Kingdom Crossroads Podcast With Pastor Robert Thibodeau

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 96:04:29
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Pastor Robert Thibodeau interviews ministry guests and influential ministry leaders from around the United States. Discussions will range from items of interest in that individual's ministry to current events and prophesy.This is a daily podcast


  • 3 Mistakes That Sabotage Company Culture – Wayne Mullins

    20/09/2024 Duration: 35min

    3 Mistakes That Sabotage Company Culture Wayne Mullins Have you ever wondered why some companies seem to effortlessly reach their goals while others struggle - despite having all the right tools? The answer often lies in one of the most overlooked aspects of business success—company culture. It’s the invisible force that guides every decision and action, but too often, the culture we envision doesn’t match the reality we live every day. To help us unravel this mystery and learn how you can shape and transform your company or business culture to align with your vision, I’m excited to be joined by Wayne Mullins, the founder of Ugly Mug Marketing. Wayne’s expertise goes far beyond just creating a nice website. He and his team focus on helping you achieve the results YOU want through effective marketing, social media, events, SEO, and more.  Wayne Mullins and his team are “results oriented” in everything they do!  This why they believe “Ugly Mug Marketing” can help you build the business

  • IBUYSTL – Bobby Kough

    19/09/2024 Duration: 19min

    IBUYSTL Bobby Kough Sometimes, things will happen in life that causes us to have to pack up and move… I know…in my 12 years in the military, our family moved 13 times… between training assignments and deployments, etc. In what is now over 46 years of marriage, my wife and have moved 19 times. So we know what it is like when you need to sell a home, quickly and easily – or as easily and as quickly as possible – and move…Amen. For some others, it could be having to sell a home after their parents pass on…for others, it could be through a divorce, etc. The point being, when you need to sell, in some circumstance, it is not feasible to do repairs, set up the staging of the house – allowing strangers to come walking through (and realtors wanting you OUT of the house before they bring these strangers through), etc. But, that is the “traditional” route that a lot of people think they have to take…Not anymore…our guest today is Robert Kough, who will be offering you an alternate solution… Or

  • How it All Ends – Richard Ruhling

    19/09/2024 Duration: 27min

    How it All Ends Richard Ruhling If you have been listening to us for awhile now, you know we are living in the “last of the last days.” Everything is lining up just the way Jesus said it would. Only a complete fool would deny that…and there are plenty of them out there. Amen! God is about to release Jesus to come back to the earth!  Amen!  If we compare this to foot race, Jesus is about to cross the finish line!  What does this mean to us?  Well, for those that are born again – we get to celebrate WITH HIM. Amen! For those that are not born again – when I was growing up, there was a TV show called, “Wide World of Sports” and they had a slogan, “The thrill of victory” (that’s what we will be celebrating with Jesus) and then they would continue, “and the agony of defeat.” For the majority of the world… when Jesus crosses the finish line – that is what they will be experiencing… “the agony” of defeat. Not just a temporary agony until “the next race.” No. This is the “last

  • When Hope Comes – Donna Aust

    16/09/2024 Duration: 26min

    When Hope Comes Donna Aust One of my favorite things to do is study some of the characters of the Bible. You can learn so much by just taking the time to study… and the contemplate…actually pause and try to put yourself in the position of who you are reading about.  What would your reactions be? What would you have said in a particular situation? How would you have reacted to people sharing the Gospel with YOU in Biblical times. I’ve researched and preached on many characters in the Bible by doing just that. Those are some of my most requested sermons as well.   I said all that to lay the ground work for what you are going to be hearing from our guest today.  Donna Aust is the founder of Donna Aust Ministries and she is also the author of a great book, “When Hope Comes – Discovering God’s Character and Our True Identity Through the Book of Ruth.” In this book, you will meet Ruth. You will experience the tragedy and hard choices they had to make. You will be with them a

  • Breaking Up with the Enemy – Mike Manuel Part 2

    13/09/2024 Duration: 23min

    Breaking Up with the Enemy Mike Manuel Part 2Are you ready to break free from the unseen chains holding you back? Today, we going to dive into the power of deliverance – setting people free from the grip of the devil and his fallen angels. Whether it's freeing non-believers from possession or helping believers overcome demonic oppression, Pastor Mike Manuel is the expert in this area…and he is going to share with us the truth about these types of spiritual battles. Learn how deception can impact your life and discover how to reclaim your peace, hope, and joy.  Pastor Mike Manuel is an ordained pastor with the Assemblies of God. He is a published author, an international speaker and a deliverance minister serving the Lord Jesus. Amen!  He has helped hundreds of people to be transformed emotionally, physically and spiritually by the Supernatural Power of the Living God. Amen! Pastor Mike is the author of two books, “Torn: Embracing the New Covenant in an Old Covenant World” and his latest book,

