
  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 402:08:12
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A chat slugfest! Two industry insiders cut through everything you watch, play, read and collect. NEW EPISODE EVERY FRIDAY


  • STCPod #177 - Tattoo You

    22/03/2018 Duration: 01h07min

    Find out why one of us is done with thrifting.  Bill's been doing some eBay speaking action. Joe gets forced to respond to some listener comments live.  Discover if Joe has been enjoying playing Alan Wake.  Bill vomits out some anger for the Vita and Zelda. Bill is fascinated about a tattoo and we watch The Shape of Water together.  Enjoy! PODCAST RUNDOWN Barrie Game Exchange Done with thrifting Bill is eBaying Answering some comments live March Break Loving Alan Wake Bill's PS Vita anger Bill's Zelda frustrations Why the tattoo Thoughts on The Shape of Water Movie night WHERE AND HOW TO SUPPORT US   ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: https://itunes.

  • STCPod #176 - A Brief History of Time

    15/03/2018 Duration: 01h19min

    How does a special record on Happy Pi Day gets us talking about 3D movies?  Joe clears off his PVR and breaks his TV. We talk black holes, Stephen Hawking and how stupid we are.  Can we pull off a Lord of the Rings marathon?  Why are cats pricks? Joe loses a car seat but starts playing the guitar again. Bill talks about the Rolling Stone documentary he made Joe listen to and Thor is funny.  All this and much more! Enjoy! Why is Bill late for the record Happy Pi day Life of Pi movie / 3D movies Clearing off the PVR Joe's TV is broke Barrie Game Exchange Stephen Hawking passes Lord of the Rings marathon Kids and the March Break Cats are pricks No more car seat Joe starts playing guitar again Blues Traveller and harmonicas Concert memories Rolling Stone documentary on HBO Thor Ragnarok is funny ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy o

  • STCPod #175 - Iritis (Or How I Learned To Use A Bidet and Loved It)

    08/03/2018 Duration: 01h20min

    This week Bill doesn't believe Joe's reason for his red eye. We argue time-based vs turn-based battles in video games.  Tim Horton's coffee and why it sucks. Bill gets paranoid. We argue over sleep again. We have 2 different birthdays on one weekend. YouTube screws Transformers and Beer over for no reason and then doesn't fully explain why and we remember bidets and discuss how to use them. Enjoy! ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS:

  • STCPod #174 - I Dreamed A Dream

    02/03/2018 Duration: 01h14min

    This weeks show has Joe bleeding all over while Bill tells us about his erotic dream.  Joe possibly says goodbye to a TV.  It's a double birthday weekend though Bill seems to think that one of them is harder than the other.  The long awaited sleep results of Joe's sleep test are revealed but will they satisfy Bill?  All this and much more on this episode of STCPod! Enjoy! How to have a good sleep A bloody finger Bill's Honda update Bill dreams of Joe My TV blew up Guys weekend at the cottage Double birthday weekend Joe's sleep test results Driving off the highway Cutting off Value Village Kevin Smith ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT ​STCPOD SWAG:   Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes:

  • STCPod #173 - SIRI Fails, Famous TV Restaurants and the Big Nickel

    23/02/2018 Duration: 01h09min

    This time Joe goes Pro and Bill goes crazy over a wedding and a cottage weekend.  Joe tries to explain what Casino Rama is and Bill tells about his weekend in the Big Nickel.  SIRI fails again but we are still able to find some famous TV restaurants.  We argue Star Trek Discovery again.  Bill informs us about an Andre the Giant special and after Joe wakes up, he asks an important question about Alan Wake.  Enjoy!! ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: http://stcpod

  • STCPod #172 - Stop With All of This Ed Hardy Motion

    15/02/2018 Duration: 01h12min

    In this week's episode......Bill goes crazy over what he calls some people's "privileged parking". Joe get's poor service trying to get some coffee. We gush over each other from last weekend's charity stream and Joe has some thoughts for the future. More car woes for Joe, Bill hates Ed Hardy jeans but loved stop-motion and watching experiments. Enjoy!     ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG:   Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision   Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message: http

