Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 96:04:29
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Pastor Robert Thibodeau interviews ministry guests and influential ministry leaders from around the United States. Discussions will range from items of interest in that individual's ministry to current events and prophesy.This is a daily podcast


  • Are We There Yet? – Tom Donnan part 2

    09/08/2024 Duration: 35min

    Are We There Yet? Tom Donnan part 2When I was a young child and my family would take a trip somewhere, we would normally drive in a car. And having to sit in the back seat (where you can’t see anything)… and in the days when the car air conditioner was known as a 4-60 (four windows down and drive 60 MPH)… it was hot. And it was not unusual for me to start bugging my dad asking, “Are we there yet?” When I had kids of my own and taking trips – I also had to answer that same question from them… Well, today, I’m going to ask this question of my guest. Tom Donnan is back with us today as we discuss Bible prophecy in relation to current events – and do we have some current events happening right now that definitely relate to Bible Prophecy. Amen! This is part two to a great conversation with Tom Donnan!What are your thoughts on this topic and “Are we there yet?”  Unveiling corruption at its darkest hour... (  Now, don’t go writing me your angry letters…I

  • Are We There Yet? – Tom Donnan part 1

    07/08/2024 Duration: 28min

    Are We There Yet? Tom Donnan part 1When I was a young child and my family would take a trip somewhere, we would normally drive in a car. And having to sit in the back seat (where you can’t see anything)… and in the days when the car air conditioner was known as a 4-60 (four windows down and drive 60 MPH)… it was hot. And it was not unusual for me to start bugging my dad asking, “Are we there yet?” When I had kids of my own and taking trips – I also had to answer that same question from them… Well, today, I’m going to ask this question of my guest. Tom Donnan is back with us today as we discuss Bible prophecy in relation to current events – and do we have some current events happening right now that definitely relate to Bible Prophecy. Amen! Let’s start with a subject that we always seem to drift towards anyway – and that is how NATURE itself is reflecting the awesomeness of God. That can be in its beauty – but it can also be in its veracity.  We can start with the earliest

  • Creationism Disproves Evolution – Dr. Kent Hovind

    05/08/2024 Duration: 32min

    Creationism Disproves Evolution Dr. Kent Hovind Dr. Kent Hovind has been preaching the Gospel for over 50 years as a pastor and evangelist and has had over 350 debates against atheists. He is the founder the “Dinosaur Adventure Land” in Lennox, Alabama. I’ve been looking forward to our discussion today… for those that have followed me, you know that I love sharing information with you on these topics of disproving the stuff being taught today about the earth being billions upon billions of years old.  I believe exactly what the Bible says and I believe the earth and everything else was formed exactly as the Bible says…and we have had other experts on in the past that provided insights in this area that backs up that proof. Amen!With that being said, help me welcome to the program, Dr. Kent Hovind!  Dr. Kent, thank you for taking the time to join us today! First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own word

  • 21 Reasons for Trusting In God – Laura Buckley

    30/07/2024 Duration: 27min

    21 Reasons for Trusting In God Laura BuckleyDo you or someone you know doubt or question if God is real? I know that sounds like a blasphemous question for a Christian podcast – but it is one that is being asked in society today.I hear questions all of the time that try to plant the seed of doubt into the minds of some people about the existence of God…Things like, “Why would a loving God allow so much evil in the world?”“Why would God allow all of this devastation or sickness or wars (put whatever thought you may have or have heard in there as well)?Sometimes, we just need to sit down and contemplate these things. Not do “doubt if God exists.” No… but to contemplate the importance of relying ON GOD in times like this.Our guest today decided to explore the profound aspects of Faith and Spirituality in light of sharing the Gospel message of hope, trust and unwavering belief in a loving God…and how to provide answers to those who may be questioning these beliefs.Laura Buckley is a devoted Christian author

  • Common Wisdom – Laura Gabayan

    29/07/2024 Duration: 25min

    Common Wisdom Laura GabayanWisdom. The Bible defines wisdom in Proverbs 3:13-15 as, “Blessed are those that find wisdom, those that gain understanding. For she is more profitable than silver and yields better returns that fine gold. She is more precious than rubies and nothing you desire can compare with her."I would say that the wisest thing a person can do is to seek MORE WISDOM… or in other words, “The first rule of wisdom is to seek more wisdom.” Amen!Well, that is exactly what our guest today has done….Dr. Laura Gabayan is a world-renowned physician and researcher. Regarded internationally as an expert in the field of research, she has published dozens of papers cited by hundreds of researchers.She was inspired to conduct extensive research on WISDOM. How can someone do that? Simple… she did research by talking to notable “experts” about – you guessed it – WISDOM! Praise God!She then evaluated all of the interviews and started to see some commonalities. She has published her findings in a

