Central Community Church

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
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Central Community Church sermons


  • Good Friday: Death


    Anthropologist Geoffrey Gorer wrote that “in contemporary culture death has replaced sex as the new unmentionable”. By and large we don’t talk about death or see death, and yet we all still die. But when Jesus died in our place it changed our...

  • Perseverance


    Running the race of faith in Jesus requires perseverance. What assurances and resources do we have from God that will help us finish the race strong? The Bible gives us wonderful encouragements and important warnings for the journey ahead.

  • Sanctification


    Sanctification is the process by which we grow in holiness—becoming more Christlike—throughout our lives. Unlike some other aspects of salvation (eg. God elects, God regenerates our hearts, God justifies us), we play an active role with God in our...

  • Adoption


    Adoption is one of the most beautiful examples of how the love of God takes us from being strangers to being members of his family. We are given a new place to belong, the assurance of being his own and all the privileges of being part of his family.

  • Justification


    Justification and condemnation (its opposite) are legal terms. Both are pronouncements of a judge. Romans 1-3:20 reveals that we all stand condemned before God. That is our reality and it is just. Then in Romans 3:21 we discover that through the...

  • Conversion


    Conversion is our willing response to the call of the gospel. Conversion means “turning” and has two united but distinct aspects: Turning from sin (repentance) and turning to Christ (faith). Apart from turning in these ways we cannot be saved. This...

  • Regeneration


    Apart from a new heart we could not respond to the message of the Gospel in repentance and faith but would remain enslaved to depravity, sin, and death. God’s grace is so impressive that He chooses to transform our hearts so that we may become...

  • Gospel Call


    The proclamation of, and response to, the gospel message – known as The Gospel Call – is a critical component in the process of salvation. No one can experience God’s salvation in Christ, through faith, without hearing the voice of God’s Spirit...

  • Election


    As we embark on a sermon series on the Order of Salvation we begin with the most contentious doctrine of them all, election. The doctrine of election opens up a pandora’s box of follow up questions, which is why many Christians (and preachers for that...

  • Taking a Stand


    Sharing our faith can be intimidating. It takes courage to share what you believe and take to stand for the gospel. We need to learn to rely on the Holy Spirit to help us as we share the good news of Jesus.

  • And Then There Were Deacons


    Since the devil failed to thwart the church through persecution and corruption, he now tries distraction. Through divinely-directed delegation by the Apostles — and the first glimpse of the Office of Deacon taking shape — the church went from...

  • Happily Taking a Beating for the Gospel


    The apostles performed miracles, proclaimed the gospel, went to prison, took a beating and rejoiced all along the way. Why?

  • Fear of God


    No one is perfect and we are all sinners, so is sin really a big deal? We can be tempted to downplay the frightening reality of sin but passages like these don’t let us think that way. When we realize the weight of our sin, we will see the greatness...

  • A Community of Abundant Generosity


    Our God of abundance leads his people to live with abundant generosity.

  • 75 Years Of Grace - All Campuses


    2020 marked Central’s 75th Anniversary. To celebrate, Pastor Matt reflects on evidences of God’s grace toward us throughout the years.

  • Christmas Eve: A Light Has Dawned - All Campuses


    If Jesus came 2000 years ago, why is there still so much darkness in our lives and world? This Christmas we reflect on the significance of the light that has dawned.

  • Prince Of Peace - All Campuses


    While most people would say that experiencing peace means eliminating things from your life, it actually has more to do with what you incorporate into your life! By putting Jesus at the center, and by “clothing ourselves” with His attitudes and...

  • Everlasting Father - All Campuses


    When Isaiah speaks about the coming Messiah he gives him the name, Everlasting Father. While we may have different ideas about what a Father should look like, Jesus is both our father and puts on display the Father. As we look at what Jesus has...

  • Mighty God - All Campuses


    In times of confusion, when there are so many choices and opinions in front of us on how to live, we can pick the way that looks like Christmas - a Mighty God who surrendered Might and became like us to lift up the lowly.

  • Wonderful Counseler - All Campuses


    Our Advent Series — on the prophetic titles for Jesus from Isaiah — begins with Wonderful Counselor. Want to hear some incredible news? Jesus came for people with problems. Meaning, He lovingly cares. He also came to solve our greatest problems...

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