Park Leaders Show : Park Ranger | National Park | State Park | Leadership

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 145:00:26
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Park Leaders connects the wisdom of Park Managers, leaders in the park system, and thought leaders of the business world with up and coming park leaders. This is the show for Park Rangers, Park Managers, and leaders who want to have an impact.


  • Celebrating Seventy Years of Smokey Bear

    26/08/2014 Duration: 16min

    I have been a lifelong fan of Smokey Bear. This month, August 2014, Smokey Bear celebrates his 70th birthday. Imagine that. Smokey has been with us since the Second World War. Seventy years of grandfatherly advice about wildfires. Seventy years of raising awareness of the impact of fire. Seventy years of standing on the roadside alerting you of the fire hazard. Seventy years of watching over us and protecting our natural resources. As a child I looked up to Smokey. As a Park Ranger I bonded with Smokey as we were both stewards of the forest. As a wildland firefighter I appreciate the hard work Smokey put towards fighting the same battle. Fred Hernandez, Acting National Fire Prevention Coordinator for the US Forest Service, joins me to talk about Smokey and his lifelong mission to raise awareness about wildfires. You may be surprised to learn some of the history behind Smokey Bear. Fred talks about why Smokey was created, where his name came from, the story of Smokey Bear who lived in the National Zoo, and why

  • Can You Have Fun and Still Be Professional?

    19/08/2014 Duration: 36min

    For this episode, I invited a guest to return and we took questions from park rangers in the field.  So far, the most listened to episode has been Don't Let the Park Define You with Commander Bill Overby. I invited Bill back because you like him, and because he has a heart for both State and National Parks. As Commander of the Parks Law Enforcement Academy in Mount Vernon, WA, he is connected to the young rangers as they begin their career. He has been the commander for over a decade and spent over thirty years as a Park Ranger with Washington State Parks. If something could happen to a Park Ranger, he has seen it, done it, or dealt with the consequences of someone else doing it. To tap into his wisdom, we took a couple of questions from Park Rangers and answered them on the Park Leaders Show. We also dug in deep and talked about the topic beyond the questions. We explore the idea of having fun while working at a park. Can you have fun and still be professional? We also discuss integrity when filling out appl

  • The Storied Career of a National Park Service Ranger with Tom Betts

    12/08/2014 Duration: 38min

    Each year, the National Park Service asks Rangers to single out one ranger who epitomizes the Ranger ethic. Believe me, there are so many rangers who could be help up as an example of excellence on the job. So when one ranger is selected to receive the Harry Yount Award for Excellence, you know this is someone special. My guest today, Tom Betts, is the most recent recent recipient Harry Yount Award. Tom Betts is the Chief Ranger at Bandelier National Monument in New Mexico. If I were to exaggerate everything you think of a Park Ranger, I would almost be able to describe Tom. Tom has protected park visitors and resources during volcano eruptions, wild land fires, earthquakes, floods, snowstorms, wildlife encounters, and search and rescue missions. He has conducted patrols via foot, truck, boat, helicopter, raft, ATV, skis, snowmobile, horseback, and airplane. Stephen Mather, the first director of the National Park Service, said this about park rangers, "They are a fine, earnest, intelligent, and public spirite

  • Connecting with Youth with Ruby Simonian

    05/08/2014 Duration: 21min

    When you want to talk about youth involved in parks and recreation, the best place to start is with the Corps Network. I have become fond of the Corps Network and they work they do. Not just the work for parks and conservation, but the work they do in the lives of young people. One of those young people who made the most of her time with the Corps is Ruby Simonian. Ruby glows with excitement about her time with the California Conservation Corps. She gives the Corps credit for building her confidence, skills, and experience. Prior to becoming involved in the CCC, Ruby was not motivated to do much with her future. When she left the Corps, she felt she could have an impact on the world. Ruby's hard work with the Corps did not go unnoticed. She was awarded 2014 Corpsmember of the Year. Ruby offers advice to leaders on how to connect with youth working in their parks. She also talks about John Griffith, and the impact he had on her time with the Corps. She holds John up as an example of how leaders can work with y

  • Is Parks a Man’s World?

    29/07/2014 Duration: 35min

    Marty Huseman is the Chief Ranger at Lake Roosevelt National Recreation Area. Her career with the National Park Service has taken her all over the country. As she began her career, she was advised to take a job at a park most people have not heard of. She followed that advice and became a Park Ranger at Big South Fork National River and Recreation Area. Marty's interest in developing the next generation of Park Ranger's led her to become involved in the Park's Law Enforcement Academy with Bill Overby. Marty was a founding member of  the National Park Service Honor Guard. In this interview Marty talks about her career and path to becoming a Chief Ranger. She also outlines the structure of National Park and the roles of different staff. We also discuss whether parks is a man's world and the challenges Marty has faced being a female Park Ranger. Resources • OPM Leadership Competencies

  • Can National Parks Remain Relevant?