  • STCPod #171 - The Song Remains The Same

    08/02/2018 Duration: 01h08min

    This week Joe tries to find out how many glasses he would have to sell to buy Bill's new furniture.  What did we do on the Superbowl? Check out both of us this upcoming weekend as we  Twitch a live video game stream to help a friend out. We argue over sleep masks and why The Song always Remains The Same. Enjoy!   ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:

  • STCPod #170 - Take Those Olives and Rub Them All Over My Body

    02/02/2018 Duration: 01h01min

    Despite the continual barrage of unwarranted emotional attacks from a certain runner-up podcast that shall remain nameless, the two hunk-o-hunks from STCPod rally and rise up.  Bill is forced to spend 5 pairs of #JoeGlasses on some new furniture, and despite Joe's insistence that olives are good both in and all over your body, Bill still refuses to eat them.  A "Glow" continues to surround Bill while Joe's "Discoverery" of Black Mirror leaves him less than impressed. All this much much more ! Enjoy! ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher:

  • STCPod #169 - Falling Down the YouTube Rabbit Hole

    25/01/2018 Duration: 01h19min

    The Cartridge Club Podcast of the Year 2017 is back for another week and we win a contest, vomit up some smoked salmon, air-dry some balls, get disgusted at Star Wars Eps 2 and fall down a rabbit hole. Enjoy! Why won't Bill just tell Joe who won The Polykill contest? Joe and his smoked salmon Air-drying balls Joe's is disgusted having to show his kids Star Wars Epsiode 2 Joe watches Avatar for the 1st time Bill button mashes his way through Mario Odyssey Stumbling down the YouTube rabbit hole Where did Bill disappear to on his birthday weekend? ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : S

  • STCPod #168 - Cartridge Club Podcast of the Year

    18/01/2018 Duration: 01h16min

    The year is starting off Bright for us as we thank everyone for giving us the Cartridge Club Podcast of the Year Award. Everything else is the same though as we discuss beans and gas, Joe gets an eyefull of sauna nudity, what a pain Shoppers Rewards can be and much, much more. Enjoy! Falling asleep before the show Beans, beans the musical fruit Sending our thanks for becoming Cartridge Club Podcast of the Year New categories for next years show Grey chest hair Sauna nudity High school orientation night Barrie Game Exchange Hand sin my pocket Bill "finishes" Mario Odyssey Bills Shoppers Super Saver event Eating Nerds like a horse The glasses have arrived Strikeback is back on HBO Will Smith bring Will Smith in Bright ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod We

  • STCPod #167 - Looking To The Skies For A Discovery

    11/01/2018 Duration: 01h05min

    This week Joe decides to tackle Crimson Skies on the Xbox because he saw Musty playing it, even though Bill told him to try it years ago.  We have a massive argument over Star Trek : Discovery and shows in general. Bill reads some listeners comments and Joe debunks them. Joe tries to teach Bill some math and Bill tells Joe how he pictures what his life is like. Enjoy! ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice messa

  • STCPod #166 - Back In The Black for 2018

    05/01/2018 Duration: 01h20min

    As we put all that was 2017 behind us, we take a look at 2018 with a new light and determination to do things differently.  Joe discusses some medical tests he had to go through, and we try to figure out how to change our buying and selling habits from the past year. Enjoy! ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:

  • STCPod #165 - The Last Podcast of 2017

    28/12/2017 Duration: 01h05min

    The title says it all! This is it....after 52 weeks of podcasting in 2017 we are ending the year off with a special episode! Enjoy everyone and Happy New Year! Find Flock of Nerds at the following :  Buy our stuff! us on YouTube! us on Facebook! us on Twitter!   Find Polykill at the following :  Facebook : Twitter : @Polykill    YouTube : Polykill Podcast   ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher: http://www.s

