Seth Andrews, a former Christian broadcaster and believer for 30 years, ultimately escaped the bonds of superstitious thinking to embrace the more satisfying explanations that science provides. A professional video producer and host of one of the most popular atheist communities on the internet, Seth Andrews brings a polished format, a relaxed environment and a rage-free challenge to the religious beliefs that defined his youth.
God and the Constitution
20/05/2014 Duration: 01h11minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR:"The United States is a Christian nation!"We hear this charge quite often, usually accompanied by references to the Ten Commandments in government courthouses, references to God in the pledge of allegiance and on American currency, and most recently, in the ruling by the Supreme Court that government meetings can open with Christian prayers.In this podcast, we speak with David Niose, author of "Nonbeliever Nation," Amanda Knief, constitutional expert and author of "The Citizen Lobbyist," and Kelly Damerow, director of federal and state affairs at the Secular Coalition for America. LINKS:Religion Clause: http://religionclause.blogspot.comReligion Law: Become a supporter of this podcast:
Faith-Healer Fail
13/05/2014 Duration: 01h19minSUPPORT OUR SPONSOR: history, pastors, preachers, healers and holy rollers have claimed to directly channel God in the performance of miracles. The sick and afflicted stand in long lines to be touched and cured by these (supposed) conduits of divine healing power. But how effective are these healers? What types of miracles are claimed and received? What about those who received no actual healing benefit? Who profits from healing services and crusades? What are the tricks of the charlatans and fakes? And are they all fakes?This podcast expores the side of "faith healing" that you won't hear about during Sunday morning prayer.PODCAST #45: Faith Healers (with James Randi) #128: Religion & the Placebo Effect (with Dr. Andy Thomson)
Coming Out Atheist
07/05/2014 Duration: 57minSPONSORED BY:'s one thing to reject a belief in gods. It's another thing to actually broadcast that information to religious family, friends, employers, neighbors and even total strangers.In many instances, the consequences can be significant. Families divide. Friends disappear. Voices are raised. Accusations are made. In certain regions and cultures, the word "atheist" can get you hurt or killed.So what are some of the best tactics for "coming out" as a non-believer? In this show, we explore the subject, take your calls, and speak with Greta Christina about her new book, "Coming Out Atheist: How to Do it, How to Help Each Other, and Why?" podcast@thethinkingatheist.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Evolving Out of Eden (with Ed Suominen and Robert M. Price)
29/04/2014 Duration: 01h11minThis podcast is titled after the new book by Suominen and Price, available here: http://evolvingoutofeden.comEvolution has been proven beyond legitimate scientific dispute. We are evolved creatures, a process of random mutation and DNA crossover, genetic drift, horizontal gene transfer and natural selection. We are not the descendants of Adam.This is troubling to the believer in the Genesis account of Creation.In this podcast. Ed Suominen and Dr. Robert M. Price speak about the hostile territory outside of Eden…a place where dogma dissipates under the white-hot light of the evidence.Salon article featuring Ed Suominen: Price's "Bible Geek" podcast: a supporter of this podcast:
I Raised a Religious Child
22/04/2014 Duration: 01h18minWhat happens when you reject religion AFTER you've already raised your children to believe in God?How does a parent approach children to inform them that the years of church services, mealtime prayers, bible verses and godspeak were actually a mistake, and what are the potential repercussions and responses? Anger? Denial? Relief? Joy?This show talks about parents who, for whatever reason, raised children under religious teachings and rules and now find themselves in disagreement with doctrine they once held as Truth.Have an opinion or perspective? Email podcast@thethinkingatheist.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Holy Hollywood!
