Ignite Your Tenacity
Amped! Supercharge Your Success' with Dr. Erin Oksol | Teresa Campos
04/02/2019 Duration: 31minIn this episode with Dr. Erin Oksol, Teresa Campos talks about: - The body's intelligence and how it works. - How can people best learn about their own body intelligence? - And the type of people that can most benefit from this kind of work. The post Amped! with Dr. Erin | Reading Your Body’s Mindset appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.
Amped! Supercharge Your Success' with Dr. Erin Oksol | Ly Smith
28/01/2019 Duration: 35minLy Smith & Networking And Coaching On Clarity And Productivity In this episode for Amped! with Dr. Erin Oksol we are joined by Ly Smith and she will share with us: How to be inspired to get clarity in our lives and the impact that makes. How do you keep our passion alive day in and day out? What do you say to someone who tells you they don’t have time? Get to Know More of Ly Smith… She persevered in late 2017 and soared to amazing new heights in 2018, launching an innovative networking business, co-authoring two Amazon Best Sellers, graduating from Dale Carnegie’s Skills for Success and Brendon Burchard’s High Performance Masters Program. She set out to speak at 20 different engagements and has spoken at 16 to date. While she is grateful for all the amazing milestones she stepped upon this year, she is curious and wonders what[...] The post Amped! Supercharge Your Success’ with Dr. Erin Oksol | Ly Smith appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.
Amped! with Dr. Erin | Elevated by Grace - Tenacious Living Network
21/01/2019 Duration: 29minAngie Brown & Living life to its fullest with Terminal Cancer In this episode for Amped! with Dr. Erin Oksol we are joined by Angie Brown and she will share with us: What is Metastatic Disease? What she found to be helpful and positive in carrying on, despite a diagnosis like terminal cancer? How Metastatic disease can impact your life, family, and Faith? Get to Know More of Angie… Angie was diagnosed with Metastatic breast cancer in June of 2013. Since that date she has had 19 surgeries, 4 years of Chemotherapy, Radiation and major procedures performed on life dependent organs. Was told “clinically” that a less than 12 month prognosis was a best case scenario – and has beaten those odds for almost 6 years. Angie is a volunteer coordinator for a breast cancer retreat charity, a wife, mom to 3 young children, and and friend who has had a[...] The post Amped! with Dr. Erin | Elevated by Grace appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.
Amped! with Dr. Erin | The Best-Kept Secrets of Personal Safety - Tenacious Living Network
07/01/2019 Duration: 29minCynthia Jolicoeur & Self Defense In this episode for Amped! with Dr. Erin Oksol we are joined by Cynthia Jolicoeur and she will share with us: How she got into teaching Self Defense and why is it important to her. Her approach to personal safety different from what’s traditionally thought of as self-defense. How women’s self-defense fits into the current cultural landscape? Get to Know More of Cynthia… Cynthia was born and raised in Oklahoma but lived for 30 years in Silicon Valley, where she worked in high tech and raised four children. She recently escaped the Valley to return to country living at her new 20-acre ranch, which she shares with her horses, dogs, and cats. Cynthia is a certified Personal Defense Readiness™ coach and 4th-degree black belt. She helps people who feel at-risk and vulnerable learn how to deal with danger, to navigate through fear, and to discover[...] The post Amped! with Dr. Erin | The Best-Kept Secrets of Personal Safety appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.
