Every week, US Citizenship Podcast brings you practice interviews, quizzes, resources, and the latest news that help you get ready for your US Citizenship Interview.
USCIS Updates Fee Waiver Requirements
29/10/2019 Duration: 14min1. USCIS updated Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver, by removing receipt of a means-tested benefit to establish eligibility. 2. Individuals may still request a fee waiver if their documented annual household income is at or below 150% of the Federal Poverty Guidelines or they demonstrate financial hardship. 3. The new policy is effective on Dec. 2. Form I-912, Request for Fee Waiver Additional Information on Filing a Fee Waiver Eligibility What is a means-tested benefit? How to show you are currently receiving a means-tested benefit Federal Poverty Guidelines Financial Hardship How requesting a fee waiver affects your current immigration status uscitizenpod: USCIS Updates Fee Waiver Requirements (subti
Update to USCIS Form N-400 Application for Naturalization
24/10/2019 Duration: 04minThe new edition of the USCIS Form N-400 Application for Naturalization is dated 09/17/19. It expires 09/30/2022. There are only two changes to the N-400 (09/17/19) 1) The expiration date (09/30/2022). 2) A dynamic bar code encodes info as the N-400 is filled out online. This bar code does not appear on the print copy. The updated N-400 (09/17/19) questions are the same as the old N-400 (12/23/16). The late 2018--early 2019 proposed questions were not adopted by the updated N-400 (09/17/19). These questions were possibly disregarded after an extended period of discussion with legal experts and stake holders. You can watch a subtitles version of this podcast: Update to USCIS Form N-400 Application for Naturalization posted Oct 22, 2019 This video is a correction to the following video: Preview of the Revised USCIS N-400 Application for Naturalization (March 2019) posted Feb 8, 2019
US Citizenship Bootcamp Interview 2
21/10/2019 Duration: 06minUS Citizenship Bootcamp Interview 2 Ten N-400 Questions & Five Civics Questions Use US Citizenship Bootcamp to work your way up to the US Citizenship Interview! Vocabulary Words: Date of Birth Country of Birth Address Work Children Arrested Independence Day State Capital U.S. Capital You can order US Citizenship Bootcamp by Jennifer Gagliardi from any bookstore or library. Free Resources to Study U.S. Citizenship USCIS Citizenship Resource Center Preparing for the Oath USA Learns Citizenship US Citizenship Podcast Your Local Public Libraries and Adult Schools
US Citizenship Bootcamp Interview 1
14/10/2019 Duration: 05minFive N-400 Questions and Five Civics Questions with Officer David Use US Citizenship Bootcamp to work your way up to the US Citizenship Interview! Vocabulary words Name Permanent Resident Citizen Married Month Year Constitution Vote President You can order US Citizenship Bootcamp by Jennifer Gagliardi from any bookstore or library. Free Resources to Study U.S. Citizenship USCIS Citizenship Resource Center Preparing for the Oath USA Learns Citizenship US Citizenship Podcast Your Local Public Libraries and Adult Schools
Officer David Reviews USCIS N-400 Part 12 Vocabulary (Part 1)
15/09/2019 Duration: 07minOfficer David is back to review the USCIS N-400 Part 12 Vocabulary. His review is based on the following quiz: N-400 Part 12 Vocabulary Review (27 Questions) Also see U.S. Citizenship N-400 Part 12 Quiz (20 Questions) N-400 Basic Interview Quiz Part 12 (pictures) More videos: Jothy Nair Reviews USCIS N-400 Part 12 Vocabulary Mr. Wang Practices the N-400 Part 12 A "Regular" Citizenship Interview (plus N-400 Part 12 Vocabulary Questions) A Quick Review of the Bill of Rights and the N-400 Part 12 plus Civics Questions video: pdf: h
10 Quick Tips About Immigration Scams (audio only)
11/09/2019 Duration: 07minTip 1: Common Immigration Scams Tip 2: Scam Alerts Tip 3: Notario Scams How Myriam and Pedro Learned about Notario Scams (pdf) files/articles/pdf/pdf-0203-fotonovela-notario-scams.pdf Cómo se enteraron Myriam y Pedro de las estafas de notario (pdf) articulos/spdf-0203-estafas-de-notario.pdf Tip 4: Resources to Avoid Immigration Scams Tip 5: U.S. Government Website for Immigration Info U.S. Embassy and Consulate websites: Department of State, Consular Affairs travel website: http://travel.state.go vDepartment of State, Diversity Visa Lottery website: Department of Homeland Security (DHS): DHS, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services: http://www.uscis.
