Join environmental engineer and eco-living expert Laura Trotta and special Eco Hero guests in this fun and thought-provoking podcast on sustainability. Laura's mission is to make green mainstream and ensure her listeners get all the inspiration and help they need to create an ecoceptional life they love.
[99] What Are Microbeads?
17/10/2017 Duration: 12minIt’s been said that they’re more immediately dangerous to the environment than a discarded plastic drink bottle … we're talking about microbeads. What they are, what impact they have on the environment and our health and how you can tell if a product contains them. Beat the Microbead have made an app to help you find out if these tiny pollutants are in your favourite products. You can download the app and scan the product barcode and it will tell you if the product contains microbeads. You may also be interested in Eco Chat Episode 93 - how our plastic oceans are impacting our environment with Craig Leeson.
[98] How To Reduce Food Waste From Your Pantry
26/09/2017 Duration: 12minIf you have a pantry that’s brimming with food, much of which that’s been sitting there for a while. Or if you regularly find yourself tossing out stale or soiled food from your pantry, then today’s episode is for you. I’m chatting about simple actions you can take to reduce food waste from your pantry. Click Here To Be Notified When Self Sufficiency In The Suburbs Opens Again For New Members
[97] Can I Ask Your Advice?
16/08/2017 Duration: 08minI've decided to take a couple of weeks off the podcast to do some work behind the scenes and improve the way I do things around here. But before I make any changes, I want to make sure I continue to cover the topics that are going to be the most helpful to YOU... So my question to you is this: When it comes to living sustainably, what's the single biggest challenge you've been struggling with? Would you please CLICK BELOW to tell me so I can be sure to address your specific situation in upcoming content that I'll be creating: Click here Thank you so much! Laura :-) P.S. That question again: When it comes to living sustainably, what's the single biggest challenge you've been struggling with? Click here to tell me Thanks so much!
[96] 3 Plastic Habits To Kick To Improve Your Health
08/08/2017 Duration: 12minThis episode highlights three simple plastic habits you can kick to improve your health. WANT TO WIN A SET OF HONEYBEE REUSABLE WRAPS? Review the Eco Chat podcast in iTunes before Friday 18th August for your chance to WIN. Not sure how to leave a review? Follow the steps in this 1 minute video.
[95] 3 Plastic Habits To Kick To Improve The Environment
02/08/2017 Duration: 17minWhen focusing on reducing the environmental impact of plastics, it pays to look at ways that will decrease the amount of plastic you use. Avoiding single-use plastics is the key here. This episode highlights three simple plastic habits you can kick to improve the environment. WANT TO WIN A SET OF HONEYBEE REUSABLE WRAPS? Review the Eco Chat podcast in iTunes before Friday 18th August for your chance to WIN. Not sure how to leave a review? Follow the steps in this 1 minute video.
[94] How Crowdfunding Has Changed My Biz and Life
26/07/2017 Duration: 22minWhat is crowdfunding? How does crowdfunding work? What are the benefits of crowdfunding? I’ve been asked these questions and more countless times over the past year, particularly during and after my two successful crowdfunding campaigns where I raised over $37,000 upfront for sustainability projects in my business. There are many benefits of crowdfunding. From securing funding upfront, to catapulting your profile, to testing if a business concept will fly, more and more entrepreneurs and business owners are turning to crowdfunding over traditional forms of finance. In fact, in 2015, an estimated US$34 billion worldwide was raised via crowdfunding! In this episode I’ll explain what crowdfunding is and how it works. I’ll also share five benefits of crowdfunding (hint: only one is financial!) and why you should consider it as an option to not just raise capital, but to grow your business. Join Confident Crowdfunding before Friday 28 July and SAVE $100 on the upfront plan with code EARLYB
[93] Plastic... How Our Plastic Oceans Are Impacting the Health of Our Planet
18/07/2017 Duration: 57minThe Plastic Free July movement is sweeping Australia and for very good reason. Our obsession with plastics, particularly single-use plastics, is causing devastating impacts to our oceans, our land, our wildlife and us. If you’ve ever wondered just what kind of impact, and the degree of this impact, plastics are having on our environment then today you’re in for a real treat. Actually, today may not be a treat at all, because my guest has some pretty alarming information to share with us all. Craig Leeson is an award-winning journalist, television presenter and filmmaker. His debut cinematic feature film, “A Plastic Ocean”, which he wrote, directed and executive produced, hit the coveted no.1 spot for documentaries on iTunes in the U.S., the U.K., and Canada and is listed globally on Netflix with the backing of Leo DiCaprio. What’s more, Sir David Attenborough has described A Plastic Ocean as the most important film of our time. If you haven’t yet watched A Plastic Ocean, I have a strong feeling it will be top
[92] Transforming Women's Health Through Grace and Grit
11/07/2017 Duration: 48minWhen it come to transforming women's health, look no further than Courtney Townley from Grace and Grit. Courtney Townley is passionate about a multi-dimensional approach to women's health and fitness, and integrates the practices of clean eating, functional movement and stress management. She loves to move and share her love of movement with others while also introducing them to optimal health through healthy living practices. To her, it’s the greatest gig in the world to work so closely with women who want to be happier, healthier and more fit and change their lives for the better. In this episode, Courtney and Laura chat about sustainable eating and dieting, and how women can best transform their health, naturally.
