Mosaic Lincoln

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 327:11:45
  • More information



A community of faith, love, and hope. Mosaic Lincoln is a community characterized by both a deep faith in Jesus Christ and a great love for the city of Lincoln and its people. It is at the intersection of these two great loves that our community walks and it is the combination of the two that has led us to start this new church.


  • ROMANS (PT 11): "The Apostle Feeds The Bears"

    29/07/2020 Duration: 17min

    For we do not have a high priest who is unableto sympathize with our weaknesses...Let us therefore approach the throne of gracewith boldness, so that we may receive mercyand find grace to help in time of need.~Hebrews 4:15-16

  • ROMANS (PT 10): "A Posture of Grace and Peace"

    21/07/2020 Duration: 24min

    Grace to you and peace from God our Fatherand the Lord Jesus Christ.  Romans 1:7

  • A Restful Kingdom

    06/07/2020 Duration: 19min

    "Come to me, all you who are weary and burdened,and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon youand learn from me, for I am gentle and humblein heart, and you will find rest for your souls.""The kingdom of heaven is like treasure in a field.When a man found it, he hid it again, and thenin his joy went and sold all he had and bought that field."

  • ROMANS (PT 9): "Root of Kindness"

    04/07/2020 Duration: 21min

    ...remember that it is not youthat support the root, but theroot that supports you.~Romans 11:18

  • ROMANS (PT 8): "Following Jesus Into Disorientation"

    22/06/2020 Duration: 18min

    I was suddenly overwhelmed with the realization that I loved all these people.That they were mine and I theirs.That we could not be alien to one another even though we were total strangers.It was like waking from a dream of separateness of spurious self-isolation in a special world.This sense of liberation from an illusory difference was such a relief and such a joy to me that I almost laughed out loud.

  • ROMANS (PT 7): "Strong and Weak"

    15/06/2020 Duration: 20min

    The same Lord is Lord of all and is generousto all who call on him.For, "Everyone who calls on the nameof the Lord shall be saved."~Romans 10:12-13

  • ROMANS (PT 6): "Christoformity is Public Oriented"

    08/06/2020 Duration: 25min

    Owe no one anything, except to love one another;for the one who loves another has fulfilled the law.~Romans 13:8

  • ROMANS (PT 5): "Christoformity and Other-Orientation"

    01/06/2020 Duration: 23min

    So we, who are many, are one body in Christ,and individually we are members of one another.~Romans 12:5

  • ROMANS (PT 4): "Christoformity & Imagination"

    26/05/2020 Duration: 16min

    I appeal to you therefore, brothers and sisters, by the mercies of God, to present your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and acceptable to God, which is your spiritual worship. Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your minds, so that you may discern what is the will of God—what is good and acceptable and perfect.~Romans 12:1-2

  • ROMANS (PT 3): "An End to Zealotry"

    18/05/2020 Duration: 18min

    Then I said to myself, "Oh, he even sees me in the dark!At night I'm immersed in the light!"It's a fact: darkness isn't dark to you;night and day, darkness and light, they're all the same to you."Psalm 139:11-12

  • ROMANS (PT 2): "The Power of Powerlessness"

    11/05/2020 Duration: 21min

    Let us then pursue what makes for peaceand for mutual upbuilding.Romans 14:19

  • ROMANS (PT 1): "Beginning at the End"

    04/05/2020 Duration: 23min

    But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness,and all these things will be given to you as well.Matthew 6:33


    20/04/2020 Duration: 25min

    Now you've got my feet on the life path,all radiant from the shining of your face.Ever since you took my hand,I'm on the right way.~Psalm 16:11 (The Message)

  • EASTER: "Peace Be With You"

    14/04/2020 Duration: 24min

    Peace be with you! There is hope in the night.


    06/04/2020 Duration: 24min

    The crowds that went ahead of him and that followed were shouting,"Hosanna to the Son of David!Blessed is the one who comesin the name of the Lord!"Matthew 21:9________And the light is wilder hereOut on the edge of reasonAnd Love burns bright and clearOut where I cannot seize Him~Audrey Assad, Irrational Season

  • PERILOUS JOURNEYS (WK 4): "Waiting, Ascending, Realigning"

    30/03/2020 Duration: 19min

    We are in the unknown of the wilderness—        Discerning and working, seeking and dreaming.We are in the unknown of the wilderness—       Grieving and wondering, praying and hoping.We are in the unknown of the wilderness—       Longing and walking, creating and waiting.We are in the unknown of the wilderness, but we have not been alone; for God walks with us, every step of the way. So we will worship our God who walks with us in our darkest nights and our brightest days.---------May God’s love sustain you,And may you love those who surround you.May God’s Spirit empower you,And may you empower all those you meet.May God’s joy fill your hearts,And may this joy overflowTo the ends of the earth to bring God’s restoration to all things,Now and forever, Amen.

  • PERILOUS JOURNEYS (WK1): "Comfort in Dark Valleys"

    13/03/2020 Duration: 37min

    Mosaic Gathering Prayer, March 8, 2020:You are welcome here— The young and old, those who have visions and those who dream dreams. You are welcome here— The sinner and saint, those who seek forgiveness and those who long for peace. You are welcome here— The hurt and the doubting, those who know the wilderness and those who feel lost. You are welcome here; for you are loved by God.For our world bombarded by illness and disease.Lord, have mercy. Bring healing and protection.For our neighbors on this planet suffering under the weight of chaotic weather systems.Lord, have mercy. Bring healing community and restoration.God, we give you our tears.We give you our hearts.They are brimming with doubt and are saturated with fear,but we give them to you anyway, for you promise to love us as we are.You promise to walk with us to the ends of the earth, so in this moment,we promise to tell the truth. God, you ask us to be brave and bold,but we cower in fear.You ask us to love our neighbors as ourselves,but we hold tight to

  • DARKNESS: "My Only Friend"

    05/03/2020 Duration: 32min

    Psalm 88Mosaic Community Liturgy: March 1, 2020God hovered over the void and breathed life into dust.God created in the wilderness.The Israelites wandered in the desert for forty years.The Israelites found God in the wilderness.Jesus said “no” to the tempter time and time again.Jesus claimed his identity in the wilderness.We grow in the wilderness. We learn in the wilderness.For God is with us—before, through, and after the wilderness.Creator God, You breathed life into dust. You dreamed me up and brought me into existence. The least I could do would be to follow you, but even that is hard. Forgive me for my distracted ways. Remind me that in life and in death, I belong to you. On my best days and on my worst days, I belong to you. Amen.

  • FAITH EXPRESSED IN LOVE (WK 6): "Highway Hypnosis"

    27/02/2020 Duration: 39min

    1 Timothy 6:6-19Mosaic Gathering Prayer: February 23, 2020Every generation has found its home in you, God our provider,and we discover that every momentspent in your holy presence lasts beyond all imaginable time.You watch over us in the night,protecting and leading, encouraging us to trustand to take courage in following your Son’s teachings.Full of wisdom, Creator of grace,you humbled yourself that we might learnto love those who have been swept asideby a world caught up in its own selfish affairs.Witnesses to God’s mercy, we are called to act inways of love and of peace to all we meet in this life.Thank you for giving us your Son, Jesus, and for his life.Continue to be the dwelling place of our bodies,our minds, our hearts and our souls.Oh God, you have made us to be free,But we crave the cheap comforts of our chains.You have made us to serve others,But we have eyes only for ourselves.You have made us to love,But we are inflamed with lust.You provide that we may be generous,But we greedily hoard as if your

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