15/04/2014 Duration: 01h08minHollywood isn't generally known for popping out religious films, but in recent months (and periodically throughout the decades), they've become big box office and big business.In this lighthearted show, we look at religious films from the past century, from Cecil B. Demile fare to the recent "Son of God" and various non-Hollywood movies that have "blessed" theater screens with tales of divinity, tragedy and (almost inevitably) large amounts of cheese.If you've seen "The Ten Commandments," "The Passion of the Christ," or the recent (and some would say sacreligious) Aronofsky interpreation of the "Noah" story, bring your reviews and join us for an entertaining podcast.VIDEO: Nicolas Cage (mentioned in this show) - a supporter of this podcast:
The Rise of Black Secularism
08/04/2014 Duration: 01h21minIn his presentation “Breaking the Taboo of Atheism in Black Communities,” Leo Igwe said that “If there are people who should be religious and theistic today, it is not black people.”Yet black people are reputed to be the most religious people on earth, and the social stigma for the black atheist can be significant and often severe.As skeptics, how do we approach the issue of color in relation to non-belief? Should we strive to be “colorblind,” ignoring labels like black, white, etc? Or should color be acknowledged, embraced and even celebrated by those who accept the evolutionary explanation of our origins (aka: we are all Africans)?Tonight features a panel of very special guests: Jamila Bey: Director of Commnications for the Secular Student Alliance, Alix Jules, President of Black Nonbelievers of Dallas, and Bridgette Gaudette, Executive Director of the Florida Humanist Association. The show will respectfully approach a subject that is controversial, even considered taboo, and will hopefully provide educ
Believers VS Non-Believers interviews Seth Andrews
01/04/2014 Duration: 01h23min"Personal Relationship With Reality" t-shirt (and more): March 1st, 2014, The PalTalk chat room "Believers VS Non-Believers" asked Seth Andrews, host of The Thinking Atheist, to join the group for a lively discussion between atheists and advocates of religion/spiritualism. This podcast is a presentation of audio from that conversation, slightly abridged for time.Original YouTube link: a supporter of this podcast:
Nathan Phelps: The Death of My Father
20/03/2014 Duration: 42minFred Phelps, reviled (and excommunicated) pastor of Westboro Baptist Church, built his life upon a foundation of hatred: the protests of military funerals, the condemnation of homosexuals, professed gratitude to God for terrorist attacks, and much more.Recent news reports of Fred Phelps' death have again brought his name and face to worldwide attention, prompted by a public statement from his own son, Nathan, who escaped Wesboro and has become a champion of human rights in the face of his father's hatred.In this podcast, we talk to Nathen Phelps. About his father. About his father's death. About the celebratory public response. About the Westboro legacy. And about the often conflicted feelings of a father's son at a time when he is denied access, or should he choose it, the opportunity to say "goodbye."Join us for a compelling discussion. Become a supporter of this podcast:
Debunking Christianity (with John W. Loftus)
18/03/2014 Duration: 54minCAMP QUEST DONATION LINK:'s the most popular religion on earth. But are its claims easily refuted, dismantled and debunked? In this episode, we talk to John W. Loftus, a former minister and Christian educator. A prolific speaker, author and blogger, Loftus speaks about his own journey out of faith and what he feels are effective ways to debunk Christianity.BLOG:Debunking Christianity: http://debunkingchristianity.blogspot.comBOOKS"Why I Became an Atheist: a Former Preacher Rejects Christianity""The End of Christianity" Become a supporter of this podcast:
Satanic Panic
11/03/2014 Duration: 01h12minPodcast sponsored by http://ComputerLearningZone.netIn the 70s, 80s and early 90s, a phenomenon known today as The Satanic Panic swept the United States, as the evangelical Christian community charged that a vast underground network of Satanists were controlling large parts of society. Believers were warned about products subsidized by Satan, including over-the-counter items like detergent and toothpaste, and there was a huge focus on toys, games and cartoons infected with demons. In this show, we talk about the Satanic Panic of the past, and we look at modern-day charges of Satanic media, products and influences in our culture.GERALDO TELEVISION SPECIAL: IN THE TOYBOX: CLIPS (EDITED): on "The Church of Satan" Become a supporter of this podcast:
Atheism: Just Another Religion?