    22/07/2014 Duration: 36min

    Ray Murray could be considered an environmental elder. He has been working in the field of parks, recreation, and conservation for decades. Ray is currently the Partnerships Program Chief for the Pacific West Region of the National Park Service. In this interview, Ray shares the biggest changes he has seen during his time with the National Park Service. Ray talks about the traits of successful park managers, what a successful partnerships looks like, and advice for up and coming leaders. Ray feels the biggest challenge facing parks is remaining relevant. As the world changes outside of park boundaries, parks have had trouble keeping up. Ray understands parks can not rely on people who look like him, recreate like him, or act like him. Parks needs to reach into urban areas, connect across generations, and be available for people of all income levels. Ray's wisdom can help new rangers and veterans alike.

  • Park Rangers are Heroes

    15/07/2014 Duration: 17min

    I have had the opportunity to talk to many people about why they became a park ranger. Each story is personal and unique, but the answer Amanda Llanes gave really stood out. Amanda was a cadet at Skagit Valley College Parks Law Enforcement Academy when we introduced by Commander Bill Overby. She was attending the academy on a scholarship from Hawaii Pacific Parks Association. Commander Overby thought her story was worth sharing. She has taken on the responsibility of representing two cultures, both trying to accomplish something through preserving land and culture. When I asked her why she wanted to be a park ranger, she said she wanted to be a hero. You see, to Amanda, anyone who protects the environment and culture is a hero. I hope her message reaches anyone who works in parks, no matter your position or how long you have been serving. This interview with Amanda took place while she was a cadet at the Academy. I hope to interview Amanda periodically during her career so we can all follow how she develops.

  • Interpreting an Experience

    08/07/2014 Duration: 14min

    During a camping trip at Maumee Bay State Park I watched as the park prepared for a Fourth of July celebration. Small flags lined the entrance road to the campground. Every campsite had an individual flag. Volunteers were meeting to discuss the plan for a bike parade the next day. Watching this made me consider the impact preparation can have on a park. Park Ranger Joseph Felgenhauer taught me about the impact of preparation and the importance of interpreting an experience. During one hike along the Little Spokane River, while leading a group of school kids, Joseph taught me the following things; Use words to guide and experience. Ranger Felgenhauer used words to lead his guests to discover and learn. Encourage people to participate. Ranger Felgenhauer encouraged kids to touch everything they came across on the trail. Point out what you want people to see. A customer could miss something outstanding if you don't point it out to them. Know what your customers are going to see, feel, and experience. Ranger Felg

  • African American National Parks Day

    01/07/2014 Duration: 36min

    Consider your last visits to our National Parks. Just pick one, Yellowstone, Yosemite, Glacier, or Mount Ranier. How many African-American faces did you see on your visit? Even better, when was the last time you saw an African-American face under the flat hat? It is clear there is a piece missing if the faces you see could combine into a puzzle. Teresa Baker is trying to change that. She would like to see more faces like hers when she visits National Parks. Not content to sit back and wish, she learned forward to do her part. She founded African-American National Parks Day, which is gaining momentum in its second year. Despite the gaining popularity of this event, her hope is that the event is not even needed in five years. Teresa and I talk about this special day, and then we go deeper. We talk about why we don’t see more African-Americans recreating in our parks and how parks can connect better with the African-American community. I also ask Teresa some uncomfortable questions, and she gives honest answers

  • Parks are in the Business of People with Austin Bradley

    24/06/2014 Duration: 24min

    Former Washington State Parks Director, Rex Derr, told me about the State Parks Leadership School. This School was founded by the National Association of State Park Directors. Upon learning more about the school, I knew anyone who attended would likely be a good guest for the Park Leaders Show. I called a few people who attended but only heard back from one. Matt O'Quinn, park manager of Powhatan State Park in Virginia, called me back and recommended I speak with Austin Bradley, the manager of Breaks Interstate Park. It was a great recommendation. Austin Bradley is a sharp guy. He is an MBA with a sharp business sense, a passion for the outdoors, and discipline of a law enforcement officer. Austin manages a unique park, with land in both Virginia and Kentucky. Austin Bradley and I discuss the challenges of his park, how to position yourself for a promotion, and ideas to keep in mind as your park is faced with budget cuts. Austin explains how parks are in the business of people.   Resources • State Parks Leade

