Central Community Church sermons
Praying The Bible - All Campuses
22/11/2020How do you respond when someone opposes you? The natural reaction is usually to try and fight back and oppose them. However, the Bible calls us to a different reaction, to pray for our enemies trusting in the sovereignty of God, and continue to...
A More Inclusive Exclusivity - All Campuses
15/11/2020It seems like just about the only thing you’re not allowed to do in a pluralistic society is to make an exclusive truth claim. But Jesus did precisely that (John 14:6) and now the Apostle Peter reaffirms the exact same claim: there is salvation in no...
Acts 4:13-22 - Agassiz Campus
15/11/2020It seems like just about the only thing you’re not allowed to do in a pluralistic society is to make an exclusive truth claim. But Jesus did precisely that (John 14:6) and now the Apostle Peter reaffirms the exact same claim: there is salvation in no...
What To Expect When You're Professing - All Campuses
08/11/2020Just as the "pregnancy bible" tells you everything you can expect as a new mother, the Bible-Bible tells us everything we should expect when we share Jesus with others.
A Wonder-Full Opportunity - All Campuses
01/11/2020The miraculous healing of the lame man at the temple gate caused quite a stir! Peter, seizing the opportunity, pointed those who were utterly amazed at this wonder to the God of wonders – Jesus. Do we do the same?
What Just Happened - Agassiz Campus
01/11/2020The miraculous healing of the lame man at the temple gate caused quite a stir! Peter, seizing the opportunity, pointed those who were utterly amazed at this wonder to the God of wonders – Jesus. Do we do the same?
Acts 3:1-10 - Agassiz Campus
25/10/2020What is the purpose of Miracles? Hearing about God performing a miracle of physical healing is often met with skepticism. God used miracles throughout the Bible to demonstrate his mercy to mankind, bear witness to the Gospel message, and bring glory...
Just An Ordinary Day - All Campuses
25/10/2020What is the purpose of Miracles? Hearing about God performing a miracle of physical healing is often met with skepticism. God used miracles throughout the Bible to demonstrate his mercy to mankind, bear witness to the Gospel message, and bring glory...
Acts 2:42-47 - Agassiz Campus
18/10/2020The early Christian community was a movement fuelled by the Holy Spirit’s presence and power, which led to their devotion to four characteristics that marked their gatherings.
The Devoted Church - All Campuses
18/10/2020The early Christian community was a movement fuelled by the Holy Spirit’s presence and power, which led to their devotion to four characteristics that marked their gatherings.
Acts 2:37-41 - Agassiz Campus
11/10/2020Imagine that you are telling someone about Jesus (hopefully not too difficult to imagine!) and they respond by saying, “What shall I do?” What would you say next? That is precisely the question the crowd asks Peter as he concludes his sermon to them.
What Shall We Do? - All Campuses
11/10/2020Imagine that you are telling someone about Jesus (hopefully not too difficult to imagine!) and they respond by saying, “What shall I do?” What would you say next? That is precisely the question the crowd asks Peter as he concludes his sermon to them.
The First Sermon - All Campuses
04/10/2020Almost immediately after the Holy Spirit was given to the church came the very first sermon. Peter tells the crowd that the coming of the Holy Spirit is a sign that Jesus is not only the Messiah they had been waiting for but also the Lord on whom we...
Acts 2:14-36 - Agassiz Campus
04/10/2020Almost immediately after the Holy Spirit was given to the church came the very first sermon. Peter tells the crowd that the coming of the Holy Spirit is a sign that Jesus is not only the Messiah they had been waiting for but also the Lord on whom we...
When God Shows Up: The Coming of the Holy Spirit - All Campuses
27/09/2020When the promised Holy Spirit showed up, it made an immediate and significant difference in Jesus’ first followers - and in the world! And the same power and purpose that God had for them is now ours.
Acts 2:1-13 - Agassiz Campus
27/09/2020When the promised Holy Spirit showed up, it made an immediate and significant difference in Jesus’ first followers - and in the world! And the same power and purpose that God had for them is now ours.
Is God Sovereign Or Are Humans Responsible? Yes. - All Campuses
20/09/2020A biblical understanding of God’s sovereignty and human responsibility leads to effective mission, trust in the authority of God’s Word, a right understanding of the judgment of God, and wise decision-making.
Acts 1:15-26 - Agassiz Campus
20/09/2020A biblical understanding of God’s sovereignty and human responsibility leads to effective mission, trust in the authority of God’s Word, a right understanding of the judgment of God, and wise decision-making.
Kick Off: Devotion To Good Hard Things - All Campuses
13/09/2020Prayer, unity, and persistence are all hard — but they’re also good. When Jesus points us in the way we should go He also empowers us with His own strength to get us there. A church on fire is a church devoted to: Jesus, praying to Jesus, unified in...