[91] How To Grow Your Own Food In Small Spaces
04/07/2017 Duration: 38minIf you value eating real foods, fresh seasonal produce and cooking from scratch but you’re yet to start growing your own food, you’re going to love this episode. Today I’m joined by a guy who believes that gardening is for everyone. That’s right! Organic veggie gardening is no longer the domain of those with a migrant background, a large backyard or heaps of time on their hands. The trend to higher density living and dwindling backyard sizes in our cities has given rise to the conventional gardener….. a home gardener who values real food and is having a red hot go at growing their own. Mat Pember is the founder of Little Veggie Patch Co, and he’s undeniably leading the trend of growing food in small spaces. In today’s episode he’ll share some of his best tips on how you too can grow some of your own food in small spaces.
[90] My Journey Towards Antarctica
27/06/2017 Duration: 42minToday on the podcast, I’m sharing an interview that, retail strategist and host of the Bringing Business to Retail Podcast, Salena Knight did with me last week. She is chatting with me and asking me a heap of questions about my upcoming trip to Antarctica. I thought it would be really cool to share this episode that has been aired on her Bringing Business to Retail Podcast, today with you. You will understand a lot more about me, what’s coming up for me, and why I’m so excited to be chosen in Homeward Bound to head to Antarctica in February/March next year. If you haven't yet pledged your support for climate action by some of the world's smartest and most passionate scientists, NOW is the time! Show your support here.
[89] There Is No Planet B
20/06/2017 Duration: 11minIt’s time we humans took a long hard look at ourselves and how we’re living. In this post I touch why we need to stop acting like we have a Planet B. Plus I share a small action that you can do today to ensure we’ll never need a Planet B. Last week I shared with you my exciting news that I'd been selected as one of 80 female scientists worldwide to join the second-ever Homeward Bound and fly the climate action flag on a global stage. I've just launched a crowdfunding campaign and have just 10 days to raise the funds to cover my ship berth on this program.... a hefty AUD 22,000 (and this is just a portion of the total program costs). You can pledge your support here.
[88] Reflections On Turning Forty
13/06/2017 Duration: 38minI’m changing things up this week! Rather than showcase an interview or a “how to” episode on how to live more sustainably, I thought I’d share some thoughts and reflections with you on what’s going through my head this week as I turn the big 4-0!! Plus, I wanted to let you know of a few exciting opportunities and projects on the horizon….
[87] What Is The Paris Agreement And Why Did Trump Withdraw?
