Lithuanian Out Loud

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 44:04:13
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  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0120 - Exam 31

    25/09/2008 Duration: 06min

    Trisdešimt pirmas egzaminas.  This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! examples                                             pavyzdžiai in front of / ago                                     prieš (+ accusative) in front of the restaurant                       prieš restoraną in front of the car                                 prieš automobilį one year ago                                           prieš vienerius metus two years ago                                         prieš dvejus metus three years ago                                       prieš trejus metus a year                                                     metai to see off                                                išlydėti my, our, your, his, her, its, their           savo daughter                                                 dukra / duktė her aim                  

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0119 - Keturiasdešimt Arklių Forty Horses

    22/09/2008 Duration: 14min

    Hi there, this is Jack, Raminta and I would like to welcome you back to another episode of Lithuanian Out Loud. Today we’ll continue working on numbers combined with nouns.  This episode covers numbers that end in the number zero.  On the next episode we’ll take a break from numbers and explore the verb žiūrėti – to look at and nežiūrėti – to not look at. Back in May of 2008, Ola Halvorsen, a listener from Oslo, Norway wrote us saying he loved to view the show notes for our episodes in iTunes.  But, after episode 42 or so, they disappeared.  Well, it took a few months to get it all done, but we tore down all the episodes that didn’t have show notes in the lyrics section, there were about 60 of them, added the show transcripts and put the mp3s back up. So now, if you download the episodes using iTunes, you can right click on the episode, then click on “info” and you’ll see the episode’s show notes.  You can even modify them for your own needs if you like.    Now, here’s another awesome installment of Agnė iš V

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0118 - Exam 30

    18/09/2008 Duration: 07min

    Exam 30 Trisdešimtas egzaminas.  This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! a miracle                 stebuklas the restaurant           restoranas one restaurant          vienas restoranas two restaurants         du restoranai the restroom            tualetas one restroom           vienas tualetas two restrooms          du tualetai the male friend         draugas one male friend         vienas draugas two male friends       du draugai the automobile          automobilis one automobile         vienas automobilis two automobiles        du automobiliai the brother               brolis one brother              vienas brolis two brothers             du broliai the armchair             fotelis one armchair            vienas fotelis two armchairs           du foteliai the train                   traukinys one train                  vi

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0117 - Dvidešimt Viena Diena 21 Days

    14/09/2008 Duration: 16min

    Hi there, I’m Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud.  Today we’ll start the show off with a very nice email, then on to another awesome installment of Agnė iš Vilniaus.  Thank you Agnė for taking the time to record this for us.  Starting with today’s episode we’re going to do a series of programs on numbers.  It may not be the most exciting stuff we can offer, but we have to go over it sometime, so we’ll do it now.  Also, we’re up to 33 positive reviews on the Lithuanian Out Loud iTunes page, thanks to everyone for helping us with these.  Remember, our goal is 50 so we only need 17 more.  Can you help us out?  Thanks!  Enjoy the program and here is an email from Lithuania… Dear Jack and Raminta: I thought you might like to know that our Lithuanian professor, Radvyda Vasvilaitė, sent us your link when she sent us her class schedule.  LCC International University has a large number of new North American professors every year who try to learn as much Lithuanian as they can.  Your entertaining podcasts kee

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0116 - Exam 29

    11/09/2008 Duration: 07min

    Exam 29 Dvidešimt devyntas egzaminas.  This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! good day!                                     laba diena! good day!                                     labą dieną! how are you?                                formal kaip jums sekasi? very well, how are you?                 labai gerai, kaip jums? healthy as a carrot, thanks  sveikas kaip morka, ačiū how do you say it in Lithuanian?    kaip pasakyti lietuviškai? the day                                          diena one day                                       viena diena two days                                       dvi dienos the color                                       spalva one color                                      viena spalva two colors                                    dvi spalvos the school                                     mokykla on

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0115 - Moteris Duktė Sesuo Mother Daughter Sister

