The Think Inclusive Podcast features interviews and commentary with thought leaders in inclusive education and community advocacy.
Paula Kluth | Universal Design Daily
28/07/2018 Duration: 50minToday we have Paula Kluth, nationally recognized author and speaker on the topic of inclusive education and autism. We talk about her latest book, Universal Design Daily, and how educators can learn to plan for all students by changing their mindset.This episode's transcript can be found here. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Kristin Wiens | Northstar Paths
21/07/2018 Duration: 42minToday we have Kristin Wiens, an educator from British Columbia Canada and creator of Northstar Paths, a resource that has stop-motion animation and other beautiful visuals to help educators understand students with disabilities. We talk about the creation of Northstar Paths and what is next for Kristin and her outstanding illustrations.This episode's transcript can be found here. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Noah Jack | Musician on the Autism Spectrum
14/07/2018 Duration: 26minToday we have Noah Jack, a musician on the autism spectrum. We talk about the release of his new single, Neighborhood, from his upcoming EP, All In The Family.This episode's transcript can be found here. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Rob Horner | The Connection Between PBIS and ABA
07/07/2018 Duration: 56minToday we have Dr. Rob Horner, Director of the Technical Assistance Center on Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. We talk about the history of PBIS and the somewhat controversial foundation in Applied Behavioral Analysis.This episode's transcript can be found here.Download our new resource, The Best Inclusive Education Links: 100 links to the best inclusion-related articles, videos, and media on the web.Visit Think Inclusive for more information about inclusive education.Have questions or comments? Reach us at podcast@thinkinclusive.usFollow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.CreditsThis podcast is a production of MCIE. Support the podcast and become a patron of the Think Inclusive Podcast! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Zachary Fenell | The Cerebral Palsy Vigilante
30/06/2018 Duration: 47minToday we have speaker, marathoner, and author of two books, Zachary Fenell. The first, Off-Balanced, a memoir about what it was like growing up and living with Cerebral Palsy as well as a Rock Realities, a compilation of 13 interviews he did with indie and alternative rock musicians. We discuss his most recent endeavor, completing a marathon, and all the challenges that came up for him being a person with cerebral palsy.This episode's transcript can be found here.Download our new resource, The Best Inclusive Education Links: 100 links to the best inclusion-related articles, videos, and media on the web.Visit Think Inclusive for more information about inclusive education.Have questions or comments? Reach us at podcast@thinkinclusive.usFollow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.CreditsThis podcast is a production of MCIE. Support the podcast and become a patron of the Think Inclusive Podcast! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
John Spencer | Student Engagement
07/01/2018 Duration: 39minToday we have John Spencer, speaker, and author of Empower and Launch, entertaining and practical books that help us to rethink how we deliver content and engage students in the learning process. We talk about what it looks like to help students own their learning, including students with disabilities.This episode's transcript can be found here.Download our new resource, The Best Inclusive Education Links: 100 links to the best inclusion-related articles, videos, and media on the web.Visit Think Inclusive for more information about inclusive education.Have questions or comments? Reach us at podcast@thinkinclusive.usFollow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.CreditsThis podcast is a production of MCIE. Support the podcast and become a patron of the Think Inclusive Podcast! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Arielle Hobbs | The Lion League
28/11/2017 Duration: 32minToday we have Arielle Hobbs, founder of the Lion League, a fantastic organization that is changing how we build inclusive schools around the United States. We talk about what inclusion looks like in her family and how the Lion League is different from other "social inclusion" organizations.This episode's transcript can be found here.Download our new resource, The Best Inclusive Education Links: 100 links to the best inclusion-related articles, videos, and media on the web.Visit Think Inclusive for more information about inclusive education.Have questions or comments? Reach us at podcast@thinkinclusive.usFollow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.CreditsThis podcast is a production of MCIE. Support the podcast and become a patron of the Think Inclusive Podcast! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Emily Ladau & Kyle Khachadurian | The Accessible Stall
