Us Citizenship Podcast

The New USCIS Public Charge Rule



I would like to make a few comments about the new USCIS "public charge" rule before I read the rule's summary and full text. A “public charge” is a person who depends on the government to pay for his or her food, clothing, housing, healthcare, and more. The new USCIS "public charge" rule says that an immigrant to the United States must be able to financially support his- or herself. If a person cannot support his- or herself, then he or she will not be allowed to legally enter the United States. I want to emphasize that new "public charge" rule affects people who want to get a Green Card and become Legal Permanent Residents. The "public charge" rule does not directly affect people who are legal permanent residents. Although the "public charge" rule is not about legal permanent residents who are preparing for their citizenship interview, they should be prepared to answer extra questions about their financial status if they submitted a I-912 Fee Waiver Form or an I-942 Fee Reduction Form with their N-400 Applic