  • Breaking Up with the Enemy – Mike Manuel Part 1

    12/09/2024 Duration: 29min

    Breaking Up with the Enemy Mike Manuel Part 1Are you ready to break free from the unseen chains holding you back? Today, we going to dive into the power of deliverance – setting people free from the grip of the devil and his fallen angels. Whether it's freeing non-believers from possession or helping believers overcome demonic oppression, Pastor Mike Manuel is the expert in this area…and he is going to share with us the truth about these types of spiritual battles. Learn how deception can impact your life and discover how to reclaim your peace, hope, and joy.  Pastor Mike Manuel is an ordained pastor with the Assemblies of God. He is a published author, an international speaker and a deliverance minister serving the Lord Jesus. Amen!  He has helped hundreds of people to be transformed emotionally, physically and spiritually by the Supernatural Power of the Living God. Amen! Pastor Mike is the author of two books, “Torn: Embracing the New Covenant in an Old Covenant World” and his latest book,

  • What Did Jesus Say? – Terry Christian

    10/09/2024 Duration: 23min

    What Did Jesus Say? Terry Christian Born with a stuttering problem in a dysfunctional family, Terry Christian was ridiculed and mocked for most of his young life… At the age of 23, he had a near death experience and was told in a dream that, one day, he would be a teacher for Jesus… but, just like Mose, he questioned “how” because of his stuttering problem… Soon after, he was hired by the Dale Carnegie Organization and trained in sales and public speaking. It was here, he met someone who taught him how to visually read… so he was soon devouring as many books as he could find – mainly on the subject of personal growth. Amen! At the age of 30, he became a motivational speaker and an executive trainer. He would go on to give more than 2500 presentations across America and Canada. Terry Christian has since retired as the Holy Spirit redirected his life. He is now in the missions ministry, his ministry is called, “Foundations for Life,” and he based in Jamaica. He is also the author of a

  • Accountability in Your Daily Life - Robert Hunt

    09/09/2024 Duration: 26min

    Accountability In Your Daily Life Robert Hunt Today, we are going to be talking about “Accountability,” especially in the life of a believer who is operating in a secular work environment. That could be in a corporate job or self-employed. You could be the CEO of a major corporation or an “online entrepreneur. Accountability will make sure you “get the job done.” Amen. My guest today is here to help us understand exactly that! Amen! Robert Hunt is business owner and forum leader and Executive Coach of the “Renaissance Executive Forum Dallas (or REF DFW). He has been in Marketing and Sales most of his career,but in 2013, he decided to transition his focus into helpingbusiness owners and CEO’s by taking part in monthly “peer to peer to peer” advisory groups for CEOs and business owners.As a Christian, he wants to live his life following Christ, help others and have fun along the way. Amen!He

  • Turning Fear Into Freedom – Dorothy Cook

    06/09/2024 Duration: 26min

    Turning Fear Into Freedom Dorothy Cook Fear… for some, it will paralyze you.  For others, it motivates you. For still others, it’s another obstacle blocking your progress.  But for every one of us – it is always there. In some form or fashion. If this sounds like you, I want you to pay very close attention to our guest today. I want you to imagine what it would be like to wake up refreshed instead of exhausted; having joy to face the day instead of dreading another day. No longer overwhelmed by the “little things” that always seem to drag you down. Excited to face the day instead of wishing the day would end.  If thoughts like that resonate with you, then you will definitely be blessed by our guest today. Amen! Dorothy Cook has been a certified John Maxwell Coach, Trainer and Speaker for over ten years. She has coached top executives, helping them to establish a strong identity and improve their work / life balance, helping them to reduce their stress, burnout and relations

  • WHY BLOOD? – Scott Wright

    04/09/2024 Duration: 26min

    WHY BLOOD? Scott Wright  Anyone who has studied the Bible at all is very familiar with “ten plagues” that Moses called down on Egypt. These plagues are what convinced the Pharaoh to release the Israelites. The very first plague was turning the Nile River into a river of blood.  Why Blood? That is what we will be discussing today with our good friend, Scott Wright. Scott is back today and is bringing his wealth of knowledge and insight into this profound topic. Scott’s ministry  offers interpretations that span history, theology, and prophecy.  Every time he comes on – I know I learn a lot and I know that you do as well… amen! Having said all of that, help me welcome back to the program, Scott Wright!  Scott, welcome back! So, WHY would God want to turn the Nile River into blood?  I mean, “Why BLOOD?” I’ve seen a “red tide” of algae before… that basically chokes out the oxygen in the water. Then the fish die and start washing up on the shore, etc. Is this