Amped! with Dr. Erin | Peace Through Self-Care - Tenacious Living Network
10/12/2018 Duration: 33minPamela Zimmer #1 bestselling author, sought-after speaker and featured guest on countless radio shows, TV, podcasts, blogs, and tele-summits, professional Architect turned Stay-at-Home Mom, and Founder of YOUR Permission Pinwheel™, thought-leader Pamela Zimmer — known as your “Self-Care Concierge” — teaches professional women how to have peace and balance in their lives through a consistent practice of self-care (which is more than just a monthly massage or mani/pedicure). With a leap of faith, Pamela quit her career of 13 years. What she didn’t anticipate was the 6-year struggle she would face battling severe Postpartum Depression. Out of her pain came her purpose, and the lesson about self-care. Today, Pamela mentors women with her groundbreaking, 5-step permission-based program, offering the structure, foundation and guidance they need to take care of themselves first. Self-care isn’t selfish, it’s essential. 5 P’s of Productivity & How To Have Peace Through Self-Care In this interview with Dr. Erin Oksol,
Amped! with Dr. Erin | Owning Your Value - Tenacious Living Network
29/11/2018 Duration: 33minMary Cravets In today’s latest podcast from Amped! with Dr. Erin, she is featuring special guests Mary Cravets who is an International Speaker and a Client Generation Expert. Here’s a quick run-down of their interview: What is the biggest mistake entrepreneurs make in valuing their services? (answer value = time) What is the easiest way to improve value in business? (improve/upgrade ideal client + messaging) What do women often do when they raise their prices that hold them back? (add more services so they actually end up charging less) Know More About Mary Cravets Mary Cravets is a Client Generation Expert and International Speaker who helps entrepreneurs significantly grow their businesses without working nights and weekends. Using her methods, the majority of her clients quickly increase their income 50-100%. Clients include the former CFO of Microsoft North America, thought leaders in the coaching industry, and rising stars in a variety of other[...] The post Amped! with Dr. Erin | Owning Your Value appea
The Heather Andrews Show | Benjamin Rosenthal - Tenacious Living Network
26/11/2018 Duration: 45minBenjamin Rosenthal Ben is an independent trader/investor who writes a blog to promote financial literacy. Before that, he worked in the United States as a financial advisor, holding both investment advisory and life and health insurance licenses. He set up contingency plans for families in case the breadwinner dies or becomes unable to work. He helped those in debt find paths to work their way out. But his specialty was retirement planning. He established retirement plans for businesses and nonprofits. He showed people a low-cost way to receive simple yet advanced (hedge fund-level) advice on what to select in their employer-sponsored plans. And he crafted sophisticated, tailor-made strategies for clients to transition into retirement and stay retired. Ben is also a passionate advocate of finding and living one’s purpose in life while also being of service to others, and he’s started “Share Your Passion,” a meetup group for like-minded individuals.[...] The post The Heather Andrews Show | Benjamin Rosenthal a
Amped! with Dr. Erin | Keep a Successful Business from Imploding - Tenacious Living Network
05/11/2018 Duration: 30minIn this episode of Amped! Supercharge Your Success with Dr. Erin she is featuring business strategy expert and coach Dana Corey. Their main topic is all about what underpinnings are needed to keep a successful business from imploding under the weight of rapid growth. Who is Dana Corey? Dana Corey is an international speaker, business strategist and coach combining nuts and bolts strategy with walk-beside-you partnership to amplify high performance entrepreneurs. Her passion is transforming business owners acting as the do-it-all worker bee into CEOs, who enjoy the freedom they started their journey for. Dana’s clients increase profit margin as much as revenue, and more importantly, keep from imploding from rapid growth. Even better, they do that while taking regular weekends and REAL vacations. Some people think the time off is a side benefit – Dana believes that freedom is the whole point! She has mentored hundreds to success including entrepreneurs, small business[...] The post Amped! with Dr. Erin | Keep
The Heather Andrews Show | Shauna Marie MacDonald - Tenacious Living Network
01/11/2018 Duration: 29minShauna Marie MacDonald Shauna Marie MacDonald joins Heather Andrews to discuss how to find the one good thing in diversity. Join them and learn how: How do we find something good in cancer? Feeling lost and alone after cancer treatments end. Best place to start to find ease when fear and overwhelm prevail Learn more about Shauna A native Canadian, Shauna currently resides in Calgary, Canada near her eldest daughter, grandchildren and friends. Yearly trips to visit her two younger daughters and grandchildren in St.Louis USA and Barcelona, Spain enables Shauna to connect with family and indulge her passion for travel. Shauna walked the 800 km through France and Spain along the Camino de Santiago Trial. A forty day pilgrimage where she connected to others through the wisdom of gratitude. Thrive Beyond Cancer, stems from the loss of Shauna’s ex-husband, Ron from cancer. During the final days of his life,[...] The post The Heather Andrews Show | Shauna Marie MacDonald appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.
Amped! with Dr. Erin | Revitalize Your Energy - Tenacious Living Network
15/10/2018 Duration: 33minFor the very first episode of Amped! Supercharge Your Success with Dr. Erin she is featuring Rhonda Liebig where they talk about how to Revitalize Your Energy: Play at a High Level Without the High Fatigue. Rhonda’s expertise revolves around running two businesses that cater to the health and wellness area. She is also a health coach, energy revitalizer & mindset mentor. Some of the questions they will be tackling are: What are the signs that you have fallen into fatigue? How can you play at a high level in their business and stay connected with themselves so they don’t hit fatigue? What’s on the horizon for health and entrepreneurs Know more about Rhonda Liebig… Rhonda is fiercely committed to supporting busy leaders that are exhausted and ready to revitalize their body and mind to be unstoppable in their business and life. Over 15 years in the health industry[...] The post Amped! with Dr. Erin | Revitalize Your Energy appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.
