Mandarin Baptist Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 229:49:16
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At Mandarin Baptist Church, we are loving people to transformational life in Christ as we go.


  • Behold [Week 2]

    14/12/2020 Duration: 31min

    Behold (2) Christmas at Mandarin 2020Scripture: Luke 2.25-38; Psalm 136; Psalm 86.11; Micah 7.7Suddenly there was a multitude of heavenly hosts with the angel, praising God and saying: Glory to God in the highest….  - Luke 2.13-141- Spend some time in Luke 2.25-38.  What do you learn about worship from Simeon and Anna? Talk about their character traits and how those traits postured their life as enduring worshippers? How is God developing your life and your preparations as a worshipper?  What could be a first next step to deepen as a worshipper?2- Luke 2.35 reads that Jesus foray to earth reveals the thoughts and hearts of many. The psalmist calls for an undivided heart for each of us. What are your answers for these questions from our gathering this week.  How can I endure in worship, even in the trials and challenges that daily come my way? How can I prepare the way to be the true worshipper for which I was formed?  As my heart and soul repeatedly sings the Glorious Hallel (Psalm 136), how can might this br

  • Behold [Week 1]

    08/12/2020 Duration: 33min

    Behold (1)…. Christmas at Mandarin 2020Jesus has put on flesh and He dwells among us and within those of us who believe. We BEHOLD His glory, the glory of the one and only Who is filled with grace and in truth. - John 1Scripture: Micah 7.7; Galatians 4.4-5; Luke 2.9-14But as for me, I will watch expectantly for the Lord. - Micah 7.7 (NASB) * How is watching different from waiting?  * What are the ways that you can posture your life as one who watches, with expectancy, for Jesus at work in and around you? * In what ways is your life and faith affected, knowing that God is at work even as you wait?  He is at work in the pain.. in the challenges… in the unknowns.. in the hard.. in the joy… in the wonder…in all things.  * What will you begin today (and, maybe stop doing today) as you orient your life around watching for God at work and posturing to join with Him?Micah lived in chaos and was surrounded by those who had little or no concern about the ways of God.  Yet, his life declaration was ‘As for me, I will wa

  • Consuming Ambition [Week 3]

    30/11/2020 Duration: 31min

    Consuming Ambition Week 3 1) Reread Acts 1:6-8. What stands out to you in these verses? What challenges you? Look at the question by the disciples. What is surprising about Jesus’ response?2) A missionary by the name of Henry Martyn said “His last command should be our first concern. The Spirit of Christ is the spirit of Missions and the nearer we get to him the more intensely missionary we must become.” Why do so many believers struggle with sharing their faith? Is it a knowledge problem or is it something else? 3) The three circles diagram is a way you can share the Gospel. What about it is easy? What about it is hard? How does your story of faith fit into it?  *bonus practice sharing it with a family member! 4) Our greatest wounds, are the greatest opportunities for us to see God’s grace in our lives, and often our greatest tool to share with others their need for Jesus.  Why is it powerful to share about the brokenness we have in our own lives? 5) Who will you share the Gospel with? Write their name down

  • Consuming Ambition [Week 2]

    24/11/2020 Duration: 40min

    Consuming Ambition (2)Scripture: 2 Timothy 2.2; Matthew 28.18-20; Ephesians 3.17-20; Matthew 5.16;  2 Corinthians 5.14; I Thessalonians 2.8Let our lights and our light so shine before others, so that they see your good works and they give glory to our Father in heaven. - Matthew 5.16* The ultimate aim of our lives is to bring glory to God. We desire for others to see, in our lives, the glory of the gospel. Describe the aim of your life? How can I sharpen my aim to align with God’s? What does a life given for His glory look like practically and lived out daily?  Read this passage and ponder God’s design and His ultimate. Let our lights and our light so shine before others that they see our good works and they give glory to our Father in heaven. - Matthew 5.16* What are your first thoughts and reactions to this statement?  C.S. Lewis wrote that 'our faith is not a moral code. It is a grace-laden mystery; it is not a philosophy of love, but a love affair; it is not keeping rules with a clenched fist, but re