05/03/2014 Duration: 01h06minIs atheism a replacement for religion? Or is atheism simply another religion?As non-theists and freethought groups organize, gather and even sometimes attend things like the "Sunday assembly," the charge is often heard that the godless are acting religious, that their adherence to science is "faith," and that their gatherings are just anothe form of church.In this show, we explore the question. And we hear from David Silverman, President of one of the largest atheist (religious???) organizations in the world.Become a supporter of this podcast:
I Am an Ex-Muslim
26/02/2014 Duration: 01h11minLeaving any faith can be difficult...even traumatic. In some faiths and in some cultures, it can be dangerous.This show features the voices and stories of several ex-Muslims. We attempt to gain a better understanding of Islam and Muslim traditions, the reasons for their apostasy, and the potential consequences.Join us for a fascinating look at the life of an ex-Muslim.Imad Iddine Habib: Aziz: “Ruby” Khaja: Syed - Ex-Muslims of North America www.exmna.orgGlobal Secular Humanist Movement: Political and Legal Status of Apostates in Islam: a supporter of this podcast:
Divine Protection
20/02/2014 Duration: 58minRomans 8:28 declares, "And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose."Luke 12 says that the very hairs on our heads are numbered, and that even the sparrows are not forgotten by God. To the believer, God says "Don't be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows."But are the faithful truly insulated from calamity, pain and death?In this podcast, we take a rational look at Divine Protection.Your calls and emails: podcast@thethinkingatheist.comBecome a supporter of this podcast:
Why Evolution is True (with Dr. Jerry Coyne)
12/02/2014 Duration: 01h03minSponsored by Audible. Get a free audiobook and 30-day trial at evolution a theory or fact? Or both? Is evolution "true?"Dr. Jerry Coyne has a Ph.D in evolutionary biology from Harvard, and he serves as professor in the Department of Ecology and Evolution at the University of Chicago. He is a member of both the Committee on Genetics and the Committee of Evolutionary Biology, and he is author of the books:"Speciation""and"Why Evolution is True" Podcast on Secular Parenting: Dillahunty and Ray Comfort debate: a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.
Atheism Around the World
04/02/2014 Duration: 01h03minAs The Thinking Atheist radio podcast originates in the United States (and because its host often speaks to his former faith, Christianity), the show often focuses on American culture, American politics, and American issues regarding religion and atheism.This week, we travel beyond the borders of the 50 states to explore Atheism Around the World. Become a supporter of this podcast:
Religion and Shame (with Dr. Darrel Ray)
29/01/2014 Duration: 01h01minDoes religion cheat people out of contentment and comfort with their views, their self-worth, their sexuality, etc?Dr. Darrel Ray is author of the book, "The God Virus: How Religion Affects Our Lives and Culture," and "Sex & God: How Religion Distorts Sexuality."In his writings and presentations, Darrel reveals the subtle (and not so subtle) ways that religion uses shame as a weapon against those who might dare to fall outside its narrow boundaries. Join us for a fascinating look at Religion & Shame. Become a supporter of this podcast:
Bill Nye and the Creationist Guy
22/01/2014 Duration: 01h25minOn February 4th, 2014, Bill Nye ("The Science Guy") has agreed to debate Ken Ham, president of Answers In Genesis and The Creation Museum. The debate will take place on Ham's home turf, at The Creation Museum, and the 800 available tickets sold out almost immediately.This event raises the larger question: Should scientists agree to these types of debates?Some (like Richard Dawkins) say "no," as it would be akin to an obstetrician debating a proponent of the "stork theory" of reproduction. Others insist that the debate is not only appropriate, but necessary.Joining us in this discussion are Matt Dillahunty, Dr. Richard Carrier, Greta Christina, David Silverman, Ed Hensley and AronRa. Articles:RDFRS: Why Bill Nye Shouldn't Debate Ken Ham WHY THE BILL NYE-KEN HAM DEBATE IS A GOOD THING BILL NYE SHARING THE ST
The Skeptic's Annotated Bible (with Steve Wells)
15/01/2014 Duration: 34minSponsored by Get your free audio book and a 30-day trial at Wells spent years researching the Bible (as well as the Qur'an and the Book of Mormon) to produce a website and hardcover book called "The Skeptic's Annotated Bible."In this episode, we talk with Steve about his history, his research, and the sides of scripture that most haven't heard in Sunday morning sermons.Steve's book "Drunk With Blood: God's Killings in the Bible: BABY VIDEO: a supporter of this podcast:
Random Acts of Kindness
08/01/2014 Duration: 56minKindness, gentleness, empathy, compassion, love, goodness, morality. These attributes are often called the property of religion, and beautiful acts of kindness between people actually reflect a moral code given to humanity by the Great Eye in the Sky.Of course, this is nonsense.We've covered the subject of "Morality" in a previous episode ( But the source and nature of morality isn't what tonight's particular show is about.Tonight is merely a chance to share stories about helping others, with each example providing encouragement and a reminder that even the smallest gestures can transform someone's world.These gestures didn't come about because we were directed to by a "voice" or ancient holy book (in fact, we're glad our morality isn't derived from the bible, Qur'an, etc). They happened because we sought to provide a human solution to a human problem, and in doing so, we felt the satisfaction and joy of knowing we made a difference.Tell