Suicide Prevention Australia

  • Author: Vários
  • Narrator: Vários
  • Publisher: Podcast
  • Duration: 19:11:34
  • More information



The official Suicide Prevention Australia AudioBoo Channel. Suicide Prevention Australia provides national leadership for the suicide prevention sector in Australia. SPA works collaboratively to develop a community that knows how to ask for help and how to give help. As the lead agency of the National Suicide Prevention Coalition, we build and facilitate partnerships to change behaviours around mental illness and suicide, and to amplify the voices of those with lived experience of suicide.


  • 53: Wendy French, LiFE Award winner - Community Development (Individual)

    30/07/2017 Duration: 02min

    Wendy French has worked in a variety of suicide prevention programs in Tasmania and throughout Australia. She was responsible for implementing a local site of a national suicide bereavement service in North West Tasmania, which she then managed for five years. 2009-2013). In addition to her “day job” providing Suicide Prevention and Mental Health training to workplaces throughout Tasmania, Wendy has created Talking About Suicide to assist people to have conversations with people at risk of or bereaved by suicide, and is an ambassador for local charity Stigma No More. Her attitude of “Tasmanians helping each other out” is evident in her use of her “spare time”, supporting individuals, families and communities after hours, on weekends, and in the middle of the night, travelling wherever she was needed and ensuring that anyone who needed information and support could get it, when they needed it. Following a suicide in Tasmania which had a terrible impact on a small rural community, Wendy was contacted by members

  • 52: Danielle Driscoll, 2017 LiFE Award winner - Workplace

    30/07/2017 Duration: 01min

    Danielle Driscoll has been the pivotal driver behind TAFESA's delivery of the LivingWorks ASIST, Suicide First Aid training. Since being trained as a trainer of Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training in May 2015, Danielle has delivered 15 Applied Suicide Intervention Skills Training sessions. This equates to over 300 people with their Suicide First Aid Certificate, 200 of those in 2016 alone. The ripple effect of the people trained shows that on average 35 lives per trained person will be prevented from being affected by suicide. There is upwards of 9,000 people living suicide safer lives due to Danielle's skills. She is strongly advocating within TAFE SA to provide ASIST training to all staff, improving their ability to support their students and communities. She believes education is the ideal space to nurture intervention and prevention skills for young people and their families and their workers. Danielle also works with people outside of her paid role within TAFESA to ensure the message of suicid

  • 51: Professor Jane Pirkis on Man Up, building the evidence and improving evaluation processes

    29/07/2017 Duration: 05min

    Professor Jane Pirkis is Director of the Centre for Mental Health at the University of Melbourne. Professor Pirkis talks about the importance of building the evidence base; improving evaluation processes and the Man Up series, a documentary and digital media campaign dealing with male suicide. Professor Pirkis presented on: Effectiveness of suicide prevention and self-harm intervention programs; and Man-Up at #NSPC17. #ManyVoicesOneGoal #suicideprevention

  • 50: Associate Professor Phil Batterham on stigma and access challenges to services

    29/07/2017 Duration: 03min

    Associate Professor Phil Batterham is a Fellow in Mental Health Research at the National Institute for Mental Health Research at the Australian National University. Associate Professor Batterham presented at #NSPC17 on the topics of online self-help for suicide prevention; and disclosure of suicidal ideation - patterns, predictors and outcomes. If you or anyone you know is experiencing a personal crisis, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14. #suicideprevention #ManyVoicesOneGoal

  • 49: Debbie Knight, 2017 LiFE Award winner - Community Engagement (Individual)

    29/07/2017 Duration: 01min

    In 2004 Debbie Knight lost a close friend to suicide. Her loss was just one case in a community which was becoming all too familiar with an issue being labelled as epidemic in the Mackay Region. As often happens, she and a group of friends got together with a view to raising awareness around suicide prevention. They did some fundraising and created the beginnings of a powerful and highly regarded organisation, Grapevine Group Mackay. Debbie has been with this group from the very beginning and in the past 13 years Grapevine has become a foundation stone which underpins the entire mental health, wellbeing and suicide prevention movement in the Mackay region. The group's focus - and that which Debbie has campaigned strongly and consistently for - is education. In partnership with local community suicide awareness and fundraising body Run For Mi Life, as well as LifeLine and the nationally renowned Living Works, Grapevine brought to Mackay the highly regarded safeTALK and ASIST programs in 2014. In conjunction w

  • 48: Dr Samantha Batchelor on suicidal thoughts in young people and need for early intervention

    29/07/2017 Duration: 03min

    Dr Samantha Batchelor, Senior Researcher at Kids Helpline, yourtown, shares her insights into help-seeking in young people, challenges around stigma and the need for early intervention. Kids Helpline is a National crisis call counselling service, available 24 hours a day, seven days a week for children and young people aged 5 to 25. Please call 1800 55 1800 for support or visit for web or email chat.