The Heather Andrews Show | Dr Stacey Latimer Cooper - Tenacious Living Network
06/09/2018 Duration: 26minDr Stacey Latimer Cooper Dr. Stacey Latimer Cooper joins us in this episode of the Heather Andrews Show where she will talk about Creating Balance in this Chaotic World! The key highlights of this interview are: Why do so many find their lives to be so stressful? Why is balance important in our lives? What is all the hype about? How can we each create more balance in our own life? Get To Know More About Dr. Stacey Dr. Stacey Cooper, wholistic health and wellness expert, founder of Lifestyle Balance Solutions, author of the Healthy Fuels Cookbook, International Best-Selling Author of “What’s Self Love Got To Do With It?”, creator of the Healthy Eating Blueprint and the Balanced Living Academy. Dr. Stacey is also a wife to her high school sweetheart Dean, and they have 4 children. What lead Dr. Cooper to initially create Lifestyle Balance Solutions was in[...] The post The Heather Andrews Show | Dr Stacey Latimer Cooper appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.
The Heather Andrews Show | Nichole Jacobs - Tenacious Living Network
30/08/2018 Duration: 29minNichole Jacobs Nichole Jacobs shares the story of her life. What her life was like before she discovered EFT and meditations. She then further shares the climax of her depression and anxiety. And through it all join her as she talks about over coming those hurdles and leading a different life today. Get to Know Nichole Jacobs I am a southern-raised 36 year old wife, and mother to 3. One more blessing on the way. I am a multi-passionate entrepreneur, best-selling author, motivational speaker, and registered dental hygienist. My Catholic faith has been greatly enhanced by adding in self-help tools such as EFT and meditation. These combined have brought out of my introverted, too-reserved, awkward state, full of anxiety and depression, and into my current state of vibrancy, passion, and hope. It is my goal in life to help others discover who they are meant to be, and therefore bringing[...] The post The Heather Andrews Show | Nichole Jacobs appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.
The Heather Andrews Show | Corby Furrow (Interview #2) - Tenacious Living Network
23/08/2018 Duration: 29minCorby Furrow The Heather Andrews Show welcomes Corby Furrows back with a very insightful conversation. Join them today to learn: How to overcome stress & anxiety How to use Emotional Freedom Technique (EFT) in your life? And what would happen once you’ve incorporated it into your life Transformational coaching and what’s holding you back to reach your goals and move yourself forward How to tap into our Mindfulness through EFT and the science behind it. Who is Corby Furrow? Corby is a Transformational Catalyst that changes the relationships that women live their lives by both personally and professionally so that they can impact the word by doing what makes them come alive. Working in a male dominated industry for over 24 years as an HR professional. This has given Corby lots of insight into how companies’ function and not function. During her time she always felt that there was something[...] The post The Heather Andrews Show | Corby Furrow appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.
The Heather Andrews Show | Rosalyn Fung - Tenacious Living Network
16/08/2018 Duration: 34minRosalyn Fung Rosalyn Fung joins Heather Andrews to share with you how she has been helping women entrepreneurs CONFIDENTLY stand out as the go-to expert in their industry as well as create a live and online presence through speaking and social media. Some of the things they will cover are: What does self-love have to do with growing your business or practice? What is the Inner Critic and why do we have it? How does one person start to shift their Inner Critic? Who is Rosalyn Fung? Rosalyn Fung is a personally a wife, mother, daughter, friend, community member. Professionally, she is a Self-Love Life & Business Coach, Speaker, International Best Selling Author and Reiki Master, who is passionate about helping women entrepreneurs Unleash Their Inner Wonder Woman. She helps you own your worth to stand out confidently as the go-to expert in your field to manifest your ideal clients, live[...] The post The Heather Andrews Show | Rosalyn Fung appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.