  • Taking Ownership of Your Park

    17/06/2014 Duration: 22min

    Chris Brogan may not be who you expect to talk about parks. Chris is is an adviser and strategist to professionals and owners. He is a New York Times best selling author of seven books, including The Freaks Shall Inherit the Earth.  He is a sought after key note speaker and has been on the Dr. Phil show. He has consulted with companies like Disney, Coke, Pepsi, Google, Motorola, and more. So what does advise does Chris Brogan have for parks? "(Parks) should be business minded. And you should be much more outgoing in explaining what other values you can add to the service." Parks all across the country are feeling the budget pinch, and a typical response is the cut expenses and raise fees. Those drastic measures are what is interpreted as "act like a business". Chris wants you to look another direction. Add value. Make it about the customer. He explains people don't spend money just to spend money. They are not going to give money because your park has a tight budget. They want something in return. They want y

  • What Will Your Legacy Be?

    10/06/2014 Duration: 47min

    I know Park Leaders is on a roll when I end up talking with someone like Richard Rojas. It is a sign to me the dots are starting to connect. I was introduced to Mr. Rojas through Jose Gonzalez of Latino Outdoors. I was introduced to Jose through John Griffith of the California Conservation Corps. Unexpectedly talking with Richard Rojas was like stumbling onto a treasure chest. He is a wealth of knowledge and wisdom about park management, and the issue parks are faced with. Richard Rojas had a 32 year career with California State Parks. He rose through the ranks, beginning as a Park Ranger, promoted to Supervising Ranger, Park Superintendent, Chief Ranger, and finally served as District Superintendent for the Channel Coast District from 2000-2007. We talk about diversity, of course since Richard came to be known as the "diversity guy" in California State Parks. But it would not be right to stick to a single topic when talking with someone who has as much experience and wisdom as Richard Rojas. We talk about hi

  • Ten Steps to Get the Most out of Working With Volunteers

    03/06/2014 Duration: 14min

    At Park Leaders we examine issues relevant for park leaders. We have heard from more than one guest on the Park Leaders Show about how important volunteers are to the vitality of parks. There are steps you can take to ensure you get the most out of working with volunteers and they get value from working with you too. I recently read a quote that stood out; “As a Leader, one must sometimes take actions that are unpopular, or whose results will not be known for years to come. They are victories whose glory lies only in the fact they are known only to those who win them.”  This struck me so much I wrote it down so I could reflect on it. I realized it applied to the work we are doing in parks. The results of our work may not be known for years to come, or perhaps never be known at all. It is easy to think of someone like  Jose Gonzalez and the work he is doing with Latino Outdoors. He is in the big arena, fighting to make a difference for relationship between Latinos and Parks. But all victories do not have to be

  • Latinos and Parks with Jose Gonzalez

    27/05/2014 Duration: 29min

    Park Leaders has been discussing diversity lately. Diversity is on of the most pressing issues to ensure parks remain relevant. You can not examine diversity in parks without coming across the name Jose Gonzalez. Jose is the founder of Latino Outdoors. Jose founded Latino Outdoors to connect leadership, culture, and communities with conservation, nature, and the great outdoors. He works closely with organizations seeking to add diversity to their outdoor and conservation programs. Latino Outdoors is a platform for Latino Outdoor and Environmental Education Professionals to serve as role models and leads for guided hikes and outdoor excursions for Latino communities—all ages and generations, bilingual and Spanish-speaking. We help set up and lead outings for Latino community members for the purpose of expanding the Latino experience in the Outdoors—with a focus on providing positive transformative experiences with cultural relevancy. In this episode of the Park Leaders Show, Jose discusses the relevance of Lat

  • Discussing Diversity in Parks

    20/05/2014 Duration: 46min

    You may find this episode uncomfortable. I am fine with that. John Griffith will call you out. Our parks are not just for white guys in fleece jackets. You would have that impression though if you visited most of our national our state parks. Park Rangers are not a diverse group. Neither are park visitors, for the most part. If the answer is to hire diverse employees for only office jobs and think that's a good enough effort for your diversity goals, message of parks will eventually go extinct. That is the message John Griffith preaches to stakeholders of national and state parks. John is a supervisor with the California Conservation Corps, who has become best known for his hip-hop dancing. The attention John has received for his dancing has allowed him a new platform to spread his message of conservation and diversity. What We Talk About • The importance of exploring outdoors • How urban youth respond to the outdoors • Diversity in Parks • Why outreach to minority groups does not work • Finding ways to conne

