news again. Julie is a psychic and spiritual counselor who helps people connect with the truest version of themselves. I hope you are inspired by this conversation, as we share not just some of our challenges, but what it’s been like to return to a state of forgiveness, happiness and love. Highlights: Why Julie chose to participate in the documentary Enlighten Us (4:00) Why it’s good to be able to talk about difficult subjects. (12:50) Survivor
Surviving Survivor’s Guilt: What Can I Find Gratitude For? - Free Your Inner Guru
05/10/2017 Duration: 20minSurvivor’s guilt causes an endless loop of questions: What is the meaning of all this? What is good and what is evil? Did I do - or say - enough? Why am I here? Or why am I still here? It’s Thanksgiving this weekend in Canada, and that means it’s also the anniversary of the event that introduced survivor’s guilt into my life. In this week’s podcast, I felt compelled to share with you what that journey has been like in the context of reconciling my difficult emotions with giving thanks and gratitude each year. "Survivor's guilt, like all grief, is like an old coat. It always stays in your closet. It's the one that you can't quite get rid of. You can't throw it away because every time you pull it out, you look at it, you touch it, you feel it, and it's associated with your memories of something or someone that you loved or believed in that's now gone. And sometimes you pick up that coat and put it back on and you allow it to cloak you in those feelings so that you can be connected to them. And then other da