  • Awakening to God’s Path for Your Life - Guy Gane Part 2

    26/07/2024 Duration: 32min

    Awakening to God’s Path for Your Life Guy Gane Part 2We have all suffered setbacks. Every person in the sound of my voice right now can tell a story. Amen. I’ve had them… yes, I said THEM. More than one… several… and few of them were major, major setbacks Our guest today is Guy Gane. He had it all. He was a successful businessman. He had a good income, great family and was living the lifestyle most wanted to aspire to. Beautiful homes, expensive cars, enjoyable vacations, public recognition, and the promise of goals assured to achieve. But, through the efforts of so nice business partners… things fell apart. And fast. Within 8 hours - one working day - Guy ‘s 30 - plus year reputation of goodness, honesty and integrity as a stockbroker were not called into question. They disappeared completely. It is said that it is better to never have had money than have it all be taken away. This is a man who has lived through both.In fact, Guy ended up suffering in a huge way… I’ll let him give the synopsi

  • Awakening to God’s Path for Your Life - Guy Gane Part 1

    25/07/2024 Duration: 39min

    Awakening to God’s Path for Your Life Guy Gane Part 1We have all suffered setbacks. Every person in the sound of my voice right now can tell a story. Amen. I’ve had them… yes, I said THEM. More than one… several… and few of them were major, major setbacks Our guest today is Guy Gane. He had it all. He was a successful businessman. He had a good income, great family and was living the lifestyle most wanted to aspire to. Beautiful homes, expensive cars, enjoyable vacations, public recognition, and the promise of goals assured to achieve. But, through the efforts of so nice business partners… things fell apart. And fast. Within 8 hours - one working day - Guy ‘s 30 - plus year reputation of goodness, honesty and integrity as a stockbroker were not called into question. They disappeared completely. It is said that it is better to never have had money than have it all be taken away. This is a man who has lived through both.In fact, Guy ended up suffering in a huge way… I’ll let him give the synopsi

  • Out of Egypt – Craig Dehut part 2

    19/07/2024 Duration: 32min

    Out of Egypt Craig Dehut part 2There is so much noise today in the media. Useless, controversial and often inflammatory rhetoric which leads to more and more animosity and division.  Documentaries today tend to “fuel the fire” (so to speak) as well. In order to teach the Gospel, we first must understand the Gospel message. The only way to truly understand the Gospel message is to experience it as best we can.  Many people are unable to make a pilgrimage to the land of the Bible. Many people do not have the resources, or perhaps their health issues preclude them from doing so.  It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words… I’d also add that a video is probably worth 10,000 pictures. Because, in actuality, that is what a video is… thousands of individual pictures strung together in sequence to tell as story. Amen! This brings up the need for safe, professional and Biblically accurate videos that reflect the Bible Stories in a unique way that will motivate, e

  • Out of Egypt – Craig Dehut part 1

    18/07/2024 Duration: 37min

    Out of Egypt Craig Dehut part 1There is so much noise today in the media. Useless, controversial and often inflammatory rhetoric which leads to more and more animosity and division.  Documentaries today tend to “fuel the fire” (so to speak) as well. In order to teach the Gospel, we first must understand the Gospel message. The only way to truly understand the Gospel message is to experience it as best we can.  Many people are unable to make a pilgrimage to the land of the Bible. Many people do not have the resources, or perhaps their health issues preclude them from doing so.  It’s been said that a picture is worth a thousand words… I’d also add that a video is probably worth 10,000 pictures. Because, in actuality, that is what a video is… thousands of individual pictures strung together in sequence to tell as story. Amen! This brings up the need for safe, professional and Biblically accurate videos that reflect the Bible Stories in a unique way that will motivate, e

  • The State of Black America - Star Parker

    16/07/2024 Duration: 33min

    The State of Black America Star Parker I grew up in tumultuous times of the late 1960’s and early 1970’s. I remember the riots in Detroit and other cities. I remember the assassination of Martin Luther King, Jr. Our entire school system, where I grew about 60 miles north of Detroit, had 3… that’s it… 3 black students – in the entire school system.So watching these events on TV, as a young, impressionable teenager, taught me some things that were flat out wrong…racism, discrimination, etc.It was not until I went in the Army in the mid-70’s that I discovered how wrong my upbringing was. Not only did I realize I was wrong on my perceptions – but some of my co-workers and fellow soldiers and who became my best friends, who were black, discovered they were wrong about ME in their perceptions, too.Why am I leading off with this? Because perceptions – I should say “misperceptions” – can lead to disastrous policies, disastrous incidents and out of these things – nothing good can ever come. Amen!