Love and Citizenship from the Heart of California
03/09/2019 Duration: 15minLove and Citizenship from the Heart of California: an US Citizenship Interview with Rene Smith ESL/Citizenship Instructor Madera Adult School Teacher Jennifer does a practice US Citizenship interview with Teacher Rene (Madera Adult School), then Rene about her own experience about becoming a US citizen and preparing students to become US Citizens. For more info about Adult Education, see: California Adult Education (California) Educate and Elevate (USA)
The New USCIS Public Charge Rule
22/08/2019 Duration: 16minI would like to make a few comments about the new USCIS "public charge" rule before I read the rule's summary and full text. A “public charge” is a person who depends on the government to pay for his or her food, clothing, housing, healthcare, and more. The new USCIS "public charge" rule says that an immigrant to the United States must be able to financially support his- or herself. If a person cannot support his- or herself, then he or she will not be allowed to legally enter the United States. I want to emphasize that new "public charge" rule affects people who want to get a Green Card and become Legal Permanent Residents. The "public charge" rule does not directly affect people who are legal permanent residents. Although the "public charge" rule is not about legal permanent residents who are preparing for their citizenship interview, they should be prepared to answer extra questions about their financial status if they submitted a I-912 Fee Waiver Form or an I-942 Fee Reduction Form with their N-400 Applic
iCount! An Interview with the San Mateo Adult School Census Ambassador Team
07/08/2019 Duration: 23miniCount! An Intetrview with the San Mateo Adult School Census Ambassador Team Today we will continue our series: U.S. Citizenship and the 2020 Census San Mateo County is partnering with the San Mateo Adult School to pilot a Census Ambassador training program, which will be launched across the county in Fall 2019. In the previous podcast, we interviewed Aparna Ramakrishnan from the San Mateo County Census Team. In this interview, we hear from the San Mateo Adult School Ambassador team. SAN MATEO ADULT SCHOOL CENSUS AMBASSADOR TEAM Alena Bashko, student Marina Zabruskova, student Shelley Cheng, Student Council President (morning session) Shereen Lata, Student Council Vice-President (morning session) Shirley Pinheiro, student Stephanie Kriebel, SMAS Census Ambassador Faculty Co-facilitator San Mateo Adult School This episode timeline 00:00 Podcast Intro 00:30 SMAS Census Ambassadors Intro 03:18 How you recruited to become a Census Ambassador? 04:04 What kind of class training was invo
The 2020 Census: We are counting on YOU to make sure that WE ALL COUNT!
29/07/2019 Duration: 38minThe 2020 Census: We are counting on YOU to make sure that WE ALL COUNT! An Interview with Aparna Ramakrishnan from the SMC Census Team video: podcast: blogpost: Today we will continue our series New Series: U.S. Citizenship and the U.S. Census 2020 Every 10 years, the federal government is required to count all residents in the United States, citizens and noncitizens alike, through a national census. The next national census is in April 2020. The information is used to make sure everyone is equally represented in our political system and that government resources are allocated fairly. It is also used to make important decisions about community programs and services, like where to build homes and parks, establish public transit routes, build new roads and offer language access services. Participating in the Census is a civic responsibility for cit
NEWS ALERT: USCIS Will Update the Naturalization Civics Test!