  • STCPod #164 - Merry Christmas

    21/12/2017 Duration: 01h08min

    STCPod would like to wish everyone a Merry Christmas!  We hope your holidays are happy and safe and that you are lucky enough to spend it with people that you care about.  Be safe and be kind to one another.   Bill finally finds a cider drink but it's not the one he wanted Joe loses his iPhone Joe books an appointment for an eye exam Christmas cheer at work Artwork woes Soggy Doggy Trying to find a Blu Ray at Walmart We finally get a resolution for Horizon Zero Dawn for Bill #JustBeatIt Until Dawn Aggressive coaches Joe finally watches Rogue 1 and Guardians 2 ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instag

  • STCPod #163 - Time To Drive and Eat Some Coldcuts

    14/12/2017 Duration: 01h21min

    Another Friday is here with the boys discussing how they survived winter-geddon, what cold cuts make the best sandwiches, how to pull teeth out and what their listeners think and want to do to them. Enjoy!   No ball-bustin' Surviving Winter-geddon We stupidly argue over the best cold cuts to eat How Bill got his daughter to pull out her own tooth Joe tries a Forza game for the first time and Bill talks about his steering wheel Cartridge Club plays for charity What is this G.T.A. online thing? More recap on Horizon Zero Dawn Reading listener comments and some housekeeping ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes:

  • STCPod #162 - Check Your Eyes, Christmas Tree and Store Shelves

    08/12/2017 Duration: 01h06min

    In this episode, we find out some of Bill's pet peeves, also why Joe can't go to just anyplace to get his eyes checked. There has been a Christmas tree incident, also what to keep in your wallet, how having perseverance can get you a game, what ebGames and comic stores have in common and some bootlegging. Enjoy! ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:

  • STCPod #161 - How To Wreck A Breakfast

    01/12/2017 Duration: 01h13min

    Does every show lately need to start with an apology? STCPod goes Dy-no-mite. We find out what Shreddies do to Bill's stomach and why he can't get a PS4 for free. We can't remember passwords and Joe actually compliments Bill on a design of his. Joe takes care of another birthday for his son and Bill has a continuing theme with a story from Great Wolf Lodge. Enjoy! ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message: https:

  • STCPod #160 - Car Repairs, Christmas Lights and Comedians

    24/11/2017 Duration: 01h09min

    After a devastating illness, Joe is back to full strength as Bill forces him to listen to his stories; all the while Bill refuses to believe any events that Joe says he is forced to perform on a daily basis. Enjoy! ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG: Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision   Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:

  • STCPod #159 - Actually Loving Lazenby and Band of Brothers

    16/11/2017 Duration: 01h10min

    Someone is cranky and sick Bill's internet issues Joe's favourite Christmas movie - Love Actually Bill would love to be one this boat - Pirate Radio SIRI and crazy bitches Magnum P.I. trivia George Lazenby - Becoming Bond Gravy train over? Band of Brothers re-watch and discussion ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG:   Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision   Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:

  • STCPod #158 - How My Life Is Strange

    10/11/2017 Duration: 01h02min

    Talking into the bum end Joe's podcasts How sleep helped Bill beat Wolfenstein Another "free" game for Joe Sleeping in a parking lot Winter boots Roll swapping Joe gets some pickups for Bill Bill watches Stranger Things 2 while Joe watches Season 1....again Buffy and Angel Bill gets Netflix for its VR? ----> Discuss this episode on our forums SUPPORT YOUR STCPOD FOR FREE BY SHOPPING THROUGH OUR AMAZON LINKS FOUND AT​STCPOD SWAG:   Logo remaster courtesy of Ryan O'Reilly @ryanovision   Twitter: STCPod Website: YouTube Channel: iTunes: Instagram : STCPod Stitcher: Podcast URL: RSS: --- Send in a voice message:

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