Mandarin Baptist Church

Consuming Ambition [Week 3]



Consuming Ambition Week 3 1) Reread Acts 1:6-8. What stands out to you in these verses? What challenges you? Look at the question by the disciples. What is surprising about Jesus’ response?2) A missionary by the name of Henry Martyn said “His last command should be our first concern. The Spirit of Christ is the spirit of Missions and the nearer we get to him the more intensely missionary we must become.” Why do so many believers struggle with sharing their faith? Is it a knowledge problem or is it something else? 3) The three circles diagram is a way you can share the Gospel. What about it is easy? What about it is hard? How does your story of faith fit into it?  *bonus practice sharing it with a family member! 4) Our greatest wounds, are the greatest opportunities for us to see God’s grace in our lives, and often our greatest tool to share with others their need for Jesus.  Why is it powerful to share about the brokenness we have in our own lives? 5) Who will you share the Gospel with? Write their name down