19/07/2019 Duration: 07minIn this podcast, I read, comment and summarize the latest USCIS memo about updates to the USCIS Civics test. Watch for upcoming discussions between US government agencies, adult educators, community-based organization, and stakeholders, USCIS Announces Plan to Improve the Naturalization Test (July 19, 2019) WASHINGTON — U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) is revising the current naturalization test with improvements to ensure it continues to serve as an accurate measure of a naturalization applicant’s civics knowledge and that it reflects best practices in adult education assessments. The goal is to create a meaningful, uniform, and efficient test that will assess applicants’ knowledge and understanding of U.S. history, government and values. This spring, the former USCIS director signed the Revision of the Naturalization Civics Test Memorandum (PDF, 202 KB). This memorandum announce
No Citizenship Question on the 2020 Census BUT....
13/07/2019 Duration: 06minToday is Friday, July 12, 2019. Last week, I did A Quick Comparison between the USCIS N-400 and 2020 Census Form: Podcast: Video: This week I will give a quick update about the 2020 Census Form Citizenship Question. Let's get started. This past week, people closely followed the news about the 2020 Census. They wanted to know if the 2020 Census would include a Citizenship Question. The answer to this question seemed to change every hour. President Trump wanted to have a Citizenship Question on the 2020 Census. He said that the Citizenship Question would protect voting rights. The federal courts disagreed that the Citizenship Question would protect voting rights. The courts reviewed what the Constitution said about the Census, state representation, and voting rights. Article 1 Section 2 of the Constitution says that Congress must count all people living in the United States every 10 years. The number of a state's representatives
A Quick Comparison between the USCIS N-400 and Census 2020
02/07/2019 Duration: 11minWe are back from out hiatus with a new series about U.S. Citizenship and the U.S. Census 2020. The first episode is a quick comparison between the USCIS N-400 and Census 2020. Check out our YouTube channel for a video version of this podcast and many more practice Citizenship interviews. For more info about the Census 2020: Follow Hansi Lo Wang @hansilowang on Twitter national correspondent covering #2020Census The New Yorker: How the Census Changed America by Ted Widmer, May 1, 2019 The simple act of enumeration created data processing, led to the establishment of the National Archives, and rooted a rootless people.
100 Civics Questions (in random order) for Your U.S. Citizenship Interview with Officer David
18/03/2019 Duration: 14minOfficer David is back with all of the USCIS Civics Questions. The questions are asked in sets of ten (all the questions ending in 1 are asked first, followed by the 2s, etc). You can listen and watch Officer David's other interviews below: U.S. Citizenship Interview with Officer David Part 1 podcast: video with subtitles: U.S. Citizenship Interview with Officer David Part 2 podcast: video with subtitles: U.S. Citizenship Interview with Officer David Part 3 podcast: video with subtitles: U.S. Citizenship Interview with Officer David Part 4 podcast: video with subtitles: U.S. Citizenship Interview with Officer David Part 5 video with subtitles: https://yout
N-400 Part 12 Vocabulary Review
14/02/2019 Duration: 09minBefore the March 2019 revision of the N-400 application for Naturalization, we would like to review some vocabulary for Additional Information in the N-400 Part 12 (which will become Part 11 in the revised N-400). This review is based on: N-400r Part 12 Overview Quiz (27 questions) Also watch/listen to: uscitizenpod: Preview of the Revised USCIS N-400 Application for Naturalization (March 2019) A quick preview of the revised USCIS N-400 Application for Naturalization (March 2019). Some of the vocabulary has been simplified, but the scope of the question has been broadened to reflect changes to US immigration policy and laws. video: podcast: uscitizenpod: U.S. Citizenship N-400 Part 12 Quiz (20 Questions) Milpitas Adult Students Guangfang Tao (Shenzhen, China) and Van Thi Bach Thach (Saigon, Vietnam) prepare to become #new US citizens in the Lunar New Year b
Preview of the Revised USCIS N-400 Application for Naturalization (March 2019)
