We need to learn more about our Catholic Faith, and so here I have provided a means to discuss the faith intelligently and to study the rich tradition found in the Catholic Church.
Epiphany Sunday: Indifferentism and Elitism, Religiously Spiritual
07/01/2018 Duration: 19minHow often do you hear the phrase, "I'm spiritual but not religious"? Usually it is meant as a somewhat sneer towards religious individuals, coming with it false view of what "religion" actually is. In our homily today, I reflect on the religious habits of the 3 wise-men, and how they conformed their own faith to the true faith, kneeling before God who appeared in an actual moment of history. When we keep things vague and general about who God is, and what He has done, it spirals into a cold-hearted indifference towards God. When we assert our religious tradition in a spirit of competition we are like King Herod, forming an Elite that doesn't welcome the real Christ into his company. Lets consider all these things, and learn to just fall in Love with God.
School of Faith and Reason: Why the Church does not Ordain Women
25/11/2017 Duration: 01h39minSome view the Church's teaching on the ordination of women as sexist. The Church often perceives this to be the result of "sexual relativism" whereby we are affected by a culture who defines truths according to emotion and desires, rather than the ontological nature of God's creation. Is our sexuality something trivial, objective, or is it all subjective? According to the Church, our subjectivity needs to be aligned to God's design for us as male and female. In regard to the priesthood, Jesus presents his priesthood to the world as that of a Husband in love with the Church, His wife. Therefore, if being a husband is important, only men can be priests to be an effective sign of Christ the Priest-groom
November 13th: Forgiveness and Judgment - A Catholic "Both-And"
13/11/2017 Duration: 10minWe had the grace of having Fr. Roger O'Neill celebrate the Holy Mass at Monastery of our Lady of Alcobaca. Please give a listen to his words of wisdom which reminds us of how the Act of Contrition need to be understood as a whole. That is to shun both presumption and despair!
Songs from the Irish in a Portuguese Pub
13/11/2017 Duration: 30minDuring my retreat in Fatima, it was common to find the Irish priests in the pub late at night, sharing in fraternity. And one of their traditions is to sing. So I got to record bits and pieces of their songs. Please enjoy if you'd like to listen. There is 30 minutes of it...haha
31st Sunday in OT: Jesus Criticizes Priests and Pharisees
05/11/2017 Duration: 13minJust as a note of interest, I mention that God is angry with priests "right now." It was an inserted joke because as I was preaching we heard a loud crack of thunder in the Church which wasn't picked up while recording it. That is why people laughed.
School of Faith and Reason: Why is Contraception "intrinsically evil?"
04/11/2017 Duration: 01h26min -
30th Sunday in OT: The foolery of the 7 Deadly Sins
29/10/2017 Duration: 15minGod gave us 2 simple commandments, yet because of original sin, we are addicted to our pride. Lets examine how the seven deadly sins are the contradiction of God's call for us to Love Him above all else, with everything we are, and to love Him in our neighbour.
School of Faith and Reason: Baptism and Salvation
07/10/2017 Duration: 01h26minFr. Chris reflects on Baptism's spiritual implications; We are beloved children of God, we are saved through a relationship, and conforming our hearts and minds to that relationship. We also speak about Original Sin, its effects, and how it fosters doubt and disbelief in God. Faith is the cure to the problem of fear. Finally we discuss some controversies such as Infant Baptism, Limbo, and Salvation outside of the Visible Church.
The Pro-Life Movement in Canada: An Interview with Alissa Golob
06/10/2017 Duration: 39minAlissa Golob is a co-founder of "RightNow" an organization that makes practical steps towards pro-life policy and laws that will protect the dignity of children within the womb. Please visit the RightNow Website to donate towards this cause and find out how you can become politically active today!