John Leeman and Shannon Dulin discuss geoscience and technology weekly for your enjoyment! Features include guests, fun paper Friday selections, product reviews, and banter about recent developments. Shannon is a field geologist who tolerates technology and John is a self-proclaimed nerd that tolerates geologists.
Episode 28 - "You can tag your abstract with emoji. Wait, what?"
31/07/2015 Duration: 44minThis week we get ready for conference abstract deadlines and talk about how we prepare abstracts. Everyone is finally back in town, but not for long! Pluto show next week! Abstract deadlines: AGU 8/5, GSA 8/11 GSA, new topical abstracts (search visually by emoji!) How we prepare to write abstracts Choosing the topical material. When do you stop reporting on research?* Think about what session to submit to Mind maps Outlines Stream of conscience writing Abstract Madlibs Don’t do this steps hours before it is due. Leave days to mull it over How preliminary is your data? Is it ready for an abstract? Writing the abstract Check the conference guidelines… then check them again. Open an editor. John uses plain text editors initially. Send it around for others to look at Decide on authorship early Tools for collaborating (a whole other show) Google docs Word/dropbox Evernote (although everyone involved needs premium) Email… if you do this, please don’t admit it Other Notes AGU offering free conference regist
Episode 27 - "They are terrifying" a volcanic road trip
24/07/2015 Duration: 25minShannon hits the road again, so we talk about volcanics, earthquakes, and other disasters that can occur in the pacific northwest. We even talk about native stories of earthquakes and tsunamis. Mount Rainier Snake River Crater Lake Lassen Volcanics Craters of the Moon Capulin Volcano 1700 Cascadia Earthquake Bonneville Slide Orphan Tsunami Story of the Thunderbird and Whale Hitchhiker’s Guide Whale Scene Great Basin National Park Fun Paper Friday When could Yellowstone erupt again? This week’s fun paper examines magma chamber refueling. Lots of neat geochemical profiles and diffusion techniques. Till, Christy B., Jorge A. Vazquez, and Jeremy W. Boyce. “Months between rejuvenation and volcanic eruption at Yellowstone caldera, Wyoming.” Geology (2015): G36862–1. Contact us: Show - - @dontpanicgeo - John Leeman - - @geo_leeman Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin
Episode 26 - "Can I speak to your online librarian?" Top 10 Google Tips
17/07/2015 Duration: 37minTop 10 Google Search Tips Use the tabs Use quotes Exclude results with - Google Scholar Broaden the scope of your search by removing words Think like the person writing the article Search for a filetype: Use Google Books Use the forums Mine references and link lists Other Links Linear scanner Google search characters Research tips - Still Untitled : The Adam Savage Project Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon stackoverflow Fun Paper Friday Maher Al-Dayeh & Neal Evans. Acoustic imaging of thunder from rocket-triggered lightning. 2015 Joint Assembly of American and Canadian Geophysical Societies. Abstract # AS31A–07 AGU Abstract Nature Article (with video) Contact us: Show - - @dontpanicgeo - John Leeman - - @geo_leeman Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin
Episode 25 - "Scientists studying scientists" with Dr. Elizabeth Seiver
10/07/2015 Duration: 35minJoin John and special guest Dr. Elizabeth Seiver of PLOS (Public Library of Science) in Austin, TX at the scientific Python (SciPy) conference to talk open science and geek tools! Sorry for the slight echo in the room, we did what we could with the audio! Elizabeth on twitter: @tweetotaler PLOS Alison Gopnik’s Berkeley Lab SciPy 2015 arXiv Figshare Dryad Digital Object Identifier Paywall Polymath Project nvALT Simplenote Drafts TextExpander Keyboard Maestro Alfred App arXiv Citation Study Cameron Neylon's open science blog Reviewer/Authoring Guessing Study VisPy Talk from SciPy Hazel for Mac FunPaperFriday Keller, Joseph B. “Ponytail motion.” SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics 70.7 (2010): 2667–2672. Contact us: Show - - @dontpanicgeo - John Leeman - - @geo_leeman Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin Keyboard Maestro Todo List: This week's list * %ICUDateTimePlus%7%Days%EEE MMMM dd% Create next week's list ## %ICUDateTimePlus%8%Days%EEE
Episode 24 - "Are you staying with Doc Brown?"
