Fides Et Ratio

Epiphany Sunday: Indifferentism and Elitism, Religiously Spiritual



How often do you hear the phrase, "I'm spiritual but not religious"? Usually it is meant as a somewhat sneer towards religious individuals, coming with it false view of what "religion" actually is. In our homily today, I reflect on the religious habits of the 3 wise-men, and how they conformed their own faith to the true faith, kneeling before God who appeared in an actual moment of history. When we keep things vague and general about who God is, and what He has done, it spirals into a cold-hearted indifference towards God. When we assert our religious tradition in a spirit of competition we are like King Herod, forming an Elite that doesn't welcome the real Christ into his company. Lets consider all these things, and learn to just fall in Love with God.