Free Your Inner Guru

Who You Become in 2018 Matters to the World



Who do you want to become in 2018? To become your own guru, it is critical that you know who you are. 
If you know who you are and understand why you are here, you can focus on becoming the full expression of YOU as a means of creating happiness and success in this world. Your inner guru is your road map. Who you are becoming is your compass. Becoming is a creative process with clear steps. You design the outcome in advance and then make decisions and take actions that are consistent with that outcome. Living in alignment with who you want to become is a source of personal power. When you are clear on who you want to become and show up as a person who is moving towards that outcome, you are putting yourself into alignment with moving forward as defined by you, not external events or others. We've come through 2017 - a year like no other - collectively as a global community.  If there is a silver lining to this confronting time, its people are claiming their voice and using it to be heard.  This is a journey