Supernatural Girlz

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  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 764:33:25
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Where Paranormal is Normal. The BEST guests worldwide interviewed by paranormal expert Patricia Baker & her co-hosts. Guests from this world...and others.


  • Are you Psychic? Or just making it up? Tune in and Find out!

    13/11/2014 Duration: 01h32min

    How do you tell the difference between your imagination and true psychic ability? Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Helene Olsen as they separate the wheat from the chafe on all things psychic. Our guest, author and psychic medium Carole Lynne has had many psychic experiences throughout her life, but it was not until she reached her forties that she stated seeing visions of people who had passed on to the other side. After having these visions she began studying both in the United States and in Europe to try to understand her gift and to learn how to use her mediumistic talents to help others. Lynne begins with some badly needed truths, like not everyone is psychic. Listen in and discover if your abilities are fact or fiction. Don’t miss this terrific show ~ “Are you Psychic or are you making it up?”  

  • Dreaming with Polar Bears: Find your Animal Spirit Guide

    06/11/2014 Duration: 01h30min

    Come dream with Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Helene Olsen as they talk to Dawn Baumann Brunke about her animal guides and spirits. Brunke is a writer and editor who specialize in the areas of healing, dreaming, spirituality, animal communication, and deepening our connection with all life.  Animals are an intricate part of our daily lives and getting in tune with your natural animal abilities gives each and every person a better sense of the universe around us. Lets walk with the wolves and soar with the eagles as Supernatural Girlz digs into the powerful meaning of Spirit Journey and Animal Guides. 

  • A Deadly Haunting! A True, Very Scary Supernatural Event

    29/10/2014 Duration: 01h32min

    Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Helene Olsen as they speak with author Joie Albrecht about her experience with A Deadly Haunting. Joie reported the events Deborah Moffitt experienced over 25 years.  Moffitt claimed that it was a demon looking to collect a woman’s mind, body and soul.  Joie tells us all the frightening details that tormented the entire Moffitt family.  The demon demanded that a female member of the family had been given to him for sacrifice in order for him to leave forever.  Don’t miss this spooktacular event - a true, very scary supernatural story.  Joie Albrecht is an Award Winning Director/Voice Director/Writer/Producer/Schow Runner who has created programming for national networks, syndication, cable, and corporations for the past 20 years, most of which have been in the top ten of the NIELSEN ratings, and received critical acclaim. She is also listed in WHO’S WHO OF ENTERTAINMENT. 

  • Horror and the Occult: Spooky Stories & Hidden Truths with Lon Milo DuQuette

    22/10/2014 Duration: 01h34min

    Are you ready to hear the spookiest of all stories that contain hidden truths?  Get ready to listen to the Master himself, Lon Milo DuQuette spin esoteric tales of occult mysteries and magical initiations.  DuQuette will speak to us on many types of secret rituals, hauntings and even encountering the Devil himself!  These stories will haunt you and bite at your heels from the shadows for all eternity.... Don't say we didn't warn you!  Join us for another great episode during Spooky October! Lon Milo DuQuette is a bestselling author and lecturer on such topics as magick, tarot and the Western mystery traditions.  He is currently U.S. Deputy Grand Master of Ordo Templi Orientis and is on the faculty of the Omega institute in Rhinebeck, NY.  He lives in Costa Mesa, CA, with his beautiful wife Constance.  Visit Lon online at:  

  • UNIDENTIFIED: How World Governments Conceal the UFO Secret

    15/10/2014 Duration: 01h34min

    Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Becky Andreasson as they talk to author and Air Force insider Robert Salas about the UFO cover-up. Salas has first-hand knowledge of UFO capabilities and how much involvement they've had with governments world-wide. In 1969 the U.S. Air Force issued a statement that read‚ "No UFO reported, investigated and evaluated by the Air Force was ever an indication of threat to our national security." This statement is patently false. It has been proven untrue by the testimony of many military officers and airmen and documentation of incidents involving UFOs and nuclear weapons, testimonies of which the U.S. Air Force was fully aware.Unidentified details many of these testimonies, some for the first time How are they able to fool the general population into believing that UFOs aren't real when the hard evidence tells otherwise?  Salas has the answers.  Join us for a conspiracy reveal! Robert Salas is a 1964 graduate of the U.S. Air Force Academy. He served seven years on