  • 47: Chris Pycroft Accessibility Engagement Manager, LGBTI and Mental Health Consultant on the state of the LGBTI nation

    29/07/2017 Duration: 04min

    #NSPC17 Chris Pycroft, Accessibility Engagement Manager, LGBTI and Mental Health Consultant talks about the state of the LGBTI Nation: Mental Health and Wellbeing and some of the challenges experienced in his field of work. #suicideprevention #ManyVoicesOneGoal

  • 46: Professor Ella Arensman shares her knowledge and views on suicide prevention

    28/07/2017 Duration: 09min

    Live from #NSPC17 Professor Arensman shares her knowledge and views on some of the biggest challenges she sees in suicide prevention, and comments on interventions and cultural differences #suicideprevention #ManyVoicesOneGoal

  • 45: Dr Trisha Wallis on suicide risk factors among Transgender people

    28/07/2017 Duration: 04min

    Live from the 2017 National Suicide Prevention Conference (NSPC17). Dr Trisha Wallis, Social worker and Psychologist from California Southern University talks to SPA about the Exploration of suicide risk factors among Transgender people. #NSPC17 #suicideprevention #ManyVoicesOneGoal

  • 44: Dr. Kim Van Orden on building connections and supporting people later in life

    27/07/2017 Duration: 05min

    Dr Kim Van Orden is Assistant Professor in the Department of Psychiatry, at the University of Rochester School of Medicine and Dentistry in New York, USA. She speaks with SPA about Connecting and Contributing - Behavioural strategies to improve relationships and reduce suicide risk in later life #NSPC17 #suicideprevention #ManyVoicesOneGoal

  • 43: Matthew Welch on implementing Zero Suicide Framework in a large Metro Mental Health Service

    26/07/2017 Duration: 03min

    Live from the 2017 National Suicide Prevention Conference (NSPC17). Matthew Welch, Clnical Nurse Consultant for Suicide Prevention at the Gold Coast Mental Health and Specialist Service, talks about his work in implementing a Zero Suicide Framework in a large Australian Metropolitan Mental Health Service. #NSPC17 #suicideprevention Visit for the full program

  • 42: An interview with Roy Ah-See at Gosford NSW 2017 NAIDOC Week Celebrations

    04/07/2017 Duration: 01min

    Our Lived Experience Network Manager, Tracy, attended the 2017 NAIDOC Celebrations at the Central Coast in Gosford NSW. Listen to her interview with Roy Ah-See - SYDNEY/NEWCASTLE REGION, Chairperson, NSW Aboriginal Land Council ( I’m here today at the NAIDOC celebrations at Gosford and I’m just wondering if you can share with us who you are, who you represent and why this event is so important. Absolutely. My name is Roy Ah-See; I’m a Wiradjuri man born and bred on Wiradjuri country. I live on the Central Coast and I’m the Chairperson of the NSW Aboriginal Land Council, elected council for the Sydney Newcastle region. I guess in answer to your question why these events are important – NAIDOC week - it symbolises who we are, our identity, gives us an opportunity to showcase and engage with non-Aboriginal people and also bring together our Aboriginal community. Because it is so important and the theme for this NAIDOC here is Languages – and they do matter.

  • 41: Commonwealth Government names Suicide Prevention Australia as Lead for National Research Fund

    20/06/2017 Duration: 01min

    Media Release Transcript Australia, 20 June 2017: At a meeting of the Parliamentary Friends of Suicide Prevention today, Minister for Health The Hon. Greg Hunt MP announced Suicide Prevention Australia as lead agency for a new national Suicide Prevention Research Fund. The $12m Fund was promised in the Federal Election campaign following calls from Suicide Prevention Australia (SPA) and its members for increased, dedicated investment in suicide prevention research. In commenting on the announcement, Suicide Prevention Australia CEO, Sue Murray, said that “We are proud to be named the independent leadership body tasked with facilitating a research environment that improves the way we map gaps in current knowledge and strengthen Australia’s research capability.” “Prioritising research and establishing pathways to move research findings into policy and practice, in a timely manner, is integral to achieving a downward trajectory in suicides. This concept, in other health areas such as breast cancer, card

  • 40: Alternatives to Suicide – what does this really mean?

    14/03/2017 Duration: 06min

    From Monday, 20 April to Thursday, 23 April 2017, Tracy McCown (Manager, SPA Lived Experience Network) and Sue Murray (SPA CEO) attended numerous forums and discussions on an innovative, peer-led Alternative To Suicide Support Group program from the Western Massachusetts Recovery Learning Center (USA). Podcast length: 6m 30 sec. It is so important to talk openly and safely about suicide but, if listening to this triggers difficult emotions in you, please talk about how you’re feeling with a trusted family member, friend or people at one of our partner organisations. Call Lifeline on 131114, MensLine 1300 78 99 78, Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 or Kids Helpline 1800 551800 FREE. For a comprehensive list of Australian support and services available visit Outside of Australia? Find local support TRANSCRIPT: Alternatives to Suicide – what does this really mean? And in particular,