The Heather Andrews Show | Shannon Watkins - Tenacious Living Network
09/08/2018 Duration: 26minShannon Watkins Shannon Watkins joins Heather Andrews in this podcast interview to talk about: How to build a business using social media as a single mom. Overcoming the feeling being less than adequate. Overcoming fear and “shyness” Finding who you want to be How to reinvent yourself Know More About Shannon Shannon Watkins is a network marketing warrior princess! She is a single mom of four who built her business to a million dollar income in less than three years. She overcame the insecurities left by abuse, pushed past fears, and built a business that supported her family and their dreams. She enjoys attempting pilates, is addicted to tacos, and loves spending time with her boys whether it’s homeschool, Nerf Wars in the living room, or family movie night. Get In Touch… Business: Gods Warrior Princess, Bikini Ready Inc, It Works Global Ambassador Diamond Website: Facebook Business Page: Other[...] The post The Heather Andrews Show | Shannon Watkins appeared f
The Heather Andrews Show | Nadine Hatzitolios McGill - Tenacious Living Network
02/08/2018 Duration: 25minNadine Hatzitolios McGill Nadine Hatzitolios McGill helps women realize their worthiness and teaches them skills to increase their self esteem. She now joins Heather Andrews in this episode to talk about how self esteem grows out of self love. What would you learn from Nadine’s interview: Nadine’s ‘Why’ for doing this work. Who her target niche is and why. What can people expect from her chapter on What’s Self Love Got To Do With It! and how it relates to self esteem. Who is Nadine Hatzitolios McGill? Nadine has worked in the medical, educational and human services fields for 30 years. In that time, she has noticed that, although many women are able to satisfactorily fulfill the requirements of their roles in the workplace, they are often secretly struggling with the self esteem to do their work confidently, without vacillation, guilt and the need for constant outside approval. After decades of[...] The post The Heather Andrews Show | Nadine Hatzitolios McGill appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.
The Heather Andrews Show | Corby Furrow - Tenacious Living Network
26/07/2018 Duration: 25minCorby Furrow Corby Furrow is an expert in creating a safe place for women to let their guard down and get raw and personal with their subconscious beliefs and emotions that are getting in the way of their success, their happiness and fulfillment. She’s joined our host Heather Andrews in this podcast series to talk about What’s Self Love Got To Do With It! Know More About Corby Corby is a Transformational Catalyst that changes the relationships that women live their lives by both personally and professionally so that they can impact the word by doing what makes them come alive. Working in a male dominated industry for over 24 years as an HR professional. This has given Corby lots of insight into how companies’ function and not function. During her time she always felt that there was something missing. We have all the right tools but not much[...] The post The Heather Andrews Show | Corby Furrow appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.
The Heather Andrews Show | Alana Dixon-McAllister - Tenacious Living Network
12/07/2018 Duration: 29minAlana Dixon-McAllister Alana Dixon-McAllister joins Heather in this podcast series to talk about topics that affects us all, from self-love, self-discovery, wellness and anxiety. Get To Know More About Alana Alana is a published author who loves to share her journey with others and how they can work on being the best version on themselves and learn how self discovery and development can change their life forever. She has been working as a certified Life Coaching Professional since 2017, specializing in empowering those who need help in identifying and achieving their personal goals by guiding them to find the issues that are causing them distress, anxiety, blockages and stress. She takes great pride in the progress and success of her clients, and helping others. Business: Empowerment Of The Soul Website: Twitter: Alana_SpclVctry Facebook Business Page: Coach Lana Mac Other Heather Andrews Show Episodes You Might Like Just in case you missed Heather’s[...] The post The Heather Andrews
The Heather Andrews Show | Adele Lepine - Tenacious Living Network
05/07/2018 Duration: 35minAdele Lepine In this episode relationship coach Adele Lepine joins us at the Heather Andrews Show to talk about the book “What’s Self Love Got To Do With It?” and what you wish you were taught about relationships in school! Adele & Relationship Coaching Adele Desjardins-Lepine has faced many adversities in her life. Some people look for escape in self-destruction or addiction…but not Adele. She has taken the lessons learned through pivotal points in her life to become codependent no more. Adele is a child of divorce and a divorcee herself. She and her ex-husband have learned how to co-parent through communication and learning to lift the other partner even if they are not willing to reciprocate. Today, Adele is a Relationship Coach, advocate for emotional survival and passionate about the well being of others. She has learned that when you trust, that is where the magic happens. She is[...] The post The Heather Andrews Show | Adele Lepine appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.
The Heather Andrews Show | Stefanie Miller - Tenacious Living Network
21/06/2018 Duration: 31minStefanie Miller Stafanie Miller is one of the co-author of the book “What’s Self-Love Got To Do With It?“, an expert in the field of Paramedicine and First Responder Mental Health. She’s joined by our host Heather Andrews to discuss topics relating to PTSD and growing despite the adversity. Here’s a quick overview: Growth through adversity, How she lived and continue to work with PTSD? Can one ever be cured from PTSD? Does Stefanie ever relapse? What to do to stay healthy? Stefanie Miller, A-EMCA Stefanie joined the County of Brant Paramedic Service in 2009 after graduating with honours from Conestoga College, where she was awarded the Mature Student Award. She has also been named the recipient of Conestoga’s 2017 ALUMNI of DISTINCTION Award. She worked with the Region of Waterloo Paramedic Service until December 2015. Stefanie spent six years between the two services as a part time paramedic and[...] The post The Heather Andrews Show | Stefanie Miller appeared first on Tenacious Living Network.