  • A Forgotten Door Called Home – Rev. Cheryl Kincaid part two

    03/09/2024 Duration: 24min

    A Forgotten Door Called Home Rev. Cheryl Kincaid part twoRev. Cheryl Kincaid is a Presbyterian minister with over twenty years of experience in ministry and marriage and family therapy. She is also the author of four books and is an expert on domestic violence in the family. She is the Head of Staff at the Calvary Presbyterian Church in Enfield, Connecticut. This is part two to a great conversation with Rev. Cheryl Kincaid!You wrote a book titled, “Karrie’s Thorn” with a follow on book titled, “A Forgotten Door Called Home.” Why did you write this books and who is the audience they are written for? Do a lot of women have problems taking these situations to the church leadership? I understand you have a new release coming out soon. A new book titled, “Please Don’t Move My Grandma’s Chair.” Can you share a little about this book? Is this written for children or for anyone who is going through grief? It is scheduled to be released in September?  Is there a pre-order form that is up

  • A Forgotten Door Called Home – Rev. Cheryl Kincaid part one

    02/09/2024 Duration: 29min

    A Forgotten Door Called Home Rev. Cheryl Kincaid part oneRev. Cheryl Kincaid is a Presbyterian minister with over twenty years of experience in ministry and marriage and family therapy. She is also the author of four books and is an expert on domestic violence in the family. She is the Head of Staff at the Calvary Presbyterian Church in Enfield, Connecticut. First question I always start with is this… other than that brief information I just shared, can you tell us in your own words, “Who is Cheryl Kincaid?” You few up in an abusive home, correct?  That also carried over into your adult life, right? From what I understand, you were an avid reader as a child and one of the books you loved was Charles Dickens, “A Christmas Carol.” You gained some unique inspiration from reading Charles Dickens books, correct?  In fact, you won the 2013  Independent Christian Publishers Illumination Award of Bible Study, correct? Let’s shift gears a little bit. Ho

  • Be Eternal – Jimmy Spikes

    22/08/2024 Duration: 16min

    Be Eternal Jimmy Spikes Benjamin Franklin once said, “…nothing in this world is certain except death and taxes.”  And that is just as valid today as it was over 200 years ago. Amen! The other sure thing is, when a loved one dies, all that is left is the memory in the minds of their family and friends.  If you have ever gone through the loss of a loved one, especially a parent, grandparent, etc., I’m sure you’ve had the hard time of going through their possessions.  Who should get what; what to do with this-that-and the other things, etc. But one of the most troubling things for me, was going through the old picture books and, even worse, those shoe boxes full of pictures.   Some of them we were able to identify the people, places, etc. But for most of them, we have no clue. None.  “Who is that?”   “Where was that taken?” “When did that happen?” I know for me, now that I’m at that age where my grandkids are getting ready to h

  • The Two Witnesses - TS Wright

    21/08/2024 Duration: 23min

    The Two Witnesses TS Wright Revelation 11 has captivated theologians and believers alike for centuries, painting a vivid picture of two prophetic figures endowed with extraordinary powers. These witnesses are said to prophesy for 1,260 days, performing miracles, and standing as a beacon of God's truth amidst the turmoil of the end times. But who are these mysterious individuals? Are they historical figures reborn, symbolic representations, or future prophets yet to come?  To discuss this, we have our great friend, Scott Wright back with us today. Scott brings a wealth of knowledge and insight into this profound topic, offering interpretations that span history, theology, and prophecy.  Every time he comes on – I know I learn a lot and I know that you do as well… amen!  He is coming back on to discuss “who are these witnesses” as well as current events that we are seeing, right now, and how it all relates to what the Bible says will be happening in the last days – just before Jes

  • Sexual Addiction Recovery - Logan Hufford part two

    20/08/2024 Duration: 24min

    Sexual Addiction Recovery Logan Hufford part two Are you, or someone you know, struggling with the chains of sexual or porn addiction? Do you long for freedom, healing, and a fresh start? If you, you’ll want to pay close attention to our discussion today.  Logan Hufford is the driving force behind "Prodigals of Alaska," a remarkable Sexual Addiction Recovery group that are making huge breakthroughs in helping those struggling with this type of debilitating and dark addiction. Logan's journey and mission are a beacon of hope for those battling these often silent but deeply impactful struggles. Through his dedication and experience, Logan has helped many find the strength and support needed to break free from the grip of addiction.  The Prodigals of Alaska is a “Christ Centered 12 Step Recovery and Coaching Program for Sexual Addiction.” Today, Logan will share his insights, his personal stories, and the transformative work being done by his organization up in Alaska that is helpi

