Supernatural Girlz

The Mysteries of Mary Magdalene Revealed



In these tumultuous times are you looking for inspiration? Do you want to feel wonder and joy? Join Supernatural Girlz Patricia Baker and guest co-host Patricia Kirkman as they speak with channel and author Gloria Amendola. Gloria Amendola is an intuitive who has a passion for esoteric knowledge and dream language. She is a trained facilitator, accomplished shamanic drummer, and works with a variety of disciplines in her teaching. Gloria has been channeling Mary Magdalene for over 13 years. Mary Magdalene is often thought of as the second-most important woman in the New Testament after Mary, the mother of Jesus. The Magdelene is not who you’ve been told she was, but rather a woman of extraordinary spiritual power who would be considered, in her time, as the equal to Jesus. Mary says she and Jesus feel our audience is ready to receive these empowering teachings - the teachings of their once-secretive inner circle. She explains the differences between the fabled civilizations of Egypt and Atlantis, the Mystery