  • The End of It All - Alisha Eich

    15/07/2024 Duration: 14min

    The End of It All Alisha EichEveryone goes through struggles and tough times in life. Everyone questions the “Why did this happen to me” feelings. Everyone knows they have a God given calling – but sometimes, “life just gets in the way.” Amen!That is what happened with our guest today.Alisha Eich developed a serious interest in singing, playing the piano, and writing music around the age of 11. Influenced by worship leaders such as Darlene Zschech, Delirious, Brooke Fraser, and Hillsong United during her teenage years, Alisha learned how to write music that is creative, authentic, and spiritual.Raised in a ministry-minded home, she was greatly influenced by her parents, with the emphasis in her home on using one’s talents to serve God. This is a principle that continues to guide her today.She released some music a few years ago and then “Life” got in the way a bit. She got married, had four children… but the calling on her life persisted.Alisha Eich’s newest solo single, “The End of It All,” (releas

  • Call On Me - Amanda Hagel

    12/07/2024 Duration: 25min

    Call on Me Amanda HagelHow many of us have realized that God has a “calling on our life?” Every hand should be up… amen! God has a unique calling for each and every person out there. Sometimes, we are the ones who are holding up the show (so to speak). We need to find out what our calling is… our unique calling that only God can speak to. Then, follow that calling wherever God leads. Amen!That is something our guest today has been doing since she was a little girl growing up in Saskatchewan, Canada.Amanda Hagel is an award winning Christian artist that has just released an amazing song titled, “Call on Me.” The inspiration for this song came from some deep prayer and meditation about what her next musical assignment should be. The Holy Spirit definitely delivered…amen!In just a few short years, Amanda has released 21 music videos; has been in numerous competitions and won several awards. She has ranked numerous times on the Canadian Indie Country Countdown. She has release four FULL LENGTH alb

  • What Truly Matters - Elenee Young

    10/07/2024 Duration: 24min

    What Truly Matters Elenee YoungHave you ever considered what “truly matters in your life?” For some people, it’s their family. For others it is their reputation. What is it in your life that truly matters to YOU?This is the question that our guest today wanted to share about through her music. To get you to think about what really is important to YOU.Elenee Young is a multi-award winning Christian recording artist, song writer and producer that has a new release titled, “I Don’t Want It.” This song challenges listeners to reflect on their own lives and to consider what truly does matter the most to them.The message in the song is very clear: “Worldly success is fleeting and often comes with strings attached. But a life led by Faith and guided by God is profoundly rewarding.” Amen!Help me welcome to the program, Elenee Young! Elenee, it is a blessing to have you on the program today! Thank you for taking the time to join us – I do appreciate it.The first question I always start with is this. Ot

  • The World Without God - TS Wright

    08/07/2024 Duration: 35min

    The World Without God TS WrightThere is a growing movement, not just in this nation, but around the world, trying to “devalue” the Word of God and the morality of the Bible. This is not new… it’s actually been going on since time began. Amen! I just have to reference the FALL in the Garden of Eden as exhibit number ONE in my evidence file.Don’t shout me down when I’m preaching good already… amen!Have you seen the erosion of morality, just in the country? Just in the last 25 or 30 years?The movement is to totally remove the Christian influence from society. That is why Christianity is attacked on all fronts as being “offensive.”What would the world be like without God’s Word or God’s Morality? For many, unfortunately, they are about to find out! The soon return of Jesus is near – and THEN they will get their wish.Our guest today is Scott Wright of the “God Centered Concept” podcast and journal of the same name. He is going to help us dive into this topic today. Help me welcome to

  • Music Transcending the Moment – Damara Melissa

    05/07/2024 Duration: 17min

    Music Transcending the Moment - Damara Melissa Many times, song writers will create music that reflects a major incident that has impacted their life. The music allows them to communicate their feelings, their trials, their heartache and with Christian believers, often they will communicate their faith as well. Our guest today has had her music played on several Canadian Christian Radio stations; she has made it to the Joy Radio’s Top 20 Christian music list and received a Covenant Award Nomination for “Breakthrough Artist of the Year” in 2022 and another nomination for “Pop Song of the Year” in 2023. Damara Melissa is a singer-songwriter from Ontario, Canada, whose music is driven by her Faith. Her soulful voice, mixed with her pop melodies and style, bring a unique vibe to the Contemporary Christian Music space. Damara has just released her a song that is her own version of “A Thousand Hallelujahs” that is just awesome… She also released here first short album, called “Beginnings,” which document her jou