    06/09/2008 Duration: 12min

    Hi there!  This is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud!  Before we start today’s episode, Agnė iš Vilniaus has something special for us. Agnė reminded me that in Lithuanian Out Loud episode 51 a song jumped from the lips of Margarita.  This song is "Lietuva", and the music was writen by Galina Savinienė.  The words were written by Justinas Marcinkevičius a well-known Lithuanian poet.  Agnė says this song is usually sung in Lithuanian Song Festivals. Thanks Agnė for this fabulous recording!  Spectacular!  How about a round of applause for Agnė?  Woohoo!  One last thing before we get going.  A listener named Jim is inviting listeners to join his Lithuanian practice chat room on Skype at captainjim04.  We’ll post his Skype name on this episode’s blog page entry.  Now, on with today’s episode!  Take it away, Agnė! Tai gražiai, gražiai mane augino So beautifully, beautifully I was raised by laukas, pieva, kelias, upė,              a field, a meadow, a road, a river, tai gražiai už rankos vedė            

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0114 - Exam 28

    05/09/2008 Duration: 06min

    Dvidešimt aštuntas egzaminas.  This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! I have a question                                        aš turiu klausimą I speak a little Lithuanian, and you?             aš truputį kalbu lietuviškai, o tu? I speak Lithuanian well                               aš kalbu lietuviškai gerai but you know that, I speak a little English bet žinai ką, aš truputį kalbu angliškai a little Russian, a little Russian, yes, a little šiek tiek rusiškai, šiek tiek rusiškai, taip, šiek tiek but my brother speaks Russian well            o mano brolis kalba labai gerai rusiškai. does your brother speak English?               ar tavo brolis kalba angliškai? my brother speaks a little English               mano brolis kalba truputį angliškai a little, a little                                            truputį, truputį let’s get s

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0113 Beg - Mėgti To Like

    31/08/2008 Duration: 22min

    Hi, this is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud.  This week we have two new verbs for you with lots of examples.  After the examples we go through a list of new words in vardininkas to help you understand all of the example sentences.  We’ve also got another super contribution done by Agnė iš Vilniaus.  Thanks again Agnė, you’re awesome, please keep them coming.  I know everyone listening is really enjoying them.  Also, we’re up to 32 positive reviews on our iTunes page.  If you’d like to help us get to our goal of 50 reviews, we’d really love to get some more from you.  So please, help us out if you can. Before we get started with today’s Lithuanian, here is some input from Nicolas.  Thanks for the input and we’ll try to keep the grammar coming for you.  Specifically, what are you looking for?  Please let us know. Hey Jack and Raminta, this is Nicolas, I’m calling from the Netherlands, but I’m originally from Colombia, I just wanted to tell you that your lessons have been very, very helpful.  I’m le

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0112 - Exam 27

    27/08/2008 Duration: 07min

    Exam 27 Dvidešimt septintas egzaminas.  This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! to understand                             suprasti I understand                              aš suprantu you understand (familiar)                 tu supranti he understands                            jis supranta she understands                           ji supranta we understand                             mes suprantame you understand (formal)                   jūs suprantate you all understand                        jūs suprantate they understand (male / female group)    jie supranta they understand (females only)                jos supranta only                                                             tik I understand English                                  aš suprantu angliškai I don’t understand English                          aš nesuprantu angliškai

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0111 - Jis Valgo Bulves He Eats Potatoes

    26/08/2008 Duration: 07min

    Hi there, I’m Jack and I’m Raminta and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language. According to the Wikipedia page, List of Lithuanian Gods; Teliavelis was a powerful smith who made the sun and threw it into the sky. This myth survived in folk tales up to the beginning of 20th century. In the last few episodes we learned how to use the accusative plural and genitive plural in conjunction with a transitive verb – valgyti – to eat.  But, we only did masculine nouns. Today we’ll use some feminine nouns.  Feminine nouns are declined in the plural accusative like this: words that end in –a change to –as words that end in –ė change to –es now let’s go over some examples… a carrot           morka carrots                             morkos I am eating a carrot           aš valgau morką I eat the carrots                 aš valgau morkas I am not eating a carrot       aš nevalgau morkos I am not eating the carrots   aš nevalgau morkų a sausage                                  