  • Developing Leaders in Your Park

    13/05/2014 Duration: 47min

    Jack Hartt is Park Manager of Deception Pass State Park. Deception Pass is considered to be the flagship park of Washington State, and many consider Jack to be the flagship Ranger. He has inspired or trained many Rangers who went on to become Park Managers or Assistant Managers. Jack has been manager at Deception Pass State Park, Washington's busiest park, and Riverside State Park, Washington's largest park. What We Talk About • Managing relationships • Focusing on developing the right people • The role of a Park Manager • The role of an Assistant Park Manager • The role of a leader without a formal title • Finding a mentor • The "Park-Like" concept • Introducing a new Manager to a park Resources • Rocky Mountain National Park • Riverside State Park • Deception Pass State Park • It's Your Ship by Michael Abrashoff • Eleven Rings and The Last Season by Phil Jackson • Interpreting our Heritage by Freeman Tilden • Environmental Interpretation by Sam Ham Books by Jack Hartt • A Day in the Park With Ranger Jack •

  • Don’t Let the Park Define You with Bill Overby

    06/05/2014 Duration: 32min

    Bill Overby, Commander of the Parks Law Enforcement Academy Bill Overby is Commander of the Parks Law Enforcement Academy at Skagit Valley College in Mount Vernon, WA. He was a Park Ranger with Washington State Parks for 32 years, including 20 years as manager of Deception Pass State Park. Commander Overby recommends you don't  let the park define you, even as you give your all to your career. What We Talk About • How are cadets are not prepared when they arrive at the academy • How to tell if cadets will stand out in the academy • The importance of writing well • Traits of Rangers who become leaders • Biggest challenge of being a Park Manager • How to handle a promotion when you now supervise your peers • Recruitment and retention of employees • The importance of appearance • Balancing your career and family life Resources • Deception Pass State Park • Parks Law Enforcement Academy at Skagit Valley College • Music by Jason Harrod

  • Happen to Your Career with Scott Barlow and Mark Sieverkropp

    29/04/2014 Duration: 34min

    Scott Barlow and Mark Sieverkropp from Happen To Your Career Scott Barlow is a Human Resources Manager with a company in Washington State. He is also a career coach and founder of Happen To Your Career.  Mark Sieverkropp is an author, entrepreneur, consultant, and speaker. Together at Happen To Your Career, they help connect people with the work they love. Talking with Scott and Mark gives us an outside-of-parks perspective on getting noticed and advancing your career. What We Talk About • Why Parks are important • How you can direct your own career • The value of building relationships with people you don't work with directly • How to get noticed when going for a promotion • Having a purposeful career • How to get noticed when going for a promotion • Having a more purposeful career • Growing outside your career • Using projects to create success • How to Choose Yourself Resources • Happen To Your Career • Mark Sieverkropp • Sun Lakes State Park • Matt McWilliams • Jody Maberry • Project Success by Mark Sieve

  • The Value of Experience with Eric Watilo

    22/04/2014 Duration: 36min

    Eric Watilo, Region Manager with Washington State Parks Eric Watilo is a Region Manager with Washington State Parks. After fifteen years in the field as a Park Manager and Park Manager, Eric has spent the past sixteen years in a Region Headquarters. As a Region Manager, Eric works directly with many Park Managers. He is familiar with the issues most Park Managers struggle with. Eric discusses the value of experience and how to build a strong team. In This Episode We Talk About; • Filling a position with the right person • The issues Park Managers struggle with the most • How to effectively communicate with your team • The role of technology in Parks • How can a Park show value for the cost a visitor pays • Building relationships among Park staff • What should never change about parks Resources • Music by Jason Harrod • Washington State Parks • Ginkgo Wanapum State Park • Survey Monkey • Red Green • Jody Maberry   Handyman Corner - Camping (click to watch on YouTube)

  • Parks are the Soul of a Community with Rex Derr

    14/04/2014 Duration: 22min

    Rex Derr is the former director of Washington State Parks. Rex says his career in Parks was glorious and feels parks are the soul of a community. Rex was the architect and main cheerleader of Washington State Park's Centennial 2013 plan. This plan built excitement and prepared Washington State Parks to celebrate the park system's 100th birthday. What We Talk About • What Parks add to a community • Washington State Park's Centennial Plan; how it was created and how parks and citizens were involved. • Creating a story or plan to unite your team • The greatest asset of any public service entity Resources • Washington State Parks Washington State Parks Centennial 2013-A plan for your parks (click to watch on YouTube)

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