  • Who is Pastor Bob – Vivid Podcast pt 2

    04/07/2024 Duration: 26min

     Strength Through Adversity Pst. Robert Thibodeau pt 2 Welcome to the Vivid Vision Podcast. Thank you for tuning in and making your choice to win. This is the show where we normally motivate and inspire. Inspire to give you tactical strategies to implement on your way to greatness. Today, we have the honor of welcoming Bob Thibodeau, a U.S. Army veteran, retired police officer and online entrepreneur and ministry leader. Pastor Bob will be sharing insights and events from his personal and professional life, illustrating that adversity may seem daunting – but victory is always within reach. This is part two to a great conversation with Pastor Bob. Pastor Bob shares information on his background. Pastor Bob shares how he got started in online media ministry. Pastor Bob shares how he now helps other Christian entrepreneurs to fulfill their calling in business, ministry, etc. through podcasting and online marketing. Thank you for joining us today on the Vivid Vision Podcast. CONTACT US: YouTube:  https://w

  • Life By Design – Mark Collins

    03/07/2024 Duration: 27min

    LIFE BY DESIGN Mark Collins As believers, sometimes we fall into the trap of comparing ourselves to others. Don’t shout me down when I’m preaching good… amen… It’s true…think about this for a minute… Women will observe what other women are wearing, how they fixed their hair, etc. Men will compare themselves to the success of other men… better cars, better neighborhoods… dream jobs – and more… But believers should not be comparing themselves to anyone… we each have a calling given to us by God. We are called, number one: to be ourselves and, number two: to serve HIM in all that we do. So my calling is not the same as your calling; someone else’s calling – even if it is the same “JOB” – is not the same calling as someone else.  By that, for example, let’s use me… my calling is to “Get the Word Out” – that is our ministry mission statement.  We accomplish the mission by assisting others to “Get the Word Out” about what THEY DO for THEIR CALLING.  Hence, the podcast interviews. There are other Christian po

  • Who is Pastor Bob – Vivid Podcast

    03/07/2024 Duration: 31min

     Strength Through Adversity Pst. Robert Thibodeau pt 1 Welcome to the Vivid Vision Podcast. Thank you for tuning in and making your choice to win. This is the show where we normally motivate and inspire. Inspire to give you tactical strategies to implement on your way to greatness. Today, we have the honor of welcoming Bob Thibodeau, a U.S. Army veteran, retired police officer and online entrepreneur and ministry leader. Pastor Bob will be sharing insights and events from his personal and professional life, illustrating that adversity may seem daunting – but victory is always within reach. Pastor Bob shares information on his background. Pastor Bob shares how he got started in online media ministry. Pastor Bob shares how he now helps other Christian entrepreneurs to fulfill their calling in business, ministry, etc. through podcasting and online marketing. Thank you for joining us today on the Vivid Vision Podcast CONTACT US: YouTube:  Facebook: https://www.facebook.c

  • Sharpening the Spear – Richard Walsh pt 2

    27/06/2024 Duration: 25min

    Sharpening the Spear Richard Walsh pt 2 When I started this ministry and knew it was going to be focused 100% online – I started searching high and low for a way to do it effectively, economically and easily… I had to go through many iterations that disproved ALL of those goals… it was not easy… it was definitely not economically easy and it most definitely was not effective… Amen! That is when I made the decision to hire a coach. Someone who has “Been there and done that.” Yes – it cost me some additional funds… but having someone actually tell you, “Don’t do that – save your money… do this instead…” That advice is priceless. Amen! Looking back over these last 14-15 years…I can attest to the true value of finding a coach who can guide down the path of whatever it is you are trying to do. Whether ministry, business, etc… whatever it is you are doing – you can be better. You can be more efficient. You can be more successful. You can impact more people. In the end – the price you pay up front for that type o

  • Sharpening the Spear – Richard Walsh pt 1

    26/06/2024 Duration: 24min

    Sharpening the Spear Richard Walsh pt 1 When I started this ministry and knew it was going to be focused 100% online – I started searching high and low for a way to do it effectively, economically and easily… I had to go through many iterations that disproved ALL of those goals… it was not easy… it was definitely not economically easy and it most definitely was not effective… Amen! That is when I made the decision to hire a coach. Someone who has “Been there and done that.” Yes – it cost me some additional funds… but having someone actually tell you, “Don’t do that – save your money… do this instead…” That advice is priceless. Amen! Looking back over these last 14-15 years…I can attest to the true value of finding a coach who can guide down the path of whatever it is you are trying to do. Whether ministry, business, etc… whatever it is you are doing – you can be better. You can be more efficient. You can be more successful. You can impact more people. In the end – the price you pay up front for that type o

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