  • 38: Professor Paul Tip on Lead/Activate lessons from Hong Kong

    08/03/2017 Duration: 21min

    On 27/28 February 2017 Suicide Prevention Australia co hosted the 3rd International Zero Suicide Summit as part of the 2017 International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL) Leadership Exchange in Sydney. The Summit has become a regular part of the IIMHL program. Leading experts in healthcare and suicide prevention sought to progress the ‘Zero Suicide’ initiative, targeting suicide prevention and behavioural health care systems where a cooperative system wide engagement seeks to achieve a target of zero suicides in the health care system (inspired by the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit). Suicide Prevention Australia is specifically looking at what Zero Suicide in HealthCare implementation looks like if rolled out on a wider scale in Australia. Seventy delegates representing 15 countries attended the match. Guest speakers include Dr Michael Hogan, David Covington, Kevin Hines, Jan Mokkenstorm, David Jobes and Virna Little. The summit agenda focused on introducing the zero suicide mission and

  • 37: Acknowledgement of Country and Lived Experience Reflections by Leilani Darwin

    08/03/2017 Duration: 10min

    On 27/28 February 2017 Suicide Prevention Australia co hosted the 3rd International Zero Suicide Summit as part of the 2017 International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL) Leadership Exchange in Sydney. The Summit has become a regular part of the IIMHL program. Leading experts in healthcare and suicide prevention sought to progress the ‘Zero Suicide’ initiative, targeting suicide prevention and behavioural health care systems where a cooperative system wide engagement seeks to achieve a target of zero suicides in the health care system (inspired by the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit). Suicide Prevention Australia is specifically looking at what Zero Suicide in HealthCare implementation looks like if rolled out on a wider scale in Australia. Seventy delegates representing 15 countries attended the match. Guest speakers include Dr Michael Hogan, David Covington, Kevin Hines, Jan Mokkenstorm, David Jobes and Virna Little. The summit agenda focused on introducing the zero suicide mission and

  • 36: "Why zero matters to me" David Covington interviews Kevin Hines

    08/03/2017 Duration: 15min

    On 27/28 February 2017 Suicide Prevention Australia co hosted the 3rd International Zero Suicide Summit as part of the 2017 International Initiative for Mental Health Leadership (IIMHL) Leadership Exchange in Sydney. The Summit has become a regular part of the IIMHL program. Leading experts in healthcare and suicide prevention sought to progress the ‘Zero Suicide’ initiative, targeting suicide prevention and behavioural health care systems where a cooperative system wide engagement seeks to achieve a target of zero suicides in the health care system (inspired by the Henry Ford Health System in Detroit). Suicide Prevention Australia is specifically looking at what Zero Suicide in HealthCare implementation looks like if rolled out on a wider scale in Australia. Seventy delegates representing 15 countries attended the match. Guest speakers include Dr Michael Hogan, David Covington, Kevin Hines, Jan Mokkenstorm, David Jobes and Virna Little. The summit agenda focused on introducing the zero suicide mission a

  • 35: A few minutes with our Members

    03/03/2017 Duration: 04min

    A few minutes with SPA Members Brenton Tainsh from LivingWorks Australia, Jorgen Gallestrup from Mates In Construction Australia and Fiona Kalaf from Youth Focus. More on SPA Membership here

  • 34: Interview with SPA Member Relationships Australia about the 2017 Neighbour Day launch

    03/03/2017 Duration: 03min

    SPA Lived Experience Network Manager, Tracy, attended SPA Member Relationships Australia event at Bidwell Community Garden for the launch of 2017 Neighbour Day . Tracy spoke with Alison Brook, the National Executive Officer of Relationship Australia. The Neighbour Day concept was originally developed and delivered by one man (Andrew Heslop) and his laptop. Andrew started Neighbour Day after a woman in a suburb of Melbourne had died in her home and wasn't found for two years. Neighbour Day encourages everyone to connect with the people next door, over the fence, or down the road. It is the perfect opportunity to say thanks for being a great neighbour and for being there when I needed you most! The theme of Neighbour Day this year is: The Importance of Social Connection for the Elderly. The theme aims to encourage all Australians to reach out to older people in their neighbourhoods, particularly those who live alone, or are otherwise vulnerable or frail. The community starts at your

  • 33: Graeme's Story: Paying attention and listening to your mates does matter

    01/03/2017 Duration: 08min

    This story is told by Graeme, member of our Lived Experience Network (LEN) and one of our trained speakers following his attendance at a Suicide Prevention Lived Experience Speakers Bureau workshop. If listening to this brings up tough emotions for you, please reach out to trusted family members, friends or one of our partners who are there to support you. Call Lifeline on 13 11 14, Kids Helpline on 1800 55 1800, Mensline on 1300 78 99 78 or visit our useful contacts page to see a more comprehensive list of services available to you MY STORY • finds me losing my career and my family due mainly to depression • it also finds me alone for many years with no sense of worth or purpose - little or no value for life • but I have come out the other end. Support groups are an important to this process. My name is Graeme Holdsworth and I’m 71 years old and today I want to share with you the different things that happened in my life – good

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