The official Suicide Prevention Australia AudioBoo Channel. Suicide Prevention Australia provides national leadership for the suicide prevention sector in Australia. SPA works collaboratively to develop a community that knows how to ask for help and how to give help. As the lead agency of the National Suicide Prevention Coalition, we build and facilitate partnerships to change behaviours around mental illness and suicide, and to amplify the voices of those with lived experience of suicide.
12: What are the Priorities in Suicide Prevention?
04/02/2016 Duration: 01h30minKeynote Address at 2014 National Suicide Prevention Conference featuring Suicide Prevention Australia CEO Sue Murray, Professor Helen Christensen, Dr Jane Pearson and National Mental Health Commissioner Jackie Crowe. #NSPC14 #SuicidePrevention
11: Suicide Risk Assessment - An Important Tool for Practice?
04/02/2016 Duration: 15minPlenary Panel session featuring Professor Nav Kapur UK), Dr Matthew Large (Australia) and Jacinta Hawgood (Australia). This audio clip is of Professor's Kapur's speech only. #NSPC14 #SuicidePrevention
10: Postvention is Prevention For The Future
04/02/2016 Duration: 01h30minPlenary Session from 2014 National Suicide Prevention Conference. Postvention is the Prevention of Suicide for the Future (Panelists: Assoc. Prof Myf Maple, Ms Jill Fisher, Prof. Pat Dudgeon, Ms Ros Fogliani - Chair: Ms Jaelea Skehan) #NSPC14 #SuicidePrevention
9: It's the Economy
04/02/2016 Duration: 01h26minPlenary Session from National Suicide Prevention Conference. The part that economic and employment performance in a country/community plays for suicide prevention: What does this mean for Australia as it enters a period of economic adjustment? Speakers at this plenary session, including West Australian of the Year, Mr David Flanagan, Dr Michael Porter, Professor Ngiare Brown and Chair Professor Jane Pirkis, focus on the role Australia’s economic and employment performance plays in suicide prevention as we enter a period of economic adjustment. How do social and health programs support economic change and ensure the nation cares about preventing suicides and promoting individual mental health and wellbeing? The panel will build on discussions at the International Association for Suicide Prevention on the experience of countries adopting austerity measures in the wake of recent economic crises. #NSPC14 #SuicidePrevention
8: On a Clear Day - Guy's Story
29/01/2016 Duration: 14minThis story is told by David Kelly, one of our trained speakers and long time advocate for learned from lived experience. Find out more about our Lived Experience Network (LEN) by visiting It is so important to talk openly and safely about suicide but, if listening to this triggers difficult emotions in you, please talk about how you’re feeling with a trusted family member, friend or people at one of our partner organisations. Call Lifeline on 131114, MensLine 1300 78 99 78, Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 or Kids Helpline 1800 551800 FREE. Outside of Australia? Find local support #suicideprevention #livedexp #SPALEN On a Clear Day - Guy's Story (Transcript) In 2007, 1,881 Australian lives were lost to Suicide. One of those lives was that of my son Guy Alexander Kelly. He was just 20 years of age. This is the story of the loss of that one, precious life, shared by a father who love
7: SPA Ambassador Brendan Cowell talks to camera on importance of asking RUOK
12/11/2015 Duration: 20sThis video was filmed as part of World Suicide Prevention and R U OK?Day 2015, featured actor, writer, director and SPA Ambassador Brendan Cowell. #suicideprevention #WSPD #RUOK #RUOKDay It is so important to talk openly and safely about suicide but, if watching this video triggers difficult emotions in you, please talk about how you’re feeling with a trusted family member, friend or people at one of our partner organisations. Call Lifeline on 131114, MensLine 1300 78 99 78, Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 or Kids Helpline 1800 551800 FREE.
6: What would you like to see changed in suicide prevention?
06/11/2015 Duration: 58sMembers of the SPA Lived Experience Network Leadership Group shared their thoughts on the subject when they met face to face in October 2015. This group is passionate about affecting positive change in suicide prevention, showing that suicide can affect anyone and supporting the many voices of those touched by suicide to be heard. Find out more about the Lived Experience Network by visiting #suicideprevention #livedexp #SPALEN It is so important to talk openly and safely about suicide but, if watching this video triggers difficult emotions in you, please talk about how you’re feeling with a trusted family member, friend or people at one of our partner organisations. Call Lifeline on 131114, MensLine 1300 78 99 78, Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 or Kids Helpline 1800 551800 FREE.
5: Practical things every one of us can do to help prevent suicide
05/11/2015 Duration: 37sJoin SPA Lived Experience Network (LEN) leader De Backman-Hoyle as she shares some practical things you can to help prevent suicide in your community. Find out more about the Lived Experience Network by visiting #suicideprevention #livedexp #SPALEN It is so important to talk openly and safely about suicide but, if watching this video triggers difficult emotions in you, please talk about how you’re feeling with a trusted family member, friend or people at one of our partner organisations. Call Lifeline on 131114, MensLine 1300 78 99 78, Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 or Kids Helpline 1800 551800 FREE. Outside of Australia? Find local support
4: Falling in love: Relationships are never smooth sailing especially when suicide knocks on your door
05/11/2015 Duration: 02minThis story is told by SPA Lived Experience Network (LEN) Leadership Group member Hayley Purdon. She originally published the text of this story on ABC Open as part of #MentalAs in October 2015. Find out more about the LEN by visiting It is so important to talk openly and safely about suicide but, if listening to this triggers difficult emotions in you, please talk about how you’re feeling with a trusted family member, friend or people at one of our partner organisations. Call Lifeline on 131114, MensLine 1300 78 99 78, Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 or Kids Helpline 1800 551800 FREE. Outside of Australia? Find local support #suicideprevention #livedexp #SPALEN
3: "Why the socks?" A personal story of suicide shared following Speakers Bureau training
02/11/2015 Duration: 08minThis story is told by Kim, now one of our trained speakers following her attendance at the SPA Lived Experience Network (LEN) Speakers Bureau training. Find out more about the training and LEN by visiting It is so important to talk openly and safely about suicide but, if listening to this triggers difficult emotions in you, please talk about how you’re feeling with a trusted family member, friend or people at one of our partner organisations. Call Lifeline on 131114, MensLine 1300 78 99 78, Suicide Call Back Service 1300 659 467 or Kids Helpline 1800 551800 FREE. Outside of Australia? Find local support #suicideprevention #livedexp #SPALEN
2: 2015 Conference Opening Address by Governor-General His Excellency the Hon. Sir Peter Cosgrove
02/11/2015 Duration: 12minThe Diego de Leo Opening Address given by Governor-General His Excellency the Hon. Sir Peter Cosgrove AK MC (Retd) #NSPC15 #suicideprevention
1: 2014 Community Service Announcement (CSA)
02/09/2014 Duration: 31s"Reach out and get connected" Community Service Announcement (CSA) for World Suicide Prevention Day #WSPD #suicideprevention #suicide