Join environmental engineer and eco-living expert Laura Trotta and special Eco Hero guests in this fun and thought-provoking podcast on sustainability. Laura's mission is to make green mainstream and ensure her listeners get all the inspiration and help they need to create an ecoceptional life they love.
[138] How I Stay Optimistic when Experiencing Environmental Anxiety
20/05/2019 Duration: 18minLast weekend in Australia we all went to the polls to vote in our national election. It was supposed to be the climate change election. Yet, our conservative, climate-denying government was returned to office. Naturally many eco-minded voters, scientists and environmentalists were devastated and are filled with anxiety about what this means for our country and planet moving forward. In this episode I’m sharing six things I’m doing to keep me optimistic about the state of our environment in an increasingly warming world. Hopefully they inspire you to do the same or at least feel reassured that there are people out there who care deeply about the sustainability of our planet, and who are prepared to go the extra mile to conserve what’s left. Resources Click HERE to connect with me on LinkedIn Click HERE if you're a Council or Corporate and want to work together to improve the sustainability of your organisation Click HERE if you're an expert, educator or Conscious Business Builder wanting to make a bigger impac
[137] Plastic Free Shampoo Options
01/05/2019 Duration: 09minIf you're keen to reduce your plastic consumption and aren't sure what alternatives are out there for shampoo, this episode is for you. I'm sharing two of my favourite plastic-free shampoo options. One is a DIY recipe I've been using with much success for years and the other is my new favourite natural solid soap shampoo bar. Both options are gentle, natural alternatives to conventional shampoos (which dry out your hair) and both are gentle on our environment. Resources: Purchase Natural solid Shampoo bars at Use code ECOCHAT10 to save 10% off your first order.
[136] How To Raise Kids In a Digital World Part 2
13/04/2019 Duration: 44minIn episode 59 of Eco Chat, Dr Kristy Goodwin shared her best tips for how to raise kids in a digital world. That was 2.5 years ago and as you'd imagine, much has changed in the world of technology since. In this episode Dr Kristy is back to share latest developments in this area, with a particular focus on how to keep our kids safe while gaming and watching YouTube. You can follow Dr Kristy Goodwin at and join her online parents portal at
[135] Climate Change and YOU
10/03/2019 Duration: 32minIf you’re concerned about our changing climate and are wondering what you can do to make a difference, this episode is for you. I’m sharing eight things you can do to help address climate change. Resources: greenHOUSE Home Energy Blitz Self Sufficiency in the Suburbs Bokashi Bins at Sustainahome
[134] Conscious Business Builders
21/02/2019 Duration: 33minDo you want to make a BIGGER IMPACT? If you have a product or service the world needs and want to reach more people. Thousands more people. I can help you do that. In this episode I share my latest offering with you. Conscious Business Builders is high performance coaching for established entrepreneurs who are ready to make a bigger impact. Click HERE to Apply.
[133] 4 Alternatives to Single-Use Plastic Straws
09/02/2019 Duration: 11minDid you know that plastic straws are one of the most common items found on beaches worldwide? According to Clean Up Australia, plastic straws are the 12th most common item reported by Clean Up volunteers. Which is not surprising given that Australians use about 10 million plastic straws every day, or 3.5 billion a year!! Plastic straws are a serious health hazard for marine wildlife. They can easily become lodged in the nostrils and stomachs of marine life including turtles, birds, dolphins, fish and whales, with fatal consequences. If you’re a straw user, be part of the change and switch single use plastic straws for these four sustainable alternatives. For strategies and support to ditch single-use plastics, join my FREE 5-day Plastic Free Challenge.
[132] The Benefits of Cycling and Commuting by Bike
21/01/2019 Duration: 40minCycling is a sustainable mode of transport. There’s nothing quite like the feeling of getting from A to B under your own steam, or pedal power in this case. Last year, after I started working in the city three days a week, I soon grew tired of the train commute and looked in to cycle instead. And I’m so glad I did! Since I switched the train for bicycle for my 14km commute I've been getting stronger, faster and happier. Plus I'm saving loads of cash too! If your new years’ resolutions include getting fitter, saving money, or reducing your impact on the environment, this episode is for you! I’m joined by Matt Tozer from Bike Society who will share his best tips for getting into cycling, particular commuting to and from work. You can follow Bike Society via their Website, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest and Twitter.