03/07/2015 Duration: 26minJohn is on the road headed to the SciPy conference and Shannon is done with field camp. Join us to hear the wrap up and talk about how geology was used strategically in the Revolutionary War on this fourth of July weekend episode. Watchung Mountains Area geologic summary Middlebrook encampment Nike Missile Cheyenne Mountain NORAD Fun Paper Friday This week we learn about perchlorate from fireworks and how long it can reside in lakes. Wilkin, R. T., Fine, D. D., & Burnett, N. G. (2007). Perchlorate Behavior in a Municipal Lake Following Fireworks Displays. Environmental Science & Technology, 41(11), 3966–3971. Contact us: Show - - @dontpanicgeo - John Leeman - - @geo_leeman Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin
Episode 23 - "If there's one glacial feature, everything is named after it"
26/06/2015 Duration: 29minThis week Shannon summarizes her field trip and John talks about rock slides and his coming travel. We also talk about organized patterns of dripping syrup. John will be at the SciPy Conference Tropical Storm Bill has caused a lot of problems! Oklahoma Rock Slide Turner Falls John’s 3D Compass Shannon found a unique use for her field notes notebooks Rocky Mountain National Park Glacial Moraine Cirques Paternoster Lakes Sheep Mountain Anticline Yellowstone National Park Grand Tetons National Park OU Fieldcamp Blog Big Thompson Canyon Flood Fun Paper Friday This week we learn about stick patterns formed by viscous fluids falling on a surface. It could be honey on toast or telecommunications cable on the ocean floor. Check out the video as well! Brun, P. T., Audoly, B., Ribe, N. M., Eaves, T. S., & Lister, J. R. (2015). Liquid Ropes: A Geometrical Model for Thin Viscous Jet Instabilities. Physical Review Letters, 114(17), 174501–5. Video of different fluid patterns
Episode 22 - "It was like two Volkswagens Battling" National Parks
19/06/2015 Duration: 25minJoin us this week as we talk about our favorite national parks while Shannon is on the road. Then we’ll talk about kinetic energy of empty and full beer bottles as part of Fun Paper Friday! Glacier National Park Heads up display for snowplows Book: Geology of National Parks Belt Supergroup Arches National Park Desert Solitaire by Edward Abbey Arch Collapses Canyonalnds National Park Upheaval Dome Fun Paper Friday Have you ever thought about how much force a beer bottle can exert when you strike something with it? Bollinger et al. have! Do you think full or empty bottles are more dangerous? Bolliger, S. A., Ross, S., Oesterhelweg, L., Thali, M. J., & Kneubuehl, B. P. (2009). Are full or empty beer bottles sturdier and does their fracture-threshold suffice to break the human skull? Journal of Forensic and Legal Medicine, 16(3), 138–142. Contact us: Show - - @dontpanicgeo - John Leeman - - @geo_leem
Episode 21 - "Think of an anticline, that's what you're thinking of"
12/06/2015 Duration: 22minThis week we catch up with Shannon’s field adventure and John’s poster and pitch competition. Sheep Mountain Anticline Grand Teton National Park John participated in a 2 minute pitch contest as part of Millennium Cafe. PPG Industries sponsored the event and it was a great success! Fun Paper Friday What’s the best use for an onion? To make artificial muscles of course! Chen, C.-C., Shih, W.-P., Chang, P.-Z., Lai, H.-M., Chang, S.-Y., Huang, P.-C., & Jeng, H.-A. (2015). Onion artificial muscles. Applied Physics Letters, 106(18), 183702–6. Contact us: Show - - @dontpanicgeo - John Leeman - - @geo_leeman Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin
Episode 20 - "It was like 1.5 Cores plus a Twister" San Andreas Movie
05/06/2015 Duration: 25minThis week we talk more about your field photos, the movie San Andreas, mining country in Colorado, and chocolate blooming! Your Photos! Last week we talked about the Manefay Slide instead of the Jordan slide that Mark sent photos of. Sorry Mark! Hannah and Martin’s Photos Siccar Point Old Red Sandstone Hutton’s Unconformity How a geologist sees the world San Andreas Ok movie, lots of bad science Talks about earthquake triggering! Also does a good job with duck and cover examples Check out the trailer! Shannon’s Field Trips Leadville, Colorado Colorado Mineral Belt Mollie Kathleen Gold Mine Fun Paper Friday What causes chocolate to get that white growth? This week we find out that it’s very similar to geological growths and investigated with similar techniques! Reinke, S. K., Roth, S. V., Santoro, G., Vieira, J., Heinrich, S., & Palzer, S. (2015). Tracking Structural Changes in Lipid-based Multicomponent Food Materials due to Oil Migration by Microfocus Small-Angle X-ray Scattering. ACS Applied Materials
Episode 19 - "The whole office is batteries"
29/05/2015 Duration: 19minTOPCON GPS Instruments Listener Mark sent in field photos from the Bingham Canyon Mine Checkout Mark’s Images Jordan Slide Some general RADAR information Greenwood Furnace State Park Blast Furnace Basics LightSail Mission Fun Paper Friday This week we learn about pressure. Pressure has to be generated for Penguins to poo outside of thier nest. How much pressure? We know the answer! Meyer-Rochow, V. B., & Gal, J. (2003). Pressures produced when penguins pooh?calculations on avian defaecation. Polar Biology, 27(1), 56–58.–003–0563–3
Episode 18 - "I remember having to buy a sweatshirt" Canon City, CO
22/05/2015 Duration: 26minThis week Shannon talks about the cold weather at field camp, we discuss the Jacob’s staff, and methane rain. You’ll want to listen to this fun summer short! Jacob’s Staff Canon City, Colorado Pike’s Peak Gold Rush Field Camp Fun Paper Friday What could cause dunes on Titan to migrate opposite the surface winds? Turns out the answer is a story about deep convection and storms with methane rain! Charnay, B., Barth, E., Rafkin, S., Narteau, C., Lebonnois, S., Rodriguez, S., et al. (2015). Methane storms as a driver of Titan’s dune orientation. Nature Geosci, 8(5), 362–366. Contact us: Show - - @dontpanicgeo - John Leeman - - @geo_leeman Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin
Episode 17 - "What's your summer manifesto?"