  • Sexual Addiction Recovery - Logan Hufford part one

    19/08/2024 Duration: 22min

    Sexual Addiction Recovery Logan Hufford part oneAre you, or someone you know, struggling with the chains of sexual or porn addiction? Do you long for freedom, healing, and a fresh start? If you, you’ll want to pay close attention to our discussion today.  Logan Hufford is the driving force behind "Prodigals of Alaska," a remarkable Sexual Addiction Recovery group that are making huge breakthroughs in helping those struggling with this type of debilitating and dark addiction. Logan's journey and mission are a beacon of hope for those battling these often silent but deeply impactful struggles. Through his dedication and experience, Logan has helped many find the strength and support needed to break free from the grip of addiction.  The Prodigals of Alaska is a “Christ Centered 12 Step Recovery and Coaching Program for Sexual Addiction.” Today, Logan will share his insights, his personal stories, and the transformative work being done by his organization up in Alaska that is helpin

  • Wealthy Wisdom - Brandon Neely

    16/08/2024 Duration: 43min

    Wealthy Wisdom Brandon Neely What is wealth? For many people, it all revolves around money… but it goes much deeper than that.  Wealth can mean different things to different people and mean different things to the same people at different times. We often view wealth as simply “money.”  Although that is a very large part of it – wealth is actually an “all encompassing” word that includes money – but it also includes our state of mind, peace of mind and happiness.  I know some folks would say, “Money, lots of money, would do all of those for me…” I tend to agree on some level – but I’ve also seen situations where “lots of money” has actually ruined people, families and lives.   To help us explain a lot of this in ways that make it easier for us to understand, our guest today has a comprehensive background that began in the Marine Corps, opening his own coffee shop and transitioned into his own business model of helping others to achieve financial success, 

  • Discover Your Purpose - Larry O'Nan

    15/08/2024 Duration: 37min

    Discover Your Purpose Larry O’Nan I’m often told, “Brother Bob, I just don’t what to do…” and then the purpose I’m talking to goes off on a dissertation of all the things that are going wrong in their life. I’m sure you’ve had conversations with others about the same things… or maybe you’re the one we are having these conversations with. Either way – you will want to pay attention today! Praise God! Our guest today will help you to learn how to “intentionally” live a thriving lifestyle where you are able to be a blessing to others instead of a burden to others. I believe that by the end of this interview today, you will gain new insights that will help to transform your daily living and equip  you to be in a position to help others who may be struggling right now. Amen! Larry O’Nan is a Christian speaker and author, serving on numerous community and Christian non-profit organization boards. He and his wife, Pat, served as full-time staff with “Campus Crusade for Christ” for 18 years!

  • Critical Race Theory In Our Schools – Dr. George Maurer part 2

    13/08/2024 Duration: 23min

    Critical Race Theory In Our Schools Dr. George Maurer part 2Critical Race Theory, or commonly referred to as CRT, has been in the news a lot recently. One thing is certain, CRT has totally infiltrated our education system… When confronted, education leaders will deny it is impacting education – and in a lot of cases, they blatantly say it is not being taught at all… As a parent or grandparent who is trying to find out about what IS being taught on Critical Race Theory, it’s almost impossible to find the information you are looking for. Why? Because the powers that be do not want you to understand what it is. It takes someone who knows how to navigate those dangerous waters to be able to go in, find out what’s happening and then come back and report on it. That is what our guest today has accomplished. Dr. George Maurer is an award-winning broadcast journalist with more than 35 years of experience. He's a retired Air Force Master Sergeant who deployed to I

  • Critical Race Theory In Our Schools – Dr. George Maurer part 1

    12/08/2024 Duration: 25min

    Critical Race Theory In Our Schools Dr. George Maurer part 1Critical Race Theory, or commonly referred to as CRT, has been in the news a lot recently. One thing is certain, CRT has totally infiltrated our education system… When confronted, education leaders will deny it is impacting education – and in a lot of cases, they blatantly say it is not being taught at all… As a parent or grandparent who is trying to find out about what IS being taught on Critical Race Theory, it’s almost impossible to find the information you are looking for. Why? Because the powers that be do not want you to understand what it is. It takes someone who knows how to navigate those dangerous waters to be able to go in, find out what’s happening and then come back and report on it. That is what our guest today has accomplished. Dr. George Maurer is an award-winning broadcast journalist with more than 35 years of experience. He's a retired Air Force Master Sergeant who deployed to Iraq during the Global War on Terror

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