[131] Tales from a Dumpster Diver
03/01/2019 Duration: 20minHave you ever wondered what it would be like to go diving in dumpsters to rescue discarded food, but you haven't been game enough to experience it for yourself? In this episode I'm chatting with my Dumpster Diving friend Dushan Popovic about what it's really like to go diving for food. You'll discover: What kind of foods supermarkets are throwing away Tips for getting started dumpster diving The best times to go dumpster diving Safety concerns of dumpster divers How to come out to your friends as a dumpster diver. I assure you that you'll think differently after food waste after listening to this episode. Let's dive in! ;-)
[130] Six Eco Gift Wrap Ideas
23/12/2018 Duration: 08minIf you’re keen to reduce the environmental impact of your gift giving this Christmas, you're in the right place! In this episode I'm sharing six eco gift wrap ideas. It’s possible to wrap your gift sustainably. Whether you use Santa Sacks, fabric, children’s paintings, gift bags or 100% post consumer gift wrap, there’s an eco gift wrapping option to suit everyone!
[129] Fighting Food Waste with Ronni Khan from Ozharvest
05/12/2018 Duration: 27minRonni Khan is on a mission to nourish our country with rescued food. Her social / environmental enterprise Oz Harvest is on the cusp of delivering it's 100 millionth rescued meal to someone in need this Christmas. Hear how Ronni actually rescues food from institutions and redistributes it to vulnerable people through initiatives like Oz Harvest's FREE supermarket. Learn more about Oz Harvest at You can purchase Lenny and the Ants children's book HERE.
[128] What Is The Most Sustainable Christmas Tree?
21/11/2018 Duration: 31minWhat is the most sustainable Christmas Tree? A real, living Christmas Tree or a reusable plastic Christmas Tree? To help answer this question I’m chatting with Steve Roberts from Adelaide Hills Christmas Trees. In this episode you'll learn: Where a real Christmas Tree is more sustainable than a plastic variety How long it takes a pine tree to grow into a suitably-sized Christmas Tree What happens to all the Christmas Trees after Christmas Best tips for keeping your real Christmas tree looking fresh How to grow your own real Christmas Tree Other options for Christmas Trees (eg. homemade recyclable trees) Additional Resources - Click HERE for some inspiration on homemade Christmas Trees from recyclable materials - Click HERE to download your FREE Seasons Greenings eGuide to help you have a cleaner, greener Christmas without being a party pooper! - Click HERE to order your real Christmas Tree from Adelaide Hills Christmas Trees (Adelaide and surrounds residents only) …..
[127] How to Throw a Zero Waste Party
08/11/2018 Duration: 11minWant to throw a zero waste party! Great! You’re in the right place! If you love entertaining but hate waste, this episode is for you! I’m sharing five strategies to help you to easily ecotain (i.e. party sustainably) in a world obsessed with convenience and waste. Resources: How to Make Eco Friendly Christmas Bon Bons The Ecotarian Guide Eco Party Box
[126] 3 Ways To Eco-fy Your Coffee Habit
29/10/2018 Duration: 10minIf you’re keen to eco-fy your coffee habit, listen up! In this episode I’ll share three simple ways to enjoy your daily dose of coffee, sustainably. Some links to help: - Click HERE to get your reusable coffee cups from Sustainahome - Click HERE to purchase reusable coffee pods from Sustainahome An ethical and sustainable cup of coffee is possible! By switching to a reusable cup, reusable coffee pods and an organic, Fairtrade brew you’ll save money, waste and contribute to a cleaner, greener and fairer future for us all. Now that’s almost enough to make me want to start drinking coffee! ;-)
[125] Eco-parenting Strategies for the Modern World
16/10/2018 Duration: 23minIf you’re a parent or grandparent trying to raise the children in your life in as sustainable a way as possible, this episode is for you! I’m sharing four strategies to help you to eco parent successfully in the modern world. To join a like-minded community of eco-minded parents (and non-parents), check out Self Sufficiency in the Suburbs.