  • Consuming Ambition [Week 1]

    19/11/2020 Duration: 37min

    Consuming Ambition Text: 2 Timothy 1.13-14; Matthew 28.18-20; Acts 11.15-25Generations moving together in the advance of the great commission. * Based on Matthew 28.18-20, when all of the authority of Jesus is moving among His people, what is happening in His church? Sketch out the expectation and mission for His church shared in this scripture. What patterns do you anticipate forming when Jesus’ beautiful commission is becoming our consuming ambition?  * 'The Lord’s hand was with them’ - Acts 11.21  What stands out to you about the Church at Antioch? (Acts 11.15-26)  How does ‘His presence with you’ (v.21) help you to see your everyday life as a part of God’s mission? How will you intentionally be His blessing to those around you today? Jesus’ authoritative commission would become their consuming ambition.  - David Platt

  • Last Words: A Study of 2 Timothy [Week 12]

    09/11/2020 Duration: 20min

    Grace is the means and the lens through which you accurately understand and interpret life  * Our venture through 2 Timothy has been significant. We have studied Paul’s last words and those words have studied us.  What is one truth that you read in this letter that was new to you?  How is one way that your thinking has shifted as you made your way through 2 Timothy?  In what specific way are you living differently because of this letter?  How has this letter increased your intimacy in conversation with Jesus?* Continue to take a journey through the Last Words of Paul, as you return regularly to read, to think and to pray through this letter and your life in Christ.  Grace be with you… The Lord be with your Spirit. Grace be with you all.  - 2 Timothy 4.22

  • Last Words: A Study of 2 Timothy [Week 11]

    03/11/2020 Duration: 38min

    Last Words (11)Scripture: 2 Timothy 4.16-18Everyone needs a Paul and everyone needs a Timothy.  1- Read. Think. Pray. Live.  Open your journal and ponder one chapter of 2 Timothy each day this week. Consider how what you experienced through reading, thinking and in prayer, and how that might compel you to live differently today. What new practices that you should consider? How does this impact your relationships? What do you need to do more?  What needs to become less? How do these truths impact the way that you live? Be practical and read for life change.  2 - Paul is speaking into Timothy (and into our Mandarin family) that our faith is God’s story of using His people to overcome great obstacles in order that we accomplish His mission. From what you have learned in 2 Timothy, what is God’s mission? What obstacles are in your life?  What do you learn about God.. about you.. about His mission.. about obstacles in 2 Timothy 4.16-18?  From what you are learning, what is your next step on mission?But the Lord st

  • Last Words: A Study of 2 Timothy [Week 10]

    26/10/2020 Duration: 32min

    Scripture: 2 Timothy 4.6-8Everyone needs a Paul and everyone needs a Timothy.  1- As a faith family, we are learning and practicing the discipline of Spiritual Reading (Read. Think. Pray. Live) This week, read one chapter of 2 Timothy each day and PRAY the Scripture. Talk with God about what you are learning, thanking Him for the truth of this letter, asking Him questions, inviting Him transform your life in Truth, engaging in repentance…. Praying Scripture allows for God to begin the conversation and to shape its direction.2- Read and think about 2 Timothy 4.6-8  If we are to fight, finish and guard the faith well, it will happen as we live in love with Jesus. What steps could help you to be intentional in pursuit of knowing Christ so that you are diligent, consistent and thoughtful? Who will know your plan and take the journey with you?  Will you give them permission to walk with you in accountability?For me to live, Christ. To die, Christ. I live as one in gain.                           - Paul, the Apostl

  • Last Words: A Study of 2 Timothy [Week 8]

    19/10/2020 Duration: 34min

    Last Words2 Timothy 3:10-171- There is a transformative power found in the truths of God’s Word. Our hope is to practice in ‘spiritual reading’ that truth may grow us into the image of Christ. You have read 2 Timothy. You have opened a journal and given thought. This week, we will pray  the words of 2 Timothy. Talk with God about what you are learning, thanking Him for the truth of this letter, asking Him questions, inviting Him transform your life in Truth, engaging in repentance…. Praying Scripture allows for God to begin the conversation and to shape its direction. Read 1 chapter a day and Pray these truths into your soul.  Read.Think.Pray.Live. 2- Do you have an example of a time when studying scripture a verse that you were familiar with popped out in a fresh new way? When this happens how does this strengthen your view/understanding of scripture? 3-  “Direction not intention determines your destination” What direction are you going in regards to discipleship? Who are you discipling? Who is discipling yo