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0110 - Nevalgyti To Not Eat

    24/08/2008 Duration: 11min

    Hi there, this is Jack, and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud.  Before we get to today’s episode, here’s another fabulous installment of Agnė iš Vilniaus.  Take it away, Agne! Sveiki, aš Agnė iš Vilniaus.  Hi, I’m Agnė from Vilnius.  Today I will share with you some interesting phrases you can use with your Lithuanian friends.  If you're hungry just tell your friend, aš alkanas kaip vilkas or aš alkanas kaip šuo. alkanas or alkana mean hungry vilkas is a wolf and šuo is a dog let's say it one time slowly   aš alkanas kaip vilkas aš alkanas kaip vilkas – I am as hungry as a wolf   aš alkanas kaip šuo aš alkanas kaip šuo - I'm as hungry as a dog but only a male would say alkanas, let's say it at normal speed, repeat after me   aš alkanas kaip vilkas   aš alkanas kaip šuo   and a female would say,   aš alkana kaip vilkas   aš alkana kaip šuo aš alkana kaip vilkas aš alkanas kaip šuo   After you say that your Lithuanian friend will know it's time to get something to eat.   I hope you had fun today with these. I

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0109 - Valgau Bananus I Eat Bananas

    18/08/2008 Duration: 14min

    Hi there, this is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud, a lot of flavor, zero calories.  Before we start today’s episode, just wanted to mention a couple of things.  As of this recording the Lithuanian basketball team has won four games at the Beijing Olympics and lost none.  Could this be the Olympic Games where they win the gold medal?  I’m rooting for Lithuania!  Valio, valio, valio!  Now, here’s another Agnė iš Vilniaus contribution.  Agnė says every Lithuanian aged three and older knows this song by heart.  I looked for this song on Youtube and added links on the Lithuanian Out Loud blogpage so you can see the song with a video.  Click on the links, I think you’ll enjoy them.  Of course, if you want to see the lyrics to the song, you can read them on the show notes on the blogpage or you can get them off the episode pdf.     Labai ačiū, Agne!  You’ve created another fantastic contribution!  You’re super!   Du gaideliai  (two little roosters)   Du gaideliai, du gaideliai, Baltus žirnius kūlė. Dvi

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0108 - Parskridau Kaip Vejas I Flew Like The Wind

    10/08/2008 Duration: 13min

    Hi there, I’m Jack and I’m Raminta and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language.  Today we’re in the month of August which in Lithuanian is - rugpjūtis. The Stelmužė Oak or in Lithuanian; Stelmužės ąžuolas is an oak tree which is growing in the former Stelmužė Manor Park. The oak reaches 23 meters in height and only side branches remain alive. It is believed to be at least 1,500 years old, possibly, as many as 2,000 years old; this makes it the oldest oak in Lithuania and one of the oldest in Europe. However, exact measurements of age are difficult as the inner part of the trunk has been removed. The oak is a nature heritage object in Lithuania and is the best known tree in the country. pradėkime, let’s get started This episode is based on a phone conversation Raminta and I had months ago but we’re only now getting around to putting it together.  First, here is the audio from the phone call… O mano diena buvo ilga, važiavau į Klaipėdą autobusu, ahhh...., turėjau vie

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0107 - Aš Iš Prienų I Am From Prienai

    10/08/2008 Duration: 11min

    Hi there, I’m Jack and I’m Raminta and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language.  Today we’re in the month of August which in Lithuanian is - rugpjūtis. According to the free encyclopedia Wikipedia page, List of Cities in Lithuania, Lithuania has 103 cities. The term city is defined by the Parliament of Lithuania as compact areas populated by more than 3,000 people of whom at least two thirds work in the industry or service sector.  Those settlements which have a population of less than 3,000 but historically had city status are still considered as towns.  Even smaller settlements or villages are called kaimas.  Often the official status is not clear and people refer to both towns and villages as gyvenvietė which in essence means, settlement.  Here are some words on this theme… vocabulary - žodynas city                   miestas cities                 miestai town                 miestelis towns                miesteliai village               kaimas village

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0106 - Skulptūrų Parkas Sculpture Park

    03/08/2008 Duration: 12min

    Hi there, I’m Jack and I’m Raminta and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud where we offer the world the Lithuanian language.  Today we’re in a new month!  August was named in honor of Augustus Caesar in the year eight before the common era (8 BCE).  In Lithuanian this month is rugpjūtis, named after the word for rye, rugiai and pjauti, to cut.  It’s rye cutting month. Here’s some food for thought.  I remind people not to refer to Lithuania as a former part of the Soviet Union.  Calling Lithuania a nation that was once part of the Soviet Union or as the former Soviet Republic Lithuania sounds like Lithuania and Russia went through an amical divorce.  It’s like saying to a Frenchman or Dutchman, hey, aren’t you guys formerly part of the Nazi Empire?  Nah, don’t do it, it won’t make you any new friends. pradėkime, let’s get started In past episodes we practiced a lot of possession using the genitive case or kilmininkas such as the wife’s name, žmonos vardas, or Eglė’s husband, Eglės vyras. Today we’ll tackle the