15/05/2015 Duration: 50minSummer is an ideal time to learn new things and explore new ideas. This week we discuss what we want to learn over the summer and how we are going to accomplish these goals. What’s your summer manifesto? Also we get showered by cosmic rays and lightning as part of #FunPaperFriday. John’s Summer Manifesto Learn Swift programming language for mobile computing development Books Having a project is essential to learning a programming language. Develop classroom materials to go with some demonstrations and videos I have collected Using screen flow to capture computer screen with voice overs Use Python notebooks to capture data analysis Host materials on GitHub for free and open access Setup more effective task automation to free mind space for work Launch Center Hazel Pythonista Submit one manuscript and have another draft ready with all data processing in reproducible notebooks Editorial for writing on the mobile LaTex for writing the final paper (try Lyx) KaleidaGraph Shannon’s Summer Manifesto
Episode 16 - "We are scared" Nature Calls
08/05/2015 Duration: 01h17sThis week John and Shannon discuss going outside and how important it is to our learning processes. Are we suffering from “nature deficit disorder”? We follow up the discussion with a #FunPaperFriday about playing outside. Last Child in the Woods by Louv The Nature Principle by Louv Richard Louv Website How to Raise a Wild Child by Sampson Free Range Kids Kids Need Nature as Much as Nature Needs Them The Nature Conservancy Fun Paper Friday Dyment, Janet E. “Green school grounds as sites for outdoor learning: Barriers and opportunities.” International Research in Geographical & Environmental Education 14.1 (2005): 28–45. Contact us: Show - - @dontpanicgeo - John Leeman - - @geo_leeman Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin
Episode 15 - "If it didn't, that seismometer probably wasn't working" The Nepal Earthquake
01/05/2015 Duration: 42minThis week we are joined by a guest co-host in Shannon’s absence. Matt Herman talks to us about the recent earthquake in Nepal. We had to record in an empty classroom, so sorry about the audio quality. We’ll be back to our normal location and setup next week! Earthquake USGS Event Page Plate Map PAGER Report John’s Ground Motion Movie Everest Avalanche Movie Matt uses INSAR and GPS to look at static displacements. USArray Ground Motion Visualizations Coulomb Stress Geologic Cross-section Rayleigh-Benard Convection Fun Paper Friday This week we read about a mysterious mist above your coffee and tea. This is a great reason to film your coffee cup! Umeki, T., Ohata, M., Nakanishi, H., & Ichikawa, M. (2015, January 2). Dynamics of microdroplets over the surface of hot water. Contact us: Show - - @dontpanicgeo - John Leeman - - @geo_leeman Shannon Dulin - @ShannonDulin
Episode 14 - "I basically need a holodeck"
24/04/2015 Duration: 59minTaking notes is an essential part of your job, no matter what you do. This week we discuss note taking strategies, supplies, and how we work. Also don’t miss out on a sticky #FunPaperFriday! John’s Storm Time Lapse Midichloria mitochonreii Note Taking Systems Don’t bother with highlighting, underlining, re-reading, etc. Those have been shown to be ineffective. (Dunlosky et al., 2013) Bullet Journal Outlining Cornell Method Sketch Notes. There is a book and workbook by Mike Rohde available to help you learn. Mind Mapping Note Taking Tools Digital vs. Analog We can talk about the advantages and disadvantages of each forever. Digital is re-workable (like lasso and move in penultimate). Paper is easier to write/shade/make more detailed and elegant notes Digital can embed media Paper doesn’t crash or run out of battery Digital can be backed up against loss Digital iPad Apps to write or type (omnioutliner for example) Smart pens like the Neo smartpen or the Livescribe Apps on laptops Analog Good notebooks
Episode 13 - "One of my best friends is a poet" Phoebe Cohen
17/04/2015 Duration: 01h01minThis week we are joined by paleontologist Dr. Phoebe Cohen (@PhoebeFossil) from Williams. She studies microscopic single-cell fossils from before there were animals. Undergrad at Cornell, wanting to be in biology… landed in earth system science Strongly influenced by the book “Life on a young planet” Grad school at Harvard 1/2 post-doc, 1/2 education-outreach at MIT Gigapan Photography Cambridge Science Festival The Story Collider Podcast Phoebe’s TEDed video Useful Apps/Programs Wunderlist Evernote ImageJ Adobe Photoshop and Illustrator Google Calendar Papers Strides 7 Minute Workout Fun Paper Friday This week we read about the nutrition of gut bacteria in a baby and how it can influence their behavior. You can also follow the author on Twitter: @MammalsSuck Allen-Blevins, C. R., Sela, D. A., & Hinde, K. (2015). Milk Bioactives May Manipulate Microbes to Mediate Parent-Offspring Conflict. Evolution, Medicine, and Public Health, eov007. Contact us: Show - www.dontpanicge