  • Last Words: A Study of 2 Timothy [Week 9]

    19/10/2020 Duration: 37min

    Last Words (9)Scripture: 2 Timothy 3.16 - 4.5If everyone needs a Paul, one who mentors and guides; models and mirrors Jesus. Then, who is your Paul?  Because everyone needs a Timothy, one who you mentor and guide; model and mirror Jesus. Who is your Timothy?** What if you could know the way to every good work that God has for you?  2 Timothy 3.16-17 seems to promise that you do have this way within you. Using 2 Timothy 3.16-4.5 as a guide, how can you posture your life for all the good things that come to you from the heart of Christ? Talk about this with a friends and family.  It’s amazing to consider that this is possible… that all things are possible in Christ!** As a faith family, we are learning and practicing the discipline of Spiritual Reading (Read. Think. Pray. Live) For the next week, read one chapter a day and PRAY the Scripture into your soul. This week, we will pray  the words of 2 Timothy. Talk with God about what you are learning, thanking Him for the truth of this letter, asking Him questions,

  • Last Words: A Study of 2 Timothy [Week 6]

    05/10/2020 Duration: 39min

    1) Read and Think… Read one chapter of 2 Timothy each day. Open a journal and Think… Ponder… Meditate. Turn the words over in your heart and mind. Consider the abundance of truth in each chapter. Write insights, truth about God, truth about yourself, needed change, and hopes as you allow the Scripture to form Christ within.2) When you read 2 Timothy 2:14-26, what are some hard truths you hear? What grabs your attention from the text?3) Paul challenges Timothy to stay focused on the truth of scripture. Why is hyper focus on the truth of scripture important in our lives? How does staying focused on Truth help us stay focused on our mission? How does it help us avoid some of the traps we encounter in this world?4) Why is our purity important? How does if impact those closest with us? How does it effect our ability to witness?5) This passage talks about avoiding arguments but at the same time Paul is confronting false teachings. What kind of “disputes” are worthwhile for believers to get involved in? What are not

  • Last Words: A Study of 2 Timothy [Week 7]

    05/10/2020 Duration: 38min

    Scripture: 2 TimothyScripture to Remember: 2 Timothy 3.1-9; Psalm 15But know this: Hard days will come….  - 2 Timothy 3.1      In these hard days, every one of us needs a Paul!1- Who is one of your ‘heroes’? Talk about what makes this person a ‘hero’?  Why are ‘heroes’ important?  If it’s true that everyone needs a Paul (and it is true), how would you describe a spiritual hero.. one who shows you the way of Christ?   2- Paul tells us that we can anticipate hard times in these last days. He, then, describes a sea of sin in which those who are supposed to be heroes are swimming. How does the moral failure described in 2 Timothy 3.1-5 do harm to Jesus’ church?  When have you been hurt by the church?  When have you left a wound because of your sin?  Did you experience or provide restoration?  Are there steps of restoration that you need to take?3- Paul tells us to ‘avoid those swimming in this sea of sin’. Perhaps, Paul was suggesting that they are not to be the anchors for our soul; that their influence is not w

  • Last Words: A Study of 2 Timothy [Week 4]

    23/09/2020 Duration: 30min

    Scripture: 2 TimothyScripture to Remember: 2 Timothy 1.13 - 18Everyone needs a Paul. One who speaks life and leads you toward maturity.  Everyone needs a Timothy. One in which you invest life and lead toward maturity. 1- Read & Think…. For the next three weeks, Read one chapter of 2 Timothy each day. Open a journal and Think… Ponder… Meditate. Turn the words over in your mind and heart; consider them from different angles and perspectives. Write down insights, truths, hopes, shifts, changes as you allow the Scripture to form Christ within. 2- When have you been stumped.. baffled… let down?  What holds you together in these times? Paul teaches Timothy to ‘hold fast’ to healing words…healing truths….healing hope. How might you hold on to the pattern of life-giving truth?  What is your plan to deepen in His Word?3- How would you express the pattern or outline of the gospel in three sentences? Perhaps, this Scripture (1 Corinthians 15.3-5) and this link ( may be