08/02/2019 Duration: 05minA quick preview of the revised USCIS N-400 Application for Naturalization (March 2019). Some of the vocabulary has been simplified, but the scope of the question has been broadened to reflect changes to US immigration policy and laws. A closed caption video of this podcast is available at Info source: Form N-400, Application for Naturalization OMB No. 1615-0052 Expires 03/31/2019 Accommodations and Exemptions will be folded into Part 2 Personal Info, thereby renumbering the sections of the N-400 Part 8. Time Outside the United States 3. List below all the trips of 24 hours or longer that you have taken outside the United States since you became a lawful permanent resident or during the last ten years, whichever is shorter. Start with your most recent trip and work backwards. If you need extra space, use additional sheets of paper. Part 11. Additional Information About You (Person Applying for Natural
U.S. Citizenship N-400 Part 12 Quiz (20 Questions)
30/01/2019 Duration: 07minMilpitas Adult Students Guangfang Tao (Shenzhen, China) and Van Thi Bach Thach (Saigon, Vietnam) prepare to become #new US citizens in the Lunar New Year by practicing N-400 Part 12 vocabulary. Download the pdf and take the quiz: Introduction to the N-400r Part 12 Quiz (20 questions) Watch Van and her sister's videos: Van Thi Bach Thach Practices for her U.S. Citizenship Interview Milpitas Adult School Open House Citizenship Interview 7 My Ngoc Talks about her U.S. Citizenship Interview in English and Vietnamese My Ngoc Thi Thach Practices for her U.S. Citizenship Interview And a Citizenship Interview "report back" in Vietnamese by Van's fiends, Anh and Dam Chúng tôi đã phỏng vấn đậu quốc tịch Mỹ Also check out our new video series: U.S. Citizenship Reading and Writing (only 4 videos now, but will grow into over 50 videos soon) https://www.yout
U.S. Citizenship Interview with Officer David Part 6
22/01/2019 Duration: 11minToday we will listen to our sixth interview with Officer David. You can download the Regular Citizenship Interview at and practice with a classmate, friend, or family member. A “Regular” Citizenship Interview Based on the USCIS N-400r (6 pgs, 75 questions) (updated 10/01/2016) pdf: ppt: vocab pdf: USCIS 100 Remix Quiz "Sixes" 06, 16, 26, 36, 46, 56, 66, 76, 86, 96 U.S. Citizenship Interview with Officer David Part 1 podcast: video with subtitles: U.S. Citizenship Interview with Officer David Part 2 podcast: video with subtitles: U.S. Citizenship Interview with Officer David Part 3 podcast: video with subtitles:
USCIS and Immigration Scams with Officer Arwen FitzGerald
16/01/2019 Duration: 17minListen to an in-depth discussion about USCIS and Immigration Scams with USCIS Public Affairs Officer Arwen FitzGerald Intro Recent Phone and Email Scams USCIS never requests payment or info via phone/phone! Good and Bad Smart Phone Apps Common Scams Webpage TPS Re-registration Scams Immigration Scam in India Tip about INS and DHS/USCIS logo I-9 and Email Scams targeting Employers “Notarios Públicos” Visa Lottery Scams Job Offer Scams Scams targeting Students Good and Bad Immigration Websites How to get HELP Common Scams Webpage If you need help with your questions: Call USCIS Contact Center at 800-375-5283 (For people who are deaf, hard of hearing or have a speech disability: TTY 800-767-1833); Ask Emma (a virtual assistant that answers questions and helps you navigate our the website); Find authorized legal help: More Immigration Scam resources MUST READ!!!!! In the Count
USCIS is OPEN for Business!
09/01/2019 Duration: 03minThis podcast is a super-quick reminder from USCIS Public Affairs Officer Arwen FitzGerald that USCIS is OPEN for Business during the partial Government Shutdown. See the show notes for links to the new Civics Questions update and USCIS Fees Tool. The government shutdown does not affect the fee-for-service activities performed by USCIS. All USCIS offices remain open and all applicants should attend interviews and appointments as scheduled. E-Verify is not fee-funded; E-Verify Customer Support and related services are closed for the duration of the shutdown Further note: E-Verify is a web-based system that allows enrolled employers to confirm the eligibility of their employees to work in the United States. You can read the full USCIS alert: The Government Shutdown does not affect Citizenship services. or listen to/watch our podcast: US Immigration and Travel Services during the Government Shutdown podcast: http:/