  • Grimoire of the Thorn - Blooded Witch: Witchcraft Mastery with Raven Grimassi

    08/10/2014 Duration: 01h33min

    Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they interview Raven Grimassi about his most powerful work to date! Listen to Grimassi share profound Craft teachings that will transform your relationship with magick.  We'll be talking all about a new system of witchcraft, one that draws upon the old ways and the old days. Rich with spells, rituals, and detailed illustrations of plant spirits, Grimassi shows us the path that leads deep into the darkened woods--which leads to the Thorned Path. Hear about the entities that dwell within the organic memory of the earth, the devas, the deities, the magical life force that lies within the wooded glen. Learn to work with these spirits, and use their wisdom to transform your life and your practice! Don't miss this magical show with the Girlz

  • Confessions of A Reluctant Ghost Hunter ~ A Cautionary Tale

    01/10/2014 Duration: 01h39min

    Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they speak with Von Braschler a very reluctant ghosthunter! Despite early recognition of his own psychic sensitivities and ability to see spirits, Von Braschler did not seek to become a ghost hunter. He embarked on this path through a "chance" encounter with a professional ghost hunter. After training with her, he returned to Oregon where he began exorcising ghosts for friends and acquaintances and quickly stumbled upon forces far beyond his level of experience.  Sharing his true story of what can go wrong when ghost hunting, Braschler will discuss his training sessions with the professional ghost hunter and details his most difficult and dangerous attempts to remove spirits from haunted buildings, including an old church in Portland and an herbalist’s trailer on Mount Hood, where he encountered a spirit known to choke people in their sleep.  Braschler provides practical lists of what to do and what to avoid when removing ghosts from a haunted b

  • FREE Readings with Numerologist Patricia Kirkman - Back By Popular Demand!

    24/09/2014 Duration: 01h35min

    You asked and we provide!  Our listeners want more of FREE numerology readings from Patricia Kirkman and she will be here with us to answer your calls!  Looking for your true love?  More money?  Or maybe just peace of mind? Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Helene Olsen for a special night of FREE Readings with Numerologist Patricia Kirkman! Over a thirty year career she has earned a reputation for being "the best of the best". A talented numerologist, Patricia is internationally recognized as a gifted and insightful reader who is respected for her honesty, integrity, and discretion. Patricia’s focus is always on the truth. She has a unique ability to take her clients’ personal numbers and translate them into past patterns and future directions. Through intuitive counseling she works to help clients understand the forces at work in their lives. Through Diagnostic Coaching and Rational Numerology© clients learn how they can neutralize negative influences and refocus positive energy.  Patricia also

  • Mahendra Trivedi and The Trivedi Effect: First Time on Radio!

    17/09/2014 Duration: 01h31min

    Can one person's thought force energy make a positive difference in your life? According to Mahendra Trivedi it most certainly can and it can be validated scientifically. The Trivedi Effect Is a phenomenon generated by the thought of Mahendra Trivedi, a powerful thought energy, which through it’s direct connection with a higher consciousness has the ability to transform the natural structure of both living and inanimate forms. Validated through the participation in more than 4,000 scientific tests this powerful thought based energy transmission has transformed the lives of over 200,000 people worldwide. According to the participants this has resulted in the effortless improvement in health, increases in wealth and development of deeper more loving relationships for many people around the world. Tune in to get the inside track on energy transmission and receive your very own FREE transmission from Mahendra offered for the first time on radio via Supernatural Girlz! In 1995, Mahendra Trivedi was gifted wi

  • The Andreasson Affair ~ A Close Encounter of the Fourth Kind Returns!

    10/09/2014 Duration: 01h32min

    Don't miss this one!! Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they speak with Alien Abductees Betty Andreasson Luca and  Robert Luca.  The Andreasson Affair is more than just a classic example of a close encounter. It is a case of such "high strangeness" that even the most open-minded investigators were at first inclined to dismiss it out of hand. Yet it has become one of the best documented cases of its kind to date. The case was the subject of an intensive 12-month investigation conducted by the Center for UFO Studies (CUFOS) that involved, among other things, the recording of large quantities of testimony given under hypnosis, extensive lie detector testing of witnesses, detailed analysis of corroborative circumstantial evidence, exhaustive comparison with other such accounts, and much more. Robert Luca has also uncovered mysterious covert surveillance of them, their family and friends that spans thirty years.  Tune in to hear the evidence of Alien abduction and Government interferen