  • Last Words: A Study of 2 Timothy [Week 5]

    21/09/2020 Duration: 39min

    Scripture: 2 TimothyScripture to Remember: 2 Timothy 2.1-13Everyone needs a Paul, who guides you in the mysteries of God’s grace and goodness.  Everyone needs a Timothy, to whom you pass on the mysteries of His grace. 1- Read & Think…. Read one chapter of 2 Timothy each day. Open a journal and Think… Ponder… Meditate. Turn the words over in your heart and mind. Consider the abundance of truth in each chapter.  Write insights, truth about God, truth about yourself, needed change and hopes as you allow the Scripture to form Christ within. 2- Who is the hero of your story? If you are a follower of Christ, is He the hero of your day to day life? What is happening in your life that can only be explained by His presence? Paul suggests a few ways to assure that Jesus is your source of strength. He tells Timothy to abide in Jesus, day by day dependent upon the enabling grace that flows from a walk with Him.  Timothy, be inwardly strengthened by the grace that is in Christ. What are ways that you are inwardly stre

  • Last Words: A Study of 2 Timothy [Week 3]

    06/09/2020 Duration: 37min

    Scripture: 2 TimothyScripture to Remember: 2 Timothy 1.8-12Every one needs a Paul and, everyone needs a Timothy 1- Read 2 Timothy this week. Read it through at least three times. Reading invites into His story and to feel at home in God’s economy.  2- How might you ‘remember’ the gospel on a daily basis?  What do you learn, from verses 8-12 about faithful endurance in the gospel? Open your journal and list thoughts and truths, then share them with friends and family.3- Pastor Mark talked about the posture of the church.  Followers of Jesus run into the broken parts of this world, as others tend to run away. In Acts 19, Paul is in the midst of a riot and holds the gospel as his hope and his posture is to ‘let me in’.  When is a time that you have seen hurt in this world and moved toward ‘let me in’? What is a burden that God has made you aware of today? Are you asking Got to give you a path to  ‘let me in’ posture? Why is it of first importance that the gospel of Christ lead the way? 4- Paul is ‘persuaded’ tha

  • Last Words: A Study of 2 Timothy [Week 2]

    30/08/2020 Duration: 38min

    Everyone needs a Paul; Everyone needs a Timothy.

  • Last Words: A Study of 2 Timothy [Week 1]

    23/08/2020 Duration: 39min

    Scripture: 2 TimothyScripture to Remember: 2 Timothy 1.1-2Every person needs a Paul; Every person needs a Timothy1- Share or post online one truth that sparked life in your soul as we worshipped and then studied 2 Timothy 1.1-2.  There is so much that is good in this passage. So much that is remarkable. What is ONE thing that struck you?2- Paul. Every word matters in Scripture. ‘Paul’ is the one word gospel testimony of God’s rescue, new life, transformation and Paul's life-altering pursuit of the desire to know more of Christ.  It’s beautiful to know and to express your one-word life-altering testimony of who Jesus is and what He has done. This is the wonder of the gospel.  Watch this video  After watching, take some time and write your own story of rescue and redemption. Try to make this no more than a 90 second story of Christ alive in you. Write of:               * God’s Design (Colossians 1.16; Genesis 1.31a)               * Brokenness (Romans 3.23; Romans

  • For This, I Kneel [Week 5] Ephesians 3:20-21

    16/08/2020 Duration: 32min
  • For This, I Kneel [Week 4] Ephesians 3:16-19

    09/08/2020 Duration: 28min
  • For This, I Kneel [Week 3] Colossians 1:9-12

    02/08/2020 Duration: 34min
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