06/08/2017 Duration: 41minToday we have Emily and Kyle from the Accessible Stall Podcast (which if you are going to listen to any other podcast related to inclusion and disability - this is the one!) They keep it real about issues within the disability community. We talk about how and why they started The Accessible Stall. Also, we have a very interesting conversation about inclusive versus isolated special education schools and classrooms.This episode's transcript can be found here.Download our new resource, The Best Inclusive Education Links: 100 links to the best inclusion-related articles, videos, and media on the web.Visit Think Inclusive for more information about inclusive education.Have questions or comments? Reach us at podcast@thinkinclusive.usFollow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.CreditsThis podcast is a production of MCIE. Support the podcast and become a patron of the Think Inclusive Podcast! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Julia Bascom | Autistic Self Advocacy Network
12/04/2017 Duration: 35minToday we interview Julia Bascom, Executive Director of the Autistic Self Advocacy Network. We talk about Autism Awareness...or is it Autism Acceptance?? Also, we travel 20 years into the future to talk about what Julia envisions for our world and autistic people.This episode's transcript can be found here.Download our new resource, The Best Inclusive Education Links: 100 links to the best inclusion-related articles, videos, and media on the web.Visit Think Inclusive for more information about inclusive education.Have questions or comments? Reach us at podcast@thinkinclusive.usFollow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.CreditsThis podcast is a production of MCIE. Support the podcast and become a patron of the Think Inclusive Podcast! Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Disability Studies and the Future of Special Education
14/04/2015 Duration: 33minToday you will hear two edited interviews that I did from almost a year ago. The first is with Audri Gomez and Aja McKee, educators that have had experience in the classroom as well in teacher training. They give a unique perspective on how we can prepare teachers who are about to enter into the field of special education and also highlight what a degree in Disability Studies looks like. My second interview is with a Middle School teacher who works here in the Atlanta Metro Area. Her book SPED is about a fictional character, Jack Parker, as he navigates the complexities of having learning disabilities in 8th grade and being in special education. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Debbie Taub | Alternate Assessment and Inclusion
16/08/2014 Duration: 59minToday I will be speaking with Debbie Taub, an expert in the field of special education alternate assessment. For those of you who don’t know, alternate assessment is the state test or portfolio that is administered or collected for students with the most significant cognitive disabilities - around 1-2 percent of all students in a typical school district. I had the pleasure of visiting with her one evening in February of this year. Debbie and I discuss what exactly is alternate assessment and what it has to do with inclusion. At the end of the podcast, Debbie lists some resources that may be helpful for any educator who wants to know more about modifying grade-level curriculum for students with significant disabilities. Keystone Assessment Resources National Alternate Assessment Center Council for Exceptional Children TASH Dynamic Learning Maps - DLM is responsible for developing an Alternate Assessment based on the Common Core State Standards. This episode's transcript can be found here.
Cheryl Jorgensen | Waiting for Inclusive Education
13/05/2014 Duration: 01h01minToday I will be speaking with Cheryl Jorgensen, one of the premier experts on inclusive education with over 30 years in the field. I had the pleasure of visiting with her one evening in January of this year. Cheryl and I discuss why it has taken so long for inclusive education to catch on in the United States and what needs to happen to break the barrier for it to become part of best practices for education. She even gives me advice on whether I need to quit my job or not. You will not want to miss her surprising answer. Partners in Policymaking (MN) The Mismeasure of Man by Stephen J. Gould.This episode's transcript can be found here. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Russ Ewell | Inclusive Sports Programs
01/03/2014 Duration: 50minToday I will be speaking with Russ Ewell; the CEO of Digital Scribbler, Founder of Hope Technology Group which started Hope Technology School (a nationally recognized full-inclusion school and Founder of E-Soccer, an all-volunteer inclusive soccer program. Russ and I discuss the beginnings E-Soccer and how for all intents and purposes it happened by accident. We also talk about how sports programs can become more inclusive when everyone has the right attitude and gets training on how to be proactive instead of reactive. Russ even makes me blush near the end of the interview so make sure to listen to the entire podcast.This episode's transcript can be found here. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Julie Causton | How Can We Reform Our Schools for Inclusion?