Episode 12 - "You want to filter out the ducks" Tides
10/04/2015 Duration: 01h03minTides pull and deform the surface of the ocean and the surface of the Earth. This week we’ll take a quick tour of tidal forces, address some show feedback, and then talk about a revision on a classic physics problem. Tides Tides are a result of gravitational interaction of the Sun-Earth-Moon system, but are of course a factor on many other planets as well. Gravity is the key to remember and that it varies linearly with mass, but with the inverse square of displacement. Ocean Tides The most familiar example is ocean tides. These are important for commerce, safety, and for sedimentary processes. Sedimentary layers called tidal rythmites Cool tide visualization from Calculated Images General cycle is a flood tide raises water levels until high tide. Then an ebb tide takes water back out until low tide is reached. When the tidal stream stops and reverses it is a slack tide. Generally occur with 24-hour or 12-hour period, can have a complex shape. Another kind of clock, a tide clock, has been made to show this.
Episode 11 - "It was windy"
03/04/2015 Duration: 40minThis week we talk about another branch of earth science, meteorology. We discuss the upcoming severe weather season and Shannon’s close call with a tornadic storm. Also updates on past stories, feedback, and fun paper friday! Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability The Kelvin-Helmholtz Instability The Brunt Väisälä frequency Story Updates and Feedback Nasa has decided to go with the boulder snatch technique for an asteroid mission launching in 2020 If you like space news and talk, checkout “The Orbital Mechanics” podcast. A very early copy of William Smith’s map has been rediscovered at the geological society. You can view a digitized version of the map online. More on the mysterious radio bursts We got some feedback about levels (thanks Celena B.) and a problem with the show logo (thanks Ross K.). We hope we have corrected both. Please keep the feedback coming in! Severe Weather We encourge you to learn your way around and use the National Weather Service webpage. Also checkout the National Severe Storms Laborator
Episode 10 - "I've been everywhere man"
27/03/2015 Duration: 58minWe’ve both been on the road recently and decided to cut together a show to share our travels with you. This week Shannon will take us into the field in NM with her students, and John will take us to Lamont for a seismology student workshop. Shannon’s Trip Shannon took her mapping class to the field for a mapping exercise. Her trip went far better than imagined. Palo Duro Canyon “The Grand Canyon of Texas" Field Guide for NM Site A surprising number of student’s hadn’t been camping before, but the school’s rec. center will rent camping equipment out to students. BLM Hoodoo trail hike Students got to look for gastroliths John’s Trip John was at the Third Annual Seismology Student Workshop at the Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory. We got to interview one of the organizers, Zach Eilon. A few of the talks that appealed to the instrumentation nut in John were about the MERMAIDS project and using trains as a seismic source. Organizers had students introduce themselves and make a crowd-sourced mind-map of what peop
Episode 9 - "There's an app for that"
20/03/2015 Duration: 54minThis week we thought it would be a good idea to recap some of the apps that we use on a daily basis to get our work done. We want to explicitly state that we are fully unsponsored and that these are just our opinions, not official recommendations or endorsements We chose iPhone/iPad apps since that’s what we and many of our colleagues use. A lot of these are transferrable to the Android or other platforms. Don’t tune out or you’ll miss some tips that will help you, no matter what the platform you use is. John’s App Picks Omnifocus (Task management) Overcast (Podcasts) Drafts (Quick notes) DarkSky (Weather) RadarScope (Weather) ScannerPro/Smile PDFpen Scan+ (Mobile document scanning) Dropbox/Carousel (Mobile access to documents and photo sync) Fantastical (Easy calendar viewing/entry) Newsify (Keep up with RSS feeds) Papers3 (Reading papers and paper management) Shannon’s App Picks Evernote Penultimate WxTap EarthPrimer clinoFieldMove iGeolog Trimble outdoors MyTopo maps GeoFieldBook iGeology (Britain’s roc