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0105 - Autobusų Stotis The Bus Station

    27/07/2008 Duration: 13min

    Hi there, this is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud.  Before we get on with today’s episode it’s time again for Agnė iš Vilniaus! Agnė says the idea today is to repeat a sentence that has many similar hard to pronounce sounds as quickly as you can.  In English these are called tongue-twisters. Thanks for sending us this contribution Agne!  It means a lot to us that you’re helping us out.  Take it away, Agne! How quickly could you say that? Geri vyrai geroj girioj gerą girą gėrė gerdami gyrė The good men in a big good forest were drinking delicious kvass (Lithuanian national drink) Geri vyrai geroj girioj gerą girą gėrė gerdami gyrė It’s easy, isn’t it?  But, what about that? Šešios žąsys su šešiais žąsyčiais Six (female) geese with six goslings Don’t worry if you don’t succeed the first time because most Lithuanians will say it like that… It’s okay, you need just some more practice and soon you will be able to say it like this: Šešios žąsys su šešiais žąsyčiais Good luck! Prašom, Mylimoji!  Hi ther

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0104 - Šauksmininkas Vocative Case

    21/07/2008 Duration: 17min

    Hey, hey, hey!  This is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud!  We’ve got some great stuff for you today including an awesome installment of Agnė iš Vilniaus.  But before we get to it… I forgot to mention on the last episode that we now have free pdf files for every episode of Lithuanian Out Loud on our blogpage.  A pdf file is simply a downloadable print version of our programs.  You can go to the page and download them or get them automatically using iTunes.  If you don’t have iTunes on your computer you should get it, it’s completely free. One our listeners is Jim from Delaware.  Jim has created a chat room using Skype and it’s called "Learning to speak Lithuanian for English speakers.”  From what I understand this is a tool that beginner, intermediate and advanced speakers can use to practice Lithuanian.  Jim is inviting native speakers to join the chat room if they like.  We’ll post the web address of Jim’s chat room on the Lithuanian Out Loud blogpage.  Good luck with your project, Jim! Today we

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0103 - Exam 26

    20/07/2008 Duration: 07min

    Exam 26 Dvidešimt šeštas egzaminas.  This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! first                                                      pirmas second                                                  antras third                                                     trečias fourth                                                   ketvirtas fifth                                                      penktas sixth                                                     šeštas seventh                                                 septintas eighth                                                   aštuntas ninth                                                     devintas tenth                                                     dešimtas Monday                                                pirmadienis slang for Monday – the hard

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0102 - Profesijos Professions

    12/07/2008 Duration: 11min

    Hi there!  This is Jack and welcome back to Lithuanian Out Loud!  Well, a lot has been happening since our last show.  Before today’s episode I want to get you caught up with the latest news.  At least four news portals picked up a news article on Lithuanian Out Loud and we have many new listeners to our podcast.  Also, it looks like some magazines might be doing some stories as well.  Super!  Welcome to all our new listeners! If you’d like to see the internet articles on Lithuanian Out Loud you can see the links on this episode’s notes on our blogpage.  A big thanks to Deimantė Doksaitė for interviewing Raminta and me and for writing the story.  Labai ačiū, Deimante! (internet stories on Lithuanian Out Loud) Delfi sutikes_lietuvio_kuris_

  • Lithuanian Out Loud 0101 - Exam 25

    11/07/2008 Duration: 04min

    Exam 25.  Dvidešimt penktas egzaminas.  This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English - you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! to speak                                            kalbėti I speak                                              aš kalbu you speak (familiar)                            tu kalbi he speaks                                           jis kalba  she speaks                                           ji kalba we speak                                            mes kalbame you speak                                            jūs kalbate you all speak                                       jūs kalbat all of you speak                                   jūs kalbate they speak (all males / male/fem group)  jie kalba they speak (all females)                        jos kalba Lithuanian                                           lietuviškai English                          

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