Don't Panic Geocast

Episode 23 - "If there's one glacial feature, everything is named after it"



This week Shannon summarizes her field trip and John talks about rock slides and his coming travel. We also talk about organized patterns of dripping syrup. John will be at the SciPy Conference Tropical Storm Bill has caused a lot of problems! Oklahoma Rock Slide Turner Falls John’s 3D Compass Shannon found a unique use for her field notes notebooks Rocky Mountain National Park Glacial Moraine Cirques Paternoster Lakes Sheep Mountain Anticline Yellowstone National Park Grand Tetons National Park OU Fieldcamp Blog Big Thompson Canyon Flood Fun Paper Friday This week we learn about stick patterns formed by viscous fluids falling on a surface. It could be honey on toast or telecommunications cable on the ocean floor. Check out the video as well! Brun, P. T., Audoly, B., Ribe, N. M., Eaves, T. S., & Lister, J. R. (2015). Liquid Ropes: A Geometrical Model for Thin Viscous Jet Instabilities. Physical Review Letters, 114(17), 174501–5. Video of different fluid patterns