  • Discover the LIGHT Within From A Scientist with a Heart

    03/09/2014 Duration: 01h33min

    A unique new author in the world of spirituality, joins hosts Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen to discuss The Gentle Way of the Heart: Discover the Light Within.  Anders Nilsson brings a scientist’s approach to the path to transforming one’s self and becoming more awakened in the present moment. Both a renowned physics and chemistry researcher at Stanford University and a spiritual teacher, Dr. Nilsson, lays out a practice of study, meditation and exercises that addresses our world's desperate need of harmony and human connection. The Silicon Valley-based professor has led spiritual workshops in Europe for many years and is endorsed by astronaut Edgar Mitchell and many other notables. Nilsson’s work on water was recently featured on the cover of the pre-eminent international science magazine, Nature and covered by Scientific American. He has also been featured on the Science Channel’s “Through the Wormhole”.  Tune in and find your inner light!

  • The World's Most Haunted House

    27/08/2014 Duration: 01h34min

    Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they interview William Hall, author of The World's Most Haunted House. Tune in to hear this thrilling account of one of the most terrifying and well-documented poltergeist hauntings of modern times.  National media reported jumping furniture, floating refrigerators and attacking entities.  Decades after the publicity quieted, Hall reveals never-before-released information from police officers, firefighters and other witnesses. Return with us to 1974 and hear the Lindley Street experience from the inside! William Hall was born and raised in Bridgeport, CT where the events of the haunting took place.  He watched the news coverage when he was ten years old. After more than 25 years as a professional magician Hall knows how to recognize illusions.  He is experienced in researching the unexplained, from folklore to fortune telling.  His syndicated 1990's column, "Magic and the Unknown," ran for six years in multiple newspapers.

  • Home Made Magick with Lon Milo DuQuette

    20/08/2014 Duration: 01h37min

    What is the life of an occult magician really like?  World renowned practitioner Lon Milo DuQuette comes to Supernatural Girlz Radio to share what he's learned about Magick, family and the nature of the Universe.  This is your chance to learn from the Master as  hosts Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen interview one of their favorite guests! Tune in to hear simple how-to instructions and homespun wisdom. Learn how to turn your home and yard into a place of MAGIC. Lon Milo DuQuette is a preeminent esoteric scholar, singer-songwriter and recording artist.  The author of 16 critically acclaimed books on the occult, he is one of the most expert and entertaining speakers in the field of Western Magick!  


    13/08/2014 Duration: 01h27min

    Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen to hear the spine tingling true story of ghosthunters David Rountree and Robbie Lunt's mission to banish a demon.   When a summoning goes bad, a woman is driven from her home by phantom parties, a dancing stove and a wave of demonic forces that toss her around like a ragdoll.   Their quest to end the horrible hauntings culminates in a psychic battle on Halloween night.   This is more than a ghost story, Demon Street, USA is an account of personal growth and discovery.  No one comes through unchanged! David Rountree is a Lakota Shaman and the exectuve director of Spirit Lab, a scientific research organization in Hackettstown, NJ. He is also the author of Paranormal Technology Robbie Lunt is an arcanologist from Washoe Valley, Nevada.  He is an energy worker proficient in Tai Chi and Reiki and a member of The Way of Nature Fellowship.  

  • Harvard Professor Defends Alien Abductees: The Life & Death of Dr. John Mack

    06/08/2014 Duration: 01h31min

    Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they interview filmmaker Denise Williams on the life and death of Dr. John Mack.  When Harvard psychiatry professor and Pulitzer Prize-winning author, Dr. John Mack, was asked to study people who claimed to be abducted by aliens, he was reluctant. But these people were desperate for help, and he was curious what the underlying psychiatric syndrome might be. Dr. Mack studied over 200 abductees and found them to be sane. Headlines around the world mocked him. His friends and colleagues, even his wife, thought he had lost his mind. Harvard Medical School was mortified that their Head of Psychiatry was on national television saying that aliens may be real. The Dean appointed a secret committee to discredit Dr. Mack, ruin his reputation and take away his tenure. In spite of all this, Dr. Mack courageously stayed true to his new-found beliefs and stood by the abductees.  Dr. Mack was killed while crossing a street in the UK.  Another man named John Mack

  • Close Encounters of the Fatal Kind: UFOs Deadly Business

    30/07/2014 Duration: 01h46min

    Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they speak with author Nick Redfern about fatal encounters involving UFOs. Everyone has heard of Close Encounters of the Third Kind, but have you heard about the fatal encounters?  Hear Redfern cite case after case of grisley deaths at the hands of both government agents and extraterrestrials.  Many researchers and witnesses to these and other terrible events have vanished, never to be see or heard from again. Getting too close to the truth about UFOs is clearly a deadly business.  Tune in to Supernatural Girlz to uncover the truth. Nick Redfern is an author, lecturer, and journalist who writes about a wide variety of unsolved mysteries.  His previous books include For Nobody's Eyes Only; The NASA Conspiracies; The Real Men in Black; and The Pyramids and the Pentagon.

