Lithuanian Out Loud

Lithuanian Out Loud 0118 - Exam 30



Exam 30 Trisdešimtas egzaminas.  This is a quick response episode!  We’ll say the word or phrase in English and you say it in Lithuanian – Out Loud!  It’s too late for questions, the exam starts now.  Ready, set, go!  Pasiruošti, dėmesio, marš! a miracle                 stebuklas the restaurant           restoranas one restaurant          vienas restoranas two restaurants         du restoranai the restroom            tualetas one restroom           vienas tualetas two restrooms          du tualetai the male friend         draugas one male friend         vienas draugas two male friends       du draugai the automobile          automobilis one automobile         vienas automobilis two automobiles        du automobiliai the brother               brolis one brother              vienas brolis two brothers             du broliai the armchair             fotelis one armchair            vienas fotelis two armchairs           du foteliai the train                   traukinys one train                  vi