06/06/2017 Duration: 17minLast week the POTUS, Donald Trump, announced that the United States was withdrawing from the Paris Agreement. It was no big surprise. He’d made it loud and clear during the 2016 Presidential Campaign that he’d withdraw from the Agreement if elected. Media speculation in the days leading up to the announcement hinted that it was just a matter of him saying the words and the U.S. was out. And of course there was the body language and the refusal by Trump to endorse his support of the Paris Agreement at the May 2017 G7 Summit in Sicily that basically confirmed that Trump was going to follow through on his pre-election promise. So while we hoped he wouldn’t go there. He went there. With the withdrawal of the United States from the Paris Agreement as it currently stands, many of us are wondering what this means for not only the Agreement moving forward, but for global climate action on the whole. In this episode, I pull back the curtain on the Paris Agreement. What it is. How it works. Why Trump withdrew. And wha
[86] What Is Food Waste
30/05/2017 Duration: 23minIn a world where famine and hunger are a daily battle for millions of people, the need to reduce food waste, and indeed the concept of food waste, can be difficult to comprehend. However, the statistics on the volumes of food wasted are alarming. Roughly one third of the food produced in the world for human consumption every year — approximately 1.3 billion tonnes — gets lost or wasted. In this episode, I unpack the issue of food waste and discuss how it’s generated, the impact of food waste on the environment, and simple measures you can take to reduce food waste in your home. Click to visit Laura Trotta Website
[85] 6 Strategies To Create A Self-Sufficient Home…
23/05/2017 Duration: 15minAll too often I hear of people who are running their dream, self-sufficient home, but it’s become a nightmare. They’re working around the house and garden more than ever, are stressed out, and what was fun and exciting when they started out has become a chore and a big weight on their shoulders. In this episode, I’m sharing my best advice on how to build a self-sufficient home that affords you maximum freedom and flexibility (and don’t worry: this advice can be applied right from the beginning, or be used to tweak things if you’re a bit further along the path, but your self-sufficient home has begun to swallow you whole). Click here to get your free shopping and meal planner.
[84] How To Break Bad Habits
16/05/2017 Duration: 14minIf you’re wanting to live a more self-sufficient, sustainable lifestyle, it’s likely you’ll need to break some old, bad habits and replace them with new, sustainable ones. But how do you break a bad habit? In this episode I’ll explain why bad habits are typically hard to break. I’ll also share some tips on how you can replace an old habit with a new one. Get your FREE Think Global Act Local eGuide here!
[83] Where To Start Your Self-Sufficiency Journey
09/05/2017 Duration: 14minIf you’re keen to reduce your impact on the planet and improve your family’s health and well being in the process, but you’re just not sure where to start you’re in the right place! In this podcast, I’ve collated my best tips to start (or up level) your eco journey. You’ll also be able to complete a fun quiz that will help you identify how self-sufficient your lifestyle currently is. Click here to discover how self-sufficient your lifestyle is!
[82] Building A Sustainable Home In The Suburbs Part 1
02/05/2017 Duration: 37minIf you’ve ever built a new home, you’ll appreciate just how much time and effort goes into planning, designing and building. But what about it you want to take it a step further and make sure that your build is as sustainable as possible? This week on the podcast I’m joining my husband Paul to share some of our learnings and tips on how to build a sustainable home.
[81] Sustainable Bridal Couture
25/04/2017 Duration: 32minLast week on Eco Chat we heard from Melinda Tually from Fashion Revolution who shared many of the social and environmental issues of the fashion industry with us…as well as some tips for how you can make a difference by asking your favourite fashion brands “who made my clothes?” I wanted to continue the conversation this week, in Fashion Revolution Week, by bringing the founder of an exciting new local eco-bridal label onto the show. Lenka Couture’s founder, Lenka Harvey, is on a mission to revolutionise the bridal fashion industry and give conscious brides more sustainable options, particularly when it comes to the most important day of their lives. According to the Australian Bureau of Statistics, 113,595 couples said "I do" in 2015. Lenka Harvey, sees this as 113,595 opportunities to create a gown for the bride who is interested in making a lasting positive impact in the world, through her considered choices. Lenka Couture’s designs are intended to enhance the beauty of the woman in the dress, showcasing t
[80] Fast Fashion and Why We Need A Fashion Revolution
18/04/2017 Duration: 31minIf you’re a bit of a mindless consumer when you’re out, shopping and buying lots of new clothing and accessories for your wardrobe, well this week we’re going to change all that. Hopefully we are going to turn you into a more conscious consumer when it comes to fashion. I’m super excited to bring my guest Melinda Tually onto the show this week. Melinda is the director of Ndless: The New Normal, and she is also the coordinator for Fashion Revolution in Australia and New Zealand. Melinda advises brands and retailers on responsible business and supply chain strategy, social and environmental risks, communications, partnerships, and sourcing. The Fashion Revolution is a global movement calling for greater transparency in the fashion industry and Fashion Revolution Week runs from April 24th-30th 2017. In today’s episode, you will find out first-hand from Melinda: What is wrong with the fashion industry. Exactly what the Fashion Revolution is, how it was established, and what it is achieving. Tips and strategies t