  • The Council of Light: Divine Transmissions for Manifesting Your Deepest Desires!

    23/07/2014 Duration: 01h30min

    Join Supernatural Girlz host Patricia Baker and Guest co-host Patricia Kirkman as they interview Danielle Rama Hoffman on how to live an exquisite life.  If the "miracle" isn't happening for you yet, this is the show that will help you break through!  Hear about Galactic teachings and practices to raise your vibrational energy and create a life of joy, abundance, and ease.   Learn how to receive direct transmissions of spiritual technology from the Council of Light and activate the 10 Rays of Light.  We will discuss how shifting your consciousness and raising your inner vibration, will change your daily life for the better. Let us guide your journey  to manifest health, wealth, happiness, and purpose by forming a direct connection with the Council of Light! Danielle Rama Hoffman is an ancient wisdom keeper, divine transmitter, and a leader in the shift into Unity Consciousness. She is the author of The Temples of Light & The Council of Light.  

  • FREE READINGS with World Famous Numerologist Patricia Kirkman!

    16/07/2014 Duration: 01h31min

    Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and Helene Olsen for a special night of FREE Readings with Numerologist Patricia Kirkman! Over a thirty year career she has earned a reputation for being "the best of the best". A talented numerologist, Patricia is internationally recognized as a gifted and insightful reader who is respected for her honesty, integrity, and discretion. Patricia’s focus is always on the truth. She has a unique ability to take her clients’ personal numbers and translate them into past patterns and future directions. Through intuitive counseling she works to help clients understand the forces at work in their lives. Through Diagnostic Coaching and Rational Numerology© clients learn how they can neutralize negative influences and refocus positive energy.  Patricia also utilizes astrology and celestial forecasting to encourage and coach her clients to expand their personal horizons, discover new directions, and achieve awareness and fulfillment in their lives.  Call in for your FREE READIN

  • Join Us At The Crossroads for Appalachian Conjuring!

    09/07/2014 Duration: 01h32min

    Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and guest co-host Patricia Kirkman to hear about the ways of magic and healing from author and conjurer Orion Foxwood.  Foxwood's book Candle and the Crossroads is all about the REAL magic and techniques of Southern root magic, knowledge he learned first-hand from his own relatives while growing up in rural Appalachia. Tune in to hear firsthand about...   Spirit Sight  Working by the Signs (the ability to synchronize work such as farming, fertility of humans and animals, orcharding) Also... ConjuringFaith HealingSettling the Light (candle magic)Doctoring the Root (the ability to use herbs, roots, stones, or animal parts--bones, claws, fur, etc. for magic or the clearing, cleansing, and blessing of the spirit of a person, also known as his or her root)Praying or Dreaming True (Blessings of spirit/God to a person, place, or thing as well as prophetic or predictive dreaming)Blessing or Cursing Bring your Candle to the crossroads and hear about  creating magic in today's

  • Medicine, Miracles & Manifestations with Neurosurgeon John Turner, MD

    02/07/2014 Duration: 01h34min

    Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker & Helene Olsen as they speak with neurosugeon & author, John Turner, MD about his book Medicine, Miracles, and Manifestations: A Doctor's Journey Through the Worlds of Divine Intervention, Near-Death Experiences and Universal Energy. Dr. Turner served as the sole neurosurgeon on the island of Hawaii for eighteen years, initially performing lifesaving procedures with a marginally trained staff and substandard equipment.  He arrived with the desire to investigate the spiritual world and understand the meaning of life, death, and life-after-death. His metaphysical experiences began the first night he was on call and continue up to the present. Dr. Turner balances his time between stargazing from an observatory dome at his rain forest home and serving as a consulting physician for the Hilo Pain Center in Hilo, Hawaii. He has come to believe that metaphysical events such as remote viewing, telepathy, consciousness, and life-after-death are verifiable manifestations

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