22/01/2014 Duration: 59minToday I will be speaking with Dr. Julie N Causton, an associate professor in the Department of Teaching and Leadership at Syracuse University and creator of the website Inspire Inclusion which includes a ten-part video series about inclusion for parents of children with disabilities. Julie and I discuss the necessary steps for schools to become more inclusive which include, professional development, re-imagining a school district's service delivery model, and using the law as leverage for systems change. This episode's transcript can be found here.Download our new resource, The Best Inclusive Education Links: 100 links to the best inclusion-related articles, videos, and media on the web.Visit Think Inclusive for more information about inclusive education.Have questions or comments? Reach us at podcast@thinkinclusive.usFollow us on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter.CreditsThis podcast is a production of MCIE. Support the podcast and become a patron of the Think Inclusive Podcast! Hosted on Acast. See
Dan Habib | Who Cares About Kelsey?
28/09/2013 Duration: 39minToday I will be speaking with Dan Habib about his new film Who Cares About Kelsey? **You may be familiar with Dan because of his previous groundbreaking documentary about his son "Including Samuel"** The film will be broadcast on public television beginning the weekend of September 28th. In addition to the film there are 11 mini-films available to watch on the website: that support the message of inclusion and positive behavior support. Dan and I talk about Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports, the importance of leadership in systems change and the all-important question...who we think is going to win the World Series?This episode's transcript can be found here. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Ariane Zurcher | A Conversation About Autism
06/09/2013 Duration: 55minToday I will be speaking with Ariane Zurcher, a Huffington Post blogger as well as creator of the blog Emma's Hope Book, a chronicle of sorts about her autistic daughter. She is one of the leading voices in the autism community and I had the pleasure of visiting with her one evening in June. Ariane and I discuss what it was like to go from knowing nothing about autism when her daughter was first diagnosed to being such a strong advocate for the autistic community. We briefly talk about inclusion and what that looks like in her family.This episode's transcript can be found here. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Paula Kluth | Don't We Already Do Inclusion?
06/09/2013 Duration: 55minToday I will be speaking with Paula Kluth, an internationally renowned author and speak about inclusive education. Her books are some of my favorite resources and I am constantly recommending her work to my colleagues. A little confession about this was recorded in May and I am finally getting around to editing it. It has been a very busy summer with vacations and me being home with the kids. My littlest one just turned one and my wife and I are coming up on our 10th wedding anniversary. Anyways...during our conversation...Paula and I discuss whether reverse inclusion can be a stepping stone to authentic inclusion, we also discuss ways educators can promote inclusion at their local schools, as well as if technology in the classroom is all that it is cracked up to be.This episode's transcript can be found here. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
The Fialco Family | Starabella
08/03/2013 Duration: 44minToday I will be speaking with Marvin, Sharon and Dana Fialco...authors of the Starabella book series. Starabella is a new series of books about a very courageous little girl with learning differences who expresses her thoughts and feelings through music. The books are based on the real life experiences of Marvin and Sharon's daughter, Tara who exhibited a surprising musical talent when she was very young but would later present perplexing challenges. Not able at the time to get a diagnosis, they were left with a mystery. Tara would not be diagnosed with autism until she turned 21. Tara, now an adult, went on to earn a degree in Early Childhood Education. The Fialco's and I discuss what is was like to observe Tara's amazing musical talent and how she developed her voice through melodies and lyrics. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Nicole Eredics | The Inclusive Class
30/11/2012 Duration: 34minToday I will be speaking with Nicole Eredics, co-host of the Inclusive Class Podcast on Nicole spent many years as a classroom teacher in British Columbia, Canada in a fully inclusive educational system before moving to the US a few years ago. Nicole and I discuss the differences between the Canadian and US educational system and their approaches to inclusion. We also talk about the most important ally for inclusion that a classroom teacher can have.This episode's transcript can be found here. Hosted on Acast. See for more information.