[124] How To Reduce Paper Use In The Home
01/10/2018 Duration: 13minWhether it’s the deforestation and loss of habitat caused by logging trees for paper, the water and energy used to transform wood into pulp and paper or the chemicals used to bleach and colour the paper, the production and use of paper products has a significant impact on the environment. Throughout August in my Self Sufficiency in the Suburbs membership we shone the light on paper product usage, and we all made an effort to reduce our consumption of paper products in the home. Since there’s so many opportunities to reduce paper in and around the home, I thought it would be great to summarize them for easy reference. In this episode I share 13 simple ways to reduce paper use in and around the home.
[123] 7 Signs You're Obsessed with Stuff
11/09/2018 Duration: 16minIf you’re finding that stuff is taking over your home or you’re weighed down by the amount of physical clutter in your life, this episode is for you. I’m sharing seven signs you’re obsessed with stuff, and outlining why you need to take control of your stuff before it takes control of you. Like this episode? You may also like: Ep5 – The Environmental Impact of Toys and How To Stop the Toy Invasion Ep76 - Four Questions You Should Ask Yourself Before Buying Something New Ep77 - Tips on Decluttering and Organising Your Home with Helen Butler Ep102 - Five Simple Ways To Declutter Your House EP 120 – 3 Reasons To Rethink Supermarket Collectables Learn More! Self Sufficiency in the Suburbs gives you the A to Z of living a simpler, more self-sufficient life, with a supportive community to boot! Click HERE to learn more.
[122] Building a Sustainable Home In the Suburbs Part 2
31/08/2018 Duration: 33minOver the past two years my husband Paul and I have been building our very own sustainable home in the suburbs of Adelaide Australia. In this episode, Paul joins me on Eco Chat to share our biggest learnings from the process. From polystyrene construction materials to low VOC paints, we have it all covered in this episode. We share: - what is the most sustainable floor covering - how we tested the soil in our yard for metal contamination - what not to do with your rainwater tank (hint: don't get it delivered until the very moment you want it installed) - the no.1 choice you can make to reduce volative organic componds (VOCs) in your home - the decisions you need to make up front to ensure your home is energy efficient (hint: it doesn't include installing solar) There's been soooooooooo many learnings along the way that I thought I'd share them with you so if you're even in the position where you're building your own sustainable home, or adding sustainable features to your existing home, you can learn from som
[121] Sustainable Period and Leak Proof Underwear with Modibodi founder Kristy Chong
10/08/2018 Duration: 18minWhen we think of sustainability, underwear isn’t typically the first thing that comes to mind. But Modibodi founder Kristy Chong is certainly changing that! Kristy is on a mission to revolutionized feminine hygiene products and her brand Modibodi and their period and leak-proof underwear is certainly making waves in this area. In this chat Kristy and I talk about sustainable periods and how an embarrassing mishap while running the Seattle marathon led to her creating what will clearly become one of Australia’s iconic brands. Click HERE to visit Modibodi's website Click HERE to follow Modibodi on Facebook
[120] 3 Reasons To Rethink Supermarket Collectables
24/07/2018 Duration: 11minKids love collecting things and marketers know it. Supermarkets, in a bid to up their market share, often offer free collectables to “reward” their shoppers. Or more specifically, their “Little Shoppers”, the children of their customers. Coles new Little Shop promotion is one such promotion. From tomorrow, Coles shoppers will be offered a free toy – a miniature version of 30 well-known household products – with every $30 spent. It will no doubt be popular with millions of families, however the health and environmental costs of such a promotion shouldn’t be understated. In this episode I discuss the marketing genius and environmental nightmare of the Coles Little Shop collection and share three reasons why you should rethink supermarket collectables.